标签存档: 英国论文代写推荐



在分析英国电信目前的经营策略时,选择了波特给出的一般策略,并在此基础上进行讨论,探索英国电信公司的经营策略。是英国电信集团Plc的主要运营子公司。这家公司的目的在于利用通讯的力量让这个世界变得更美好。公司的目标是不断增长的商业电信能够提供可持续的收入增长利润。这里的策略在于扩大和深化与客户的关系(Hoque 2003)。组织的文化在于成为一个健康组织,在这个组织中,每个业务操作都以独特的方式进行,但又相互协作。英国电信的主要目标之一是强调和改进质量,为客户提供良好的服务。这家公司非常热衷于帮助客户。英国电信希望拥有先进、灵活和卓越的系统,帮助公司获得成功和成就(Hitt等,2012年)。BT的目的在于为客户提供良好的体验,降低BT改造成本。

公司拥有灵活的产品和服务,包括宽带、电视、捆绑服务、电话、移动电话、网络服务、信用卡和商店(Hill et al 2014)。有许多重要的特性使公司能够在竞争中脱颖而出,并在顾客心中增加了有价值的印象。英国电信当前战略的关键要素包括削减成本、增加英国电信核心业务的收入和减少借款(Johnson et al 2008)。在这一战略中,关键的收购将被长期排除在外。英国电信战略的核心是宽带。BT对基于web的服务提供商大幅降低了互联网批发价格(Govindarajan等,1992年)。公司还决定利用MMO2网络为企业客户提供BT品牌下的移动服务。该公司的战略还使公司致力于促进公司管理风格的变化(投手2004)。


For analysing BT’s current business strategy, Generic strategies given by Porter have been selected and discussion has been framed over them to explore the business strategy of BT. The organization, British Telecommunications Plc. is BT Group Plc’s principal operating subsidiary. The purpose of this company lies in using the communication power for making this world a better place. The goal of the company lies in growing business telecommunications to be able to deliver sustainability in terms of revenue growth profit. The strategy here lies in broadening and deepening the relationships with customers (Hoque 2003). The culture of the organization lies in being a health organization in which each business operation takes place uniquely but collaboratively.One of the main aims behind BT lies in emphasizing and improving over the aspects of quality and providing good service to customers. The company is quiet keen to help the customers. BT desires for an advanced, flexible and brilliant systems that help the company gain success as well as achievements (Hitt et al 2012). The intention of BT lies in developing good experience to its customers and ease out the BT transformation cost.

The company has flexible products and services inclusive of broadband, television, bundles, phone, mobile, web services, credit cards and shops (Hill et al 2014). There are various essential features that have allowed the company to distinguish itself from competition along with adding a valuable perception in the customers’ mind.The key elements of the current strategy of BT are inclusive of cutting costs, increasing the revenues in core UK businesses of BT and decreasing borrowings (Johnson et al 2008). Within this strategy, the key acquisitions in turn are ruled out for long term. The central plank of BT’s strategy is broadband. Wholesale internet prices have been reduced by BT at a substantial rate for web based service providers (Govindarajan et al 1992). The company took the decision of also offering business customers with mobile services under the brand of BT by using the network of MMO2. The company’s strategy also has engaged the company to foster changes in the company’s management style (Pitcher 2004).


本文討論了近十年來有關新媒體實踐理論在幾種技術模式、交互狀態和生產上的爭論。這些領域相互重疊,並延伸到多個社會層面,包括組織和個人的媒體相關實踐。媒體人類學家也將實踐理論化,並將其用於對文化理論家社會實踐的大量知識研究的方法論上(Telo, 2013)。然而,正如文章中所示,與實踐相關的研究重新得到了關注,而這種關注在一定程度上是由新實用主義者推動的,如吉爾茨(Geertz)、奎恩(Quine)、普特南(Putnam)、羅蒂(Rorty)和米德(Mead)。在1970年至1980年期間,當研究人員試圖將實踐作為一種社會過程聯繫起來時,這樣的行動加快了速度。這種聯繫是在個人基礎上採取行動,以便將機構從結構障礙中解放出來的同時作出的。

在這種實用主義的框架下,實踐理論被公認為是在部分基礎上克服二分法和學科上的分歧,為擺脫苦苦掙扎的代理結構提供了一條出路。這種結構表現為製度結構或物質結構與主體的能動和客體的分離。 Ortner使用實踐理論這個術語來描述文章中明顯的這種趨勢。本文通過幾個案例研究作為概念來解釋這一點,例如,一群角度。該案例有助於理解與需要參與的創造性項目的廣泛條件建議相反的結果。這部名為《天使的蜂群》的電影是由數碼企業家馬特·漢森(Matt Hanson)推廣的電影基地項目。這個案例揭示了這個建立的目的,即建立一個以科幻小說為核心的開源科幻小說協作開發電影社區。因此,重新定義電影製作過程的合作行動被視為最終產品的關鍵(Telo, 2013)。


The article discusses the previous decade related researches that have seen more arguments over practices theory used in new media drawn over several technology modes, interactive state as well as production. Such areas have overlapped and have been stretched across several society levels inclusive of media related practices for organizations as well as individuals. Anthropologists of media have also theorized practice and have used it for drawing methodologically over a large knowledge research on cultural theorist’s social practices (Telo, 2013). However, as illustrated in the article, there has been renewed focus on research related to practice that has been fuelled partly through neo-pragmatists such as Geertz, Quine, Putnam, Rorty and Mead. Such move collected speed during 1970-1980 when researchers tried connecting practices as a social process. This connection was made alongside actions taken on individual basis so as to lead towards liberating agency from structural barriers.

Within such framework of pragmatism, theory of practice is acknowledged as overcoming dichotomies on partial basis and divides over disciplines to provide a way out of the struggling agency structure. This structure is apparent as a division between institutional structures or material and subjects’ agency as well as objects. Ortner utilized the term practice theories for describing such a trend evident in the article. The article explains this by using several case studies as concepts, for example, A Swarm of angles. The case helps in understanding the results in contrast with the wide conditions proposal for creative projects requiring participation. This film, the Swarm of Angels, was a film bases project promoted through Matt Hanson, regarded as a digital entrepreneur. This case reveals the aim of this set up which remained in building a community for open source science fiction collaborative development movie with science fiction at its core. Collaborative action for redefining processes of production in filmmaking was henceforth regarded as essential as the finalize product (Telo, 2013).




管理局也没有明确的目标,以促进和保护加拿大采掘组织的海外业务,因为其记录不良,跟踪效率低下。CIDA促成了CIIEID的更新,CIIEID是一种支持工业界的工具,但协议明确指出,由于所涉及的费用,捐款不足。管理局不谋求减少贫穷,而只是致力于促进采掘工业的增长。考虑到加拿大政府提供的开办资金是官方发展援助(官方发展援助),国际开发援助或现在称为加拿大全球事务必须符合加拿大官方发展援助责任法。该法案规定官方发展援助应通过考虑贫困人口为减贫作出贡献,并保持与全球人权标准的一致性(Blackwood et al . 2012, 217-45)。


The scope of this essay lies in identifying strengths and weaknesses with regard to the argument that Canada’s development agency’s involvement with the industry of mining lies in achieving their goals of development or not. The issues considered throughout the discussion will further be inclusive of sustainable development and poverty patterns.There are so many issues that even the associations in the industry admit the issue in an effective manner. According to the opponents, Canadian government has created a poor tool for furthering the Canadian mining company’s interests when taking operations internationally (Brown 2012, 340-358). While the communities affected through mining, their representative firms as well as governments certainly can advantage from independent expertise academically, the Canadian International agency for development does not provide independent recommendations. Neither does the authority have more credibility considering the vested interest of Canadian government.

The authority also does not have a stated goal to promote and protect the Canadian extractive organizations overseas operations due to its poor record for tracking inefficiently. The CIDA led towards renewing CIIEID which was a tool to support the industry however the agreement clear stated that contribution has been inadequate due to the expenses involved. The authority does not seek to reduce poverty rather only engages in promoting the growth of extractive industry. Considering that the start-up funds from Canadian Government is ODA (Official development assistance), it is essential for CIDA or now known as the Canadian global affair to be in conformance to the ODA accountability act of Canada. Such act leads towards stipulating that ODA should contribute towards reduction of poverty by taken into consideration the poor people and remain in consistency with global standards for human rights (Blackwood et al 2012, 217-45).



绩效管理是指为了达到组织绩效的高度而对员工和团队进行成功管理的过程。属于业绩管理范畴的活动旨在监测各项目标的完成情况。绩效管理可以看作是组织、员工、部门或生产过程绩效的衍生。每个部门对于一个组织的发展都是至关重要的(Banker, Potter & Srinivasan, 2015)。因此,必须考虑组织中性能管理的大量步骤。在给定的案例研究中,RealFit的区域销售经理Lee应该制定一份绩效管理计划,以应对公司最近销售中的缺陷。本报告涉及对组织有益的绩效管理计划、组织政策和目标(Boile et al., 2016)。在给定的案例研究中,RealFit被认为是健身中心、健身房和健身俱乐部的主要设备供应商。公司在相关行业的业绩表现良好,市场占有率不断提高。

公司的战略目标是通过采用低成本的战略、推荐、重复销售和新客户来实现20%的利润增长(Burney & Widener, 2013)。为了为企业提供一个新的运营领域,RealFit正寻求利用私人销售和家庭使用设备的供应。本组织为实现这些愿望制订了一项艰巨的战略,其中包括组成一个由15名销售代表组成的小组。向销售代表提供销售激励,销售经理直到完全了解组织的运营和文化后才开始执行绩效管理流程(De Waal 2013)。通过案例分析,可以清晰地理解RealFit的战略和运营计划。组织目标的差异可能需要一个绩效管理计划来实现为私人销售市场和国内用途开发健身器材供应的目标(Goetsch & Davis, 2014)。


Performance management is a process which is directed towards successful management of employees and teams for reaching the heights of organizational performance. Activities which come under the shade of performance management are aimed at monitoring the completion of objectives. Performance management can be considered as a derivative of performance of organization, employee, department or the manufacturing process. Each sector is crucial for the development of an organization (Banker, Potter & Srinivasan, 2015). Hence it is imperative to consider prolific steps for performance management in an organization. In the given case study, the district sales manager for RealFit, Lee, is supposed to formulate a performance management plan in event of the recent drawbacks in sales of the company. This report deals with a performance management plan, organizational policies and objectives which can be beneficial to the organization (Boile et al., 2016). In the given case study, RealFit is known as a leading equipment supplier for fitness centres, gyms and health clubs. The company’s performance in the concerned sector has shown promising indicators such as a continuously increasing market share.

The company’s strategy is targeted towards achieving a 20% increase in profits by applying cost efficient strategies, referrals, repeat sales and new customers (Burney & Widener, 2013). In an attempt to provide a new domain of operation to the business, RealFit is looking to tap into supply of equipment for private sales and home use. The organization prepared a formidable strategy to fulfil these aspirations which included the formation of a team of 15 sales representatives. Sales representatives were provided with sales incentives and the sales manager did not embark on a performance management process until he was completely aware of the organization’s operations and culture (De Waal 2013). The strategy and operational plan of RealFit can be clearly apprehended from the given case study. The difference in the objective of the organization might need a performance management plan to achieve the goal of tapping into the supply of fitness equipment for private sales market and domestic purpose (Goetsch & Davis, 2014).



在加纳,水质和供水问题仍然是政府关注的关键领域。由于全国各地水的短缺和质量低下,该国主要地区的供水问题仍然存在。在快速城市化和人口增长的帮助下,经济的增长给现有的满足市民需求的配水系统带来了严重的压力。目前的水资源无法满足人们对洁净水的需求。该国许多地区的供水问题已导致严重的环境和健康问题。成龙,一个。,2013年。水传播疾病对加纳人民构成重大威胁。该国报告的大多数死亡,特别是儿童死亡,可归因于供水问题。政府一直在努力通过实施各种提供安全、清洁饮用水的方法和技术来解决这一问题。在比较不同供水方式之前,最好先评估供水问题的原因。水问题的主要原因包括基础设施不足和居民对住宅缺乏认识。政府可采用多种方法在农村供水(Ameyaw, E。成龙,一个。,2015)。

应为水处理部署各种方法,包括技术选择、私有化和改组现有基础设施。技术选择包括为水净化设计的简单水处理技术。这些技术选择可进一步分为三种主要的水处理系统,即机械水处理系统、水处理系统和陆地水处理系统。这些工艺过程各有优缺点。机械水处理系统使用在人类建造的环境中进行的工艺,并在自然系统技术实施范围有限的地方进行。在这种方法下,包括泻湖和水文控制区在内的水系统是各种各样的水处理选择(Chumakoy, A。,2014)。这些系统可以通过湿地的建设来改善水处理过程。该系统的主要优点是可以应用于各种天气条件下的水处理方法。另一方面,陆地系统利用土壤、植物和废水中的养分。


In Ghana, water quality and water supply problem remains key areas of concerns for the government. Water supply problem persists in major parts of the country due to scarcity and low quality of water throughout the country. Growth in economy aided by rapid urbanization and increasing population has put severe stress on existing water distribution system for meeting citizens’ requirements. Present water resources are incapable of meeting clean water needs of the people. Water supply problem in many parts of the country has resulted in serious environmental and health issues (Ameyaw, E., Chan, A., 2013. Waterborne diseases posses a significant threat to people living in Ghana. Majority of reported deaths in the country particularly among children can be attributed to water supply problem. The government has been trying its best to resolve the issue through implementation of various methods and techniques for supplying safe and clean drinking water. Before comparison of different methods for water provisions, it would be better to assess reasons for water supply problem. Major reasons for water problem include inadequate infrastructure and lack of residential recognition to dwellers. Various methods can be used by the government for supplying water in the country (Ameyaw, E., Chan, A., 2015).

Methods including technological options, privatization and restructuring of existing infrastructural facilities should be deployed for water treatment. Technological options include simple water treatment technologies designed for water purification. These technological options can be further classified into three principal types of water treatment systems namely mechanical, aquatic and terrestrial. Each of these technological processes has its own merits and demerits. Mechanical water treatment system uses processes within a human constructed environment and performed in places where scope for implementation of natural system technologies is limited. Aquatic systems including lagoons and hydrograph controlled release areas are various water treatment options available under this method (Chumakoy, A., 2014). These systems can be modified by supplementing the water treatment process through construction of wetlands. The major benefit of this system is that it can be used in various methods for water treatment under varied weather conditions. On the other hand, terrestrial systems make use of nutrients available in soil, plant and waste water.



手机支持学习过程中的各种需求。由于使用了这些技术,大量目标得到了更好的协调。由于移动技术,它可以提高学生的记忆力,也可以帮助获得各种学习工具(kukulsk – hulme, 2009)。除此之外,还有很多学习者可以在移动技术的帮助下学习。在这篇研究论文中,重点将放在移动技术的重要性上。本文将对本次研究的主要和次要结果进行分析和讨论。因此,本报告的目的是寻找基于移动学习的效果。研究了移动技术如何成为一种有效的学习过程。移动学习可以定义为学习者使用移动设备完成与学习相关的不同任务的学习过程。这可能包括由移动技术介导的、由人准备或交付的交互。适应移动学习有很多好处。它是一个可以被任何人使用的重要工具(Shield, 2008)。

但是,同样重要的是要了解什么样的移动设备被用于学习的过程中。首先,因为设备的所有权有很多不同。此外,那些拥有多个学习设备的学习者比其他人更有优势。除此之外,与某种移动设备有关联的人在学习的过程中会更好。移动学习是一种有效的活动,它使学生和学习者都能参与到各种可能与地点变化有关的活动中去。传统的基于位置的学习包括不同类型的实习、学徒、身体追求和在学习领域进行的大量调查。与移动学习过程相关的例子有很多。其中一个最重要的例子包括以这样一种方式使学习与与现实世界相关的实验和工件相关的过程。基于移动的协作学习过程在课堂上非常有用(levy&kennedy, 2005)。


Mobile supports different kinds of needs for the process of learning. Because of the use of these technologies, there has been a better alignment of a large number of goals. Due to the mobile technology, it can lead to the improvement in the retention power of the students and can also help in to get access to different kinds of learning tools (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009). In addition to this, there are a number of learners who can be reached with the help of mobile technology. In this research paper, the focus will be done on the importance of mobile technologies. The summary of the secondary and primary findings of theresearch will be analyzed and discussed. Thus, the aim of the report is to find the effects of mobile based learning. The investigation is done on how the mobile technology can prove to be an effective learning process. Mobile learning can be defined as the process of learning in which the learners can use mobile devise for the accomplishment of different tasks which are related to learning. This may include the interaction which are mediated by the mobile technology and are prepared or delivered by the people. There are a number of benefits of adapting to mobile learning. It is an important tool which can be used by anyone (Shield, 2008).

But, in the same it is also important to understand the kind of mobile device which is being used for the process of learning. Firstly, because of the ownership of the device there is a lot of difference. Also, those learners who possess more than one learning devices can have advantage over others. In addition to this, the people who have association with a particular kind of mobile device can be better in the process of learning. Mobile learning is an efficient activity which facilitates the students and the learners to be the part of different kinds of events which may be related to the change of location. The traditional location based learning includes different kinds of placements, apprenticeships, physical pursuits and a number of investigations which are done in the field of learning. There are different kinds of examples related to mobile learning process. One of the most significant examples includes the process to enable learning in such a manner that it is related to the experiments and artifacts which are related to the real world. The mobile based collaborative learning process can be very helpful within the classroom (Levy& Kennedy, 2005).



本研究旨在考察总部位于英国的Anglian Water公司所采取的战略方向。公司为英国东部和哈特尔浦地区的600多万户家庭和客户提供水和水回收服务。由于英国人口增长了20%,人们对水的需求大大增加。公司负责每天提供12亿升的水(Anglian water, 2015)。由于水资源需求的不断增长和人口的不断增长,公司已经采取了战略方向。进行这项研究的原因是确定影响组织采取战略管理步骤的压力(Lowth, Prowle, and Zhang, 2010)。本研究以盎格鲁水为例,采取战略管理措施,满足人民日益增长的用水需求。

该公司的目标是分析未来25年的情况,从而制定计划,使他们具备为消费者提供卓越服务的能力。他们的投资包括高质量的饮用水,清洁的河水和工业泄漏管理。本研究将趋向于达到以下研究目的。确定影响安联水务的压力,采取战略管理措施。确定所采取的步骤。为安联水提供建议。本研究所采用的研究方法将是定性的。研究人员将采用主要和次要的方法来收集数据。对于主要的研究方法,研究者需要对Anglian Water的员工进行调查,以确定他们所承受的压力。此外,研究的次要方法应包括参考已发表的文献综述。


This study aims at examining the strategic direction taken by Anglian Water which is an organisation based in UK. The company is engaged in supply of water and water recycling services to more than six million domestic and customers in east of England and Hartlepool. Since the population in UK has grown by 20% so the water needs of the people have significantly increased to a great extent. The company is accountable to provide 1.2 billion liters of water every day (Anglian Water, 2015). Due to the increasing demand of water and rising population, the company has taken a strategic direction. The reason to undertake this research is to determine the pressures that influence an organization to take strategic management steps (Lowth, Prowle, and Zhang, 2010). In this study, the case of Anglian Water is taken, which has taken strategic management steps to meet the growing water needs of the people.

The company has aimed at analyzing the situation of 25 years ahead and hence prepared plans to equip them to provide exceptional services to consumers. Their investment has included high-quality drinking water, clean river water and leakage management in industries.This research study will tend to achieve below mentioned research aims.To determine the pressures which have influenced Anglian Water to take strategic management steps.To determine the steps undertaken.To provide recommendations to Anglian Water.The research approach to be used for this particular study will be qualitative. The researcher will be adopting both primary and secondary ways to gather data. As far as primary methods are concerned, the researcher shall be carrying out a survey among the employees of Anglian Water to determine the pressures on them. Also, the secondary methods for the research shall include referring published reviews of literatures.



组织中的领导力并不局限于任何一个角色(Miner, 2015)。现代全球领导人在制定管理政策时,需要同时考虑国内和国际市场。在制定战略决策之前,现代领导人必须理解这一功能。经观察,北京ECCO产品;公司正在采取一些领导策略,以满足当前形势的需要。这反映在他们的利润和财政年度的生产力上。然而,在未来有必要考虑一些因素。这个分析的目的是为了找到让领导更善于处理新情况的方法。在一些管理因素中发现了同质性。需要更改的因素将在下面的部分进行分析。北京艾科是艾科品牌的主要经销商。ECCO品牌于1963年在丹麦成立(SCMP, 2015)。它在世界各地有一万多名员工。他们是制鞋业的市场领导者。它们的业务遍及全球,在各个领域的许多市场都有利基消费者基础。经过十年的经营,北京ECCO先后在中国大陆和香港成立。

北京ECCO今年的财政收入估计为5亿美元。由于北京ECCO贸易公司是一家在中国成立的分销商(SCMP, 2015)。我们发现,该公司在经营业务上采用了多种国际风格。这家公司正在寻求扩大它的业务。它们仍像大多数在华经营的公司一样,遵循传统的商业理念。这可能是个问题。公司高层管理人员仍有很大的自主权。这一直在降低生产率。作为经销商,北京ECCO需要了解市场中普通消费者的动态变化。分析消费者需求的原因是影响零售商的实践,而需求是建立在消费者需求的基础上的。需要对公司进行全面的消费者行为分析,了解市场的细微差别,并根据需求调整其功能(Miner, 2015)。有必要理解中国社会正在发生的范式转变。大多数中国消费者仍然更喜欢实体零售体系(Delloitte, 2015)。


Leadership in an organization is not limited to any one role (Miner, 2015). Modern global leaders need to factor in both domestic and international markets while framing management policies. It is imperative that modern leaders understand this function before developing strategic decisions. It has been observed that Beijing ECCO product; company is doing a number of leadership strategies that currently satisfy the needs of the situation. This is reflected in their profits and fiscal year productivity. However in the future there is a need to consider a number of factors. The aim of this analysis is to find ways to make the leadership more adept to dealing with new situations. There is homogeneity observed in some of the managerial factors. The factors that need change are analyzed in the following sections. Beijing ECCO is the main distributor of ECCO brand. ECCO brand was established in Denmark in 1963 (SCMP, 2015). It has more than ten thousand employees around the world. They are market leaders of footwear industry. They operate globally and have a niche consumer base in many markets across the spectrum. After ten years of operation, Beijing ECCO was established in mainland of China and in Hong Kong.

Current year fiscal income of Beijing ECCO was estimated to be 500 million US dollars. As a result of Beijing ECCO Trading Company is an established distributer in China (SCMP, 2015). It has been found that the company adopts a number of international styles for conducting businesses. The company is looking to expand its operations. They still operate on conventional business ideologies like the majority of the companies operating in China. This could be a problem. There is still a lot of autonomy in the company by top management. This has been slowing down productivity. As a distributer the Beijing ECCO needs to understand the changing dynamics of the average consumers in the market. The reason for analyzing the consumer needs is that they affect retailer practice and demands are based on consumer needs. There should be comprehensive consumer behavior analysis for the company in order to understand the nuances of the markets and adjust their functionalities according to requirements (Miner, 2015). There is a need to understand the paradigm shift that is occurring in the Chinese societies. Majority of the Chinese consumers still prefer brick and mortar retailing system (Delloitte, 2015).



1896年,法国电影制作人开发出了第一批短而无声的色情短片(Priceonomics, 2016)。随着科技的发展,公众对色情片的观看更多地转向网络下载或私人租赁,这使得越来越多的人观看色情片。最近,网络摄像头录制的色情视频扩大了色情市场。据《美国新闻与世界报道》(1997)报道,美国在“商业与技术”一栏发表了一篇关于色情的封面文章,明确描绘了该国的性不道德行为。最近,《时代》杂志发表的一篇文章估计,目前色情产业的核心价值超过80亿美元,而这个行业的收入估计在100亿美元左右。

美国的硬核色情产业已经超过了好莱坞的国内电影市场,因为它在1996年已经租赁了超过6.65亿的色情硬核视频。随着媒体的崛起,色情行业悄然成为世界上收入最高的行业之一(Refinery29, 2016)。媒体在美国色情产业的扩张中发挥了重要作用,这对美国人民的个人和职业生活产生了负面影响。色情已经成为家庭、儿童和婚姻的主要威胁。色情演员的婚姻生活受到了严重的影响,因为他们对自己的妻子没有同样的情感依恋,反之亦然。在美国,观看色情作品已经破坏了许多家庭的良好关系(旧金山纪事报,2016)。

In the year 1896, the first short and silent erotic clips of porn clips were developed by the filmmakers of France (Priceonomics, 2016). With the advent of technology, the public viewing of porn stag films shifted more towards internet downloads or private rentals which made more people watch fetish sexual porn videos. As of late, the introduction of webcam recordings of porn videos has expanded the market for pornography.
According to the US News and World Report (1997), the country has been explicitly depicted sexual immorality by publishing a cover article on pornography on the section titled as “Business and Technology”.Recently, an article published by the Time Magazine estimated that current worth of hardcore porn industry is more than $8 billion and the estimated revenues of this industry are around $10 billion.

Hardcore porn business in the USA has surpassed the domestic movie market of Hollywood as it has rented more than 665 million porn hardcore videos in the year 1996. With the rise of media, the porn industry has silently become one of the top revenue earning industries of the world (Refinery29, 2016). Media has played an important role in expanding the pornography industry in the USA, which has adversely affected the personal and professional lives of the people of the country. Pornography has become a major threat to the family, children, and marriage. The marriage lives of pornographic actors have been severely affected as they don’t feel the same emotional attachment with their real wives and vice versa. Pornography viewing has disrupted good relations of many families in the USA (San Francisco Chronicle, 2016).