

在过去的15年里,出现了另一种欺负行为,即网络欺凌。这是当今年轻人面临的最突出的问题之一。在这篇文章中,网络欺凌的负面影响将被评估与传统欺凌相比,但首先了解网络欺凌与传统欺凌的区别是非常重要的。与传统的恃强凌弱相比,它有许多不同之处。网络欺凌涉及到技术的使用,主要是间接进行的,这意味着行凶者并不容易了解受害者的反应。传统欺负行为背后的动机之一被认为是通过显示对受害者的权力而获得的地位。这一功能在网络欺凌中缺乏。另一方面,网络欺凌比传统的受众群体更广,由于其场所不受限制,很难逃脱网络欺凌。受害者可以随时随地用手机和电脑发送信息或打电话(史密斯)。无论欺凌的性质如何,它都是一种消极的行为。因此,影响总是消极的。然而,与传统欺凌相比,网络欺凌的不良后果可以通过上述差异得到最好的理解(Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012)。

网络欺凌拥有更大的受众群。这可能会使受害者感到更多的羞耻和羞辱;从而增强了负面影响(Slonje 2012)。然而,更大的受众群体也能起到保护作用,因为受害者可能更容易获得帮助,从而减少孤立感(Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012)。网络欺凌的间接性质也有两极化的含义。如前所述,欺凌被认为是由欺凌者通过目睹受害者遭受痛苦而获得的满足感驱动的。在网络欺凌中,这是不存在的。这可能会导致欺负者停止欺负,因为那里由于缺乏奖励。在这种情况下,网络欺凌可能不会持续太久,与传统的欺凌相比,网络欺凌的负面影响会更小。另一方面,欺凌者可能无法对受害者产生同理心,欺凌可能会持续更长的时间;从而造成更大的损害。在网络欺凌中,匿名也可能鼓励欺凌者继续其行为(Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012)。这与暴民行为有相似之处。在乌合之众中,当人们在人群中失去自己的身份并获得匿名时,他们会表现得很暴力。


Past one and a half decades have witnessed the emergence of another kind of bullying namely cyberbullying. It is one of the most prominent problems facing youth today. In this essay, the adverse impact of cyberbullying will be evaluated against that of traditional bullying but first it is very important to understand how cyberbullying differs from traditional bullying. When compared to traditional bullying, it differs with it on many accounts. Cyberbullying involves the use of technology and is primarily carried out indirectly, which means that the perpetrator does not readily have access to the victim’s reaction. One of the motivations behind traditional bullying is considered to involve the status acquired by showing power over the victim. This feature is lacking in cyberbullying. On the other hand, cyberbullying has a wider audience base than the traditional one, and it is difficult to escape cyberbullying as its venues are not restricted. Victims can be sent a message or called anytime or anywhere on their cell phones and computers (Smith). Bullying is a negative occurrence regardless of its nature. Therefore, the impact is always negative. However, the adverse consequences of cyberbullying relative to traditional bullying can be best understood in light of the differences mentioned above (Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012).

Cyberbullying has a larger audience base. This could cause the victim to feel more shame and humiliation; thereby, enhancing the negative impact (Slonje 2012). However, larger audience base can also have a protective impact as the victim may more readily get help causing a reduction in the feelings of isolation (Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012). The indirect nature of cyberbullying also has polarized implications. As mentioned afore, bullying is believed to be motivated by the feeling of satisfaction bully gets by witnessing the victims suffer. In cyberbullying, this is absent. This may cause the bully to stop bullying as there due to the lack of reward. In such a case, cyberbullying may not last long, and will have less negative consequences in comparison to traditional bullying. On the flip side, a bully may be unable to develop empathy towards its victim, and bullying may continue for a longer time; thereby causing more damage. In cyberbullying, due anonymity may also encourage the bully to continue with his or her behaviour (Slonje, Smith & Frisen 2012). Parallels can be drawn between this with mob behavior. In a mob, people act violently as they lose their identity in the crowd and achieve anonymity.



近年来,关于影子银行的相关问题已经有了大量的文献。影子银行这个术语是McCulley(2007)首次提出的,Tucker(2010)等政策制定者也曾使用过。关于影子银行的第一篇文章是由Pozsar(2008)和Adrian & Shin(2008)提出的。此外,Pozsar, Adrian, Ashcraft and Boesky(2012)对影子银行问题进行了研究。此外,Adrian和Ashcraft(2012)对影子银行这一主题进行了大量的研究。此外,学术研究由Gorton和Metrick(2011, 2012)进行。除此之外,金融经济学家、法律学者也进行了大量的学术研究,如Schwarcz(2012)和Ricks(2010)的研究。

国际影子银行工作组的成立是由金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board, 2011, 2012)完成的。金融稳定委员会的主要目标是加强对影子银行的监管,对整个银行系统进行监督。这项工作由金融稳定委员会领导,因为他们在全球范围内都有类似的机构。不同类型的影子银行集团可以分为货币市场和共同基金以及与证券化相关的其他不同实体的活动。行业组织也对影子银行进行了研究。国际金融协会(Institute of International Finance)也提出了影子银行政策。此外,证券业和金融市场协会(SIFMA)在影子银行相关问题上有许多工作流程。


In the recent times, a large amount of literature has been written on the issue related to the shadow banking. The Shadow banking is a term which was coined for the very first time by McCulley (2007) and was used by the policymakers such as Tucker (2010). The very first articles on the subject of shadow banking were given forward by Pozsar (2008) and Adrian & Shin (2008). Further, the research on the issue of Shadow Banking was done by Pozsar, Adrian, Ashcraft and Boesky (2012). Further, the number of research on the subject of Shadow Banking has been done by Adrian and Ashcraft (2012). Further, the academic studies were conducted by Gorton and Metrick (2011, 2012). In addition to this, a number of academic researches were conducted by the financial economists, legal scholars such as the research conducted by Schwarcz (2012) and Ricks (2010).

The initiation of the international working groups on shadow banking was done by Financial Stability Board (2011, 2012). The primary objective of FSB is to enhance the regulation related to the shadow banking and to have an oversight of the entire banking system. This work has been led by FSB because they have a global reach of the same. Different types of shadow banking groups can be classified into money market and mutual funds and different other entities related to the securitization of the activities. Study on the shadow banking is also conducted by the industry groups. The policy for the shadow banking has also been put forward by the Institute of International Finance. Further, the security industry and the Financial Market Association (SIFMA) has many work streams on the issues related to shadow banking.



良好的沟通技巧是个人销售的核心。个人卖家必须能够使用各种问题从买家那里获取信息。例如,在“捆绑问题”中,问题的目的是确认消费者是否需要某样东西;一个例子是:你确实想要这个产品,不是吗?然后是引导问题,这是一种询问参与者何时会被营销人员领导的技巧。市场人员将问题以一种让买家共享信息的方式反馈给买家。为了迫使消费者在犹豫不决时做出选择,他们会使用替代问题(Ingram et al . 2007)。营销人员不应该强迫他人,道德权利必须得到尊重。共享的信息必须是真实的,营销人员也应该确保产品的信息是最新的。确认、澄清、包容和过渡风格是更多的提问风格(Weitz, & Bradford, 1999)。在个人销售中,营销人员必须有非常好的产品数据;他们应该正确地了解他们的材料,因为这将有助于示范销售。他们应该为产品建立适当的展示氛围,也应该让以前满意的客户写的推荐信为新的客户群体做好准备。

这需要良好的组织能力。个人销售的另一种方法可以是刺激反应的形式,销售者可以对客户使用相同的演示。问题解决方法是通过考虑客户的最佳适合方案来扩展基于需求的客户满意度(Ingram et al, 2007)。良好的倾听技巧是市场营销者所需要的,这将有助于当买方提出任何担忧或反对。提出反对意见通常是因为购买者有某种困惑,所以听取购买者的意见是至关重要的。说到倾听,最重要的一点是,市场人员或销售人员不应打断买方的陈述。在这个程度上,他们不应该对他们将要听到的内容做出任何形式的假设。一旦他们让买方完成了他们的谈判,卖方才应该开始谈判。他们应该采取一种策略,从同意然后反驳,或质疑反对意见,或预先阻止根据情况提出的反对意见(Ingram et al, 2007)。


Good communication skills are core to personal selling. The personal seller must be able to use a variety of questions to draw information from the buyer. For instance, in the case of the ‘Tie down question’, the objective of the question is to confirm if the consumer will need something; an example would be: You do want the product, don’t you? Then, there comes the leading questions which is a technique of questioning when the participant will be led by the marketer. The marketer feeds the questions to the buyer in a way that makes them share information. Alternative questions would be used in order to force consumers into making a selection when they are just about hesitating (Ingram et al 2007). A marketer should never coerce the person and ethical rights have to be respected. Information shared must be genuine and the marketer should also ensure the information on product is current. Confirmation, clarification, inclusion and transitional styles are some more styles of questioning (Weitz, & Bradford, 1999).In personal selling, the marketer must themselves have very good data on the product; they should know their material properly as this will be helpful for demonstration based selling. They should have the proper demonstrative atmosphere set up with respect to the product and should also have the reference letters written by previously satisfied customers ready for the newer customer segments.

This will require good organizational skills. An alternative approach for personal selling can be in the form of stimulus response where a seller might use the same presentation for the customers. The problem solving approach is one where the need based satisfaction for the customer is extended by considering best fit alternative for the customer (Ingram et al, 2007). Good listening skills are needed for the marketer, which will be helpful when any concerns or objections are raised by the buyer. Objections are raised usually because the person making the purchase has some sort of confusion, so listening to the buyer is critical. The primary element, when it comes to listening, is that the marketer or salesperson should not interrupt what the buyer is stating. Towards this extent, they should not make any form of assumptions on what they are about to listen. Once they let the buyer finish their side of the conversation, only then should the seller start talking. They should follow up with a strategy ranging anywhere from agreeing and then countering, or questioning the objection or forestalling the objection raised based on the situation (Ingram et al, 2007).






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There is discussion of independence of thought in these books. The business development, technical books has been found to be on the increase. This is because the people want to have a stronger economic growth in their personal life and they want to reach the next socio economic status. Self-help books and the inspirational books of the people are to increase the work life balance of the people. This has been found to be missing in the modern aggressive society that is garnered towards growth and productivity. In the future it has been expected that the economy of the country would remain stagnant and face new hurdles. This would mean that the people would focus on developing technical abilities and business development.

This is the future trends of books that has been predicted based on the supposition that the economy would face hurdles in the future. To conclude, the theories of Bourdieu has a major impact in understanding about the habits of the people in the society. But it cannot explain about all the modern variables such as the development of more individuality in the nations. Future research should focus on individuality and the role of personal growth towards development of reading habits of the people in the society. All efforts have been taken to reduce the impact of personal bias in the research. There has been critical examination of all the theories that has been used.


首先,在這種背景下,探討權力的意義具有重大意義。一個人可能在許多方面擁有權力,但有三個不同的類別,以確保一定程度的分化是有意義的。首先是身體內部對物質力量的繼承。與其他人相比,擁有舉重、跳得更高或跑得更快的人似乎從這個角度看更有力量(go, 2015)。其次,要在人格中定義權力存在一些困難,這些人格可以被稱為人格魅力,在組織中以等級的形式表現出來,擁有最高層級的權力領袖成員,以及下屬的每一個層級。



Firstly, in this context, there is huge significance of addressing the meaning of power. An individual might be possessing power in a number of ways, but there is significance of three different categories for ensuring some differentiation. First is the inheritance of physical power within the human body. Someone having the power of lifting weight, jumping higher, or running faster in comparison with the others seems to be having more power out of this perspective (Goes, 2015). Second involves some difficulty for defining power in personalities that may be referred to as charisma in manifestation of groups in terms of hierarchies, having power leader members at the top most level and each and every level of the subordinates.

Third, most significant of all for this particular essay can be identified as the power of position or office. This can be considered as the source of utilization, which provides a clear display of one’s awareness that there will be residing of power within the society. And somehow, there is a derivation out of social arrangement instead of individual attributes. Itself can be a division of positional power within the two sub- categories, the institutional and the biographical. The biographical factors have key focus on the power possessed by a group or an individual with position, so a discussion can be created in this context.



美联储(federal reserve)一直试图保持独立地位,但由于目前的政治性质,它们将面临一些愤怒。这种不作为本身就会对经济造成损害。在这种情况下,一个小问题本身就会导致许多问题。当前的金融市场不依赖于任何一个事件。它取决于各个领域金融市场的气候。当前市场有必要应对外部事件。英国退欧问题可能对美国金融市场造成不利影响(Begg & muspade, 2016)。

它可能导致欧盟分裂的感觉,并对包括美国市场在内的全球金融市场造成一系列负面多米诺效应。这导致人们越来越多地认为市场是不稳定的,而这种影响可能对市场的健康状况造成负面影响。鉴于目前的市场形势,美联储的利率可能不会改变。先前关于提高利率的暗示会因为当前的事件而改变。美联储维持较低利率可以增加债券价值,并确保国家的房地产部门可以增加(Begg & muspade, 2016)。


The federal reserve system has tried to maintain an autonomous status, nevertheless they will face a number of furors owing to the current political nature. This inaction by in itself can become detrimental to the economy. In this situation, a minor issue can itself lead to a number of issues. The current financial markets are not dependent on any one events. It is dependent on the climate of the financial markets across the spectrum. There is a need for the current markets to address the external events. The Brexit issue can detrimental to the US financial markets (Begg & Mushövel, 2016).

It can lead to perception of the EU breaking and causing a number of negative domino effects to the financial markets across the world including the United States market. This has caused for the markets to be increasingly considered to be volatile and the perceived health of the markets can be negatively implicated as a result of this impact. Given the current market situation, the fed rates would likely not be changed. The previous implication of a higher interest rate would be changed owing to the current events. The fed maintaining lower interest rates can increase the bond value and ensure that there can be increase in the real estate sector of the country (Begg & Mushövel, 2016).



利益相关者理论和程序正义理论被用于理解组织中的伦理决策。利益相关者理论要求公司在做出任何决策时都要考虑到所有的利益相关者(Freeman, 1998)。因此,在考虑位置问题的情况下,例如,公司可能更喜欢对他们来说成本更低的决策。然而,在该地点建立公司可能会阻碍其他利益相关者,因此根据利益相关者理论,有必要考虑对每个人的影响。其次,在程序正义的语境中,组织决策需要以协商公平的方式进行。

在相互竞争的价值观和伦理冲突的背景下,有必要考虑并采取措施,确保每个人都能做出公平的决定。这里必须考虑决策的观念、价值和后果(Freeman, 1998)。虽然可能没有明确的方法来建立利益相关者如何排名优先在组织内的人力资源以外的组织或组织等社会商业运作,它仍然需要做一些努力确保每个人都公平的决策和在这样做时,道德保存。


Stakeholder theory and Procedural Justice Theories are used in the understanding of ethical decision making in the organization. The stakeholder theory requires that in the making of any decision the company should consider all stakeholders (Freeman, 1998). Therfore, in the case of considering the location issues, the company might for instance prefer a decision that is more cost effective for them. However, establishing the company in that location might hinder other stakeholders and according to the stakeholder theory hence it is necessary to consider the impact to everybody. Secondly, in the case of the procedural justice’s context, organization decision making is required to work in such a way that a deliberative fairness is induced in the process.

In the context of competing values and ethical conflicts, it is necessary to consider and take up the step that will guarantee a fair decision to everybody. Perceptions, values and consequences of decision making must be considered here (Freeman, 1998). While there might be no clear cut way to establish how to rank the priorities of stakeholders within the organization as in the human resources of the organization or outside the organization such as the society in which the business operates in, it is still necessary to make some effort towards ensuring as much fairness in decision making to everybody and when this is done, ethics is kept.



从2000年到2011年,股价从24.33美元稳步跌至2.53美元。由于销售业绩不佳,公司正在亏损,债务也在稳步增加。这个问题在2012年开始变得突出。该股较上一财年下跌4.2%。2012年第二季度,该指数降至垃圾级。持续低迷的业绩导致行业分析师得出结论,该公司将很快在2013年破产。为了挽救局面,公司开始大规模裁员。公司领导人们拥有自己独立的零售连锁店,并且进一步缩小规模。Salus Capital Partners和Cerberus Capital management向该公司捐赠了2.5亿美元。

尽管在2014年做出了很多努力,但公司的净交易亏损为4.002亿美元。2014年,惠誉信用评级公司(Fitch credit agency)将该公司股票评级下调至CC级,比破产级别高出两级。2015年,他们被进一步降级为CCC级别,高于破产级别。股票价格低于1美元,被纽约证交所摘牌。由于员工和投资者对这些公司违反信托义务的投诉,该公司面临的问题继续增加。这名员工在这个过程中损失了毕生积蓄。到2014年底,该股的售价跌至38美分以下。


Between the years 2000 to 2011, the stocks steadily fell from $24.33 to $2.53. The company was losing money due to lackluster sales and the debt was steadily increasing. This issue started to become pronounced in 2012. The stocks were down 4.2% from the previous fiscal years. In 2012 second quarter, it was reduced to junk status. Continual dismal performance leads to industry analysts concluding that the company would become bankrupt very soon in 2013. In efforts to salvage the situation the company started massive layoff. The company leads the people to have their own independent retail chain and there was further downsizing. Salus Capital Partners and Cerberus capital management gave 250 million dollars to the company.

In spite of the number of efforts in 2014, the net trading loss of the company was $400.2 million dollars. In 2014, the Fitch credit agency downgraded the stock to CC status which was two levels above bankruptcy. In 2015 they were further downgraded to CCC status a level above bankruptcy. The stock price feels below $1 and was delisted from the NYSE. The issues for the company continued to grow because of complaints form employees and from the investors about the fiduciary breach of duties by the companies. The employee lost their life savings in this process. By the end of 2014, the selling price of the stock fell below 38 cents.



对于奢侈品牌来说,零售店、批发或授权是收入的关键。以博柏利(Burberry Plc)为例,其主要渠道是零售或批发,授权许可从2011年的7%降至2015年的3%。这表明在过去的5年里,许可数量下降了近50% (Burberry Plc, 2016)。虽然零售或批发渠道成本在过去5年有所增加,但与早期相比,这一增长还不够显著。原因之一是越来越多的零售商店不接受许可证。

按收入计算,零售是最大的渠道,其次是批发渠道,然后是授权渠道。然而,授权许可是最赚钱的,因为它创造了超过80%的营业利润率,这意味着过去两年的下降损害了利润。零售渠道包括主线商店、百货商店内的特许权、在线数字商务和网点。Wholesale指的是对零售商(例如:百货商店)、特许经销商和美容产品的销售。授权主要包括眼镜和手表销售收入,其中80%来自日本(Burberry Plc, 2016)。


For luxury brands retail stores or wholesale or licensing is the key for revenue. In case of Burberry Plc, the main channels were retail or wholesale as licensing decreased from 7% in 2011 to 3% in 2015. This indicates that in the last 5 years, the licensing decreased by almost 50% (Burberry Plc, 2016). Though retail or wholesale channel cost increased in last 5 years, this increase was not significant enough as compared with the growth in early years. One reason for this is that licensing was not accepted with an increasing number of retail stores.

Retail is the largest channel by revenue followed by Wholesale and then Licensing. However, licensing is the most profitable, as it generates over 80% operating margins meaning the drop-off over the past two years has hurt profits. Retail channel includes mainline stores, concessions within department stores, online digital commerce and outlets. Wholesale refers to sales to retailers (for example: department stores) and franchisees as well as Beauty products. Licensing primarily includes income from the sale of eyewear and watches with 80% derived from Japan (Burberry Plc, 2016).