


在新西兰的储备银行中,唯一的目标就是长期保持物价水平的共同稳定。1989年的《储备银行法》不仅将物价水平的稳定确定为货币政策的关键职能,而且通过管理者的个人问责为实现这一目标提供了不同寻常的操作独立性程度和动机(Kelsey, 2015)。然而,无论如何清楚地描述银行的目标,它仍然面临着与任何其他必要的货币当局类似的控制问题。该结构的成功不能仅仅是衡量市场接受程度,因此本节将讨论货币政策的有效性。集中在1993年到目前(这是货币政策最困难的时期)(Kelsey, 2015)。上图描述了货币政策的成功,它描绘了自1990年首次实行优惠贸易区以来的年通货膨胀率。这些文件表明,通货膨胀率稳步下降,接近0至2%的目标,并在两年内实现了稳定。

1994年后总体CPI通胀率超出该范围,反映了1994年以后货币政策逐步收紧,加息对CPI的直接影响(Kelsey, 2015)。通过将消费者价格指数制度列入通货膨胀率而使利率上升的直接影响受到优惠贸易区以下的警告。由于受需求驱动的财政和货币政策的影响,联邦银行已经具备了允许基本货币政策放松的能力。结构性和实质性的政策调整无疑有助于价格稳定的转型。然而,维持物价稳定的任务是RBNZ货币政策的唯一责任(Kelsey, 2015)。价格稳定的初步成果受到欢迎。然而,这并没有明确的计划。制定政策的目的是尽可能快地将通货膨胀率降至合理水平。在以储备银行行为和货币政策为组成部分的新的实践框架中,对通货膨胀预期的影响比最初预期的要大得多。


In New Zealand’s Reserve Bank, the sole objective is to keep the common stability of price level in the long term. The 1989, Reserve bank act not only results in designating stability in price level as the key monetary policy function but also results in providing unusual operation independence degree as well as motivation for achieving such objective by the Governors personal accountability (Kelsey, 2015). However, it does not matter how clearly the objective of the bank can be depicted but it still is faced with similar control issues as any other required authority for monetary. The structure’s success cannot be solely measurement with regard to acceptance in the market and so this section will cover the effectiveness of monetary policy. The concentration is over the period from 1993 until currently (which is the most problematic time for the policy of monetary) (Kelsey, 2015). The monetary policy success is depicted in the above figure, which has graphed the annual rate of inflation since the first PTA introduction in the year 1990. These documented the steady inflation decline towards the target of 0 to 2 percent and its stabilization subsequently achieved over a 2 year period.

The headline CPI Inflation rate movement outside such range after the year 1994 reflects the direct influence of the interest rates enhancement over the CPI as policy of monetary was tightened progressively from 1994 onward (Kelsey, 2015). The direct influence over such rise in rate of interest over inflation through their CPI regimen inclusion was subjected to the caveat below PTA. As the influences of fiscal and monetary policies fed by demand, the Federal bank has been gaining the ability of allowing essential monetary policy easing. The structural and real policy adjustment undoubtedly has aided the price stability transition. However, the task to maintain stability in prices is the sole responsibility of RBNZ monetary policy (Kelsey, 2015). The initial price stability achievement was welcomed. However, it was not planned explicitly. Policy was set-up for bringing inflation at a low as fast as was possibly thought reasonably. In the new practice framework of which the act of reserve bank and policy of monetary was a component, had a higher striking influence over expectations of inflation than was anticipated initially.