


监管机构报告称,美极产品的味精和铅含量是允许水平的17倍。2015年11月,该产品再次上市。然而,产品的销售深受丑闻的影响。公司的销售额慢慢下降,公司的负面需求开始上升。这些产品的禁令导致该公司召回了价值3200万印度卢比的库存,并进一步发现价值6400万印度卢比的库存。该公司支付了200万印度卢比来焚烧这些产品。在这一过程中,雀巢的品牌资产受到了负面影响。该公司失去了多年来积累的信誉和正面品牌。公司的品牌形象作为一个整体被玷污了,因为这一事件(Roy, Tata和Parsad, 2018年)。该公司使用了许多技术,并彻底解决了一些系统性问题,试图重建消费者利基市场。该公司在印度尚未完全从2015年的危机中恢复过来。尽管如此,他们已经能够逐步建立产品的销售。运用危机生命周期管理的方法,分析了公司面临的危机。

美极是雀巢的产品。美极方便面是印度的一种著名产品。方便面占据了印度90%以上的市场份额。市场主导地位一直持续到印度政府2015年禁止销售该产品(罗伊、塔塔和帕萨德,2018年)。直到美极危机之前,雀巢公司被认为是一个高可靠性的公司。他们总是能够发展和专注于小问题的失败被给予重要的过去。该公司能够获得消费者的惠顾,并基于此与投资者没有问题。鉴于该公司的品牌资产和与该公司的巨大贸易量,可以暗示该公司需要对生产细节给予适当的关注。雀巢品牌是一个在全国范围内运营的品牌。这是一个强制性的要求,公司必须有统一的生产,以满足形势的需要。这是一个高度复杂的组织,有很多等级(Bernstein, 2011)。组织的复杂性在于它有许多潜在的失败来源。该公司必须具备识别新兴异常现象的敏锐性。该公司的报告是基于过去的经验和他们的盲目相信,消费者会继续购买这些产品。这些因素导致公司面临问题,导致系统受到影响,公司面临基于这些因素的有形损失。下面详细介绍了公司危机的生命周期以及公司为解决危机管理所做的努力。

Maggi was reported by the regulators that the product had 17 times the permissible level of monosodium glutamate and lead. Then the product was re-launched in November 2015. However, the product sales were deeply impacted by the scandal. The sales of the company slowly dwindled and the rise of the negative demand of the company started to arise. The bans of the products caused the company to recall stocks that were worth 32 million Indian rupees and the company was further find for 64 million Indian rupees. The company paid 2 million Indian rupees to actually burn the products. The brand equity of Nestle was impacted negatively in this process. The company lost its credibility and positive branding it had collated over the years. The company’s brand images as a whole were tarnished owing to this event (Roy, Tata and Parsad, 2018). The company used a number of techniques and overhauled some of its systemic issues to try and rebuild the consumer niche. The company has not fully recovered in India from the crisis in 2015. Nevertheless, they have been able to gradually build the sales of the product. The crisis encountered by the company is analyzed by the use of the Crisis Life cycle management.

Maggi is a Nestle product. The Maggi instant noodle was a famous product in India. The instant noodles had a market share of more than 90% of the India. The market domination continued until Indian government imposed a ban on selling the product 2015 (Roy, Tata and Parsad, 2018). Up until the Maggi crisis, Nestle Company was considered to be a high reliability company. They were always able to develop and focus on small issues of failure was given importance in the past. The company was able to gain consumer patronage and based on which had no issues with the investors. Given the brand equity of the company and the sheer volume of trade with the company, it can be alluded that the company needed to be giving proper attention to the production details. The Nestle brand was a brand that operated across the nation. It was a mandatory requirement that the company had to have uniformity in production to meet the demand of the situation. It was a highly complex organization that had a lot of hierarchy levels (Bernstein, 2011).The complexity of the organization is that it had numerous potential sources of failure. The company must have the acumen to identity the emerging anomalies. The company was blindsided with the reports based on past experience and their blind belief that the consumers would continue to buy the products. These caused the company to face issues that caused the system to be impacted and the company faced tangible losses based on these factors. The life cycle of the company crisis and the efforts taken by the company to address the crisis management have been detailed in the following.
