


养老金改革提议挑战最低退休年龄。过去,最低年龄是65岁,67岁退休是例外。但是,在经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的许多国家,67岁退休年龄已经成为一种常态,而不是例外。在一些国家,这个年龄已经被移到了68岁,甚至68岁。捷克共和国已经对退休年龄政策进行了无限期的提高(CESIfo, 2015)。现在根据这项政策,退休年龄增加了,每年两个月。一些国家在可持续性方面引入了自动调整机制,并试图重新平衡其养老金体系。已授权对可能影响领取养恤金者的养恤金福利并将对该国未来的财政规划产生影响的人口、经济学和其他财务参数进行广泛研究。


这里的主要挑战是,这是一个非常复杂的问题。政府需要结合社会因素和个人的生活历程来了解经济因素。在这里,仅仅纠正养老金制度可能没有用。由于单靠它们无法纠正不平等,因此有必要对养老金制度将如何影响退休人员、它将如何影响当前和未来的工薪阶层,以及如何在几代人之间处理日益加剧的不平等问题进行更具战略性的思考(OECD, 2013)。私人养老金在这方面的作用也需要分析和理解。

Pension reforms have been created for countries over the years in order to handle the challenges in pension system. The major reforms happened during and after the economic crises. A need for fiscal consolidation and an urgent need to improve existing policies were understood at this time. Some pensioners were spared benefit cuts, and some of them were part of reforms that made use of the economic stimulus. However, with time, the reforms were more of fiscal consolidation and the aim of such programs was based on the overall public spending and other GDP elements. Overall public spending had increased to around 17 percent as an average across OECD countries and it was within the range of 3 and 30 percent in Iceland and Italy.

Pension reforms proposed to contest the minimum age of retirement. In the past, the minimum age was 65 and a retirement age of 67 was an exception. However, in many OECD nations, the retirement age of 67 has become a norm rather than an exception. In some countries, the age has been moved to 68 or even 68. The Czech Republic has put an open-ended increase in pension age policy (CESIfo, 2015). Now according to this policy, there is an increase of pension age, two months per year. Some nations have introduced automatic adjustments in sustainability and try to rebalance their pension systems. Extensive research on the subject of demographic, economics and other financial parameters that could influence pension benefits to the pensioners and that will have an effect on future financial planning for the country have been authorized.

Pension landscape in the OED countries is changing because of political reforms, financial issues and more. All OECD countries are different in their pension scheme and yet the challenges are similar. Primarily, the challenge is of how to make the scheme financially sustainable for the countries and at the same time assure retired citizens of adequate pension that they need for a comfortable living (OECD, 2013). Costs of pension provision should not become high for the next generation to bear, and these concerns are even more highlighted with countries that already have aging population. Countries with smaller public pension schemes manage with private schemes and yet it cannot be said that all countries manage to have their pensioners above the

The major challenge here is that this is a much complex problem. Government needs to understand economic factors in conjunction with social factors and life course of individuals. Correcting the pension system alone might not be useful here. As they alone cannot correct inequalities, it is necessary to develop a more strategic thinking of how pension systems will affect pensioners, how it will affect wage earners in current times and in the future, and how can rising inequalities be handled over the generations (OECD, 2013). The role of private pensions in this context also needs to be analyzed and understood.




从Lehman(2016)的观点来看,西方动画电影产业是近代全球流行的产业之一。在过去的一百年里,动画组织如迪斯尼,皮克斯,照明公司和其他公司都在评估。最受欢迎的2d动画,如米老鼠、猫和老鼠秀都是由这些公司推出的。在20世纪,这些公司用手工制作的图片来制作电影和卡通系列。根据Vault.com Inc.(2017),在1970年之后,这些行业在CGI技术的帮助下得到了极大的重估。

虽然西方动画电影产业在全球范围内的普及率很高,但东方动画产业并不落后于西方。年轻一代主要被《萤火虫之墓》(1988年)、《风之谷》(1984年)、《攻壳机动队》(1995年)等不同的动画电影所吸引。根据Thought co.(2017)的报告,在19世纪期间,东方动画电影产业引入了一种新的动画形式,称为“动漫”。东方动画机构通过使用不同的高清晰度摄像机,采用了细胞动画技术。第二次世界大战后,东映动画公司推出了风靡一时的ShōnenSarutobiSasuke(1959年)系列,并与华特·迪斯尼展开了激烈的竞争。此后,该公司又推出了几部电视剧,如横山Mitsuteru的《女巫莎莉》、《铁津28》等。东映动画的这个动画系列在动画市场上获得了巨大的人气。因此,东方动漫产业推出了一些动画相关产品,如原创动画视频等,占领了全球市场。电影爱好者追求的是那些不那么漫长的东西,而那些想要更精细的版本的人则会选择电视剧。到了21世纪,日本或东方的组织推出了《火影忍者》、《龙珠》系列、《死亡笔记》系列等高画质动画,这些动画在当时和近代都很受欢迎。这些组织已经建立了数字网络来销售动画,他们开始向日本和非日本消费者提供高质量的动画系列。Napier(2016)认为,可以说东方动漫产业是西方动漫产业的主要竞争对手,这可以看作是对东方动漫电影产业的一次大评价。

This study has conducted to collect adequate knowledge and information about the timeline of the cartoon and anime movies, which has developed and is still developing with the growth of science and technology that has helped to provide realistic graphics. In accordance to Hou (2017), over the ages, both the countries, Japan and America have given a tough competition to one another by developing a large set of characters and anime’s and is still developing to attract the audience towards viewing their animated film and series. In this particular section of the study, the evaluation factors of Western and Eastern Film Animations will analyze, which has elaborated below.

From the view point of Lehman (2016), western animation film industry is one of the globally popular industries in the recent era. In last hundred years, the animation organizations such as Walt Disney, Pixar, illumination and others are evaluating tremendously. Most popular 2-D animations such as Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry Show had been introduced by these companies. In 20th century, these companies had used handmade pictures to animate the film and cartoon series. In accordance with Vault.com Inc. (2017), after the 1970, these industries have been immensely revaluated with the help of CGI technology.

Although the popularity of the western animation film industry is very high globally, but the Eastern animation industry does not stand very far behind it. The young generation are mainly attracted by different animation movies such as Grave of the Fireflies (1988), Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Ghost in the Shell (1995) and others. According to the Thought co. (2017) report, in the period of 19th century, the Eastern animation film industry had introduced a new form of animation called as ‘Anime’. The eastern animation organizations had been used cell animation technology by using different hi – definition cameras. After the World War II, an animation company named Toei animation has introduced ShōnenSarutobiSasuke (1959) series, which had been very popular in these days and this company also has started a huge competition against the Walt Disney. After that, the company has introduced several television series such as Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s Sally the Witch, Tetsujin 28 and others. This animation series of Toei Animation had gained huge popularity in the animation market. Consequently, the eastern animation industries had introduced some animation related products such as OAV (Original Animated Video), and other products, which have taken all the global market. The film lovers are those people who go for a those things that are not that long and the people who are looking for a elaborated version go for the TV series. In the period of 21th century, the Japanese or eastern organizations have introduced high graphics animations such as Naruto, Dragon Ball series, Death note series and others, which had been very popular in these times and in the recent era. The organizations had started digital networks to sell the anime and they started to provide a high quality animated series to Japanese and Non-Japanese consumers. According to Napier (2016), it can be stated that the eastern animation industries are the major competitor of the western animation industry, which can be considered as a great evaluation of eastern animation film industry.







More support is to be given from educational authorities to teach media education through some guidelines or books in Canada. Faculties of Education in Canada should hire skilled staffs and in-service training should be given at school level for implementation of media education. Schools in different districts need skilled consultants for media literacy to establish proper communication networks. Finally, there should be collaboration between teachers and students as media education has diversity of skills and experience. Media education plays a vital role in communication and understanding various issues in social and political atmosphere. it is clear that media education can be said to be an innovative program at the grass root level and teachers should take part to resolve issues and apply the media education.

Canada is a country with many contradictions. On the one hand, it loves American brashness, their sense of risk taking and their culture and on the other hand, Canada likes the arrogance and policies of imperialism. A large number of people in Canada are aware of the proper communications in the country. This study will discuss about the media education in Canada and it will be proved in this essay that Canada has mandated the media education in many provinces in the state. Two concepts will be clear from this essay. Firstly, the Canadians are critically concerned about the pervasiveness of the American culture. Secondly, Canadians have a progressive educational system across the country that fostered the necessity of education.

This is a media text for scanning television programs and scanning the movies. This is a mass media text for teachers, students, and people of Canada. Different factors have been analysed in different parts in the thoughtful analysis of this media text. The awareness regarding education has been discussed. It has been discussed how the audience should be approached for explaining the media text. To explain the media text, it is necessary to understand audience and their culture. Classroom practice has a great importance in communicating the students and other audience regarding the discussion of median education in Canada. With good aspects, violation and attitude problem may come from the part of students. In such problems, discussion through ethnic groups and representation of media text can resolve various issues. This study is important because of its significance regarding identifying the benefits and issues of media education in Canada. This study will help one to understand the system of media education in Canada and how further development is possible in media education in Canada.

The object of the study is to make aware the people of Canada how media text benefits the students, teachers and enrich the culture of the general public in Canada and how media text can be utilised in future for the awareness of people regarding education and culture.




随着时间的推移,一些次生演替的发生可能会扰乱当前的生态系统或先前支持的植被。在次生演替的背景下,可以认为像花椒这样的植物物种能够更好地生存,这是因为它可以适应自己成为灌木,也可以发展成为攀缘植物,甚至可以成为一棵小树。这些物种表现出更好的适应能力,能够比其他物种更能抵抗恶劣的环境。像Embelia leate和Psychotria asiatica这样的物种依赖树木和其他支持,这可能会使它们的适应性降低。作为一种入侵物种,毛毛Rhodomyrtus tomentosa可能具有竞争力,它也能在许多不同种类的土壤上茁壮成长,从咸水土壤,甚至是不太潮湿的土壤。研究表明,森林火灾可能会摧毁其他植物物种,甚至可以用毛罗冬螺来扑灭。因此,在生态演替方面,这是很有希望的。

生态位是生物体为了在其栖息地生存而为自己创造的生态位。它可以由它如何在栖息地茁壮成长,如何应对竞争对手,如何应对资源分配等等来定义。毛毛罗冬(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)是一种常绿灌木,被认为是一种入侵物种,因此在创建是一个非常有竞争力的生态位(Global invasive species, 2017)。它在稍微潮湿的栖息地茁壮成长。它可以在多种土壤类型上生长,滨海盐碱地是最好的。它是耐寒的。同样,中国菝葜是一种攀缘植物,这意味着它可以更好地适应这个地方,而不考虑其他优势植物,如接受光能进行光合作用。此外,恩贝利亚·利特还是一名登山者。Embelia leate和Embelia leate都需要攀爬的东西,所以它们需要更大的灌木或树木的非自愿支持和保护才能生存(Lieth和Werger, 2012)。亚洲精神分裂症被认为是一种濒危物种,因为它是如何由于森林砍伐而灭绝的。它的存在表明在被分析的栖息地内有良好的多样性。花椒既是灌木,又能自我适应成为攀缘灌木或小乔木。这种适应显示了它在其他物种栖息地内的竞争性质,可以理解,该物种因此被认为是优势物种的一部分。

Over time, some secondary succession happens that could disturb the current ecosystem or previously supported vegetation. In the context of secondary succession, it could be argued that plant species like Zanthoxylum avicennae could survive better which is because it can adapt itself to be a shrub, or develop as a climber or even become a small tree. Such species showing better adaptation would be able to resist harsher conditions more than the rest. Species like Embelia leate and Psychotria asiatica are dependent on trees and other support which could render them less adaptive. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa being an invasive species could be competitive, and it also thrives on many different kinds of soil, from salty soil, to even less humid ones. Forest fires which could destroy other plant species could even be put out with Rhodomyrtus tomentosa as research shows. Hence in terms of ecological succession this holds much promise.

The ecological niche is the niche that the organism has created for itself in order to survive in its habitat. It could be defined by how it thrives in the habitat, how it responds to competitors, how it responds to distribution in resources etc. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa is an evergreen shrub, and is considered as an invasive species, and hence, it would be highly competitive in creating is niche (Global Invasive Species, 2017). It thrives in slightly moist habitat. It can be grown on a range of soil types, and salty coastal soil is the best. It is frost tolerant. Similarly, Smilax China is a climbing plant species, and this means it can adapt better to the place irrespective of other dominant plant species such as in receiving light energy for photosynthesis. In addition, Embelia leate is a climber. Both and Embelia leate need something to climb on, so they need involuntary support and protection of bigger shrubs or trees in order to survive (Lieth and Werger, 2012). Psychotria asiatica is considered an endangered species because of how it is getting wiped out because of deforestation. Its presence indicated good diversity within the habitat being analyzed. Zanthoxylum avicennae is both a shrub and can adapt itself to become a climbing shrub or a small tree. The adaptation shows its competitive nature within the other species habitat and it can be understood that this species is hence considered as part of the dominant species identified.






From a personal viewpoint, the media caters to the audience taste and fosters their preexisting ideologies. The role of the media has become commercial and not to spread any real awareness. They play into the emotions of the people to create an interesting content. These ideologies need to be about the humanity and also the opening of the dialogue for empathy. However, these are yet to be determined by the people in this analysis. There is still a slight hesitation and lack of real empirical research which creates content where there is a definitive villain and a hero in the narrative theme line. I expect these to change with the changing progressive ideologies of equality and equity in the society. These were the main determinations which were made from this analysis of the media content.

From a generalized viewpoint, the race is an agenda which is connected to the political affiliations of the network. Based on the networks political interests, there are certain interesting tweaks made about each ideology. People organize their knowledge about the world around them by sorting and presenting the existing ideologies. These schemes are important for the definition of the essence of the world view and for the significant influence on the social cognition. These are the factors such as comprehension, anticipation, emotion and situational control. One of the most important kinds of social orientation is the representation of the stereotypes. These are used for the opinion among the members of the social group which are about the other groups. It is observed that they are internalized in this process. Owing to many of the simplification and the generalization, the stereotypes are used to present incomplete image imagery of the reality. In these certain arguments, the people seem to foster the existing ideologies. These kinds of social categorizations lead to the impact of formation of one single integrated culture. This is used to be an identical feature of each member within the group. These focuses of integration and scaring the people about each race are evident.





缺点是缺陷问题仍然需要控制。此外,随着时间的推移,详细的测试级别是必要的,以了解技术的全部潜力。然而,技术问题不是NIL的最大挑战,挑战是衰落的半导体和硬盘行业。“大多数半导体制造商已经决定未来的节点采用EUV或193i双模式。只有一小部分人在积极研究纳米印记”(Malloy & Litt, 2011, p. 032011)。



NIL is beneficial for high volume manufacturing. Its ability to resolve small features, with better resolution, uniformity and line roughness is established in research. Throughput is a serious concern for nanoimprint technologies and nanoimprint lithography has a better throughput than traditional methods.

The cons are that the issue of defects still has to be controlled. Furthermore, elaborate levels of testing over time are necessary to understand the full potential of the technology. Technical issues however are not the biggest challenge for NIL, the challenges are that of the declining semiconductor and the HDD industries. “Most semiconductor manufacturers have decided on EUV or 193i double patterning for future nodes. Only a small number is actively investigating nanoimprint” (Malloy & Litt, 2011, p. 032011).

The NIL technology in itself is understood as a potential improvement over traditional technology in the way it does not make use of photons or electrons for modifying the resist and this way improves overall resolution.

The resolution of NIL mainly depends on the template feature size that must be fabricated. Its feature size is very much limited by molds and the nanoimprint mask itself has to be created by making use of other lithography techniques. In future work it is possible that most of these limitations would be handled well. Self-assembly structures could be created that would present periodic patterns at 10nm scales or even lesser. Template generation issue might also be addressed by making use of a double pattern inducted scheme.



论文代写价格:马克思主义的社会价值体系。马克思主义的分析,重要的是分析存在于媒介背后的经济体制。必须了解控制和拥有媒体的人。重要的是要明白,思想是被传播和观察到被媒体忽视的。媒体决定谁是英雄,谁是坏人。人们似乎寻求娱乐,以确保从人们的日常烦恼中获得暂时的安慰(Hardy, 2014)。然而,这种娱乐和对娱乐的追求导致人们转向娱乐媒体的目的或追求放松。英国论文代写分析的目的是通过对《罗宾汉》电影的分析来了解马克思主义的社会价值体系。



然而,这部电影代表了公平、正义和公平的重要性,这是社会中典型的存在。它侵入了马克思主义的意识形态。这一理论或概念有许多细微之处(Flanagan, 2016)。这些已在本分析中详细阐述。


Following King Richard’s untimely death, the archer, Robin Longstride, returned to England. In this, they initially encounter Robert of Locksley, who was ambushed by Godfrey. Godfrey wants to facilitate French invasion of England. In this, Robin Hood is seen to state that he will return the sword to Walter in Nottingham who was his father. There was the narrative plot in the storyline as to how they must stir the baronial opposition. In this schema, Godfrey had planned to take over the Kingdom. To address this issue Robin Hood tries to foray into the political arena to make sure that justice prevails in system. It is basically the hero being against anarchism and wanting to ensure there was equality and equity in systems.

Critics argue that Marxism can be another ideology. There is the critique of the ideology being another populism rather than real function to address issues of people. It is considered to work in idyllic conditions where all the stakeholders try to work based on the ethics. It is seen to have a lot of doctrinaire. Main aspects of Marxism. These are considered to be crudely deterministic or rigorous for people. This is deemed to be reductionist and materialistic. This allows the scope for the human agency and sensitivity. However, the promise of Marxism is the sense of grand theory. The sense of media representations allows the notion of consciousness which is associated with theories that are professed by Marxism. These are main tenets that are observed in the movie.

However, this movie is a representation of the importance of equity, justice and fairness which typically exists in the society. It forays into the Marxian ideology. There are many nuances which can be associated with this theory or concepts (Flanagan, 2016). These have been detailed in this analysis.

Robin Hood is the quintessential rebel which allows people to indulge in voyeurism of other ideology which prevailed in society. It asks people to fundamentally understand how it would be in other extenuating circumstances. Media portrays the hero and the villain with clarity for people to relate to the main protagonist. It is imperative for people to have a system where they can connect. Ironically, this Marxian theme movie was produced by a capitalist system to make profits. The media forays into the popular opinion of people in this schema. This is the reason for Robin Hood to be popular.



毕业论文代写:数字技术的历史发展。数字技术包括在正负两种状态下生成、存储和处理数据的电子技术。技术的出现是以工具的形式出现的,最初发明的机器是电报和分析机。随着个人计算机的发展,数字技术也得到了显著的发展。数字技术是从模拟电子和机械技术向数字电子技术的转变,始于20世纪50年代至70年代,当时数字计算机被采用并激增用于数字记录维护(Brennan, 2018)。接下来毕业论文代写将为同学们讲解下有关数字技术的历史发展。

20世纪下半叶,由于互联网、移动电话和电脑的广泛使用,数字通信和计算技术发生了显著变化。互联网和数字媒体从很小的时候起就对大多数人的沟通实践不可或缺,对他们的信息空间也很重要。人们经常注意到,年轻人自然倾向于新技术,他们在信息和通信技术和互联网接入方面的经验正在上升(Kucirkova, Littleton和Kyparissiadis, 2017)。因此,来自世界各地以图形表示为支持的过多信息往往从很小的时候就影响儿童的性别认同。视频和图像的数字压缩得到了重视,MPEG和JPEG编码使其成为可能。


在我看来,数字技术已经彻底改变了世界,随着越来越多的孩子上网,它改变童年的能力也在增强。数字技术让孩子们能够接触到影响他们思考过程的信息,并帮助他们建立性别认同。然而,性别陈规定型观念教给孩子文化对他们的期望。媒体中不断出现同样的概念(Menon, Schellhorn和Lowe, 2012)。人们常说男孩比女孩强,男人在某些工作上做得更好。我观察到,这些信息能够产生影响,父母很难反击;这主要是因为这些信息是在孩子最容易接受受影响的发展阶段被准确地记录下来的。在年轻人中,这样的描述会导致有害的结论和错误的假设。

Digital includes electronic technology that is involved in the generation, storage and processing of data in a positive and negative state. The emergence of technology was in the form of tools and the initial machines that were created were the telegraph and the analytical engine. Digital technology gained prominence with the prominence of the personal computer. Digital technology is the shift from analogue electronic and mechanical technology to digital electronics that commenced between the 1950s and 1970s when the digital computers were adopted and proliferated for digital record maintenance (Brennan, 2018).

A notable change was initiated in digital communication and computing technology in the latter half of the 20th century by the wide spread use of the internet, cellular phones and computers. The internet and digital media are integral to most people’s communication practice from a very young age and significant to their information spaces. It has often been noted that young people are naturally predisposed to new technologies and their experience with the information and communication technology and the access to internet are on the rise (Kucirkova, Littleton and Kyparissiadis, 2017). Hence, excessive information from all over the world supported with graphic representation often influences the gender identity among children from a very young age. Digital compression of video and image has gained prominence and was made possible by the MPEG and JPEG coding.

Animation has often taken the support of digitalisation with movies and cartoons being created with the extensive use of computers and the content made available to viewers on digital platforms. Digital technology makes it possible to scan or transcribe manuscripts and books in digital forms that are subsequently searched and accessed online or by the use of an electronic device thus making content available anywhere easily.

It is my opinion that digital technology has revolutionised the world and as more number of children go online, it has the increased capacity of changing childhood. Digital technology gives children access to information that affects their thinking process and helps them establish gender identities. Gender stereotypes are, however, teaching children what is expected of them by the culture. There is constant exposure to the same concepts in the media (Menon, Schellhorn and Lowe, 2012). It is often depicted that boys are ahead of girls and men are better at some work. I have observed that these messages are able to make an impact and are hard for parents to counter; this is mainly because the messages are timed at the precise moment for development of the kid when they are most receptive to being influenced. Among young adults, such characterisation results in harmful conclusions and false assumptions.




基于市场基础观的理论认为,企业的竞争优势取决于外部因素,如企业所经营的行业或外部市场(Wang, 2014)。这些都被认为对组织有积极和消极的影响,以及他们如何进入新的市场等。波特的五力模型是在基于市场的观点的前提下发展起来的(波特,2008)。在制定战略时,公司使用外部环境的完整评估(Chandler, 2010)。波特提出了五种力量作为进入壁垒,替代品的威胁,供应商的议价能力,买家和竞争对手的竞争(Tylenda, 2014)。

可持续竞争优势的来源可以在波特的五种力量中找到。首先,新进入者的威胁被重新定义为包括可持续性作为一种竞争战略。竞争企业提出的可持续性战略和标准对新的市场进入者来说可能是困难的,然后新的市场进入者需要时间来提出可持续性标准以适应新的环境。在当今时代,全球综合标准确保大多数组织了解可持续发展标准。其次,可持续性要素可以从供应商的议价能力中识别出来。如今,用于生产的原材料和商品越来越稀缺,因此,当供应商在压力大的环境中工作时,他们会希望与那些表明他们有可持续发展战略的组织合作。专注于可持续发展战略的公司提出了更多的自我评估和审计(Lowitt, 2011)。当买家设定可持续发展的行业标准时,他们的议价能力就会提高。这使他们成为该领域的先锋,并可能改变他们与客户和买家互动的方式。随着产品和工艺领域的不断发展,新产品的威胁是持续的。在可持续发展规划中,类似的举措被观察到,相同产品/工艺生产的公司相互竞争,引入可持续发展趋势,使它们与众不同。这样,五种力量理论的最后一个方面,竞争竞争,也被联系起来,因为组织发现自己处于一个积极的位置去竞争,即使在他们的可持续发展标准代表,如透明度和问责制。

Sustainability as argued by Porter is a form of technological leadership and the company that understands the competitive advantage which sustainability initiatives bring would reap first mover advantages (Porter, 1985). The essay makes the argument that in today’s uncertain rapidly changing and fiercely competitive market, it is indeed possible for organizations to have sustainable competitive advantage. Porter’s competitive advantage theory based on the market-based view and the resource-based view is made use of in the work. Examples of sources of sustainable competitive advantage for firms like Coca Cola are presented.

Theories on the market-based view present the argument that competitive advantage of firms would be dependent on the external elements like the industry in which the firm operates or the external market (Wang, 2014). These are considered as having both positive and negative influence on organizations and how they enter newer markets etc. Models like Porter’s five forces were developed on the premises of the market-based view (Porter, 2008). When formulating strategies, companies use a complete assessment of the external environment (Chandler, 2010). Porter presents the five forces as barriers to entry, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers, buyers and the competitor rivalry (Tylenda, 2014).

Sources of sustainable competitive advantage can be identified in Porter’s five forces. Firstly, the threat of new entrants is redefined to include sustainability as a competitive strategy. Where competitive firms present sustainability strategies and standards that could be difficult for the new market entrant, and then it would take time for the new market entrant to bring up standards of sustainability to fit the new environment. In current times, the global integrated standard ensures that most organizations are aware of sustainability standards. Secondly, sustainability elements can be identified in bargaining power of suppliers. Nowadays, raw material and commodities for production are becoming scarce and hence when working in stressed environment, the suppliers would want to work with those organizations that show they have a sustainability strategy. The company focusing on sustainability strategy presents more self-assessments and audits (Lowitt, 2011). Bargaining power of the buyer would improve when they set industrial standards in sustainability. This gives them the advantage of being the pioneers in the field and could change the way they interact with their customers and their buyers. The threat of new products is a constant one as product and process fields keep evolving. In sustainability planning, similar initiatives are observed as companies in the same product/process production compete with one another for introducing sustainability trends that set them apart uniquely. This way, the final aspect of the five forces theory, competitive rivalry, is also connected, as organizations find themselves in a positive position to compete with one another even in their sustainability standards representation like transparency and accountability.






研究人员提出的满意度是改善营销和绩效的巨大工具(Watanabe, Lima – Filho & Torres, 2013)。组织只有在满足现有客户的要求时才能扩大现有客户基础并保留现有客户,而度量这些满意属性并不容易。以百佳百佳为例,在拥有300多家门店的情况下,面对成千上万的顾客,顾客满意度的衡量是一件非常复杂的事情。顾客的满意度水平会受到商店所处的物理环境的影响。故事中的流程和程序,商店中的会员互动和其他方面将基于满意度进行接触(Pilelienė & Grigaliūnaitė, 2013)。此外,正如Simon & Gomez(2013)所指出的,这种满足感可以是一种心理感知。由于顾客的期望而形成的一种心理状态会导致实际服务和感知服务与产品质量之间的不满意。百佳等超市越来越意识到有必要将顾客满意作为其主流营销策略的核心。分析影响顾客满意度的属性的研究将为百佳提供见解和建议。百佳将能够拥有独特的竞争优势。

In the measurement of satisfaction, such aspects or attributes surrounding their own trade that will have an influential effect on the satisfaction of customers have to be assessed. Strategizing as per the changing needs will help the supermarkets be more attentive to customer needs. As researchers like Phuong (2016) argue, primary elements affecting customer retention and loyalty such as product differentiation and price can be understood in the current environment. However, it would be possible to assess impact of other related attributes like service quality, product quality, layout and more such as proposed in research works of Gunarathne (2015), Luo (2014), Sibly (2017), Cakmak (2013) and Makhitha (2014). Combined with product differentiation and cost differentiation, these other attributes will affect overall customer satisfaction and this customer satisfaction is one of the most competitive advantages that the ParknShop supermarket can hope to have.

Satisfaction as presented by researchers is an immense tool for improving marketing and performance (Watanabe, Lima – Filho & Torres, 2013). Organizations can expand their existing customer base and retain their existing customers only if they can satisfy them and measurement of such satisfaction attributes is not exactly easy. For instance, in the case of ParknShop with around 300 and more outlets catering to thousands of customers, the measurement of customer satisfaction is indeed an intricate thing. The customer’s satisfaction level will be impacted by the physical environment in which the store operates. The processes and procedures within the story, the member interaction within the store and other aspects will touch based on satisfaction (Pilelienė & Grigaliūnaitė, 2013). In addition, as Simon & Gomez (2013) argue, this satisfaction can be a psychological perception. A set psychological state because of the customer expectations could result in dissatisfaction between actual and perceived service and product quality. Supermarkets like ParknShop are becoming more and more aware of the need to include customer satisfaction as the core of their mainstream marketing improvisations. The study in analyzing attributes that influence customer satisfaction will present insights and recommendations to ParknShop. ParknShop will be able to have a unique competitive edge over others.
