标签存档: 英国代写论文







Researchers suggest that despite there being much exposure on why it is necessary for businesses to have a very defined strategy, small scale businesses might still forge ahead without much defined objectives or clear strategy as such. Businesses might make plans for a social media platform usage and go ahead with it. Remaining active on only one or a few selective platforms makes these business have less forethought. Customers expect more and their interests and demands might not be satisfied with marketing information posted only on one of the social media platform. Opportunities to connect with the consumers are wasted and also the business success sustainability is threatened as other competitors might gain entry into the business’s targeted markets.

Furthermore, the use of a single social media space or tool might result in word of mouth marketing on third party websites which could also increase challenges for the business. Therefore, Social media entry without a defined strategy is hence as much a threat to a business as one that does not have any media strategy at all. Social media strategies have to be well planned, have to be comprehensive and should also ensure that it is planned around a goal. Media strategies have to fit the needs of the company, and furthermore should try to understand all actors in the marketing media space, such as the ones that the marketing is trying to reach, the ones who will be used in marketing, etc. Platforms, technology and a marketing plan that would be a futuristic are necessities here. The purpose of the project proposal is to present the need for a social media marketing strategy for Truffle Café which would help increase the number of customers for the Café.



Speed/thrash metal是朋克文化的混合体,而金属音乐被认为是极快的,以至于它的粗糙和苛刻。与打击乐相结合,这首歌通常有一个非常快的节奏。几乎所有这种金属风格的歌曲都被卷入了宗教争议。有一些代表挑战传统宗教,这些形式的重金属也将争议推入商品,并与之一起销售。这对娱乐重金属乐观众是必要的。例如,正如作家菲利普斯和科根在他们的书中所指出的,“研究重金属音乐的主要问题之一,不仅是音乐家在演奏金属的同时创造了什么,而且是观众如何与音乐互动,以及他们从音乐中创造了什么意义……”[英语泛读材料含义的常识和有时价值被观众与所谓的文化或亚文化资本共享。


比如《铁娘子》的《野兽的数量》(Number of the Beast),专辑封面就描绘了一件牛仔夹克。这种颜色的牛仔夹克被认为是正在成长的金属亚文化的一部分,这是粉丝们可以接触到的东西。因此,在这里创建了亲属关系的价值。专辑封面印在了夹克上,粉丝们也通过穿上它来展示他们的热情。这是一种共同效忠的形式,更像是一种邪教。现在,研究人员认为重金属的作用类似于邪教,尤其是在他们如何推动歌迷通过歌曲中原始的情感与他们联系的问题上。事实上,那些商业化金属的人被称为假金属,他们不受欢迎。另一方面,真正的重金属是利用生动的意象,混合金属的成分如速度和画眉以及不成文的规定也应该受到批评。


Speed/thrash metal was a mix of punk culture, and metal music that was considered as being extremely fast to the point it was abrasive and demanding. Combined with Thrash, there is usually a very fast tempo to the song. Almost all of the songs of this style of metal have been pulled up into religious controversies. There are representations that challenges conventional religion and these form of heavy metals pushed the controversy into merchandise that was sold with them as well. This was necessary to keep the heavy metal audience entertained. For instance, as authors Phillips and Cogan present in their book, “One of the main questions to examine in studying heavy metal is not only what musicians create while playing metal but also how the audience engages with the music and what meanings they create from the music […] common sense of meanings and sometimes values are shared by audiences with what can be called cultural, or subcultural, capital”.

In the case of the Iron Maiden’s ‘Number of the Beast’ for instance, the album cover portrayed a denim jacket. The painted denim jacket is something that was considered as part of the metal subculture that was growing and this was something that a fan audience base would be able to connect with. A shared value of kinship is hence created here. The album cover was printed on jackets and fans also showed their enthusiasm by wearing it. This was a form of shared allegiance, more like a cult. Now it is argued by researchers that heavy metal operated akin to a cult especially in how they pushed fans to connect with them through raw emotions in songs. In fact, those who commercialized metal were called the false metals and they were disliked upon. True Heavy metal on the other hand was one which made use of vivid imagery, the components of mixed metal such as the speed and thrush and in unwritten rules should also invite criticism.





他们想帮助社会中的妇女和女童。她说,用Elsie Elliot的话来说,“大多数孩子,即使是最小的婴儿,由于营养不良和湿热的生活条件,都遭受了巨大的脓疮和皮肤感染。”英国的女传教士有一个独特的理由来中国服务。一般来说,女传教士对中国女性的要求和她们的困境更加敏感。以埃尔西·埃利奥特(Elsie Elliot)为代表的这些传教士更愿意帮助中国妇女所处的恶劣环境。他们想要帮助女学生和学生,并且在反缠足运动中扮演不可或缺的角色。为了减轻人们的痛苦,特别是提高妇女在男权社会中的地位,许多女传教士选择到中国来帮助人民。他们参与教学,提供卫生保健服务和建议,这些都是人口中妇女所独有的。


The Hong Kong Government also asked for the support of the Catholic and the Protestants aid into the nation after Hong Kong was ceded to the British Government. Hong Kong government had its own logistics of operations. They had a unique socio-cultural environment and they wanted the aid of the British government to maintain the current standards. There were unique church-state relations. This helped in building a better rapport with the local government and also was fostered by the British government to improve the perception of the United Kingdom government in the eyes of the people. Hence, the fundamental notion of the British government to send missionaries into the state was altruism, religiosity and to alleviate the suffering of the people. The Hong Kong government wanted the people to live better quality of life and therefore they accepted the offerings of the missionaries into the state. The missionaries from United Kingdom who were chosen to service in China were either Catholics or Protestants. There was a general contention among the people in China that this was an indirect effort by the British governance to bring in cultural imperialism in the nation. Nevertheless, the works of the missionaries in the nation cannot be discounted. Women missionaries in China had different motives.

They wanted to help the women and girl children in the societies. In the words of Elsie Elliot, she stated,“Most of the children, even the tiniest of babies, suffered from enormous boils and skin infections, due to malnutrition and hot and sticky living conditions”. There was a unique reason for the women missionaries of Britain to visit China for services. In general, women missionaries were more sensitive to the Chinese women requirements and their plights. These missionaries represented by Elsie Elliot were more ready to help the harsh surroundings in which Chinese women lived. They wanted to help the girl students and the pupils and were integral in their role of the anti-footbinding movement. There were a number of women missionaries who chose to visit China and help the people in order to alleviate the sufferings of the people esp. improvement of the position of the women in the patriarchal society. They were involved in teaching, providing health care and services and advice that were exclusively required for the women in the population.

































1、 读书破万卷下笔如有神



写作是一种训练,需要日积月累,要坚持每天写点东西,选个话题就可以写,你看到的,听到,有感而发的,或者是你自己编的故事,什么都可以的,贵在坚持。写好的东西,即使是同一个话题,可以写几次,不同的角度,不同的人物,有时候时间来不及,先打个草稿,然后再慢慢雕琢。有条件的话,找个英文好的笔友 (pen pal),让他/她帮忙提提意见反馈,你会提高更快。


避免重复(Eliminate the repetitive word or phrase)

少用陈词滥调 (cliche)



Essay要少用被动语态 (passive voice),多用主动语态(Active voice)


多用日常用语、平易近人的词汇(use simple words)












最近,中國零售市場的投資基金由於新計劃和新發展而迅速增長。資本市場上的基金管理也出現了羊群行為和黑屏現象。傳統上,基金經理費用是由國家規定的。根據這些指示,市場正在對業績變化做出反應,並進一步為中國企業營造了氛圍。 《中華人民共和國證券投資基金法》對通過託管人投資的證券和基金進行管理。基金集中投資資金和託管,由基金經理管理,通過金融工具用於股票、債券和其他投資。最初,證券投資基金制度還制定了一種權力平衡制度,託管由基金管理人管理。因此,基金存在雙重監管。




Recently, investment funds in China’s retail market have grown rapidly owing to new schemes and developments. There are also signs of herd behaviour and black screen being observed in regard to the fund management in the capital markets. Traditionally, the fund manager fee had been regulated from the state. And as per these directives, the market was responding to changes in performance and further built the climate for Chinese businesses. Securities Investment Fund Law of the People’s Republic of China governs the securities and funds invested through custodians. Funds focus investment money and trusteeship through custodians, managed by fund managers for use in stocks, bonds and other investments through financial instruments. Initially, the Securities Investment Fund System also prepared a Balance of Power system where the trusteeship is with custodian and management by fund managers. Therefore, there is dual supervision for fund.

There is no direct intervention from fund custodian and investors once the assets are invested. The supervision is only exercised by attending to congress held by fund. A large number of investors have the opinion that there are many difficulties to unify, and ‘free rider’ phenomenon is very serious. The fees that mutual-fund firms collect for managing portfolios are set as a percentage of fund assets. It is even more likely that a fund firm can link management fees to a fund’s performance versus its benchmark. Could performance or incentive fees enhance returns, or are they just marketing criteria that can persuade investors into purchasing superior management? Theoretically, these incentive fees are good as active managers have additional reason for boosting fund performance. Also, asset managers are paid high percentage the better funds do and low percentage the worse they do.




這將幫助我實現個人和組織目標。 2011年參與人事部團隊招聘新員工的流程;實施人力資源戰略和政策。協助員工完成文件的填寫和進度的準備;對招聘員工的個人信息和個人信息進行分析研究,並對其進行評估。在此期間,我培養了很強的數值分析能力。我知道如何在不考慮工作量和壓力的情況下準確地工作,以及如何在團隊中保持獨立思考。在這個職位上,我主要負責收款、賬目審計以及接待外賓。這段經歷為我提供了一個與各種各樣的人會面的黃金機會,也教會了我如何應對各種緊急情況。我試著對別人表現出熱情友好的態度。


Currently, I am seeking for a job in Finance or Commercial Bank area that would integrate my abilities, my working experiences with the goals of the organization. I have great affections for my major and have acquired plenty of knowledge in relevant with the financial matters, such as securities, banking, investment, and insurance, etc. Therefore, positions or jobs related to back, financial companies or security firms are the top priority choice for me. With a keen interest in market driven affairs and finance, adding the strong sales promotion and communication skills developed from my previous internship and sales experiences, I now want to challenge myself in a competitive environment that will inspire my work potential so as to make good preparations for my future career. I wish to perform my duties in such a manner so that it will provide me a sense of job satisfaction and further lay a pathway for my self-development.

This will help me in achieving both the personal and the organizational goals. Participate in the process of recruiting new employees with the personnel department’s team in 2011; Implement the HR strategies and policies. Assist the employees with documents filling and schedule preparation; Make an analysis and research of the personal details and information on the employees recruited and carry out an assessment of them.During this period of time, I developed strong numerical and analytical skills. I know how to work accurately regardless of workload and pressure and how to maintain an independent thinking while working as a part of the team.In this position, I was mainly responsible for money collecting, and accounts auditing as well as the reception of foreign guests. This period of experience has provided me a golden opportunity to meet with diverse kinds of people and have taught me how to tackle with various emergency situations. I have tried myself to show an enthusiastic and friendly attitude toward others.



在这部分作业中,将对两篇期刊文章进行批判性评价。这两篇不同的期刊文章分别选取了公共利益理论和经济利益集团理论两种不同的理论。这些资料来自CQ大学图书馆。本文所选的第一篇文章是“公共利益理论的(部分)复兴”,由图洛克·g(1984)提出,它与公共利益理论有关。第二篇选题是Winden, F.V.(1999)的《关于利益集团的经济理论:走向政治经济学的一个参考框架》,与经济利益集团理论相关。这些条款将按照评价来源的五项标准进行评估。评价的五个标准是货币、可靠性、覆盖范围、准确性和作者资格。考虑到货币的标准,1984年荷兰的Martinus Nijhoff出版社提供了这些信息。这一年可以被认为是适当的,因为对以前或以前发表的文章没有任何限制。这篇文章的作者是戈登·图洛克。


Gordon Tullock是著名的经济学家,他是乔治梅森大学法学院教授经济和法律的教授。他在将经济思维应用于公共选择理论(Naghi, 2007)这一政治问题上的贡献在整个研究领域都是众所周知的(Naghi, 2007)。当他最初的职业生涯专注于做一名外国商人时,他在《官僚政治》中的理论贡献促成了图洛克与詹姆斯·m·布坎南在弗吉尼亚大学的合作。由于这次合作,Tullock在公共利益理论领域做出了重大贡献,有许多文章将经济理论应用于不同类型的非市场现象,特别关注政治和政府。这说明作者的可信度很高。在结论中也有很高的效度,因为它得到了来自不同作者的几个事实的支持,因此,在写作中,biasness的水平是不太低的(Tullock, 1984)。


In this part of the assignment, a critical evaluation of two journal articles will be conducted. The two different journal articles were selected on two different theories that are Public Interest Theory and Economic Interest Group Theory. The sources have been collected from the CQ University Library. The first article selected is “A (partial) rehabilitation of the public interest theory”, by Tullock G. (1984) that is related to Public Interest Theory. The second article selected is “On the economic theory of interest groups: Towards a group frame of reference in political economics” by Winden, F.V. (1999) that is related to the Economic Interest Group Theory. These articles will be evaluated in accordance with the five standard criteria for evaluation of sources. The five criteria of evaluation are currency, reliability, coverage, accuracy and author credentials. Considering the criteria of currency, the information was made available in the year 1984 by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in Netherlands. The year can be considered appropriate as there was no restriction placed on the coverage of previous or earlier published articles. The author of the article is Gordon Tullock.

Gordon Tullock is well known for his credential as an economist and he was a professor at the George Mason University School of Law teach economics and law. He is well known across the research field for his contributions in applying economic thinking to the issues of politics that is the public choice theory (Naghi, 2007). While his original career focus was on being a foreign trader, his theoretical contribution in “The Politics of Bureaucracy” resulted in Tullock’s collaboration at the University of Virginia with James M. Buchanan. As a result of this collaboration, Tullock has made significant contribution in the area of public interest theory, with a number of articles that apply economic theory to different types of non- market phenomena, having specific focus on politics and the government. This depicts the strong credibility of the author. There is also a high scope of validity in the conclusion drafted, as it has been supported by several facts from different authors, and hence level of biasness in the writing is none too low (Tullock, 1984).



企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility)是指企业为保护环境和社会福利所承担的责任。企业社会责任的概念可能比较模糊,但近年来,对企业社会责任评价的重视程度明显提高。例如,2010年11月,社区商界发表了一篇题为“诚信取胜”的文章。“因此,我们提供了资源和材料,帮助企业衡量它们对社会的影响。企业社会责任对组织有不同的好处(Kotter, 2004)。这包括提高销售水平和市场份额,改善企业形象,降低运营成本,提高投资者和分析师的吸引力,提高吸引、激励和留住员工的能力,加强品牌定位。


企业社会责任的实践和原则可以追溯到很久以前,但是对企业行为的兴趣在20世纪六七十年代的美国有所上升。在此期间,民事监管中实施了很多策略,包括自愿行为准则、社会审计、基于公众利益的决议以及环境绩效。自20世纪90年代以来,人们对企业责任的兴趣已大大增加,值得注意的是,有关这一问题的文章有所增加。超过1000家公司建立了一套已经签署的行为准则,规范了他们的行为(Vogel, 2005)。这包括环境、社会、人权等领域,超过2000家公司已经建立了相关网站。企业的道德和可持续性是由各种趋势所驱动的。


Corporate social responsibility is an expression referring to the responsibility taken by an organization to take care of the effects of the company on the environment and social well-being. The concept of corporate social responsibility may be ambiguous, but in the recent period, a considerable rise in the focus on firms on evaluating the social responsibilities has been experienced. For instance, in November of 2010, the publication by business in the community wrote a piece titled “winning with integrity.” Therefore, resources as well as materials, were provided, which assist companies in measuring the impact they have on the society. Corporate social responsibility has various benefits to the organization (Kotter, 2004). These include improved levels in sales and share of the market, improved corporate image, reduction in operational costs, a rise in the appeal of the investors and analysts, increase of the ability to attract, motivate and retain employees, and strengthened brand positioning.

The practices, as well as the principles of corporate social responsibility date way back, but the interest in the corporate behavior rose in the United States, in the 1960s and 1970s. During this period, a lot of strategies were implemented in civil regulation, and this included code of conduct that was voluntary, social audits, resolutions based on the interest of the public, as well as environmental performance. Since the 1990s, the interest on corporate responsibility has considerably grown, and it is also noteworthy to note the increase in articles on the subject. Corporations exceeding 1000 have established a code of conduct that has been signed, which governs their behavior (Vogel, 2005). This includes areas on their environmental, social, human rights, and more than 2000 firms have established websites on the topic. The corporate ethics and sustainability in organizations are driven by various trends.





这对任何公司的生存都是至关重要的。Hilton Sydney Event Operation是一个处理服务和酒店行业的组织(Slack, 2015)。以前分析过,重要的方面是本组织的服务标准、工作地点、福利、战略和文化。本分析的目的是利用相关的学术理论对当前的实践进行批判性的分析。在此基础上,将拟订建议清单。这将展示需要改进的领域,以及为公司业务运营开发的潜在变化。以此来提高公司的现行标准。将在本报告中列入一个实际的时间线,以便纳入这些方面。


Service standards, culture, workplace and overall strategy of the Hilton Sydney event operation has been discussed in this section. It is important to address the requirement of the consumers and ensure ethical code of conduct in the operations. The report will discuss in detail about how to maintain ethical standards and stay competitive in the current market dynamics. The time line for the operations and the general recommendations has been drawn to address some of the vulnerabilities of the operation. Hospitality industry centres around the service marketing strategy that focuses consumer requirements and environment. In the modern era, the companies such as Hilton Sydney Event needs to manage a number of dimensions are targeted towards consumer satisfaction. They should also ensure that quality standards are maintained.

This is essential for the survival of any company. Hilton Sydney Event Operation is an organization that deals with the service and hospitality sectors (Slack, 2015). It has been previously analysed that the important dimensions are the service standards, work place well-being, strategy and culture of the organization. The purpose of this analysis is to critically analyse these current practices by using the relevant academic theories. From this, the list of recommendations will be developed. This will showcase the areas of improvement, potential changes that are required to be developed for the business operations of the company. From this the ways of improving the current standards of the company. A practical time line to incorporate these aspects will be included in this report.