


色情作品的性取向被认为是对社会的负面影响。色情也导致性犯罪的增加和人们道德价值的降低。这从总体上扰乱了社会基础。根据各种研究表明,色情给人带来短暂的快感,但后来的伤害却是致命的。证据也表明色情导致性侵犯。它影响整个社会,因为涉及色情的男人对他们的妻子不满意。他们评判自己的妻子和外表。它还增加了强奸和性侵犯的发生率。从女性主义的角度来看,色情作品也对女性在社会中的形象产生了负面影响(Ferguson & Hartley, 2009)。

色情很容易上瘾。生物学家和社会科学家正在研究色情作品对个人的生物影响。色情被认为是对婚姻、家庭和个人的干扰。研究还表明,经常观看色情作品的青少年会对自己的性倾向产生不确定性。色情也会增加孤独感和抑郁感。它也可以降低个人的自尊。它也被认为是扭曲个人的性观念和性关系的因素。“色情作品严重扭曲了人们对性交本质的态度和看法”(Fagan, 2009, p 9)。


The sexually oriented business of pornography is considered to be negatively affecting the society. Pornography also leads to increase in sexual crimes and decreasing the moral values of the people. This on the whole disturbs the base of the society. According to various studies, it is revealed that pornography provides a momentary pleasure, but the later harm is damnable. Evidences also show that pornography results in sexual aggression. It affects community as a whole, because men involved in pornography are not satisfied with their wives. They judge their wives and their physical appearance. It also increases the incidence of rapes and sexual assaults. According to the feminist perspective, pornography has also negatively affected the image of women in the society (Ferguson & Hartley, 2009).

Pornography is very addictive. Biologists and social scientists are mapping the biological impact of pornography on the individual. Pornography is considered to be disturbing for marriages, families and individuals. The studies also show that adolescents involved in regular viewing of pornography develop uncertainties about their sexualities. Porn can also increase the feeling of loneliness, and depression. It can also lower the self-esteem of the individuals. It is also considered as the element of distorting the individual’s concept of sexuality and sexual relationships. “Pornography significantly distorts attitudes and perceptions about the nature of sexual intercourse” (Fagan, 2009, p 9).