


《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)将为澳大利亚的投资者、农民和制造品开辟新的市场。降低贸易壁垒将有利于亚太地区采矿设备、物流、工程、教育和金融服务提供商。澳大利亚的奶农可以通过费城的港口向美国出售奶酪和黄油。除此之外,澳大利亚每年还可以向美国出售65000吨糖。澳大利亚的红肉部门将受益于市场准入的改善。加拿大、新加坡、日本、美国和澳大利亚等国的劳动力成本相对较高。在这些国家,TPP允许制造业获得廉价劳动力,并为其商品和服务增加价值。


较高的技术和原材料将继续在较富裕的国家制造,但在其他国家的成本较低(Peiris, 2015)。例如,美国、日本和澳大利亚的高质量技术和原材料的制造商将最终受益于最终消费者,因为现在生产的总成本可以在低工资和高工资的选择之间混合。澳大利亚政府将在经济相当开放的情况下接受来自TPP国家的高质量产品。除了农业以外,主要的受益者将是采矿设备、天然气和石油到北美和文莱。澳大利亚和美国可以在胡志明市、河内或马来西亚的任何一个经济加工区发展跨太平洋贸易投资和战略。国内组织将从国际市场的竞争中获益。


The Trans-Pacific Partnership will open new markets for investors, farmers and manufactured goods in Australia. The lowering of trade barriers will benefit the service providers of mining equipment, logistic, engineering, education and finance in the Asia Pacific region. The dairy farmers of Australia will be able to sell cheese and butter to the United States through the port of Philadelphia. Apart from this, Australia would be able to sell 65,000 tons sugar a year, to the United States. The red meat sector of Australia will be benefited from improved market access. The labour costs in the countries such as Canada, Singapore, Japan, the United States and Australia are relatively high. In these countries, TPP allows the manufactures to acquire cheap labour and add value to their goods and services.

Higher technologies and raw materials will continue to be manufacture in wealthier nations, but processing will be accomplished at lower costs in other countries (Peiris, 2015). For example, American, Japanese and Australian manufactures of high-quality technologies and raw materials will ultimately benefit the end consumers as the total cost of production can now be mixed between low and high wage cost options. The government of Australia will accept high quality products from TPP countries as the economy is quite open. Apart from the agriculture industry, the main beneficiaries would be mining equipment, gas and oil to North America and Brunei. Australia and America can develop a Trans-Pacific Processing investment and strategy in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi or any one of the economic processing zones in Malaysia. The domestic organizations will be benefited from the competition in the international market.