

通常情况下,培训和发展是人力资源部门的一部分,人力资源部门有责任为现有员工和新员工制定完善的培训计划,以提高他们的知识和技能。然而,在不同的组织之间的关系的变化(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。


Normally, training and development is a part of human resource department and it is the responsibility of human resource department to set a perfect training program for existing as well as new employees in order to enhance their knowledge and skills. However, the relationship between the two varies among different organisations (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013).
The importance of training and development is questioned from time to time and why is it absolutely important and significant to focus on learning or any other kind of training for the employees? The answer to this simple question is that nobody in the world has stopped at one place and in order to grow and develop it is very important to go forward learn new things, whether it is a human being or a business organisation everybody needs new learning (Salas et al, 2012). Same theory is applied on the organisation, if same practices will be followed for years in any organisation, then they will be stagnant at one position and will ultimately shut down for the very same reason. To grow, develop and to be in the market for long period of time, company will have to come up with something new and unique. This something new and unique will come when company will produce or manufacture something new and unique and finally that is only possible when the employees of the company will have an opportunity to learn new skills in the company or outside the company to enhance the level of overall performance (Salas et al, 2012).
There is constant change in technology and business environment due which issues like exporting or outsourcing of service, downsizing of employees, high and gruesome competition on international platform and in the end aging and elder workforce are some of the basic reasons which make constant learning and development very important. Many in fact almost all the firms have a training cell placed in the organisation and they take it very seriously but development part is completely ignored (Salas et al, 2012). The employees are trained at all possible level but they are given appropriate development opportunities.
Also when the company goes through any crunch time or the time when the company faces any type of financial crisis, the first thing which is cut from the overall budget is the training and development cell (Salas et al, 2012).




















因此,我的结论是,责任控制气候变化更多的是发达国家和发达国家的肩上,像印度这样的发展中国家,中国和世界其他地区仍在努力满足他们的食物、住所的基本需求,服装和基本的教育是不可能没有工作机会最大的公民创造这些国家的这些国家,这需要巨大的产业化发展。另外,在我们的研究中我们发现,工业国家排放的温室气体相比,像中国和印度国家的发展。因此,发达国家有最大的责任以这样一种方式,气候变化可以减少,也指导发展中国家如何避免污染气候通过技术转让(相关科学家联盟,no date未注明出版日期)。这是通常被称为作为气候正义和公平,因为它强调,所有的这些国家今天的成功是造成过去对环境的巨大破坏的事实,并采取纠正措施来清洁环境,停止对环境的任何进一步的损害他们的道德责任。例如,使用沼气、可再生能源、更清洁的能源形式,如太阳能、水力发电等,应比传统的能源形式,如原油和煤炭更为广泛。如果富裕国家将引导发展中国家使用这些替代能源,那么我们相信地球一定会成为一个更好的生活场所。


One of the reports of 2005 by Reuters says that one of the Chinese energy firms plans to invest $2.48 billion in next five years in other alternative energy projects, treatment of waste and garbage, biomass, etc.

On the other hand India rewards those companies through carbon credits which can be exchanged for money i.e. which can be sold by that company to any other company which is causing pollution in the environment.

Thus, I would conclude that the responsibility to control climate change is more on the shoulders of developed and rich nations as developing nations like India, China and rest of the world are still struggling to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, clothing and basic education which is not possible without development of these countries and this required huge industrialization in these countries with job opportunities created for maximum citizens. Also, in our research we have found out that industrial nations have emitted more greenhouse gases when compared to developing nations like China and India. Thus, rich countries have the biggest responsibility to act in such a way that climate change can be reduced and also guide developing nations how to avoid polluting the climate through technology transfer (Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d). This is often termed as climate justice and equity because it emphasises on the fact that all those nations which are successful today have caused huge damage to the environment in the past and it is their moral duty to take corrective measures now to clean the environment and stop any further damage to the environment. For example- use of biogas, renewable forms of energy, cleaner forms of energy like solar energy, hydro power, etc should be more used when compared to traditional forms of energy like crude and coal. If the rich nations will guide the developing nations about use of these alternate forms of energy, then we are sure that this earth will definitely become a better place to live.



由观众看到的照片显示,它一定是由有良心的观点。广告牌和照片都是来自媒体的产品。然而,在照片中,演示实际上打破了神话传播的广告牌。没有办法像美国人的方式被证明是事实,当它来到美国人虽然白人。然而,可悲的现实是,黑人谁是美国人也遭受。作为大众媒体工具的照片突出了这一重要点。这表明,大众传媒可以传达给观众的感觉的客观事实的真实消息(Ball Rokeach和德弗勒)。根据Ball Rokeach和德弗勒,有依赖大众传播呈现不同的变量。这些变量是基于认知和行为方面的观众和社会所感知的媒体。注意,观众和社会是分开的。受众是新闻准备的特定环节,社会是整个社会。


In analyzing for why such things happen, it can be inferred through Ball-Rokeach and DeFelur’s discussions that the audience (in this case the society) often are in a situation to receive media messages on things that they might have an existing bias. The billboard indeed represents that situation. The people of that time had an existing bias. The white race felt it was superior to the Black race. This existing bias led them to present information to audiences such that it reinforced the bias. The social media filters messages in order to present them in a way that fits in with social reality. This filtering of messages so as to fit an audience segment supports the claims of Jansiz who presents that sometimes mass media messages need to be interpreted beyond what they seemingly convey (Jansiz). Mass media in most current times has been critiqued for presenting information suited to particular segments, while these segments are based on interests; the mass media presentation on the billboard supports the white interests. However the same mass media also highlights the impact of losing touch with reality as seen in the photo.
The photo as seen by the viewer shows that it must have been taken by someone with a conscientious viewpoint. The billboard and the photo are both products from the media. However in the photo, the presentation actually breaks the myth that is propagated by the billboard. There is no way like the American way is shown to be fact when it came to Americans albeit whites only. However the sad reality is that blacks who were Americans also were suffering. The photograph as a tool of mass media highlights this important point. This shows that mass media can convey real messages that can give the audience a sense of the unbiased fact (Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur). According to Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur, there is a dependency created in the different variables present for mass communication. These variables are based on the cognitive and behavioral aspects of the audience and society as perceived by the media. Note, that audience and society are meant separately. Audience is the specific segment that news is being prepared for and society is the general society.





With the tragedy to follow all the actions, Othello was considered to be the most noble actor in that time who has sought and clearly has the ability to manage with his skills along with the strong ability to fight against the wrong. Since every person has an enemy, so Iago, Roderigo and Brabantio are some who are adding to the downfall. Making a mistake at the stake of time, Othello has the right to destroy, holding all the convincing decisions who are ready to hold all the rights in time. The integrity to add (Harris 1994) and believe on all the transparency right, there is a manipulation of evil acts which will lead to a profound relationship, collaborating with the deals and standard with the husband. With the appearance and the suspicions, the play has a crucial role to hold and appear for all the people who have an interest to twist and enable a great deal of analysing the character as per the purposes and aim. There are certain reports where the two-faceted Othello has a disbelief and the planning goes accordingly to the strategic plan which went promoting many qualities. A race of insecurity and fatal laws have led to deterioration in the personality, leading to the corrupt nature along with managing all the matters whether personal or professional. With the reign of success, (Newman 1987) Othello has come up with the consistency traits which have helped me to be a profound actor in the play. Some people hold sympathy for him as he was an extraordinary noble person for some time till tragedy did not carried away his emotional attachment. The interest of Othello misbalanced from those times and there was a great contrasting review which led to satisfaction of the ambitions of the character with time. The conception to achieve and render forces to remain better and with proper distinguishing character was a dreadful act for him but he continued and in a span of time, the love he adopted was for accommodating his vouched level of hatredness. The incident in his life were never ended till he (Bradley 1922) had the realization that he has to kill Desdemona who has been the best supported. But he truly believed to judge himself and perform for better execution with death with his love.



在一个国家面临恐怖主义问题的情况下,自由对他们来说是一种奢侈的生活。在恐惧的时候,词语是让世界了解现实的最恰当的方式,是表达自由的最好方式。当这两篇文章进行比较,实现了作家如何比较文学的两个作家Alicia Partnoy的《小学校”和Anna Akhamatova的“安魂曲”。他们有不同的观点和写作风格,他们以一种描述性的方式解释了“追求自由”和“人权”。他们给那些由于恐怖主义和侵犯人权而生活在黑暗中的人们带来希望之光。这一比较表明,这两篇文献有许多相同之处和不同之处。


In a scenario when a country is facing the problem of terrorism then freedom for them acts as a luxury in their lives. At time of fear words are the most appropriate mode to let the world know about reality and are the best means for expressing freedom. When these two articles are compared it is realized that how a writer has compared the literature of two authors of Alicia Partnoy’s “The Little School” and Anna Akhamatova’s “Requiem”. They had different perspectives and writing styles with which they in a descriptive manner explained the “pursuit of freedom” and “human rights”. They brought the light of hope to the people that living in the darkness due to terrorism and violation of human rights. This Comparison shows that these two literature articles have lots of similarities and differences.
In Parthnoy’s ‘Survival Tales’ there she states about the life of human beings is in the concentration camp. The narrator describes many of the memories of people she encountered with in Concentration camp. When it is talked about the first-person and third –person, the first-person tells the narrator about the real experiences of the concentration camps whereas the third person engages in conversation with narrator on the view of witness. This instance is related to the problematic political genre in postcolonial writing. The “Requiem” is a lyric poem about imprisonment and its effect on those whose loved ones are arrested. I think this poem is in a form of “cycle” and “sequence” as it is composed of a number of short poems. When various parts are compared and brought together the feelings of emotion becomes very strong and prominent. The main body of both literatures is described in form of individual experiences.







Maintaining a balance is simply accepting different roles at different stages in life with attentiveness and care and willingly accepting the responsibility and fulfiling it with complete concentration. Unfortunately, with the working trend becoming more communication based with the adoption of advanced technology, it has become more difficult to stay away from various devices and instruments that keeps someone engaged with their work life. Cooper & Rousseau (1996) has defined work life balance to achieve satisfying results and experiences in all life domains. This definition is again a different perspective from the one offered by Marks and MacDermid, but it serves the inherent need and most essential necessity to reduce the ill effects of prolonged stress and work life imbalances. Imbalance can create increased pressure on the individual to handle multiple tasks at a time and this may create more inabilities and eventual reduction of self-confidence. This in turn reduces the individual’s capacity to control his actions in his defined roles and may give in sometimes.

Looking and studying the consequences of an imbalance in work and personal life, it is becoming more imperative to strive for achieving the balance and reduce the negative health effects. Kofodimos (1993) suggests that imbalance in an individual’s work and personal has been known to arouse high level of stress, detraction from quality of life, and eventually reduces the individual’s overall effectiveness at work and in fulfilling personal responsibility.

Clark (2000) has argued that work and family life has been always been viewed as different spheres of life since they are conducted separately, which has made the distinction very sharp between work and family. This is inevitable because the responsibilities are different in different cultures and the balance also may have a different capacity. However, whatever the culture, with increased globalisation and engagement there is a line which needs to be drawn between the two spheres of life and an individual needs to switch off the working thought process when the responsibility of family life takes center-stage, and equally needs to detach from the family when working responsibilities comes into picture. Maintaining a balance is a personal choice but it is essential considering the deteriorating impacts of the imbalance in work and family life.










“自然”一词被赶出了拉丁词“诞生地”即出生。它表明,自然是指的特点,事实,特点和方面的出生,由上帝创造的,没有什么是自然创造的,技术上或任何人所使用的手段。有各种各样的定义和解释给出什么是自然的意思。约翰·穆勒提供的自然哲学的定义是:“自然是固有的性质和能力的事情,自然是比这更多的定义。这是一个巨大的伞,覆盖了许多东西,元素实体等特点,Peter Coates(1998)提出的自然五层含义,即:


The word nature has been driven from Latin word ‘natus’ which means birth. It suggest that nature is referred to features, facts, characteristics and aspects that are present by birth, created by God, and nothing of nature is created artificially, technologically or by any means used by man. There are various definitions and explanations given for what is meant by nature. A philosophical definition of nature provided by John Stuart Mill is: ‘Nature is the inherent properties and capacities of things.’ Nature is actually much more than this definition. It is a huge umbrella covering numerous things, elements, features, entities etc. Peter Coates (1998) presented five meanings of nature, which are:
1.Nature is referred to the physical places, especially those physical places which are partly or wholly unchanged by people. By unchanged, Peter means that its physical properties inherited by it since creation are reserved. This definition gives the idea of unspoiled nature.
2.Nature is referred to the set of those physical places which are either modified or unmodified by people. Here Peter equates the word nature with the word environment.
3.Nature is the force or unit which is mostly based on religious traits. Here nature is the entity which makes other things happen due to a certain ‘law of nature.’
4.Nature is referred to the essence of things. For example, in case of human beings, nature is referred to the behaviour, attitude and approach of a person.
5.Nature is the opposite of culture. This suggests that nature has no connection with human beings.
Many philosophers, researchers and intellectuals have different perspectives of defining nature. But generally, nature is referred to anything which is more or less unmodified and free of amendments existing in its original form. According to the concept of nature that everything being created by Divine is nature, human being also falls is this category. Now the next matter of consideration is natural environment.



这些属性的选择,因为他们提供了一个近准确的描述评论家的感受和经验。例如,清洁度等级(正或负)有助于客户的满意度,并提供一个了解脏或多么干净的地方(stringam & Gerdes,2010)。

位置和房间类型是预留给客户必要的,形成了服务的一部分(卢瑟福,2002)。如果这两个属性是有序的,最初的反应是满意。令人惊讶的是,很少有研究领域的酒店研究,直到最近。城市旅游的概念,如阿什沃思(2003)所解释的是相当不发达,因为有较少的研究方面进行的城市旅游是基于位置的比有在乡村旅游领域。然而,在研究方面的新发展对城市旅游对酒店旅客的位置的重要性,和旅行,由位置影响行为(肖瓦尔,McKercher,NG,与birenboim,2011)。城市旅游不仅依赖于一个特定城市的酒店位置,而且还取决于城市的位置或“节点”,这是最重要的旅行者和经常光顾的许多游客。这些节点不均匀分布在整个城市(疏通,1999;皮尔斯,2001;唐桥&阿什沃思,1996)。另一个重要的因素,已探索的购物区的存在,作为一种手段,旅游景点酒店位置有关(疏浚,1999)。进一步的研究表明,游客选择的酒店是靠近著名的市场和建筑更容易访问他们之前的日子比深夜(肖瓦尔et al.,2011)。这些研究表明,酒店的位置取决于酒店附近的地方,游客们经常访问的网站(肖瓦尔et al.,2011)。因此,酒店的位置是非常重要的游客评论他们的评论。



These attributes were chosen because they provide a near-accurate description of the reviewer’s feelings and experiences. For instance, the rating of cleanliness (positive or negative) contributes to the customer’s satisfaction, and provides an idea of how dirty or how clean the place was (Stringam & Gerdes, 2010).

Location and room type is essential to the customer as is the reservation, which forms a part of the services (Rutherford, 2002). If these two attributes are in order, the initial reaction of that is satisfaction. Surprisingly, there has been very little research in the field of hotel research until recently. The concept of urban tourism, as explained by Ashworth (2003) is pretty underdeveloped as there is less research undertaken with regards to urban tourism that is location based than there is in the field of rural tourism. However, the recent development in research with regards to urban tourism explores the importance of the location of a hotel to the traveler, and the behavior of the traveler that is influenced by the location (Shoval, McKercher, Ng, & Birenboim, 2011). Urban tourism is dependent on not only the location of the hotel in a particular city, but also upon the locations or ‘nodes’ in the city which are paramount to the traveler and are frequented by many tourists. These nodes are distributed unevenly throughout the city (Dredge, 1999; Pearce, 2001; Tunbridge & Ashworth, 1996). Another important factor that has been explored is the presence of shopping areas as a means of tourist attraction where hotel locations are concerned (Dredge, 1999). Further studies reveal that the tourists who opt for hotels that are nearer to famous markets and landmarks are more prone to visiting them earlier on in the day than late at night (Shoval et al., 2011). These studies demonstrate that hotel location is dependent upon the site of hotel near places which tourists frequently visit (Shoval et al., 2011). Thus, hotel location is very important for tourists to comment upon in their reviews.

The degree of comfort that a hotel provide, is also a very important attribute whilst travellers consider complimenting or complaining on web-based forums. The comfort provided by a hotel depends on values such as the beauty, cleanliness, security and the general feeling of well-being that a hotel and its staff make their customer feel (Yang, 2008).