








There have been many cases where the bridges fail and break down because of the excess vibrations. These vibrations are caused by either natural or manual processes. Considering the example of London’s Millennium Bridge, it was the combination of both the manual and natural processes that resulted into the wobbling and failure of bridge. Many of the researchers believe that the people were more responsible for the failure of bridge as the swaying of suspension bridge has been a normal thing right from the construction of the same has begun, but the synchronization of people foot positions with the swaying of bridge enhanced the negative impact of fast blowing wind. As people were unaware of the consequence of their moves, it was the responsibility of the constructers and the higher authorities to make sure that the bridge was stable enough.

As already discussed, the failure mainly happened because of the synchronous lateral excitation caused by a large number of people on the bridge. The same can be perceived as a great lesson and the information gathered can be utilized to construct a better and stronger bridge. Utilizing a crowd – structure interaction model, it is easy to describe the whole phenomenon of synchronous lateral excitation and certain precautions can be utilized and incorporated to avoid such kind of problems. The key problem was the crowd added mass that changed the dynamic properties of the whole structure, thus the structure must be made strong enough to  adapt and absorb the mass of a large crowd. The researches show that the wobbling or the failure of Millennium Bridge took place mainly because of the small forces that were developed when the people on the bridge tried to adjust their foot to keep balance. The analysis also cleared the fact that the mass of crowd swayed the whole structure. Thus, in future it will be ensured that the structure is capable of balancing itself in the same situation.








There is no doubt in the fact that internet has been developed as the largest source of international media and information ever since the phase of modest inception in the late years of 1960s. With an increase in the simplicity of global access because of cheaper methods for the production of education and technology that bridges the divide of digital world (Ólafsson, 2011). However, the regulation of access and government censorship to specific information presented on the internet in a number of different nations has resulted in raising the problems if it is effective, and if it is detrimental with respect to growth in progress and knowledge of society (Livingstone, 2011). In the current era, there has been an increase in the popularity of internet in a significant manner. The internet is being considered as an important tool of communication that helps in bringing significant efficiency and convenience for individuals. However, the internet also seems to be having certain weaknesses as well.

It has been identified that all across the globe, there has been a rise in the concept related to Censorship over the Internet. This essay will focus on explaining how censorship can be considered advantageous for some of the instance, but in many other, it turns out to be detrimental towards the society.

Censorship of Internet

Internet is known to be an international market platform. The extreme development of this technology, and particularly commerce based on internet, has largely been taking place beyond the standard frameworks of trade regulation. These are known to be covering majority of the forms over commerce that is cross border (Ólafsson, 2011). As there has been a growth in the size of markets for internet, more significance is being given to concerns of regulation like measures of restrictive trade, damage to the climate over trade, and investments within the works of e-commerce, services based on information and transmissions through online sources.




aisee基本上是一个图形可视化工具编译图的目的。经常创建图形的人理解编译图的意义。它与Windows和基于Unix的系统兼容。这是一个首选的工具,因为这个功能。可视化编译器图形,2015)。一个图的构建语言或图形描述语言来使用的基本图形的规格可以布置(Paulisch & Tichy,1990)。可以说,创建图表的规范是在这个阶段完成的。一个用aisee工具的主要缺点是,它是可供使用的命令行界面。这是一个非常直接的工具,没有媒体丰富的组件。这被认为是这个工具的缺点之一。支持该工具可以扩展到包括GUI格式,将更方便的研究人员希望使用该工具。使用aisee工具的主要优点是,它使不同的图形式出口。图可以导出为高温肉制品,后记,SVG、PNG或在LaTeX文档包含的形式。aisee进而提供模板,可用于分层布局算法的形式。然而,这些仅用于直接的图形,这些分层布局可以使用通过更新源文件直接或通过使用分层布局算法。普遍的共识是,如果这些图生成工具,应该有更多的图形界面工具使其美观的同时也增加了丰富的媒体组件。


Developing Online Graphical Tool for Easy Research Publication Mapping

Graph visualization can be defined as the way to representing information in the form of networks, nodes and connections. In most software engineering it has been observed that graphs plotting play an important role. It enables the viewer to gain a comprehensive outlook of the scenario. This is because simple non-textual rendition of information provides for better understanding to the reader. Although some existing tools might not support interactive GUI it might run in the form of a command line program. Textual graph specifications are used by these command line programs. Some of the command line programs are the GraphViz, aiSee and more. These tools were the preliminary tools that was initially used there has been a number of tools and software dedicated for this whole purpose as well.

aiSee is basically a graph visualize tools for the purpose of compiler graphs. The people who create graphs in a regular basis understand the significance of compiler graphs. It is compatible with Windows and Unix based systems. It is a preferred tool because of this functionality. (Visualization of Compiler Graphs, 2015). A Graph construction language or a Graph description language is made use of here with which the basic graph specs can be laid out (Paulisch, & Tichy, 1990). It can be said that the specifications for creating the graphs are done in this stage. One of the major disadvantages of using the aiSee tool is that it is available for use with command line interface. It is a pretty direct tool with no media rich components. This is considered to be one of the drawbacks of this tool. With support the tool could be extended to include for GUI formats that will work more conveniently for a researcher wanting to use the tool. The major advantage of using the aiSee tool is that it enables different form of export of the graphs. Graphs can be exported as HTMP, PostScript, SVG, PNG’s or in the forms of inclusions in LaTeX documents. aiSee furthermore offers templates that could be used in the form of hierarchical layout algorithms. These are however for direct graphs only and these hierarchical layouts can be made use of by either updating a source file directly or by using a hierarchical layout algorithm. The general consensus is that if these graph generation tool should have more graphic interface tool to make it aesthetically pleasing and also to increase the media rich components.




现实主义:它是一种艺术形式,其中的主题是简单的方式描绘,并不是理想化的遵循正式的艺术理论的规则。在现实工作中由于第十八世纪浪漫主义和新古典主义的过激行为开始。现实主义的时代在第十九世纪中期发展,因为当时的艺术家由于沙龙的工作而幻灭,受到学院的影响。现实主义成为法国启发了山水画家如Camille Corot的有组织的运动,Jean Francois Millet和巴比松画派。法国现实主义作为印象派的哲学导向因子。
现实主义可以被描述为对映体艺术。它更注重绘画和雕塑,而不是历史和文学。Eugene Delacroix认为,现实主义关注现实的东西如以石膏直接从自然会比一个拷贝的人产生更多的现实。这是任何一个共同的信念,一个艺术家的手是不是他的思维引导他们甚至认为不管如何艺术家试图描绘他的思想,他的工作将不完全符合他的精神的颜色(schehr,2006)。幼珍是相信眼睛和艺术家的手就足以产生不仅模仿但任何工作。为了承认现实主义的意义,所有的人都应该有相同的想法,并且能够以类似的方式构思事物。幼珍说,所有艺术形式的终极目的是其效果(炒,1992)。他说,艺术家的使命只是在安排材料,并允许他的艺术爱好者,根据他们的愿望提取艺术的意义。头脑的兴趣有助于发现一个巧妙处理的主题的清晰而简单的发展。


Realism: It is that form of art in which subjects are depicted in straightforward manner and are not idealized by following the rules of formal artistic theory. The work on Realism started in 18th century due to the excesses of Romanticism and Neoclassicism. The Realist era grew in middle 19th century because artists of that time became disillusioned due to the works of Salons and were influenced by Academies. Realism became an organized movement in France which inspired landscape painters such as Camille Corot, Jean Francois Millet and Barbizon School. French Realism acted as a guiding factor for the philosophy of the Impressionists.
Realism can be described as antipodes of art. It emphasizes more on painting and sculpture rather in history and literature. Eugene Delacroix was of the view that Realism focuses on realistic things such as taking a cast directly from nature will be more realistic than a copy produced by a man. It is a common belief of any individual that the hand of an artist is not guided by his mind and they even think that no matter how exactly an artist attempts to portray his ideas his work will not exactly match the colors of his spirit (Schehr, 2006). Eugene was of the belief that eye and hand of an artist will suffice to produce not only the imitations but any work. For acknowledging Realism with its meaning, it is necessary that all men should have same thinking and should be able to conceive things in similar manner. Eugene says the supreme purpose of all forms of art is its effect (Fried, 1992). He says that the mission of the artist is just in arranging material and permitting his art lovers to extract the meaning of art according to their wishes. It is the interest of the mind that helps in discovering the clear and simple development of a subject that is handled skillfully.





China’s furniture market as recorded in 2012 has increased in value from 1978. The production value of this industry as of 2011 amounted to around US$ 83.16 billion and this is an increase of more than 25.28 percent compared to its previous year recordings (Furniture Market in China, 2012). This research is however not focused on the production and the export potential of the furniture’s that are being sent out from China. The research is focused on the demands for an antiques furniture market in China. Furniture that was imported into China is seen to have also increased in just about the same amount of its productions and its exports. The furnishing imports was around 18.07% in the year 2008 and this is an enormous increase as the industry that was valued at only US$ 1.3 billion in 2007 rose up to a value of US$ 1.53 billion in 2008. However 2009 was seen to be steeped as there was a world economic crises. The Chinese furniture market however did not suffer under this loss as the total importation values increased by around USD 1.85 billion and in 2010 it was valued at USD 3.12 billion (Furniture Market in China, 2012). In this context the prospects of establishing an antique business market within China can be said to be a feasible and a profitable option. However the concern here is that the Chinese furniture market is very much fragmented, a study of how antique furniture’s would be received into the market will first need to be researched into. This study in specific considers the French antique businesses and attempts to understand the value that would be created for such a business in China. The research question that the thesis attempts to find a solution to is:
What is the feasibility of implementation (based on potential opportunities and strengths) for the development of a business in the Chinese Antique Furniture which would sell French Antique Furniture of 18th century and stylized versions based on the period.



必要:入境及入学注册文件,比如护照、签证页、录取通知书、学位证、毕业证、成绩单、雅思成绩单、已缴费用的证明(电汇底单、汇票复印件、学校的收据等)、 住宿合同或者住宿的详细地址;万能转化插头、5磅或10磅的小额英镑现金(金额:2000~3000)、高级相机或者笔记本等重要物品的购买发票(如有),学校的紧急联系方式,护照格式的照片、眼镜、眼药水、折叠伞《国际旅行健康证明书》和《国际预防接种证书》、电子客票
图书馆、学生会、国际学生办公室、国际学生服务中心、心里咨询服务中心、教授和老师、 同学、朋友和社团、海外学生健康保险、当地中国使领馆、监护人。
七. 文化习俗及注意事项:




景观曾经是任何发展的内在组成部分,更多的景观理念是来自于眼前的发展。由于它是丰富的,它有其适当的使用,并适应当地发展的概念。这个词是在一个装饰的黄金发展的意义,强调了现代建筑被开发是古代传统文化的演变。现代建筑包括景观并非无根的结构,而是一种古老文化的发现潜意识的努力。它被提到,景观不是奢侈品或装饰支持发展的主流,但它是最深层的现代发展的必要性。它的价值是在消费主义与发展作为整个国家在其影响下的商品化恶化。不同宗教的文化和传统开始要求自然景观的具体要求,并开始出现变化的景观设计,转而满足个人的需要,而不是社会。现代景观已经走过了漫长的道路,从散乱光看绿色的田野到今天的过分精细设计的开放空间。这个词对作者来说意味着很多,他提到,居住和居住习惯是自动调整自己的景观,从而使舒适的生活与自然。因为文化是一个非常复杂的词,由于其复杂的历史发展,还因为它被用在许多知识的概念和思想[ R. Williams,关键词:词汇的文化和社会,伦敦,丰塔纳,1983】,景观已在许多文化背景不同的含义。景观作为一个词开始使用在1800年初时,它成为被用来在伦敦的一些发展,早于它已被用于静止图片和绘画。景观设计理念是从古代绘画和自然景观演变而来的,并在设计新的设计时,深深地扎根于设计师的心灵深处。


Landscape used to be an intrinsic part of any development and more of the idea of landscape used to come from being visible in front of the developments. Since it was available in abundance, it had its appropriate use and was accommodated well into the concept of local development. The word is taken in the sense of a decorator of the prime development, and also emphasized that the modern architecture that is being developed is an evolvement of the ancient and traditional cultures. The modern architecture including the landscape is not a rootless structure but a subconscious effort of the findings of the ancient culture. It is being mentioned that landscape is not a luxury or a decorating support for the main development, but it is the most underexplored necessity of modern developments. Its value is being deteriorated in the consumerism and commodification of development which took the entire nation under its influence. The culture and tradition of different religions began to demand specific requirements from the natural landscape, and changes began to appear in the designing of the landscape which took a turn to satisfy personal needs rather than the community. The modern landscape has come a long way from unorganised optically looking green fields to today’s extravagantly fine-detailed designed open spaces. The word does meant a lot to the author who mentions that dwellings and settlements used to automatically adjust itself into the landscape and thus made a comfortable living along with nature. Since culture is a very complicated word due to its intricate historical development and also because it has been used in many intellectual concepts and thoughts[ R. Williams, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society, London, Fontana, 1983], landscape has been holding different meanings in many cultural context. Landscape as a word came into use in the early 1800’s when it became to be used in London in some developments, earlier than which it had been used in still pictures and paintings. The idea of landscape design evolved from the ancient paintings and natural landscape available, and then taking a deep root into the designers mind every time they design a new development.





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English Language Assessment and the Chinese Learner. Routledge.
This book is very informative as it has covered all the elements of English language in China and this information was very important for the work. The content in the book explains about the in depth coverage of English language in China. This book is up to date and images present in the book cover all the elements that help in grabbing the attention of the reader. Not only China but the authors have focused on the situation of Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland of China. The main elements of the book cover history of tests present in the country and how these tests placed impacts on the students and English learners. Current research has been mentioned in the book that covers all these aspects. Another element of the book focuses on the test designers and test users and how test development is impacted by both the parties. Factors like social political and economical are covered by the authors in explaining the current situation. Conceptual and theoretical frameworks have been mentioned in the book and these frame works explain about the attitudes and perceptions of people living in China. All in all the book revolves around the theory in practice that people in China have accepted this language and they are struggling hard for learning English language. It has been notified that political intervention is required in this filed that can help in engaging the students and academic consultants. Tests present in the system about English language are still poor and they need to be improved.
Part of the book that was used in my work revolved around the attitudes and perceptions of the students for English language and how they are coping up with this language. Also Macro environmental factors were also used in the assignment and these factors were present in the book. Writing of the book was clear and authors have used terminologies that cannot create any difference for the readers so they can read it easily. This book should be recommended to every student researching for Chinese perceptions about English language and how this language has changed the academic policies of the country.