


首先,德意志银行被要求根据《巴塞尔协议III》(Basel III)制定的指导方针管理资本,因为该行没有充分满足披露要求。必须向投资者有效披露与资本和整体资本充足率相关的重大风险。德意志银行曾经与传统银行业务有关,后来发展到包括投资银行业务在内的业务,然后向国际扩张,为全球各地的人处理投资账户。随之而来的是更大的财务责任,尤其是在信息披露方面。现有的巴塞尔框架是不够的,因为它没有识别和传达与银行相关的重大风险,甚至产生的此类信息也无法与其他市场参与者进行很好的比较。为了向投资者提供正确的信息,整体资本充足率必须具有良好的可比性。通过按照指导方针保持资本,银行将能够为投资者保持正确的信息,以便他们做出选择,因此它选择遵守巴塞尔协议III。


第三,德意志银行必须遵守这些准则,因为它必须确保市场纪律。德意志银行在多个市场开展业务,有可能发出的信息含糊不清。巴塞尔委员会的准则将市场纪律视为首要目标,根据巴塞尔的标准概念,银行必须共享有意义的信息。“向市场参与者提供有关共同关键风险指标的有意义信息,是一个健全银行体系的基本原则。它减少了信息不对称,并有助于促进银行在司法管辖区内和跨司法管辖区风险概况的可比性”(巴塞尔委员会,2015年,第1页)。在这种情况下,市场参与者将能够更好地判断银行的监管资本、风险暴露的形式,从而提高投资者对银行及其未来的信心。现在以德意志银行为例,据观察,投资者甚至担心该银行如何能够满足新的资本要求。“德意志银行将需要筹集新的股本以满足要求,从而稀释现有股票的股本价值。此外,自2008年全球金融危机以来,银行业的盈利能力一直在稳步下降,投资者担心更严格的资本要求将进一步降低德意志银行未来的盈利能力”(Dougherty et al., 2013, p. 1)。因此,可以理解为投资者所关注的现有披露状态和市场纪律。事实上,正是这种对满足监管障碍的关注突出了银行遵守巴塞尔协议III指导方针的必要性。


Firstly, Deutsche Bank is required to manage capital according to the guidelines set by the Basel III accord, because disclosure requirements were not met adequately. An efficient disclosure of materials risks associated with the capital and the overall capital adequacy has to be communicated to the investors. Deutsche Bank which was once associated with traditional banking moved on to includes investment banking and then expanded internationally to handle investment accounts for people across the globe. This comes with greater financial responsibility, especially in disclosure. The existing Basel framework was not sufficient because it did not identify and communicate the material risks associated with the bank and even such information that was generated was not well comparable with other market participants. Overall capital adequacy must be well comparable for informing investors with the right information. By maintaining capital as per the guidelines, the bank will be able to maintain the right information for investors to make their choices, and hence it chose to adhere to the Basel III.

Secondly, Deutsche Bank needed to manage capital according to Basel III guidelines because it had to create more certainty and positive atmosphere for investors. The second issue directly arises from the first issue. The first issue is with respect to meeting disclosure requirements. Even with standard banking disclosure requirements met, the investors were still wary. As the case study notes, there were many regulatory hurdles faced by the bank in 2013 and greater transparency was needed. Now Deutsche Bank as of 2007 was identified to have made much of its profits from investment banking. “Deutsche Bank derived a significant portion of its revenues from investment banking activities, peaking in 2007 (Table 1). Revenues from sales and trading increased from 30% to 42% of total revenues between 2002 and 2007” (Dougherty et al., 2013, p. 3). Hence, protecting the interests of investors and giving them better surety by sharing of information in a transparent manner become an obligation of the Deutsche Bank. In order to do this, the bank had to adhere to the BaselIII guidelines.

Thirdly, Deutsche Bank had to follow the guidelines because it had to ensure market discipline. Deutsche Bank was operating in multiple markets and there were chances of information being sent out ambiguously. Market discipline is considered as a prime objective by the Basel Committee guidelines and as per the Basel concept of standards, banks must share meaningful information. “The provision of meaningful information about common key risk metrics to market participants is a fundamental tenet of a sound banking system. It reduces information asymmetry and helps promote comparability of banks’ risk profiles within and across jurisdictions” (Basel Committee, 2015, p.1). In such contexts, the market participants would be able to adjudge the regulatory capital of the bank, the form of risk exposures it carries in a better manner, and hence the investor confidence about the bank and its future is improved. Now in the case of Deutsche Bank, it is observed that investors are even worried about how the bank would be able to meet the new capital requirements. “Deutsche Bank would need to raise fresh equity capital to meet the requirements, thereby diluting the equity value of existing shares. In addition, profitability in the banking sector had been in steady decline since the global financial crisis of 2008, and investors worried that stricter capital requirements would further reduce profitability at Deutsche Bank going forward” (Dougherty et al., 2013, p. 1). Therefore, it can be understood that the existing state of disclosure and market discipline that investors were concerned. In fact, this very concern shown towards meeting regulatory hurdles highlights the need for the Bank to follow the Basel III guidelines.

The significance or needs as presented with these three reasons is why the Basel III Accord requirements are placed on banks over and above their financial accounting reporting requirements.
