


动机是管理组织中个人行为的关键概念之一。根据马斯洛(1989)的观点,需求被放入一个层次结构中,当未被满足时最需要的是层次低。当它满足时,下一个需求变得重要。马斯洛将需求分为不同的层次和组别,当一个层次满足时,人们可以进入另一层。四驱动理论有四个组成部分 – 获取动力,结合,理解和捍卫的动力。第一个驱动确保维护层次和地位,第二个驱动确保关系和社会关系的蓬勃发展,增强社会关系,下一个驱动能够理解环境和自我,最后一个是成为战斗和防御基础的反应驱动。这个理论为员工实现所有的管理提供了平衡。

金钱和薪酬对于组织中的工作概念至关重要。它可以是财务奖励的形式,也可以是晋升和提供津贴和福利。毫无疑问,这是一个非常重要的激励因素,它加强了工作精神并减少了工人的焦虑。所提供的货币的含义和价值各不相同,因为有所谓的货币文化理解。职位评估也是衡量优势的另一个术语。有利的工作评估导致了公平和竞争,并导致官僚等级制度的劣势。 ‘增益共享’有时也涉及允许员工购买该公司的股票和股票。


Motivation is one of the key concepts to govern an individuals’ behaviour in an organization. According to Maslow (1989) needs are put into a hierarchy, the one need that is low on the hierarchy when unmet is the strongest. When it is fulfilled the next need becomes important. Maslow divides the needs into varying levels and groups and when one level is satisfied one can move onto the other. The four drive theory has four components – the drive to acquire, the drive to bond, comprehend and defend. The first drive ensures maintenance of hierarchy, status, the next enables flourishing of relationships and social bonds and enhances social affiliations, the next drive enables understanding environment and self the last is the reactive drive which becomes the basis of fight and defence. This theory provides balance for the employee to fulfil all, the drives that govern.

Money and pay are the vital to the concept of work in an organization. It can be in the form of financial rewards, in terms of promotions and providing of perks and benefits as well. It is needless to say this is a very significant motivator it reinforces the work spirit and reduces the anxiety of the worker. The meaning and value of the money provided is different from one to another as there is what is called the cultural understanding of money. Job evaluation is also another term by which the advantages are to be measured. The advantageous job evaluation results in fairness and competition and the disadvantage leads to bureaucratic hierarchy. ‘Gainsharing’ also sometimes involves the allowing of an employee to buy stocks and shares of that company of firm.