标签存档: 英国论文代写价格


assignment代写-公司产品价格的定价策略。本公司用于制定本公司产品价格的定价策略将完全基于本公司产品的价值。虽然公司目前是一家新公司,但它的运作方式将使公司的声誉继续得到很大的发展。该公司的声誉将有助于该公司在市场上保持和克服其在行业中的竞争对手(Berger et al., 1991)。产品的定价方式将使其价格低于竞争对手。人们普遍认为他们会从产品中获得最大的价值。以价值为基础的定价策略最适合目标市场。

The pricing strategy which would be used by the company for setting the price of the products of the company will be completely based on the value of the product. Though the company is a new company at present, it will work in such a manner that the reputation of the company continues to develop in the great manner. The reputation of the company will help the company to sustain in the market and overcome its competitors in the industry (Berger et al., 1991). The prices of the products will be set in such a manner that the prices will be lower in comparison to its competitors. It is generally expected by the people that they will get the best value out of their products.
The pricing strategy in case of the value based is most appropriate for the target market. This is because of the fact that in general, the target market mostly consists of the parents who wants their kids to get more and more better products. But they are also conscious that they get the best product at the lowest price.

The company’s strategy therefore will be to provide the value to the products and will also insure that the prices will be lower than the competitors. The company will make the people realize that how important is the products for their children and it will leave the decision to the people that they want to buy the valuable products at the lower price in comparison to the selling price of the competitor of the product. The major competition of the company at the present times will be with the XYZ Company which manufactures the same set of product. The company will keep the prices much lower than the products of the XYZ Company but it will provide the best quality products which would be even better in comparison to the primary competitor of the company.
The T shirts which are being manufactured by the company have been priced between $12 and $55. This is lower in comparison to the price which has been set up by XYZ Company whose products have been set at the price of $20 to $90. Also the shoes of the company have been set up at the price between $20 and $150. The price of the caps is as low as $5. Also the company will give a complementary offer initially under which it will give free caps on the purchase of shoes or T shirts. The company though has to figure out some of the other core competitors but it is sure that it will easily take a good place in the market.
Another most important thing is the distribution of any product. This forms to be the most important phase for the success of any product (Mohamed et al., 1999). The company will distribute the products with the help of the different wholesalers which would include the national level wholesalers. The wholesaler will provide the products to the retailer. In order to implement the proper control in this strategy it will be important to ensure that there is a proper distribution at different places in the nation. The company also needs to ensure that the retailers give the products to the customers at the fair price. Also, each of the products which have been sent from the company should reach the customer properly. There will be a complete scrutiny of the different products which would be sending to the wholesalers and the retailers. Also, it will be ensured that the money reaches the company after the sale of the product. With the help of this method the distribution will be done in different a part which ensures that there is no loss of the product during the time of distribution. The company will make sure that the products easily reach to the customers. The company will make sure that most of the products which are developed by the company are given to the national level distributors. It is very important to have a proper implementation of the different products which are manufactured by the company. The company is new in the market therefore it is important for the company that the different strategies should be implemented successfully.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士毕业论文代写、paper代写、essay代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!


英国商业论文代写-企业会计活动的会计软件。Melton Estate目前一直在使用Xero,这是一款用于运行企业会计活动的会计软件。企业开始使用Xero作为他们的会计软件。Xero是一个基于云计算的软件包,用户不能在其硬件上安装它。相反,可以通过internet访问和使用软件。同样,客户的数据也不考虑存储在用户的硬件中,而是通过web浏览器通过internet提供其可访问性。本文的目的是对客户关系管理和客户关系管理对梅尔顿房地产公司业务的意义有一个详细的了解。为案例研究提供结论和建议要点。

Melton Estate is a small size company of wine situated in the wine region of Canterbury on the South Island of New Zealand. The company has ownership of an event venue, restaurant, and vineyard at an area closer to the city of Christchurch. By their efforts to position the business of wine celebration, Melton Estate has gained the ability of selling wines at 95 per cent directly to the groups of customers. The value of sales is made primarily to the customer groups by the cellar door and restaurant. Customers are also provided with the ability of making direct purchases of wine through the internet from Melton Estate.

First, CPA is crucial for uncovering opportunities for targeted management of cost and programs of profit improvement. CPA, under this particular application helps in revealing the links between resource consumption and activities. Therefore, there is direct pointing towards the opportunities of profit making. CPA is crucial in providing the base for well- informed decisions of pricing, plans of bonus, and discounted offers for the customers (Al-Mudimigh, 2009d). Within the similar context, this assists in the improvement of decision making with respect to discounts. In the lack of intricate knowledge regarding the costs specific to the customers, more often, discounts are set on the basis of volume of sales. Analysing the profitability of customer reveals results to revise current structures of discounting for the improvement of profitability. CPA provides scope regarding the chances of targeting strategies and segmentation as per profitability profiles and cost. The process of implementation begins with the scrutiny in listing the present base of customers. Large databases of customer consist of details regarding the customer who do not appear to be having any relationship with the business (Byrnes, 2014). The process of implementation focuses on dealing to identify active customer base in the respective database for assuring the allocation of costs to the active customer base only. Active customers can be considered as the one having placement of a minimum of one order while specifically considering the same. In the ultimate sense, there must be assignment of each cost to the activities, and for each and every activity, there must be identification of appropriate drivers in the cost. There will not be an inclusion of costs of customer relationship, rebates and discounts in the sales revenue earned by the customers (Chen et al., 2006). Considering the activities of sales, there must be collection of data as per each and every cost of the activities of sales. There will be determination of the level of detail by practical considerations and data availability. The figures of profitability may provide an indication that levels of service for specific customer segments or customers are to be reduced enlightened by the present revenues and costs. While there is profitability borne by other customers, it is highly justified to additionally spend on the retention of customer (Chen et al., 2008). Changes taking place in strategies company come along with changes taking place in the objectives, along with changes taking place in the rewards systems and performance evaluation systems. Embedment of CPA in the routine activities of marketing, accounting and sales will be necessitating changes involved in procedures, in systems and in responsibilities.

中国留学生毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、硕士毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!




1.在文档开头,选中要设置一级标题的文字内容,设置好字体、字号等格式,然后选择菜单中的“格式”-“段落”-“缩进和间距”选项卡-“大纲级别”设为1级!“确定”。 用同样的办法可以设置二级、三级….标题,区别就是在“大纲级别”里选择相应的2级、3级等。


3.光标放到想插入目录的位置点“插入”-“引用”-“索引和目录”-“格式”,右边的“显示级别”选择你前面设置过的最大目录级别,最后 “确定”。


有关论文代写价格之论文目录的作用和写作技巧就为留学生们分享到这里,如果留学生们需要论文辅导和提升,详情可以咨询英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、硕士毕业论文代写等论文服务,而且论文代写价格公平合理。英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


代写论文价格-爵士乐的特殊类型。爵士乐是一种特殊的音乐类型,它分别起源于19世纪和20世纪前后美国的非洲裔和美国裔社区。它的词根属于布鲁斯和拉格泰姆,被认为是音乐表现的主要形式之一。许多著名的音乐风格出现在传统和流行的音乐风格中,欧洲的美国风格和非洲裔美国人的表演和出身有着共同的束缚。它的特点是越来越多的存在摇摆和蓝色的音符类型,也与军乐队的音乐有很强的联系。摇摆爵士乐- – -大约在1930-50年代出现,它的编排曾经是精心制作的,而且总是摇摆的。

Free Jazz- Contemporary and modern day jazz with lot of room for innovation and experimentation, uses different genres of music in combination or solo.
Electric Jazz- Uses the electrified forms of guitar predominantly.
Neo classical Jazz- Similar to the traditional form of jazz and had a slow rhythm prevalent in the 19th century.
Basically by improvisation of Jazz, Redman has highlighted a very key point. This is related to vulnerability of the music. Basically, since of musicians play their specific parts which are completely coordinated but it is not preset and well planned, and during live performances they change agenda and often one person takes the lead and the other follows. It is not a pre designed and pre defined procedure and thus the musicians work in coordination with one another to maintain the overall essence of the piece they are playing.
Coleman and Bix were highly influenced by Armstrong’s innovation in the field of jazz. He has singlehandedly transformed the social type of music into art and it can be considered to be a place where any worthy musician irrespective of their geographical origin will be give a place. He also established the jazz harmonic fashion in the sector of blues. Jazz improvisation as music where individuals can express themselves and also introduce singing and loose phrasing of the lyrics.
Parker made a significant impact on the jazz music within a short span of time he lived, especially around the 20th century. In fact, the new genre of bebop was an invention of him and a few other friends who worked together in a restaurant. This form of bebop was initially rejected by the bop players of that era but it soon gained tempo and familiarity with the musical audience. He changed the entire scenario of the otherwise rigid bebop music and it saw a different form of light in terms of music which evolves in the later parts of 20th century.
The use of modal tones in jazz was an improvisation put forward by Davis and he along with other musicians of that time came out with a specific strip down style which was immensely appreciated amongst all as it showcased variations of modal tones and not just use of major and minor keys respectively. The modal style in modern day jazz is such an integral part of it that it often becomes increasingly difficult to actually explain its importance. Modal styles are not only restricted to jazz music but have been increasingly experimented in other musical styles and genres like hip hop, rock etc.
Coltrane was a saxophonist who used to work with friend Davis in his band but have been removed as he could not maintain the professional commitments due to his addiction to heroin. However, once he was over it, he happened to be one of the most brilliant saxophonists who did a lot of innovations in the jazz music around that time.
In fact, Bandleader was developed by him along with pianist monk and he made several solo debuts which were instant hits and liked by all. He had even penned the material for his solo performances and introduced the technique of sheets of sound. Overall, his contribution to the jazz music fraternity has been immensely significant.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



My initial thoughts when planning for the Co-Op were to ensure that I get the placement smoothly. I believe there were little challenges when it comes to landing the Co-Op. I believe this was because of the support given by my University. Firstly, the University strived to prepare students very well when it comes to developing student portfolios, and CV’s. This learning was significant to me. Student portfolio preparation showed me my strengths and areas of improvement. The CV preparation taught me how to present skills with integrity, and how to connect with the company I was posting the CV to the early stages of Co-Op application; I was also guided in terms of communication practices. My communication level improved significantly, as I interacted with different companies. I mailed some of them, with some a phone conversation was required. Two of the companies I interviewed with in person before I landed the job at were AA Taxation & Accounting Service Ltd.
Tom Grundy, an independent consultant for accountant training states that even when companies make use of software’s for basic accounting or outsource their accounting work to other accounting firms, they need a typical in house financial unit in order to help them with cash management. An intimate understanding of business and accountancy is hence required. I believe that in my workplace, I learned accounting tasks for different businesses and this makes me quite ready to start my career in any company.
I gained a sound ethical perspective on how to handle things in the workplace. There are professional ethics for accountants that have to be kept, and then there are ethical issues and resolutions based on context. Although I did not come across any ethical conflict from my end, the ethics workshop conducted for co-ops was useful. I was able to well differentiate how protocol need not always be ethical, and when required one should raise an alert or their concerns to their superior.
Not only I believe the workplace taught me many things, but also I believe I bought some values to the workplace which was an asset to my co-employees. An important value I brought to the workplace in addition to my professional skills is the value of communication, diversity acceptance and inclusion. Certain communication skills are appropriate for different work settings. In the case of the accountancy field, communication has to be detailed at times and succinct at others. The company I worked with provided better guidance towards incorporating diversity as well. They promoted effective workplace communication that is important for the companies with the workplace diversity. This helped me understand how to reduce the barriers erected owing to the language and cultural cases. Such training in effective communication greatly contributed to the productivity and reduced my operational discomfort. In my future with respect to my career, I understand the need for being culturally sensitive and inclusive. The managers of the accounting companies need to address global demands. They often take up clients internationally. They need to be aware of the cultural sensitivity. This would increase the cohesive flow of operations. I learned the valuable lesson of why effective communications is required for the businesses to look above the domestic borders. The benefits hold not only in the context of diversity acceptance and inclusion, but also for the overall productivity improvement in the workplace. As an employee, I felt lesser discomfort when I could connect well with other employees, and for this, effective communication is a basic. In cases where effective communication does not exist, there can be more frustration and confusion that will prevail.

英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些碩士論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!


谢菲尔德论文代写-溴化和混合的HAA种。当水体中溴浓度较高时,HAA亚型的各种混合种和溴化种普遍存在。这导致最大的贡献产生毒素。不同实验条件下,HAAs对个体水平的TOX贡献可能不同(Yang et al., 2017)。CBP浓度与溴离子浓度有直接关系。根据Pourmoghadas和Kinman(2013)的研究,与生成的产品卤化量相比,有许多参数可以改变地下水中的HAA百分比。因此,当道路除冰过程中溴的浓度发生变化时,产品的卤化率必然会发生变化。在道路除冰过程中,溴作为杂质存在,在海洋和汽油类产品中也存在二溴乙烷。因此,化学反应将分别从副产物氯化反应转移到副产物溴化反应。因此,不同等级的HAA百分比明显降低了毒素的百分比,但水体的pH值不断增加,不适合饮用。

The TOX concentration has attracted the attention of scientists and researchers as this particular parameter is easy to measure. It is basically described as a collective parameter that serves as a surrogate for various potentially harmful substances, which are largely halogenated and are associated with drinking water (Yang et al., 2017). The regulation of TOX, itself, in case if not properly done, might lead to significant amount of generation of the same. A number of best practices results thus suggest that along with HAA formation, it is equally vital to control TOX and THMs respectively. The determination of TOX is comparatively easier in a majority of the countries across the world, as it is considered to be an important parameter to measure water quality. The determination of HAA and THMs on the other hand is comparatively more difficult and tedious process (Agori et al., 2015).
The degree of correlation with regard to mutagenic factors and quality of water related parameters have been investigated from time to time. The maximum amount of correlation is present between mutagenicity and the total concentration of the organic halides which are a part of the treated water samples respectively (Plewa & Wagner, 2016).
As the presence of bromide can be as a precursor for the different organic levels of by-products, which are otherwise brominated, it definitely shares some correlation between formation of different brominated and non-halogenated by products respectively (Melo et al., 2016). This thus proves to be of importance to understand the impact of these HAA by products on the environmental conditions.
The role of bromide for determining the concentration of DBPs which are related formed in WTPs has been immensely influential. Various reports have underlined the presence of humus like material in chlorinated water, and in those circumstances, the presence bromine has led to shifting of the overall curve regarding THM or HAA distribution towards being more brominated or mixed as far as the halogenations is concerned (Wang et al., 2014). The presence of bromide ions in the surface water and ground water enhances the chance of formation of dibromoethane when it comes in contact with diesel or gasoline or similar products. Bromine is often present in association with rocks as impurities. It is also an active constituent of different bio geochemical recycling processes. It bears contribution of the marine regions along with different fertilizers, pesticides and their indiscriminate use with the addition of mining related activities.
If an instance of different geographical locations is concerned, the average HAAs in the different water treatment plants of Spain, South Korea, USA or Greece are generally present in the range which is more than the permissible limit (Villanueva et al., 2015). A number of studies conducted before, in different regions focused on the HAAs and their formation. A number of researchers pointed out that in order to draw a definitive conclusion, some more researches in certain specific aspects are required in the field of water work management. It is vital before drawing out any implementation strategies regarding their usage.
Additionally, the various existing types of investigations which have been performed presently have been done taking into account, significantly shorter time frames for monitoring thus reducing a number of variables in the operational and experimental arena of water treatment plants (Yang et al., 2017). In the field of HAA research specifically for environmental impact study, there is still a large demand to fill up the gap which exists with regard to the formation of HAAs as DBP and their overall impact on the environment and living quality of different flora and fauna.
This report categorically deals with the impact of HAAs which have been formed as a part of DBP during chlorination process and its implication on the overall quality of environment.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!






英国代写论文之论文结构之间的逻辑安排就为留学生们解析到这里。如果中国留学生毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


英国论文代写价格-医院的资源管理。当考虑医院的资源管理时,接待员必须开发更多健壮的流程。它们被用来处理大量的消费者数据和消费者机构的管理(Nadiri和Hussain, 2016)。首先满足公司的这种需求是很重要的。数据整理显示,2017年5月17日下午3点至6点期间,消费者诊所的管理情况。进行这种分析的原因是为了了解公司的运作方式,以及包括消费者在内的资源如何分配给不同的服务。在特定的日子里,与其他日子相比,有更高的消费流量。

The first factor that needs to be considered is that within the agency there are multiple medical disciplines which need to be considered by the various numbers of consumers. These are a number of consultants. A system must be in place and this must focus on highlighting of the disparity of the different number of consumers are covered by the receptionist. A disparity is evident between the consumers that are covered by the receptionist. An initial sequencing of the consumers reveals the need for a robust system. The first area explores the implication of the resource constraints. The typical appointments typically allotted 15 minutes for each consumer. This shows that on an average 4 consumers are serviced every hour. However, at certain intervals in time, higher numbers of consumer come into the agency. In these times, the consumers need to address the variability in the arrival. It can be argued that the consumer appointments in theory need to have a smooth flow. Nevertheless, issues that arise when analysing of these administrations of these clinic are evident. It was observed that many of the clinic desks are required. In reality, single receptionist is made to cover for many consumers at a time. Owing to this, the consumers are very complex and function as a single receptionist (Kapoor, 2011). They become invariably responsible to manage over 96 consumers in certain times. These show how the receptionists are made to face the brunt of the problem. It is not possible to meet the requirements of the healthcare operation. These lines are made to exacerbate the sick consumer emotions. The emotions of the consumers play an important role in their recovery process. The management of these consumers invariably means addressing the needs of the consumers.

Queuing is required and is an important tangible aspect. They need to be visible or invisible, and they are no different for healthcare. In the case of queuing, it is evidenced that the consumer waiting lists and visible queues are becoming longer for the travel services. In this case, the formation of a long queue indicates that these consumers are yet to be services. The requirements of these consumers are not met (Lin, Yang and Ho, 2015). These provide a visual representation for the consumers. A system of queues is found to exist parallel. In this, each receptionist in the agency is made operate his or her own queue. However, lack in services rendered is observed owing to the fact that each receptionist is made to handle multiple desks. These operating queues are based on the ways in which the individual receptionist is made to handle multiple desks. These operating queues cause a common disparity that exists in the consumer numbers. The queuing structure that exists in the agency has been highlighted in the following.
It is difficult to regulate queue length, and owing to the high visibility of the Check-in queuing, there is consumer dissatisfaction that occurs at a higher rate. The value and importance of the consumer services are evident in the ways to the consumers’ willingness. This is usually negated by the consumers increased anxiety towards the different factors (Lee, Han and Hwang, 2017). A tense behaviour was observed by the service provider. Owing to the point of visibility of resource constraints, these are observed be detrimental to the services messages and the emotions of the consumers. In some hospitals, there is single line queuing system. In this, the receptionist service is based on the ways in which the consumers arrived. This indicates that at certain times, there could be more traffic inflow when compared to the other times. It would become difficult to provide services to all the consumers during this time.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士毕业论文代写、paper代写、essay代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!



One specific problem noticed in the finding is that multimodal approach requires expertise of the teacher. Naive application does not yield desired results. The circles clearly displayed the interrelationship between different nodes that are essential and add value to the learning process. The author has the vision to simplify the teaching process with reliable pedagogical approach where the teacher should necessarily be ready to plan and implement it.
This evidence based research article with dialect and table is certainly helpful to the learners as well as teachers. It encourages the learners to adopt this format of learning to achieve better outcomes. In addition to it, the article presents a realistic solution that can solve the problems faced by multicultural learners throughout the world. It is customizable and accurate and these shape up the research implications with positive impacts.
Leung and Street (2012) have worked on the norms and practices meant for English as a part of their curriculum. The norms listed focused on competences over sociolinguistic, grammar, strategic and discourses. Though this was applied to the students at a classroom level, it has the potential to act as hindrance in the case of classes with students from multiple cultures. The norms might sound easier to practice for the native learners while the educators might find it difficult to communicate to the rest of the students. In this particular case, multimodal approach can be of specific help.
If multimodal approach is used here instead of the theories suggested by Leung and Street (2012), the former would have had positive outcomes than the latter. These norms can be distributed and taught through multiple modals such as digital platform, gestures and dialects. All these together can yield desired outcomes. Further, it is also feasible to achieve grammatical and discourse competences with the technique suggested by Walsh et al (2015). Instead of rigid practices for the students, it is appropriate to teach them in a flexible format with the use of multiple modals. This can be suitable for the native learners as well as others.
Yet another application of the research made by Walsh et al (2015) is in the study of Kaspar and Omori (2010). The latter has studied the language from the perspective of cultural competence. The authors have also assessed the case of multicultural learners with supporting psychological theories and communication accommodation theory which will serve as a motivating aid. The speech act pragmatics established by the authors would build confidence and interpersonal understanding. Unfortunately, it might fail to establish the foundation of learning and this can affect the learners on a long term. Further, the research also remains at the basic level and does not guide the teachers.
In the category of interactional sociolinguistics, it is appropriate to add the pedagogy researched by Walsh et al. (2015). This multimodal approach develops the interaction and also the understanding between the participants. This application can lay as the foundation to categorize between the members and choose the right pedagogy to perform knowledge transfer. This will also eliminate the cultural differences in classroom and bring a unity in the learning of the language English. This approach is even productive and assures of better results.

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The relationship between the business corporations and global community is historical as there is interdependence between them. The businesses are concentrating on making a profit and this possible only when they show that is responsible for giving the best to the society. In present days, customers are concerned about the ingredients of which the goods are made up. Investors focus on the ways in which companies handle social issues. This helps to spread goodwill thereby increasing profitability. Moreover, companies need raw material for manufacturing which came from the community, and hence, the corporations need to take of the communities to encourage them thrive (Theaustralian.com.au, 2017).

Lemus (2016) commented that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as the importance which is guided by essential policies to enable the global businesses to work in different cultural setting and create benefit for the entire community and the environment. CSR is the universal language of business compliance that offers social benefit to the business and community. Kellogg’s in its CSR statement clearly claimed that following this universal language by making a commitment to provide healthy and nutritious products, which enable the people to lead a healthy life and the enable the company to meet the ethical standards.
However, as the test initiated by Food Commission and the report of consumer magazine Choice, the breakfast items of Kellogg’s contain a high level of sugar and little dietary fibre. The ingredients that are used by Kellogg’s are harmful to saturated fats (Day, 2016). Hence, it is clear that Kellogg’s CSR statement is not true to the fact, but merely tries to convince the stakeholders. As per the Triple Bottom Line Theory (TPL), people, planet and profit are important factors for organizations to consider. TBL has become quite essential for Australian business as it helps to gain sustainability (Christofi, Christofi, and Sisaye, 2012). Kellogg’s in their CSR statement claims these three factors to be effective and socially responsible, but actually, they are simply trying to make profits disregarding other two factors namely people and planet. Other important aspects of CSR include sustainability, accountability and transparency. In this case, it is evident that Kellogg’s has failed to maintain transparency of product ingredients thereby violating CSR policies. Moreover, this has resulted in their inefficiency to remain accountable and sustainable to the stakeholders.

Fair trade is the exchange between the companies of the developed countries with the producers of the developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers. Apart from providing fair returns to the farmers, Fair Trade has created a better working condition for the farmers and has led to the improvement of the terms of trade for the workers and farmers in the developing countries. The farmers are able to control their future and can protect the environment in which they live and work. When the consumers buy goods with the Fair Trade Mark, they are supporting the farmers to improve their livelihoods. Fair Trade helps to safeguard the right of the workers and presence the environment. In 2014, Pacific producers earned $21 million from Fair Trade. This has assisted to social and environmental improvement and Fair Trade Premium Funds are now focused on tackling illiteracy among adults (Fairtrade.com.au, 2017).

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