

Smythe在這篇文章中提出的主要觀點是意大利人民和政府官員對黑皮膚的仇恨。我相信這篇文章中提出的論點在意大利人的心中根深蒂固。與向意大利一體化部長塞西爾•基延格(Cecile Kyenge)扔香蕉的事件有關,作者認為仇恨不是針對社會差異,而是對黑人的不尊重和羞辱。這篇文章中最有效的元素是對最近意大利社會政治環境不可避免的證據的引用。作者將意大利人民對待黑人部長的行為與腐敗的總理、穆斯林記者和種族主義政治領袖進行了比較。意大利人對一名黑人牧師表示​​仇恨,但沒有抗議北方聯盟的政治領袖聲稱應該強姦她。




The main idea presented by Smythe in this article is the hatred towards dark skin among Italian people and the government officials. I believe that the argument presented in this article has strong roots in the hearts of Italians. In link with the incident of throwing bananas over the Integration Minister of Italy, Cecile Kyenge, the author has argued that the hatred is not towards social difference rather the disrespect and humiliation binds to the black people only. The most effective elements in this article are the references to the recent unavoidable evidences of Italian socio-political environment. The author compared the behavior of Italian people towards their black minister with the corrupt Prime Minister, Muslim journalist and a racist political leader. Italians showed hatred towards a black minister, but did not protest against the political leader from Northern League who stated that she should be raped.

They threw bananas on the black minister, but spared the former Prime Minister who used to have sex with underage women and was involved in various fraud cases. The article also presented a piece of interview of Kyenge, in which she argued that Italian must learn to accept “the others”. I support the contrary argument of the author that some Italians have much space in their hearts for “the others” excluding “the blacks”. They should break the ties of color and creed and respect all human beings regardless of the worldly differences. But the author fails to mention that there is another majority who brought this black minister to her seat of ministry. Except for a minority party Northern League, all other parties accept Kyenge with all due respect.