


佛教的原则和价值观是建立在善良、智慧、和平和正直的美德之上的。佛教最基本的信仰是,无论社会地位、年龄、种族或性别,都可以通过实践人性来获得幸福的生活(Brannigan, 2007)。基督教的基本信仰是完全顺服上帝,并把他视为救世主(Pope, 2007)。幸福的生活只能通过圣洁和灵性来实现。根据圣经的原则,财富是不存在的。那些幸运的人,他们的罪已经被赦免,他们的名字也被写进了生命册。只有完全相信神的儿子“耶稣基督”,罪才能得到赦免。因此,根据基督教,幸福的生活是上帝给予的祝福。根据这个信仰体系,这两种宗教是不相容的。详细的基督教教义的原则来自于《圣经旧约》。《圣经新约》包含了耶稣的门徒们所收集的教导。根据这些教义,每一个基督徒的灵魂都将被耶稣的第二次化身所救赎,他将再来为基督教的信徒提供永恒的生命。
基督教信仰源于每个基督徒个体的外在上帝和内在自我之间存在关系的学说(Pope, 2007)。灵魂会去天堂或地狱将由上帝决定。佛教的灵魂观依赖于存在的三个标志。第一个符号叫做“dukkha”,意思是痛苦的物体(Voyce, 2015)。这说明了苦难的普遍性。当你所爱的人去世,每个人都经历过这样的痛苦时,幸福就来了。因此,苦难是普遍存在的。第二个符号叫做“Anicca”,表示自我是无常的。它解释了在这个世界上没有什么是永恒的,来到这个世界上的东西必须回去。生活是不断变化的,没有什么是永恒的。人们在生活中会经历不同的问题,但没有一个问题是永久性的,也没有一个问题是情境性的。老化的过程是自然的,它不会停止,生下来的人必须死的对象(Voyce, 2015)。


The principles and values of Buddhism are based on the virtues of kindness, wisdom, peace and integrity. The most fundamental belief of Buddhism is that a happy life can be achieved through practicing humanity irrespective of social status, age, race or gender (Brannigan, 2007). The fundamental belief of Christianity is based on the complete submission to God and considering him as the savior (Pope, 2007). The happy life could only be achieved through holiness and spirituality. According to the principles of Bible, fortune does not exist. The fortunate people are only those, whose sins have been forgiven and whose names have been included in the book of life. The sins can only be forgiven by believing completely in Son of God “Jesus Christ”. Thus according to Christianity, a happy life is a blessing given by God. According to this belief system, both the religions are incompatible.The principles of the detailed Christianity teachings have come from the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. The New Testament of the Bible comprises written collection of the teachings of Jesus were that his disciples had assembled. According to these teachings, the soul of every Christian will be redeemed by the second incarnation of Jesus, who will come again to provide everlasting life to the believers of Christianity.
The Christian faith is derived by the doctrine that there is relationship between the external God and internal self of every Christian individual (Pope, 2007). The soul will go to heaven or hell will be decided by the God. The Buddhist concept of soul depends upon the three signs of existence. The first sign is called as ‘dukkha’, which means suffering objects (Voyce, 2015). This states the universality of the suffering. It comes when a loved one dies and every person has gone through this suffering. Hence, there is a universality of suffering. The second sign is called as ‘Anicca’, which indicates the self is impermanent. It explains that nothing is permanent in this world, what has come to this world has to go back. Life is changing constantly and nothing will stay forever. People go through different problems in their lives, but neither a problem is permanent or the situation. The process of ageing is natural, it will not stop, and the one who has born has to die objects (Voyce, 2015).