

澳门总面积29.2平方公里,是澳门前殖民地,由中国控制,博彩业发展迅速。2002年,澳门旅游业和旅游业实现了跨越式的发展。可以理解的是,澳门的GDP从2002年的12亿人增加到2008年的434亿人。随着澳门旅游业的自由化,许多外国投资者进入旅游领域,主要集中在酒店、游戏、活动和文物市场(Du,2009:73 – 99)。2008年,澳门接待游客超过22,90万人次。2003年推出的“自由个人旅行(FIT)”计划,导致中国主要城市赴澳旅游热潮高涨。旅游和旅游业的发展可以根据下图所示的图表来理解。这显示了来澳门旅游的游客们正在走向奢华度假。例如,澳门五星级酒店的入住率在2003年至2008年间显著增加。
环境:由于澳门博彩业的出现,电力消耗迅速增加。例如,2000 – 2008年期间,电力消耗从1500万千瓦时增加到3300万千瓦时。同样,游客的增加也产生了诸如垃圾处理等问题。例如,根据下面的表格,可以说明商业和工业废物在2002 – 2008年间的迅速增长。此外,由于新建酒店、度假村和赌场的建设,建筑垃圾也在增加。


Macau with a total area of 29.2 km2 – a former Portuguese colony is only region controlled by China, where gaming industry has developed and has been thriving. Tourism and travel industry in Macau grew by leaps and bounds post license liberation of Gaming industry in 2002. This can be understood by the fact that GDP of Macau increased from MOP 12,200 million in 2002 to 43400 million in 2008. With liberalization of Macau’s travel and tourism industry it has witnessed a number of foreign investors entering the tourism sector which focuses majorly on hotel, gaming, events and heritage market (Du, 2009: 73-99). Macau received more than 22,900,000 visitors in 2008. Launch of Free Individual Travel (FIT) scheme in 2003 has resulted into surge of Chinese tourism travelling from major cities of China to visit Macau. Growth of travel and tourism industry can be understood on the basis of the graph displayed below. It shows how visitors coming to Macau are moving towards luxury based holiday. For example, occupancy rates of five star hotels in Macau have increased significantly between 2003 and 2008.
Technological: Rapid advancement in technology has enabled travel and tourism industry to leverage this and integrate technology in its functioning. Various travel and tourism based business today have dedicated websites and e-commerce sites, through which they conduct their business across the globe.
Environmental: Due to emergence of gaming sector in Macau there has been rapid rise in electricity consumption. For example, electricity consumption increased from 1500 million kWh to 3300 million kWh during period of 2000-2008. Similarly, rise in visitors has also created issues such as waste disposal etc. For example, based on the table below it can be said that how commercial and industrial waste has increased rapidly from 2002-2008. Also construction waste increase majorly due to construction of new hotels, resorts and casinos.



弗朗索瓦·魁奈(Francois Quesnay)是第一个受欢迎的人,因为他把科学体系引入到政治经济中。在此之前,资产阶级社会的概念是存在的。政治经济学的历史可以分为三个阶段,这些阶段将与斯密、李嘉图和马克思提出的概念进行解释。第一阶段的发展是在封建社会的关系下产生生产力的时期。在此期间,提出了资本主义的意识形态,并将马克思的观点应用于新思想的发展。资本主义的生产关系需要被现有的生产关系所取代。在这一时期,政治经济的特点是关于国家秩序的概念,这一概念实际上是存在的。思想是建立在上帝意志的基础上的;上帝会给人类带来幸福。自然秩序形象被认为是完美的和谐,现存社会的其他弊病被认为是人为的,因为它们与自然系统相反(Cooper,2012)。政治家的主要作用是基于坚定的理由使用他们的权力。在这种情况下,自然的命令是基于已经存在的法律,它们应该与理想状态保持一致。为了消除受自然秩序支配的经济运作的原则,进行了一项努力。其结果是政治经济的发展。第一阶段的学说现在可以用自然经济秩序原理来检验。认为自然经济秩序是与自然规律相结合的生产资本主义关系。这些法律不过是资本主义的产物。


Francois Quesnay was the first to gain popularity because he introduced about the scientific system into political economy. Before this concept, the concepts of bourgeois society were present. The history of political economy can be divided into three stages and these stages will be discussed with the explanations of the concepts presented by Smith, Ricardo and Marx. The development of stage one was the period when productive power was developed under the relations of feudal. At this time period the ideology of capitalism was presented and views of Marx were used in the development of the new idea. Capitalist relations of the production needed to be replaced with the existing relations of the production ones. During this period the characteristic of political economy was about the notion of national order that had the idea of order that actually existed. Idea was based on God’s will; God will give happiness to mankind. Natural orders image was viewed as perfect harmony and other maladies of existing society were viewed as artificial states because they were contrary to the natural systems (Cooper, 2012). The main role of the statesman was to use their power based on a firm reason. In this way the natural orders were based on the laws that already existed and they should be aligned with the ideal state. An effort was conducted to eliminate the principles of economic operations that were governed by the natural order. The outcomes of this were the development of political economy. Doctrine in the first stage can now be examined using the natural economic order principle. It is evaluated that the natural economic order is capitalist relations of the production that are combined with the natural laws. These laws are not more than capitalist productions.





比萨行业的主要竞争对手是必胜客(Pizza Hut)、Papa John ‘ s和Little Caesars。这三家竞争对手都在美国拥有特许经营连锁店。“爸爸约翰”正在发展国际形象,必胜客已经成为国际品牌。据估计,快速服务行业的价值在2012年将达到1700亿美元。这个行业的消费者支出约为2500亿美元。在这一背景下,人们注意到,大约30到350亿美元的总消费支出属于餐厅披萨类(Statista,2013)。该行业从2004年仅为122亿美元增长。在这一支出中,人们注意到,在披萨(只有)行业中,60%以上的消费支出来自于比萨连锁餐厅(包括加盟商和商店)。Dominos的主要竞争对手是必胜客。2012年,这一比例几乎占到了比萨行业市场的15%。达美乐披萨的市场占有率为9%,而约翰·约翰拥有6%的股份,小凯撒拥有4%的股份。其余的销售来自Pizzerias(Statista,2013)。


Data collected from more than 27 Franchise Disclosure Documents or the FDDs show that the takeout and delivery industry contributes to almost 6 to 12 percent of the total sales in restaurant franchise (Franchise Direct, 2010). The food takeout and delivery businesses are defined as a place where food is collected and taken to go by the customer. Some franchises of Dominos also offer sit down and eat style thus augmenting the benefits. The takeout and delivery industry was noted to be the most effective way to improve sales. There are conveniences created for the customer which businesses in this industry take advantage of. Adults with children were seen to be the majority of the consumption segment of the takeouts. Dominos Pizza is a takeout and delivery franchise. Operating in this industry it drives up its margins by lowering interest expenses, international store expansions and by increasing the product range for takeout (Kenji, H. 2003).
Pizza Industry
The main competitors for Dominos in the Pizza Industry are Pizza Hut, Papa John’s and Little Caesars. All three competitors have franchise chains in the United States. Papa John’s is developing international presence and Pizza Hut is already an international name. The Quick Service industry is estimated to have a value of 170 billion U.S. dollars as per the year 2012. The consumer spending in this industry is around 250 billion U.S. dollars. In this context, it was noted that almost 30 to 35 billion USD of the total consumer expenditure falls under the Restaurant Pizza category (Statista, 2013). The industry has grown from being only 12.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2004. In this expenditures it is noted that the more than 60 percentage of consumer expenditure in the Pizza (only) industry comes from Pizza restaurant chains (both franchisee and store owned). Dominos main competitor is Pizza Hut. This owned almost 15 percent of the Pizza Industry market in 2012. Domino’s Pizza owns a 9 percent market share, Papa John’s owns 6 percent and Little Caesars owns 4 percent. The rest of the sales are from Pizzerias (Statista, 2013)





According to the words of McRobbie, female fashion is something which appears to conform closely with the notions related to female attraction. He also, added that fashion is influenced by the reputation of the women and her designation. Fashion is an object of desire for women and articulates her body and appearance. Fashion is something which is largely related to females. In order to select the best fashion for them, females adhere to the requirements of their appearance which in influenced by the dress sense and the selected clothing line.
Rucher has discovered the fact that women tend to show their potential and their power by their fashion. Women gender is the one which is considered as most influenced from fashion they are termed as the ‘fashionable gender of species.’ Thus, fashion industry has always been supportive for the women. In the previous times it was also considered that, if the women is much more aligned towards fashion and style, he is considered as a pervert.

Present Trends
In addition to this, the fashion for women is something which forms an important element even in the workplace. The present trends also suggest that women are more prone to their conventional wisdom in terms of clothing (Bennett, 2005). Women are more prone to wear the items which include selected items of clothing and which makes them look’s pleasurable. It has also been observed with the increase in the stature of woman, her prevalence for the fashion increases.



脱欧公投以后,欧洲政坛迎来了一系列动荡,英国各项政策将进行大调整,其中也包括移民政策。现行的英国移民政策分为以下几类:10年永居、T2工作签转绿卡、与英籍人士结婚、以及T1 Investor(投资移民)和T1 Entrepreneur (企业家移民)等方式。脱欧公投后,不少人开始疑虑,这些移民政策是否会产生变化,跟随高阶英国论文代写网的小编来看一下。

事实上,在脱欧以后,英国国内经济或遭受震荡,各大企业在英投资前景不明。因此,在移民政策方面,英国很可能更偏好那些能创造更多就业岗位、带来经济利益等对冲“软脱欧”风险、盘活国内经济的人才。在小编看来,英国现行的两大移民签证“T1 Investor”(投资移民)和“T1 Entrepreneur”(企业家移民)不会因为脱欧而产生大影响。

在英国投资满200万英镑、同时名下又有200万英镑的流动资金即可选择T1 Investor(投资移民)。而T1 Entrepreneur(企业家移民)只要投资最低20万英镑(折合人民币约180万)在英创业,等待4-6个月申请获批T1 E签证,花费6-12个月完成投资,在此期间就可以开始享受NHS免费医疗系统,经过5年周期就能获批绿卡,获批绿卡后任意一年内累计住满9个月可申请入籍。在此期间只有有限的移民监,享受非全球征税。










关于澳大利亚的数据清楚地表明,在森林地区由于气候条件的火险频发。另一方面,英国气候多变,虽然经常使用指数,但很难预测大部分时间。对本课题研究的目的,大量的数据需要,需要准确和真实。作为该项目将建立的指标体系和FFDI FWI的关系之间的联系,它是有大量的针对系统基于气象方面类似的输入值,这些地区类似的位置和这些系统实现数据集的重要价值。对于本文研究的统计分析过程中,所需的数据将从澳大利亚气象局网站获得的,其中的数据和卫星图像可以对指标体系和实施这些系统可以进一步获得比收购企图建立两个指标体系之间的关系。


The main method to handle this case is to perform a qualitative analysis consisting of direct investigation regarding the incidences that have happened in the past. Also, the study will include survey and interview so as to arrive at correct results. The methodology of this research project would define the accuracy of the research as well as the preciseness of the research findings. In this research project, the aim is to identify a relationship between the two most popular fire danger indices systems in the world, FWI system and the FFDI system. The research methodology will follow a statistical analysis process to assess the relationship between the two systems. In addition to this, it would also identify the accuracy of the two systems for the implementation in a wide region of Australia.

With respect to Australia, the data clearly shows frequent occurrences of fire danger at forest areas due to weather conditions. On the other hand, UK has a variable climate where it is difficult to predict most of the times though the indices are used regularly. For the purpose of this research project, large amounts of data is required which needs to be accurate and authentic. As the project would be establishing links between the relationship of FWI and FFDI indices systems, it is important to have large amount of data sets with respect to both the systems implemented in similar locations and values of these systems for these locations based upon similar input values of meteorological aspects. For the statistical analysis process of this research paper, the data required would be acquired from the website of Bureau of Meteorology of Australia, where the data sets and satellite images can be acquired for the implementation of both the indices system and these systems can then further get compared in an attempt to establish a relationship between the two indices systems.






The psychoanalytical perspective in the historical context has been projected in the literary world through a number of works and treatise. In the framework of analysis, the ‘Trifles’ drama portrays an everyday, simple occurrence of an everyday somnolent village setting but it also brings out the smart thinking of the womenfolk in an unhurried narrative. There is a great deal of meaning loaded into the simple yet descriptive interplay of emotions and words especially of the women (Kitch, p.7). They are quick to discover the simple motive of revenge that the sweet old lady wanted for the literal murder of her sweet little companion, the songbird, or the canary that she had bought off a salesman. This songbird for her symbolized freedom, free spirited expression of feelings and the ability to enjoy herself through the exercise of her vocal chords. Yet the man was narrow minded and in his slow, Neanderthal like, primitive mind there was the desire to finish off the enjoyment of the woman, He simply but most brutally snuffed out the bird’s life by cruelly wrenching her neck at an unnatural angle (Carlson, p.453). It was almost as if he could not tolerate anything that could provide any modicum of pleasure to the woman who literally worked like a slave for him from dawn to dusk.
Seeing his brash cruelty the poor woman was stricken. Her heart broke literally and she decided to take her revenge which she did by engineering the death of her man by throttling his life just like he had done for the bird. Even as he snuffed out the little birdies life so did the woman take his life away from him? The best part was that she was complacent and awaited her just rewards. She did not regret the deed she had implemented nor did she exhibit any need for mercy (Kitch, 17). She was brave enough to take on the tormentor and then serve her time. In contrast the man had picked on someone so small to try and teach the woman and lesson and had to pay with his life for his misjudgment of the strength of the woman.





The experience to study the global banking giant was very good and has a lot to teach which can be utilised in the future. The most important message from the report was to learn about the non-discriminative nature of business and to see every one as equal while hiring or recruiting and also to create and offer equal opportunities. Sometimes equal opportunities may not result into equal outcome, but offering equal opportunity along with the support in the entire process may give an equal outcome to the ones which are mostly discriminated by society. So creating equal opportunities for everyone without any discrimination and supporting them through their career is more important than just making a provision for them.
The graduate program taught that it is important to keep looking and never be satisfied with the present talent, however superior they may be, because the best talent may be hidden in some university student. Through such programs the student’s talent is being assessed along with their knowledge and problem solving skills. This helps the bank to consider different students for different positions in the bank and offering appropriate position to students is imperative for an effective performance and also for the human resource team to assess and measure their performance more easily. This is easier for the employees who newly joined and also for the human resource team. So taking care of issues and addressing and fixing them in the beginning before they have a chance of rising, it saves an ample lot of time and also energy which eventually invested in other areas.
The cash and non-cash rewards in the bank gives a big lesson on the employee performances. The necessity of both types of rewards is apparent seeing the changing culture and increasing cost of living of employees, but the outcome of such rewards may have to be measured with care. An employee having received a cash reward may not be rightfully eligible for it but be claiming in the hierarchy.



一个有效的面试进行仔细的计划,适当加上提供机会观察申请人的属性将影响性能的工作,如沟通能力和推理能力,获得额外的数据在教育、经验,申请人的利益相关工作,确定范围的知识,技能和能力的申请人,申请人的优势和劣势比较,描述了工作让野心家知道什么是预期,他们需要做什么以及促进机构的社会公众形象。从这个角度来看,基本上有4种面试方式。这些风格包括情境、剖析个性、压力和行为(Patton 2002)。情境风格的面试决定了申请人如何回应现实工作环境中的情况,这些环境具有通过假设假设、角色扮演或实际情况来解决问题的能力。性格类型的面试有助于评估成功选择一名有抱负的人所需要的基本特征。基于压力的面试提供了衡量申请人应对压力的能力的方法(Pawlas 2009)。对行为方法的采访是基于先前的表现的问题,假设有抱负的人至少能够在他之前的职位上做得很好。此外,还有不同的招聘面试结构。这些内容包括结构化、非结构化和半结构化。结构化面试包括对预先计划的性质进行面试的方法。某些面试官更喜欢以特定的顺序提问,也有其他的面试官采取了一种放松的态度,但却像之前计划的那样解决每个问题。在反对雇佣歧视和选择歧视的问题上,结构化面试是必不可少的,因为每个应聘者都有类似的问题(Trochim 2010)。在一次非结构化的面试中,面试事先并没有准备好回答问题,也没有准备好让求职者设定面试的速度。


An effective interview is the one which is planned carefully and conducted appropriately along with providing opportunities like observing the attributes of an applicant that will impact the performance in job such as communication ability and reasoning ability, obtaining extra data on the education, experience, interests related to job of the applicant, identifying the range of knowledge, skills and competencies of the applicant, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant, describing the job to let the aspirant know what is expected and what they need to do along with promoting the agency’s public image in the society. From this perspective, there are basically 4 Interview styles. These styles are inclusive of situational, profiling personality, stressing and behavioural (Patton 2002). The Interview of situational style determines the way in which applicant provides response to situations in real working environment that have the ability of being measured by hypothetical assumptions, role playing or real situations to solve problems. The profile of personality type of interview helps in evaluating the essential traits required for successful selection of an aspirant for a position. Stress based interviews provide through measuring the abilities of the applicants to deal with high situations of stress (Pawlas 2009). The interview of behavioural approach is based on questions of previous performance taking the assumption that the aspirant will at least be able to do well in a position which is new to him based on the position of the person previously. Furthermore, there are different structures of recruitment Interviews. These are inclusive of structured, unstructured and semi-structured. Structured Interviews involves taking an approach to interview with questions of pre-planned nature. Certain interviewers prefer asking questions in a specific order and there are others who take the approach of being relaxed yet addressing every question as planned before. The structured interview is essential as a defence in opposition to hiring discrimination and selection discrimination because every applicant is asked with similar questions (Trochim 2010). In an interview with unstructured nature, the interview does not previously prepare for questions and in urn allowing applicants for setting Interview pace.





The main reason why the workforce of an organization needs to be adequately trained is because they may be equipped with the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge that are required for the employee to enhance the quality of the business of the company they work for. Employees who have been trained prior to being on the job have found to be more effective in achieving their personal goals and the objectives of the organization also.
The essence of training is therefore to help employees attain perfection in their work so that they eventually produce results or products of good and the best quality within a short timeframe. Such employees have also the ability to provide the customer with better service and experience and attract more customers to the business. In short the skill of the employee is what defines the quality of business that the organization doles out and it is the training process that brings out hidden skills of the employee or imbibes new ones in them.
It may be seen from the instances of many organizations that training employees have led the business to touch heights of success. Thus it is as crucial as any other facet of the business and human resource management. Some of the specific reasons why training is beneficial to an organization are listed below-
Educates the employees about the use of technological tools to improve the pace of work and its effectiveness in improving the quality of work
Ensures that the organization gains a competitive edge amongst others in the industry in terms of business and work culture
Helps in promoting health and safety amongst the employees since they get acquainted with each other during the process
Is an important avenue for personal growth, development of one’s career and henceforth retaining the workforce for a longer time period
Helps the workforce in understanding and adhering to the rules and regulations of the organization.