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  通过英国代写被抓-高层管理层创造稳定团队的重要性,高级管理层必须专注于创建真正的团队。这种高级管理人员的价值体系会对所有人产生涓滴效应。需要关注公司来创建真正的团队(DeVellis, 2016)。公司真正的团队是基于团队成员之间的相互依赖。企业必须推广集体主义的意识形态,而不是专注于代表其商业需求的解决方案。团队成员受到尊重问题的约束。高级管理层必须努力创造一个稳定的成员循环(Kaplan和Flum, 2009)。这是为了创造一个替代品。这是不允许的,也不需要使团队真正相互依赖。专注于为团队成员创造一定的舒适水平将提高生产力。接下来有关英国代写被抓-高层管理层创造稳定团队的重要性分析如下:

  To shift towards the creative organization, the company should focus on to create a platform for lateral thinking. This is primarily concerned with creation of the truth value of the different variables and finding ways to seek out the errors. The lateral thinking is concerned with the movement value of the different systems. The idea-generation is to break into current thinking patterns (Petri and Govern, 2012). These are focussed to be idea-generating tools to search for the newer ideas. The harvested tools are used to ensure value to receive the ideas that are generated from the output. The treatment tools are used for the promotion of the real-world constraints. One technique of creating a creative organization is to choose an object at random and ask people to evaluate the changes (Gerhart and Rynes, 2003). The provocation is the statement that wants to know the reason between knowing right and wrong for the creation of newer ideas. The tools of provocation that is used by the philosophers can be used for the creation of outlandish ideas. The question of “why” must addressed by the companies. These changes that company brings cannot be a simple process. They can be created by a single individual. The company must have a cohesive platform to ensure that all the people work towards the shared objective. The shared objective of the company are to be brought on by the senior management.

  Increase in the transparency and accountability of the process would lead to overall progress. To bring in change, the companies must pay attention to develop the compelling conditions. These are consequential purposes. It is important to be treated as the main job of the leaders. The people must strike a balance between all the stakeholders involved in the process. To attain the required growth of the company, the appropriate person is to be hired for the job. The process of on-boarding is a critical process where a diversity is mandatory in the ways in which the company is changed. The company senior management are to focus on the ways to attain the tasks by creating of meaning interactions. This can be implemented in each process to bring in changes. The company must ensure that a proper reward system is based on the education and information provided to the people. A reinforcement of the changes to the people will improve the productivity of employees. These changes should be enforced by the senior management (Nijstad and De Dreu, 2002). After operating for a considerable amount of time, the company must find ways to create cohesive dynamics and a measurement tools used to measure the changes of the company.

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研究分析发现,17世纪荷兰人的艺术领域非常繁荣。艺术被歌颂,被艺术家用来探索社会的不同意义和元素。1667年,亚伯拉罕·范·贝耶伦创立了宴会静物画。这是社会许多因素的象征。这幅作品是油画油画风格的。这幅画是在洛杉矶县博物馆三楼的Ahmanson大厦发现的。从分析绘画和绘画发现帧的信息是67 1/2×59×4。它还说这幅画来自Ahmanson基金会。从看这幅画,人们发现这幅画是一幅静物画,是一幅盛宴,看起来非常赏心悦目。宴会上有许多美味佳肴,也展示了昂贵的餐具。这张照片最突出的特点之一是鼠标。它最初被关注的时候很有趣。人们认为,老鼠在理解这幅画的整体概念方面发挥了重要作用。由此可以理解,这幅画是食物是社会其他方面的象征。

这是对不同食物的真实写照。最初的理解是,它指向该地区的财富。据了解,创作者曾使用这种风格来代表该地区日益增长的财富和权力。在看这些艺术品时,可以观察到微妙的色彩。有一个轻松的关键因素。银光将所有元素结合在一起,创造出流畅的作品。很明显,艺术家们专注于创造一种风格,这种风格指向财富的本质。有很多因素让我想分析这幅画。通过研究发现,该作品的创作使用了Pronk style life体裁。普罗克风格是这幅浮华绘画的高度写实的写照。这种风格是用来说明财富只是一种表象,在社会中拥有财富没有真正的意义。它用来表示财富的不同方面和财富的肤浅。


It was found from research analysis that in the 17th Century the field of Art was thriving amongst the Dutch. Art was celebrated and was used by the artists to explore the different meanings and elements of the society. Similar to this ideology the Banquet Still Life 1667, was created by Abraham Van Beyeren. This was a symbolization of many elements in the society. The art work is oil in painting canvas style. This painting was found in Ahmanson Building, floor 3 of the LA county Museum. From analyzing the painting and the information about the painting it was found that the frame was 67 1/2 × 59 × 4 in. It also stated that the painting was from Ahmanson foundations. From looking at the painting, it was found that the painting was a still life painting of a feast and it looked very pleasing to the eyes. There was a number of delicacies in the feast and also showcased a costly table ware. One of the standout feature n the picture was the mouse. It was intriguing when it was initially focused upon. It was felt that the mouse played an important role in understanding about the concept of the picture as a whole. It could be understood from this that the painting was that the food was a symbolization of other aspects of the society.

It was a very realistic portrayal of the different foods. It was initially understood that it pointed towards the wealth of the region. It was also understood that the creator had used this style to represent the rising wealth and power in the region. There was subtle coloring that could be observed while looking at the artworks. There was a light key element. There was silver light that unifies all the elements and creates a smooth flow of the works. It was evident that the artists had focused on creation of a style those points to the nature of wealth. There were a number of elements that made me want to analyze about the picture. From research, it was found that the Pronk style life genre was used for creation of this artwork. Pronk Style is a highly realistic portrayal of the ostentatious painting. This style is used to elucidate that wealth is only a façade and there is no real meaning in having wealth in the societies. It is used to denote the different aspects of wealth and the superficiality of wealth.



如果捐助国或受援国在捐赠毒品的过程中不考虑上述关键原则,这些捐赠不仅是无用的,而且会给受援国带来问题。首先,如果捐赠的药物不符合国家的需要,就会使国家的制药公司的情况变得更糟(Kevin, 2009)。其次,一些捐赠并不考虑捐赠的药物数量。因此,过量的药物会导致特定药物的积压。管理人员在处理这些过量的药物方面面临困难。第三,医院从不使用捐赠的药物。他们的医生对这种药物的用法和不良反应没有任何经验。他们不能给病人发放这些药物,所以这些药物被浪费了。第四,如果药品质量不符合标准,可能会对患者的健康造成不利影响。此外,如果上述标准都达到了,但是这些药物的保质期不足,那么它们对制药公司、政府或医院仍然没有任何用处。他们将不得不抛弃它们。


If drug donors or recipients do not consider the above key principles in the process of drug donation, these donations will not be only useless rather it will create problems in the recipient country. Firstly, if the donated drugs are not in compliance with the need of country, they will make the situation worse for pharmaceutical companies of the country (Kevin, 2009). Secondly, some donations are not considerate towards the amount of medication donated. Therefore, excessive amounts of drugs result in a backlog of specific drugs. The managers face difficulty in dealing with these excessive amounts of medications. Thirdly, the hospital never uses some types of donated medications. Their doctors have no experiences about the usage and untoward effects of the specific drugs. They cannot issue these medicines to patients so these medications are wasted. Fourthly, if the quality of drugs does not meet the standard they may adversely affect the health of patients. Moreover, if all the above criteria are being fulfilled, but the drugs have insufficient shelf life, they will still be of no use to the pharmaceutical companies, government or hospitals. They will have to discard them.

The question, here, arises that who is actually responsible for managing and observing principles of the above discussed principles of drug donations in a country. Huebner (2013) emphasizes that government has responsibility of supporting the donations of drugs, instead of pharmaceutical companies. According to the special nature of medicines, only the government can strictly control the production, distribution, storage, transport and other sectors. Hence the government should choose and buy the medications from the pharmaceutical companies. Next, send diverse types of medications to the different disaster area. The research also shows that pharmaceutical companies are business entities. They need income as other businesses to cover costs of material and production but in case they conduct donations. These should be non-profit. They have no relationship with the liability of provision of drugs in the areas which lack proper medication. It means that the manufacturers of pharmaceutical companies can choose whether they donate the medications by themselves. Therefore, the pharmaceutical companies have no responsibility to forcibly support the essential medications to the poor area and some places.






America and Britain understood the need for the nations to form a united front to deal with the rising communism in the nations. The growth of the Soviet was threatening the governance in these nations. US and Britain had coordinated to form the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) alliance. United States had used the aid granted to the United Kingdom to move towards the agenda that would best suit the interest of United States. This was the starting point for the relationships between Britain and United States to become more strained. President Eisenhower presidential term of 1952 caused the relationship to be be further strained. The lowest point in the relationship between the two nations was observed in 1920. Nevertheless, these two nations continued to try and maintain good relations. Particularly the handing of the Eden-Dulles relationship during this time, is considered to be the example of the straining relationships between these two nations.

There were sharp disagreements between the nations during this time. The roots of this disagreement had stemmed in 1942 and was known publicly during the Yoshida letter in 1952. The policy dispute was due to the personal and temperamental differences between the member nations. The main issue was the ideological differences in policy that was pronounced because of the Eden-Dulles relationship. The mutual trust and understanding between Britain and United States which pronounced during this time was found to worsen during this situatio. To explain this issue further, the San Francisco Conference in 1950 and the Peace treaty signed by Japan have been probed in detail in the following.







Expected gains can be increased in this manner. On the other hand, as per the article, the random-walks theory depicts that the price level future pathway related to security is nothing much predictable in nature. This has been compared to the cumulated random numbers series path. In terms of statistics, the theory states that successive changes in price have independence (Fama, 1965). This independence comes forward in the variables with random identical distribution. This implies most simply that the price series and the changes do not have any memory.


This further means that what has occurred in the past cannot be utilized for prediction of the future in any meaningful manner. This is the reason why favour in the article is given to the random walks theory of stock prices. The random walks theory within the prices of stock involves 2 distinct hypotheses. First is successive changes in prices has independence and secondly, the changes in price have conformance to certain distribution of probability. The hypothesis has been discussed in this article independently. When reading the paper, there is clarity on the fact that the paper has offered enormous and strong support for random walk hypothesis. However, within business and research by economists, it is not possible for one to claim that a hypothesis has been established without any doubt (Fama, 1965). Always there are more tests that can be done either tending towards hypothesis validity confirmation or previously obtained results opposition. Within the final paper paragraphs, the paper indulged in suggesting certain directions for future research.



所选的文章是关于股票市场价格在《商业杂志》上发表的. 本节描述了这篇祖父文章的概要,并提供了对知识主体如何在该领域做出贡献的评估。本文在本质上具有高度的描述性,其目的在于探讨理论的随机游走模型。关键是测试模型的实证效度。本文的基本结论解释了信息的一致性以及对使用该模型的更强烈支持(Fama, 1965)。本文认为,作为经验自然的证据,有利于随机漫步模型,但现在模型仍然是巨大的。文章的知识体系通过对这一领域的贡献大大增加了。


多年来,这篇文章提出了一种解决办法,一直存在争议。这一争议是在以往的股票一般价格的历史范围内,可以用来预测未来股票价格的有意义的性质。这个问题的答案要么是由图表分析师提供的理论,要么是通过随机漫步理论。这篇文章指出,尽管有各种不同的宪章理论,但仍然有更相似和普遍的假设(Fama, 1965)。所有这些都假设,以前的安全成本行为在预测未来行为方面具有丰富的数据。在以往的成本行为中,一些模式和历史会导致重复本身,历史成本也会在未来出现。因此,通过价格图表的仔细分析,可以开发出这种模式的理解。这可以用来预测未来的价格行为。


The article selected is Fama, E.F., (1965) on the behaviour of stock-market prices published in the journal of Business, 38(1), pp.34-105. This section describes a synopsis of this grandfather article along with providing assessment of how the body of knowledge has contributed in the field.
The paper is highly descriptive in nature and its purpose lies in discussing the random walk model underlying theory. The key was also testing the empirical validity of the model. The essential conclusion of this paper explains that information has shown consistency as well as stronger support for using this model (Fama, 1965). The paper suggests that as evidence of empirical nature is produced in favour of the random-walk model, but still the model now is hefty.


The article’s body of knowledge has added tremendously through its contribution to the field. For various years, a controversy remained for which the article offered a solution. The controversy was on the range previous history of a general price of stock can be used for making predictions of meaningful nature with regard to future stock price. This question had been answered either through theories provided by chartists or through the random walk theories. The article states that even though there are various distinct chartist theories, all the more similar and general assumption is still made in them (Fama, 1965). All of them are the assumption that the previous security cost behaviour has data rich in predicting behaviour in the future. Within the previous cost behaviour are some patterns and history results in repeating itself, the historical cost comes forward in the future as well. Therefore, by price charts careful analysis, an understanding can be developed of such patterns. This can be used for predicting prices behaviour in future.









