标签存档: 英国留学



观众的兴趣是通过呈现一个吸引人的观点,两个啤酒瓶,以“干杯”为重点。这意味着观众有动力一口气喝一瓶啤酒。瓶底的形状暗示着喝了一瓶啤酒后,个体之间建立的信心。广告的一词多义、象征意义和互文性等概念对消费者的参与和目标具有重要意义。互文性是后结构主义的一个概念,它解释了文本与其他语境和文本之间的联系。必须在垂直和水平两个方面发展互文性(Stuhlfaut and Windels, 2015)。在不同的文化、社会和文学的互动中,文本不是线性的,而是动态的。基于意义的广告包括概念化的信息,以启发顾客思考与品牌相关的需求。


The second ad of Mercedes- Benz considers all elements required for effective communication, namely, attention, interest, credibility, desire and action. Considering the element of attention, the headline is acting as the stimulus, while cutting across the clutter. There must be appropriateness, in relation with the service or product, the interests or needs of the audience intended and the tone of advertisement by stating “unofficial service can be dangerous”. With the initiation of action, people are motivated to opt free vehicle diagnosis services from the company and purchasing spare parts at a discount of 15 per cent. The claims made are believable and hence there is credibility. If a wrench is not utilized in an appropriate manner, then it will surely result in destructing the automobile. Hence, the ad communicates all elements required. The third ad of Heineken focuses on interest, credibility, desire and action.
Interest of the audience is considered by presenting an attractive view of two beer bottles with the focus on “bottoms up”. This means that the audience is motivated to drink a bottle of beer in one breathe. The shape of bottle as a bottom implicates confidence established among individual personalities after drinking a bottle of beer. The concepts of advertisement like polysemy, symbolism, and intertextuality can be considered significant in the consumers engaged and targeted. Intertextuality can be considered as a concept of post- structuralism explaining the connections among the text to the other context and text. There must be development of intertextuality within vertical and horizontal aspects (Stuhlfaut and Windels, 2015). Text cannot be considered linear but dynamic in the interaction of different cultures, societies and literatures. Advertising based on meaning include the messages conceptualized to enlighten the customers for thinking about the wants and needs in association with the brand.



市场效率的狂热者认为,价值溢价应该是投资者承担基本风险的结果。行为学家一直认为,价值会带来更好的表现,因为投资者最终会犯错误,比如为增长支付过高的费用(Montier, 2009, p. 57)。许多研究人员研究了成长型和价值型股票的相对风险。有人认为基于时间变化的风险接近于解释价值溢价的正确方向(Gubellini, 2011)。参考这一观点,本文的目的是讨论价值是否比增长风险更大。将对实证证据进行批判性评价,对该陈述进行讨论,以证明本文所设定的主要论点。现代金融的一个里程碑是风险和回报之间的联系。在这种观点下,人们很好地接受了增长型股票的回报率低于价值型股票的观点。关键的解释是时间变化带来的风险(Fernandez, 2004)。这种时变风险描述了价值扣除增长的策略在危机期间的风险很高。

在危机期间,预期的风险溢价很高。另一方面,在有利的经济条件下,风险溢价较低,而预期的风险溢价较低。然而,许多研究表明,风险不能被认为是产生价值溢价的有用来源(Zhang, 2005a)。Lakonishok等人(1994)报道说,在经济景气时期,贝塔值比经济增长贝塔值高,但在经济危机时期则低。这一结果与风险假说存在直接矛盾(Lakonishok, 2004)。增长和价值已被确定为金融领域的突出标签。这些被称为基于风格的投资,用于购买成长型股票(高倍数)和价值型股票(低倍数)的企业,尽管这些标签有时被称为高价对帐面价值的购买和低价对帐面价值的购买(Coxe, 2002)。在历史事件中,价值往往在平均基础上跑赢增长,但伴随着风险,这一点得到了突显。一个有价值的头寸最终可能对投资者不利。


It has been argued by the zealots of market efficiency that value premium should be the result of fundamental risk taken by investors. It has been argued by behaviourists that value delivers outperformance, as investors end up making mistakes such as overpayment for growth (Montier, 2009, p. 57). A number of researchers have studied the relative risk of growth and value stocks. It has been claimed that risk on the basis of time variation approaches the right direction to explain value premium (Gubellini, 2011). In reference with this statement, the aim of this essay is to discuss whether value is riskier than growth. A critical evaluation of empirical evidence will be conducted for discussion of the statement to prove the main thesis set for the paper. One of the landmarks in modern finance is the nexus between risk and return. Under this claim, there is a good acceptance of the claim that growth stocks present lower returns than value stock. The key explanation is risk due to variation of time (Fernández, 2004). This time-varying risk depicts that risk of strategies in which value deducts growth is high during crisis.

During crisis, the premium for risk expected is high. On the other hand, it is low during favourable economic conditions, while the premium for risk expected is low. However, it has been suggested by a number of studies that risk cannot be considered as a useful source for the generation of value premium (Zhang, 2005a). It had been reported by Lakonishok et al. (1994) that value betas are higher in comparison with growth betas during favourable times but are lower during crisis. This is a result which has direct contradiction with the hypothesis of risk (Lakonishok, 2004). Growth and value have been identified as prominent labels within the dimensions of finance. These are referred to as making style- based investment for purchasing business firms with growth stock (high multiples) versus value stock (low multiples), even though these labels are referred to as the purchases of high price to book versus low price to book at times (Coxe, 2002). It has been highlighted in historical events that value tends to be outperforming growth on average basis, but with the involvement of risk. A position of value can end up turning against the investor.



在加拿大,有两家制糖厂公司占据着巨大的市场份额,分别是位于安大略省多伦多的Lantic Inc.和Redpath sugar Inc.。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论加拿大主要的制糖公司之一,兰提克公司,它在蒙特利尔,魁北克和温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省经营炼油厂。加拿大安大略省还经营着该国唯一的甜菜加工厂,位于阿尔伯塔省的泰伯。朗提克糖业有限公司与罗杰斯糖业有限公司于2008年合并成立朗提克公司。糖的精炼和加工首先涉及在工厂将甘蔗精炼成原糖。然后清洗,过滤去除悬浮物,结晶,干燥,最后包装。它不是一个非常设计的产品(Weele, 2008)。公司总部设在蒙特利尔,分销渠道设在NB的蒙顿,公司的大部分业务都是工会化的。作为一个中等劳动密集型行业,2013财年与工会员工签订了为期3年的劳动协议。其生产的地理位置最近几次没有改变。

该公司信奉福特主义的生产方式,最近由于严格的政府法律,该公司削减了59名员工,以节约生产成本。雇佣员工的年龄没有固定的标准(Lambert et al, 2008)。员工应该有足够的技能,应该努力工作,以便为公司做出贡献。员工提供医疗保险,人寿保险,养老金,债券,公积金,等公司一直在进行不同的测试和研究为了使不仅生产,而且其他部门更有效率,为了使用植物的全部能力和服务所有客户在加拿大更迅速。年销售6 – 70万吨,具有较大的增长空间。本公司致力遵守道德及合法的公司行为守则,严格遵守工作守则,并严格禁止内幕交易、歧视及骚扰、定价等非法行为。确保员工的个人利益不影响公司的最佳利益,由法律部门制定准则,确保制度的透明度。乳酸公司近期没有消费者抵制的案例,这很容易从2014财年消费者数量增加2900吨的数据中得到反映。


In Canada, there are two major players of sugar Refinery Company having a giant hold of the market namely, Lantic Inc. and Redpath Sugar Inc. operating in Toronto, Ontario. In this article, we will discuss about one of the major sugar manufacturing company of Canada, Lantic Inc. which operates refineries in Montreal, Quebec and Vancouver, British Columbia., Ontario & also operates the country’s only sugar beet processing plant, located in Taber, Alberta. Lantic Sugar Limited & Rogers Sugar Ltd. merged together to form Lantic Inc. in 2008.The sugar refining & processing first involves refining of sugarcane into raw sugar at mills. After that it is cleaned, filtered to remove suspended solids, crystallized, dried and finally packaged. It is not a very design product (Weele, 2008).With its headquarters in Montreal and distribution channel in Moncton, NB, the company’s majority operations are unionized. Being a moderate labor intensive field of business, it has entered 3 year labor agreement with the unionized employees in fiscal year 2013. The geography of its production has not shifted in recent times.

The company believes in the fordist method of production, recently dealing with energy costs because of stringent governmental laws it has reduced workforce of 59 employees to achieve savings in production costs. There is no set bar regarding the hiring of employees in terms of age (Lambert et al, 2008). The employee should have sufficient skills and should be hard working in order to deliver to the company. Employees are provided with Medical benefits, life insurance, pension benefits, bonds, provident funds, etc.The company keeps on conducting different tests and researches in order to make not only production but also the other departments more efficient, in order to use the full capacity of plants and service all customers across Canada more promptly. With sales volume of 6 to 7 lakh metric tons per year, it has a great scope of growth. The company tries to act on ethical and lawful corporate code of conduct, keeping in mind a stringent method of work practices and strict prohibition of unlawful practices like insider trading, discrimination and harassment, price fixing, etc. It ensures that the personal interest of employees does not interfere with the best interest of the company, therefore guidelines are formed by legal department to ensure transparency in the system.There have been no cases of any recent consumer boycotts of Lactic Inc, which is easily reflected in the figures which state an increase of consumer volume by 2900 metric tons in the previous fiscal 2014.

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介

本次作业所选择的创业者是Katie Page,她是澳大利亚最大也是最成功的女性创业者之一。她是Harvey Norman的首席执行官,Harvey Norman是由她和她的丈夫在1982年创立的一家大型百货公司(Nauman, 2014)。2015年,Harvey Normal在全球有200多家店铺,从爱尔兰到新加坡。公司已在澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市,是澳洲证券交易所200指数成份股之一。佩奇认为,在ASX 200家公司担任高管的女性中,女性所占比例最小(不到4%),这是一个与众不同的特点(Lehmann, 2015)。其净资产超过5000万美元,是澳大利亚最富有的女性高管之一。哈维诺曼一直享有巨大的成功。

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介
2014财年,公司成功实现销售总收入约30亿美元。根据公司2015年的财务报表显示,自2012年以来,公司的整体利润率已经成功提高了大约30%。这可以被认为是一个零售商在经济困难时期的重大成就(Kruger, 2014)。1956年,凯蒂·佩奇和她的三个姐妹出生在澳大利亚昆士兰州的马雷巴。她是澳大利亚的一名企业高管,以成功经营Harvey Norman的业务而闻名。2015年,在《澳大利亚商业评论》(the Australian Business Review)评选的50位最成功企业家排行榜上,她排名第四。她在各种职业运动中都有后备力量,一直积极推动女性进入运动领域(Korporaal, 2015)。

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介

The entrepreneur selected for the purpose of this assignment is Katie Page, who is among the biggest and the most successful female entrepreneur of Australia. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Harvey Norman that was established by her and her husband in the year 1982, as huge department store (Nauman, 2014). As per the year 2015, there are more than 200 stores of Harvey Normal all across the world to Singapore from Ireland. The company has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Australia (ASX), and is among the component stocks in the 200 Index of ASX. Page perceives a differentiating attribute to be among the smallest share of women (less than 4 percent), holding an executive position of top level at the 200 company of ASX (Lehmann, 2015). And it has a net worth exceeding 50 million dollars which being among the richest female executives of Australia. Harvey Norman has been continuously enjoying immense success.

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介
During the financial year of 2014, the company had been successful in generating the total sales revenue of approximately 3 billion dollars. As per the 2015 financial statements of the company, it has been successful in increasing the overall margin of profit by approximately 30 percent since the year 2012. This can be considered as a significant achievement for a retailer during difficult times of the economy (Kruger, 2014). Katie Page was born in the year 1956 in Mareeba, Queensland, Australia with her three sisters. She is a business executive of Australia and is well- known for successfully running the business of Harvey Norman. In the year 2015, she was assigned fourth rank on the list provided by “The Australian Business Review” for the 50 most successful entrepreneurs of all times. She has a backup in various professional sports, and has been actively promoting women to enter the field of sports (Korporaal, 2015).



计算机对分配的任务作出响应。与人类不同,计算机不会根据感知形成观点或以某种方式行事(Rayner, 2012)。个人的日常活动有几个方面。在这个分析中,有一个食谱用于制作墨西哥鱼蛋糕。在这个过程中收集到的洞察力是基于观察分析的。下面详细探讨了制作鱼糕只涉及视觉感知的制作过程。在制作墨西哥鱼饼的过程中,人们发现要做出一道美味的菜肴,需要遵循以下具体步骤。这一过程中最重要的一步是将混合物分成八份,并将形状确定为圆形。在这个过程中,每一面都被压平成一个鱼饼。在这之后,应该把它们卷在玉米粥里,并把它放在一个有衬里的托盘上。放在冰箱里至少30分钟。这可能是判断菜肴整体效果所需要的最重要的因素。在这个过程中,烹饪的人需要根据自己的感觉来判断菜肴。他们可以根据菜肴的视觉效果来判断结果。这从根本上重申了这样一种意识形态,即对于像烹饪这样简单的人类行为,需要一些认知功能。

它解释了大脑机制比计算机更先进(Rayner, 2012)。脑图表明大脑可以从根本上分为左右脑(Gibson, 2014)..大脑的左半球处理理性思维和逻辑。它主要涉及顺序分析和判断。在大脑的这个部分有很多分析和顺序的方法。右脑活动构成创造力和天生的创新潜能。神经网络和神经元连接着大脑的这些部分。从根本上说,人类力学模型表明,大脑处理活动的方式要么是斯金纳、巴甫洛夫提出的行为主义方法,要么是认知方法。在行为主义方法中,大脑以观察分析的形式处理信息。在这种方法中,学习者选择被动,从周围人的刺激中学习(Gibson, 2014)。在这个模式中,大脑通过感知和反应外部环境来处理信息。在认知主义方法中,大脑以图式的形式学习和存储信息(Fiske & Taylor, 2013)。


Computers respond to the tasks that have been assigned. Unlike humans computers do not form opinions or act in a certain manner based on the perception (Rayner, 2012). There are several aspects for regular activities by individuals. In this analysis there is a recipe used to make Mexican Fish cakes. The insight that has been gathered in this process is based on observational analysis. The process of making the fish cake only visual perception involved in making the fish cakes has been probed in detail in the following. Whilst making the Mexican fish cakes it has been found that the specific steps to be followed in order to create a delicious dish. The most important step that has been identified for this process is dividing the mixture into eight and conforming the shape into rounds. In this process each side is flattened each one into a fish cake. Subsequent to this, there should be rolling them in the polenta and placing it on a lined tray. This is kept inside the fridge for at least 30 minutes. This is probably the most important factor that is required to judge the overall outcome of the dish. In this process, it is required that the person who is cooking should gauge the dish based on their senses. They can judge the outcome based on the visual aspects of the dish. This fundamentally reiterates the ideology that for simplistic human actions such as cooking requires a number of cognitive functions.

It explains that the brain mechanics is much more advanced than the computers (Rayner, 2012). Brain mapping indicates that the brain can be fundamentally divided into right and left-brain (Gibson, 2014).. The left part of the brain deals with rational thought and logic. It is primarily involved in making sequential analysis and judgment. There are a number of analysis and sequential methodologies that are carried out in this part of the brain. The right brain activities constitute creativity and innate potential to be innovative. Neural networks and neurons connect these parts of the brain. Fundamentally the human mechanics model suggests that the brain approaches activities either by behaviorist approach proposed by Skinner, Pavlov or through cognitive approach. In behaviorist approach the brain processes information in the form of observational analysis. In this approach the learners choose to be passive and learn from responding to the stimuli around the people (Gibson, 2014). In this schema the mind processes information by perceiving and reacting to the external situation. In the cognitivist approach the brain learns and stores information in the form of schema (Fiske & Taylor, 2013).



格里芬有强大的竞争对手。想想Earnest Adams吧,它是一个饼干品牌,集历史、忠诚和格里芬多样化的产品提供于一体,同时还拥有创新的产品制造。Arnott是另一个专注于饼干市场细分市场的饼干品牌。还有像希金斯夫人(Gibson, 2016)提供的那种家庭饼干。此外,也有国际饼干品牌零售。这些饼干品牌在多样性方面给格里芬带来了挑战。第二个挑战是烘焙行业的创新。比如无麸质饼干、多粒饼干、米粒饼干、应季休闲饼干、英国风味面包等。这些现有领域的创新形式正在推动市场(Rubanowski, 2014)。因此,竞争对手的实力非常强大,这可能对格里芬食品构成威胁。



There are strong competitors for Griffin. Consider Earnest Adams which is a cookie brand that combines as much the history, loyalty and diversified offerings of Griffin in addition to innovative product making. Arnott is yet another cookie brand which is seen to focus on more niche segments in the cookie market. There are home backed cookies such as the ones offered by Mrs. Higgins (Gibson, 2016). In addition, there are international cookies brands sold on retail as well. These cookies brands offer challenges to Griffin in terms of diversity. The second challenge is that of innovation in the bakery industry. Consider such products as that of gluten free cookies, multigrain cookies, rice grain products, seasonal entertaining cookies, English short bread combined with different flavours and more. These form of innovation in existing segments are fuelling the market (Rubanowski, 2014). Competitor strength is hence very high, and this could be a threat for Griffins Foods.

Suppliers such as the flour miller’s in New Zealand are usually vertically integrated with their respective bakeries. There are implications of both strength and threats for Griffin here. In terms of strength, now since the millers and flour suppliers are vertically integrated with bakeries, Griffins would have a better control on the price. Consider how companies such as Griffins have their own outlet and hence might sell in their POS or might sell in a retail store such as a supermarket. The supermarket and end products POS for Griffin hence holds control over the ultimate demand and sales for miller supplied goods. When consumers demand value for money, such a demand is usually transferred down the chain from the retailers down to the bakeries which in turn is transferred to the suppliers. Price is hence controlled here.




由于“金砖四国”(BRIC,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)的崛起,有大量的企业进入中国市场。这导致现有的产品比它们的生产更快地过时。Radio Shack的典型消费者是多重市场人口统计。由于可供人们选择,买主一般都有很大的权力。越来越多的人把注意力转向购买产品,供应商的议价能力很低。买方的激烈竞争对公司产生了复杂的影响。市场上发现了高水平的替代产品。这最终导致了公司的破产。竞争日益激烈,替代产品水平较高(Lavelle, Folger, and (Manegold, 2014)。


Another reason for the company was the weak sales in the wireless customer service. When it was introduced in 2000, there was high consumer support for these products. Eventually smart phones such as Apple and service providers started to provide cheaper services. Since the product concentration had turned only to mobile service, there was a huge decline in the sales. 50% of the sales of the company were depending on the wireless. The key management decisions that lacked in innovation and stiff competition was the reason for the company to fail. These factors lead to the company shares reaching “buy” rating and lead to the eventual decrease in sales and the stock price fell down steadily for the company. In the case of Meso environmental factors the Porters’ five force analysis can be used to make a systematic analysis.

There were a high number of entrants due to the rising of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations. This caused the existing product to become obsolete faster than their production. Typical consumers of Radio Shack were multiple market demography. There was a general high power given to the buyers because of the choices available for the people. Growing number of people had shifted focus towards buying the products .The suppliers bargaining powers was low. The intensive competition of the buyers led to mixed effects towards the company. High level of substitute products was found in the markets. This had led to the company to fail eventually. There was rising competitions and high level of substitute products (Lavelle, Folger, and (Manegold, 2014).



照片可能过于锐化,导致边缘出现晕(Maher, 2016)。有时,他们可能过度着色,或可能有一些花哨或不切实际的触摸他们。虽然色彩对人们来说可能是一种主观体验,但理解色彩也是创造一种诚实体验的必要条件。在弗兰普顿的电影中,摄影师谈到了他是如何在拍摄照片时关注色彩的,这是所有摄影师都会关心的问题。然而,目前的照片并不使用颜色来表达观点或创造焦点,而且它们中的大多数就像个人摄影中的自我之旅(Maher, 2016)。他们可能会利用颜色使他们在摄影中看起来很好。以Instagram为例,分享的照片是多种多样的。只有一些照片捕捉到了真实的生活场景,并加以描绘,Instagram上的大多数摄影师被认为是处理了很多色调,并影响了照片的不平衡。

在照片上提供太多的对比会使它显得与背景形成过度对比,与背景没有实际联系。事实上,每一幅画都被视为前卫的园林艺术作品,而这幅画、主体或表现的语境失去了意义,人们所能看到的只是技术的融合(Einstein, 2012)。小插曲将被过度使用,以集中在主题,而留下的背景消失的褪色。我认为这样的照片具有暂时的意义。这些照片没有自己的故事。与那些对背景有更好理解、对人和环境有更真实表现的照片不同,当今时代的照片似乎不是真实的表现。事实上,在我自己的照片中,我可以延伸这种批评。这里有一些我和朋友或自己拍的照片。


Photos might be over-sharpened which results in halos in edges (Maher, 2016). Sometimes, they might be over coloured, or might have some garish or unrealistic touch to them. While colour might be a subjective experience to people, it is necessary to understand colour as also creating an honest experience. In the case of Frampton’s movie, the photographer talks about how he was concerned with the tint and more when he was taking the photograph and that is a concern that all photographer would definitely share. However, current photographs do not use colours to make their point or to create focus, and most of them as in the case of personal photography are on an ego trip (Maher, 2016). They might make use of colours to make they look good in the photography. In the case of Instagram for instance, the photographs shared are varied. Only some of them capture true life instances and portray them, the majority of the photographer on Instagram are seen to be handled with much tinting, and affects that imbalances the photograph.

Too much contrast provided on the photograph makes it appear over contrasted with no background, no actual connection to the context. In fact, every picture is treated as an Avant garden art work and the picture, the subject or the context of representation loses its meaning and all one would be able to see is the fusing of technology (Einstein, 2012). Vignettes would be overused to focus on the subject while leaving the background to die out by fading. I believe that such photographs hold a temporary significance. The photographs do not have a story of their own. Unlike the photographs that were taken with better understanding of context, with more honest representation of the person and the surroundings, the photographs of current times do not seem to be honest representations. In fact in my own photographs, I can extend this criticism. There are some photographs I have taken, with either friends or self.






1、 读书破万卷下笔如有神



写作是一种训练,需要日积月累,要坚持每天写点东西,选个话题就可以写,你看到的,听到,有感而发的,或者是你自己编的故事,什么都可以的,贵在坚持。写好的东西,即使是同一个话题,可以写几次,不同的角度,不同的人物,有时候时间来不及,先打个草稿,然后再慢慢雕琢。有条件的话,找个英文好的笔友 (pen pal),让他/她帮忙提提意见反馈,你会提高更快。


避免重复(Eliminate the repetitive word or phrase)

少用陈词滥调 (cliche)



Essay要少用被动语态 (passive voice),多用主动语态(Active voice)


多用日常用语、平易近人的词汇(use simple words)













特易购公司是一家总部设在英国花园城的跨国食品杂货和零售企业。Marks and Spencer plc是另一家总部位于英国伦敦的零售商。英国的家庭商店是另一家在英国的零售商。在这份分析中被调查的三家公司都是英国公司。这些公司能够在英国市场生存下来。他们有不同的国际化战略,使他们得以生存。这三家公司过去都取得了成功,都有独特的产品销售策略。


他们是伦敦的上市公司。在这一分析中,我们了解了公司的具体业务战略以及过去成功的方式以及在业务中克服障碍的方式。特易购(Tesco)和M&S公司(M&S Company)进行了分析,以了解一家公司如何扩张的细微差别。通过对公司宏观环境因素的分析,提出了确定公司宏观环境因素的方法。对合并和战略联盟进行了详细的考察。讨论了在此过程中需要考虑的重要变量,并由公司做出了可能的最佳决定。


Tesco Company is a multinational grocery and general retailer who has headquarters in Garden City UK. Marks and Spencer plc is another retailer who is headquarter in London UK. British Home Stores is another company that is retailer in Britain. The three companies that were probed in this analysis are British based companies. These companies have been able to survive in the UK markets. They have different internationalization strategies that have caused them to survive. All these three companies have had success in the past and have a unique product selling strategy.

They are listed companies in London. In this analysis, the specific business strategy of the company and the ways in which they have succeeded in the past and the ways in which the hurdles are overcome in the business are understood. Tesco and M&S Company are analysed to understand the nuances of how a company should expand. The ways to determine based on the macro environmental factors of the company are addressed. The detailed examination of mergers and strategic alliances are probed in detail. The important variables that need to be considered in this process are discussed and best possible determinations are made by the company.