




音乐在每部电影中扮演重要角色。当谈到像沉默的艺术家这样的电影可以追溯到几十年时,作曲家有责任提供曾经使用的音乐水平。这位作曲家已经采取了额外的努力来配合角色和场景。也许,这是试图让观众感动并使他们更接近电影主题的音乐。 6分钟的特定场景有不同的节奏和音阶,但它们是相互关联的。


Plot and historical background of film
There are complementary sounds but they sound similar to the traditional movies and cartoon films where minimal music is used to highlight the message (Phillips, 2011). In the given scene, there is no abrupt sound. The scales are almost symmetric and the modes are not complicated. The rhythm and expression are in sync and these have accounted for the success of movie.
Vampire films were popular due to the high clarity output and screenplay that involved fascinating creatures. They did not fail to develop national identity, too. Such films used characters, settings, scenes, software and locations to demonstrate their national identities and bring out their uniqueness among the other countries. These have been very productive to the development of nation.


Music plays a critical role in every movie. When it comes to a movie like The Artist where it is silent and dates back to several decades, it is the responsibility of the composer to deliver the music levels that were once used. This composer has taken additional efforts to pair up with the characters and the scene. Perhaps, it is the music that has tried to move the audience and bring them closer to the motif of the movie. The given scene of 6 minutes has different rhythms and scales, but they were related to each other.