



由等级所确定的正式组织只揭示了许多战略要素的信息,如沟通、创新等(Allen, James和Gamlen, 2007)。然而,除了一个正式的组织,它还存在一个非正式的组织,其中非正式的关系是通过从个人收集的数据来呈现的,这种社会网络确定了对组织更丰富的理解。对分析来说重要的网络度量是密度、凝聚力和距离。密度是指网络中两点之间连通性的测量。凝聚力和距离是两个人之间的网络中可以追踪到的纽带的平均数量。集群连接带来了更多的机会。研究人员提出了机会连接这个术语,指的是在组织网络中产生的知识机会,它可以提高组织的创新能力。现在为了计算Walgreens的网络测度,有必要选择主成分聚类。通常在较大的星团周围会形成独立的小星团。然而,这是附属网络的父网络,但它们都只是一个单一的大集群的一部分。这有助于沃尔格林对其子公司有更严格的控制。这是意料之中的,因为沃尔格林是一家制药公司,创新必须严格遵守母公司总部认可的许多规章制度。

Sociograms or network diagrams are made use of to visualize networks in order to understand its structural characteristics (Freeman, 2000; Scott, 2017). The purpose of this work is to conduct a network analysis of Walgreens based out of the United States from a representative data set and represent a critical analysis of data, drawing insights gained from actual network diagram mapping done using net draw. Internationalization and innovation analysis has been presented for the company.

Network analysis techniques and visualizations have been made use of to describe parent-subsidiary network of Walgreens. Organizational network analysis using Netdraw by Borgatti (2002) highlighted the inner working of Walgreens by means of graphing of information flow. Patterns of information flow and strategic interconnections make more sense when mapped in Netdraw. In using the software, different levels of analysis from individual nodes, teams, organizations etc. was possible. Different ties and trust levels were identified. Usually varied types of relationships were identified with Netdraw such as people to people, organization to organization etc., at the 1-mode level. In 2-mode data levels, people to organizational relationships can be understood better.

The formal organization as identified by hierarchies reveals only so much information on many strategic elements like communication, innovation etc. (Allen, James and Gamlen, 2007). However, in addition to a formal organization, it lies an informal organization where informal relationship are presented by means of data collected from individuals, and this social network identified much more richness in understanding of the organization. The measures of network important for analysis are density, cohesion and distance. Density refers to the measurement of the connectedness between two points of the network. The cohesion and distance are the average number of ties that can be traced in the network between two people. Cluster connectedness introduces more opportunities. Researchers present this term called opportunity connectedness referring to the knowledge opportunities that are generated from within an organizational network which would improve the innovation capabilities of the organization. Now in order to calculate measures of the network for Walgreens, it is necessary to select the main component cluster. Usually small independent clusters will be formed around larger ones. However, this is a parent to subsidiary network, but all of them are part of only one single large cluster. This helps Walgreen have more strict control over its subsidiaries. This is expected as Walgreens is a Pharmaceutical company, and innovations have to strictly conform to the many rules and regulations as recognized by the Parent Headquarters.
