


计算机对分配的任务作出响应。与人类不同,计算机不会根据感知形成观点或以某种方式行事(Rayner, 2012)。个人的日常活动有几个方面。在这个分析中,有一个食谱用于制作墨西哥鱼蛋糕。在这个过程中收集到的洞察力是基于观察分析的。下面详细探讨了制作鱼糕只涉及视觉感知的制作过程。在制作墨西哥鱼饼的过程中,人们发现要做出一道美味的菜肴,需要遵循以下具体步骤。这一过程中最重要的一步是将混合物分成八份,并将形状确定为圆形。在这个过程中,每一面都被压平成一个鱼饼。在这之后,应该把它们卷在玉米粥里,并把它放在一个有衬里的托盘上。放在冰箱里至少30分钟。这可能是判断菜肴整体效果所需要的最重要的因素。在这个过程中,烹饪的人需要根据自己的感觉来判断菜肴。他们可以根据菜肴的视觉效果来判断结果。这从根本上重申了这样一种意识形态,即对于像烹饪这样简单的人类行为,需要一些认知功能。

它解释了大脑机制比计算机更先进(Rayner, 2012)。脑图表明大脑可以从根本上分为左右脑(Gibson, 2014)..大脑的左半球处理理性思维和逻辑。它主要涉及顺序分析和判断。在大脑的这个部分有很多分析和顺序的方法。右脑活动构成创造力和天生的创新潜能。神经网络和神经元连接着大脑的这些部分。从根本上说,人类力学模型表明,大脑处理活动的方式要么是斯金纳、巴甫洛夫提出的行为主义方法,要么是认知方法。在行为主义方法中,大脑以观察分析的形式处理信息。在这种方法中,学习者选择被动,从周围人的刺激中学习(Gibson, 2014)。在这个模式中,大脑通过感知和反应外部环境来处理信息。在认知主义方法中,大脑以图式的形式学习和存储信息(Fiske & Taylor, 2013)。


Computers respond to the tasks that have been assigned. Unlike humans computers do not form opinions or act in a certain manner based on the perception (Rayner, 2012). There are several aspects for regular activities by individuals. In this analysis there is a recipe used to make Mexican Fish cakes. The insight that has been gathered in this process is based on observational analysis. The process of making the fish cake only visual perception involved in making the fish cakes has been probed in detail in the following. Whilst making the Mexican fish cakes it has been found that the specific steps to be followed in order to create a delicious dish. The most important step that has been identified for this process is dividing the mixture into eight and conforming the shape into rounds. In this process each side is flattened each one into a fish cake. Subsequent to this, there should be rolling them in the polenta and placing it on a lined tray. This is kept inside the fridge for at least 30 minutes. This is probably the most important factor that is required to judge the overall outcome of the dish. In this process, it is required that the person who is cooking should gauge the dish based on their senses. They can judge the outcome based on the visual aspects of the dish. This fundamentally reiterates the ideology that for simplistic human actions such as cooking requires a number of cognitive functions.

It explains that the brain mechanics is much more advanced than the computers (Rayner, 2012). Brain mapping indicates that the brain can be fundamentally divided into right and left-brain (Gibson, 2014).. The left part of the brain deals with rational thought and logic. It is primarily involved in making sequential analysis and judgment. There are a number of analysis and sequential methodologies that are carried out in this part of the brain. The right brain activities constitute creativity and innate potential to be innovative. Neural networks and neurons connect these parts of the brain. Fundamentally the human mechanics model suggests that the brain approaches activities either by behaviorist approach proposed by Skinner, Pavlov or through cognitive approach. In behaviorist approach the brain processes information in the form of observational analysis. In this approach the learners choose to be passive and learn from responding to the stimuli around the people (Gibson, 2014). In this schema the mind processes information by perceiving and reacting to the external situation. In the cognitivist approach the brain learns and stores information in the form of schema (Fiske & Taylor, 2013).