标签存档: 英国论文代写推荐











  4、方法论(methodology or method)即定性或定量的分析方法。定性:比较简单,可能是调查问卷或二手资料属于经验性的论证方法。定量:比较难因为要用软件做分析数据如:SPSS、STATA、MATLAB.

  5、分析结果及结论和建议(Analysis conclusion Recommendation)即得出结果。需要有权威性的根据与理论来证明,主要是通过上面的method发现了什么?并总结自己的看法与建议。






















  有些做法则比较隐蔽,如将该引在引言中的,把它引到讨论中。这就将原本是你论文的基础或先导,放到和你论文平起平坐的位置。又如 科研工作总是逐渐深人发展的,你的工作总是在前人工作基石出上发展起来做成的。




  论文——参考文献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。



Storey認為,大眾文化是從工業革命的城市化進程中演變而來的(Storey, 2006)。大眾文化一直與窮人和他們的低教育水平聯繫在一起。在前現代社會,娛樂和文化活動是日常生活的過去(Storey, 2006)。人們的生活已轉入工業化階段。農業不再是一種基本的生活方式。對莎士比亞戲劇的研究(如魏曼、巴伯或布里斯托爾等人的研究)顯示了文藝復興時期通俗文化的特點(羅伯特,2007)。因此,大眾文化並不是人類學研究的主題,它也被用於大眾傳媒、文化研究、社會學、歷史學、文學等領域。由於工業革命,人民的生活水平發生了變化。由於技術變革,通訊和運輸領域出現了新的革新。這也導致了工作方式和工作類型的改變。工業革命帶來了希望、創新和變化(Storey, 2006)。慾望和生活水平可以提高。隨著交通和通訊的改善,它給人們的生活帶來了重大的變化。在工業革命之前,人們不能遠行。然而,隨著蒸汽機的發明,人們可以方便快捷地去不同的地方旅行。
有了交通設施,更快的消息傳遞也可能成為可能。信息可以通過旅行的嘴來傳遞,電報和電話的發明也有很大的幫助。電話和電報被認為是最快和最可靠的通信方式。工業化也影響了人們的生活方式和生活水平。生活水平得到了極大的提高,因為人們可以花錢來滿足自己的慾望。它也帶來了繁榮,因為人們可以買得起自己的工具和電器。甚至,處於社會最底層的人們的生活水平也發生了變化。新文化是由人們發展起來的,舊文化被拋在了後面。因此,可以說,工業革命對文化的變化負有很大的責任,也對社會的變化作出了貢獻。流行文化是在一定的社會秩序下分析和描述流行的風俗、信仰、品味、娛樂(McRobbie, 1994)。也可以說,大眾文化是群眾文化與被組織起來的精英文化的對立。


According to Storey, the popular culture has been evolved from the urbanization of Industrial revolution (Storey, 2006). The popular culture has been associated with poor people and their poor education level. In the pre modern societies, entertainment and cultural activities were the past of everyday life (Storey, 2006). The life of people had been shifted to the phase of industrialization. Agriculture was no more a basic way of living. The studies of the drama written by Shakespeare (by Weimann, Barber or Bristol, for example) display the characteristics of the Renaissance popular culture (Robert, 2007). Thus popular culture is not the subject of anthropological studies, but it is also used in mass media, cultural studies, sociology, history, literature, etc. The standard of living of the people had changed due to the industrial revolution. There were new innovations in the field of communication and transportation as the result of technological changes. This also resulted in changing the way of working and also the types of jobs. The industrial revolution brought hopes, innovations and changes (Storey, 2006). The desires and living standard could be increased. As the transportation and communication improved, it brought major changes in people’s lives. Before industrial revolution, people could not travel far. However, with the invention of steam engine, people could travel to different places easily and in a faster way.
With transportation facilities, faster messaging could also become possible. The messages could be delivered by mouth through travelling and also the invention of telegraph and telephones helped greatly. The telephones and telegraphs were considered as the faster and most reliable way of communication. Industrialization also impacted the way of living and living standard. The standard of living was highly increased as people could spend to afford their desires. It also brought prosperity, as people could afford their personal tools and appliances. Even, the people at lowest point of social had changes in their standard of living. The new culture was developed by people and the old one was left behind. Thus it can be said the industrial revolution has been responsible greatly for the cultural change and has also contributed in social change. Popular culture is the analysis and description of the popular customs, beliefs, tastes, entertainment with the given social order (McRobbie, 1994). It can also be said that popular culture is the culture of masses against the culture of elites that have been organized.





The Western world is full of people, who love shopping and want disposable clothing. The first hand consumer of the clothes does not even know that the cheap goods such as made in China, which they are using, will be sold again after being discarded. Through charities and companies of recycling goods, people are handling more and more clothes, which will bring profit to sellers and middle men, while they will not offer any profit people, who have been involved on different stages of production and manufacturing.These clothes are collected through shops, donation banks, collecting bags etc, and are shipped to new consumers. Almost half of the clothes that are thrown away or discarded are sending to a new home instead of sending to an incineration plant. Some of the people would argue that instead of sending clothes to a recycling company, it is better to give clothes a new life. But Brooks argued in his book that the donors do not even realize that their cast offs are not handed over to charity but are traded and sent to be resold for profits.
The most people come cross the second hand clothing is at the second hand stores of high streets. Brooks has shown his disappointment towards this well established exploitive business that has become a global trade. He further argues that the innovative clothing projects promote the entrepreneurs of Africa but it is suspected to increase the Poverty in the region. With this argument he agrees the poverty is alleviating. He also seems to be disappointed with the fair and ethical trade initiatives, pointing towards the authenticity of the development practices. This states that the global capital accumulation requires innovation in different sectors instead of concentrating on few sector or few places. The globalization should enrich the places where poverty is the major issue and people are getting exploited. Brooks has offered a wide area of research and wide examination of the issue, so that readers would understand the variety of subjects. But, more detailed and systematic research is required for the less known aspects of World globalization.



作者不仅关注了澳大利亚经济的问题,还提出了中国经济的问题,这使得比较语境更容易绘制(Sydney Morning Herald, 2016)。适当的事实和数字,例如债务水平上升的百分比和上升的时间,也得到充分的说明。作者将增长归因于抵押贷款债务,在这一点上,也有必要将面临这些问题的类似国家的变化纳入讨论范围。作者没有把这样的例子放在上下文中。“历史告诉我们,在经济上升时期,人们很容易低估与私人债务相关的风险”,因此没有得到支持(悉尼先驱晨报,2016)。如果这篇文章包含了一些实际的历史例子,它本可以更具示范意义。债务在GDP中所占的比重及其影响是本书所涉及的宏观经济理论。它导致总经济负债增加的方式将大部分讨论置于宏观经济背景下(OECD, 2012)。
虽然总经济债务利率将基于不同形式的内部投资和稳定阶段,国家的经济发展是在澳大利亚等国家成功地获得它的GDP值,即使现在争取更稳定,它可能发生,债务使形势脆弱的要求积极的行动。这篇文章太短了,虽然触及了一些关键点,但似乎没有详细讨论,也没有举例说明。企业、政府和个人都受到了影响,因为他们必须在短期内偿还到期贷款,还必须解决金融业管理问题,以吸收冲击。债务状况肯定会把这个国家推入借款人的境地。借款人最终将把资产作为抵押,但在债务价值不断上升的背景下,即便是这样的尝试,也可能无法阻止全面爆发危机的发生。在一个小的黄金市场,一个小的冲击,可能成为金融危机(OECD, 2012)。澳大利亚市场的危机将带来更可怕的后果。


The author does not focus only on the issues for the Australian economy, but rather also presents the issues for the Chinese economy which makes it easier to draw comparative contexts (Sydney Morning Herald, 2016). The presentation of proper facts and figures such as the percentage at which the debt levels have risen and the time within which they have risen are also presented adequately. Author attributes the increase to mortgage debt at which point it is also necessary to bring into discussion context, the changes that are incorporated by similar countries which faced these issues. Author does not bring such examples into context. Quotes such as “History has taught us that it is very easy to underestimate the risks associated with private debt during the upswing”, hence does not find support (Sydney Morning Herald, 2016). The article could have been more exemplary if it had included some of the actual historical examples. Debt as a share of GDP and its effects is the macroeconomic theory that is addressed in the work. The way that it results in the increase of total economic liability puts most of the discussion in the macroeconomic context (OECD, 2012).
While total economy debt rates would differ based on the form of internal investments and development to stability stage the country’s economy is in countries such as Australia which just about managed to gain its GDP value and even now strives for more stability, it could happen that the debts make the situation vulnerable asking for proactive action.The article is too short and although it touches base on the key points, it does not seem to discuss them in detail or with an example.Firms, Governments and individuals are affected here, as they have to pay back loans in short due repayment, and also address financial sector management so as to absorb shocks. The situation of debt would definitely push the country into a situation of borrowers. Borrowers will end up putting assets as their collateral, but in the context of increasing debt value even such an attempt might not stop the occurrence of a full blown crises. A small shock in a small prime market, could become a financial crisis (OECD, 2012). A crisis in the Australian market would have more dire consequences.



血红素组的一些蛋白辅因子在可见范围内表现出吸光度。在肽基和芳香残基的情况下,它们被发现是不对称结构的一部分。它们在类似于折叠蛋白的不对称环境中被固定。有偏振光,被发现被吸收在不同的程度之间的左和右手组。这也被称为循环二色性。这可以在蛋白质的紫外光谱中看到。在核酸的情况下,在240到275纳米区域之间有很强的光吸收。在碱基的嘧啶和嘌呤环系统中观察到一个跃迁。它们对pH敏感。在中性pH条件下,鸟苷的最大吸收范围为253 nm到胞苷的271 nm。


Some of the protein cofactors of the heme groups are found to show absorbance in the visible range. In the case of the peptide groups and aromatic residues they are found to be a part of the asymmetric structure. They are immobilized in the asymmetric environment similar to the folded proteins. There are the polarized lights that are found to be absorbed in different extents between the left and the right handed groups. This is also known as circular dichroism. This is seen in the UV spectrum of proteins. In the case of nucleic acids there is a strong absorbance of the light between the regions of 240 to 275 nm. There is a transition that is observed in the pyrimidine and the purine ring systems of the nucleobases. These are sensitive to the pH. In the case of neutral pH the absorption maxima range is found to be between 253 nm (in the guanosine) to 271 nm (in the cytidine).
This shows that the polymeric chains of the DNA have a strong absorbance towards the light at around 260 nm. In the case of the nucleic acid the denaturation is considered to occur when the DNA of the compound in the case of high temperatures becomes separated from double bonds to single bonds. This process is observed during the polymerization chain reaction. When the double stranded DNA becomes a single stranded then the DNA is considered to be denatured. DNA has the bases stacked in a strong hydrophobic core of the double helix structure. The absorbance is considered to be decreased when compared to the single stranded DNA. This is found to be even more relevant in the case of oligonucleotides. This phenomenon of the DNA is defined as hypochromism. This is used for the melting of the DNA and the double helices.


創建一個具有社會包容性的城市所面臨的主要挑戰已解釋如下。從各個方面來看,基礎設施領域都在增長。近年來也觀察到收入方面存在著相當大的差距(Durand-Lasserve和Royston, 2002)。城市中存在著巨大的收入差距,這導致了負面效應的螺旋式上升。以馬拉維為例,這些國家的經濟增長和城市化水平都很高(Mitchell, 2003)。這種增長並不相同。這導致了一種範式,即社會中的人們沒有真正的增長。巨大的收入差距導致人們居住在根本不適宜居住的地區。
在利潤豐厚的領域有不斷的發展,而在其他領域幾乎沒有發展。這就導致了內城的人們無法獲得基本的設施,導致了人們的問題(Zeleza-Manda, 2009)。發達地區的人口繼續增長。另一方面,受壓迫地區的人民沒有發展的空間。即使是在監測支持的情況下,也有一些系統性的問題需要解決,以建立一個包容的國家。僅僅把錢投入運營是不夠的。應該有一個更全面的計劃,解決問題的根源和系統中的隱性偏見。這一點在消除貧民區貧困的BMGF努力中得到了清楚的體現。


Key challenges that exist in the creation of a socially inclusive city have been explained in the following. Across the spectrum there has been growth in many areas of infrastructure. There is also a considerable gap in the income that has been observed in the recent times (Durand-Lasserve and Royston, 2002). There is significant income gap in the cities that leads to the negative spiralling of effects. In the case of Malawi there have been high levels of growth and urbanization in the societies (Mitchell, 2003). This growth is not found to be the same. This has led to the paradigm where there is no real growth to the people in the societies. There is a considerable income gap that has led to the people to live in areas that are simply not habitable.
There is constant development in the lucrative areas and literally no development in the other areas. This leads to a situation where the people in the inner cities do not have access to the basic facilities and leads to issues of the people (Zeleza-Manda, 2009). The people in the developed areas continue to grow. On the other hand the people in the downtrodden areas have no place to develop. Even in the case of monitory support there are the systemic issues that should be addressed to create an inclusive state. Mere pumping of the money into the operations will not suffice. There should be a more holistic plan that would address the roots of the issues and implicit bias in the systems. This was clearly shown in the BMGF efforts taken to eradicate poverty in the slum areas.










这位摄影师开始为杂志《Sassy》工作,在商业背景下表演摄影,以改善她的艺术生涯。许多名人的画像被完成。她的专业是基于计算机技术开发的肖像画和绘画效果(Merola, 2010)。摄影师说她的肖像受到了商业摄影的影响。2011年,她开发了一系列玻璃天花板,包括水下拍摄。游泳者被纳入同步方式和摄影被放置在卡尔弗市游泳池。格林伯格在2012年出版了一本书,里面有马的照片,书名为《马》(Wacadlo et al, 2007)。摄影棚是用马环建成的,用于摄影。紧随其后的是2014年的加拿大摄影展《马》。这名摄影师的艺术风格被定义为独特的审美与创新,以及独特的空灵背光。
她最初的网站是以20世纪80年代德国摄影杂志为基础命名的机械手(Merola, 2010)。她的工作和她的职业生涯都集中在女权主义的问题上,就像最近的《玻璃天花板》(Glass Ceiling)系列源自她拍摄的商业广告,在广告中,游泳队的高跟鞋描绘了性的元素,同时还限制了她们的能力。格林伯格开发的另一个系列在2006年受到了一定程度的争议。这项工作的风格是在一个超特写的孩子们的脸,表现出高度痛苦的情绪。这些照片的目的是反映基督教原教旨主义和布什政府在美国(Wacadlo et al, 2007)的挫折。


The photographer had started working for the magazine named Sassy in performing photography in commercial context in improving her artistic career. A major number of portraits were completed on the celebrities. Her specialty is based on portraiture and painting effects developed by the technology of computer (Merola, 2010). It is stated by the photographer that her portraits were influenced by the commercial photography. There was a series of Glass Ceiling developed by her in the year of 2011 involving below water shooting. Swimmers were included in synchronized manner and the photography was placed in the Culver City pool.A book was published in the year of 2012 by Greenberg containing photographs of horses and it was named Horse (Wacadlo et al, 2007). The photo studio was built with the usage of horse rings for the purpose of photography. This was followed by the Canadian exhibition containing photography from Horse in the year of 2014. An artistic style of this photographer is defined to be distinct and aesthetic with innovation along with distinct ethereal backlighting.
Her initial website was branded by the name of The Manipulator on the basis of photography magazine from 1980s Germany (Merola, 2010). Her work along with the career was focused on the issues of feminism, as the recent Glass Ceiling series derived from the commercial shoot she undertook, wherein the swim team had high heels depicting the element of sexuality along with hampered ability. Another series was developed by Greenberg that was subjected to controversy to an extent in the year of 2006. This work was styled in a hyper close-ups of the children faces that showed highly distressed emotions. The photographs were aimed to reflect the frustration with the Christian Fundamentalism along with the administration of Bush within United States (Wacadlo et al, 2007).