标签存档: 代写留学生论文




从这篇文章的使用来看,未来关于价格变化分布的研究已经有了两门可能的课程。在本文写作之前,大部分研究都集中在寻找与价格变化经验分布相一致的统计性质的分布(Fama, 1965)。相对而言,花费较少的精力去探索提供经验分布上升的常见过程。在这一视角下,任何一般的价格形成模型都不存在于股票市场中,用来解释价格水平和价格变动在一般经济变量行为上的分布。通过本文提供的建议,可以开发和测试模型,在理论上可以为建立强大的基础做出巨大贡献。本文还建议利用蒙特卡罗技术,建立一个近似的抽样理论。甚至当密度函数相关的显式表达不为人所知时,也会出现这种情况。


本文简要地指出,在不同的情况下,在不同的情况下,对于长尾自然的经验分布频率,在这样的结果下,个体的后续态度是相似的。然而,有效市场假说是最重要的贡献。根据这个假设,如果市场是有效的,那么价格的变化将会立即反映出来,否则他们将不会(Fama, 1965)。


The paper has added by providing some additional dependence tests for this hypothesis. It states that there are two distinct processes for independent testing. Pure statistics test can be carried out for example. All these have been utilized in order to elaborate completely the nature of whether this hypothesis is right or not. This has been a major contribution.
From the use of this article, two possible courses have been taken by future research over price change distribution. Until the writing of this article, most of the research was focused on only finding the distribution of statistical nature which can coincide with price change empirical distributions (Fama, 1965). Relatively there was lesser effort being spent to explore the much common processes providing empirical distribution rise. Within this perspective, any general price formation model did not exist within the market of stocks for explaining the level of price and price changes distribution with regard to the behaviour of general variables of economics. With the suggestions provided in this article, it has been possible to develop and test models that can greatly contribute towards establishment of a strong foundation theoretically. The article also recommended making use of techniques of Monte Carlo in order to develop an approximate theory of sampling. This was suggested even when density functions related explicit expression are not known.


The article in brief stated that provided the empirical distribution frequency of long tailed nature being under observation, in various situations, subsequent attitude of an individual under such results will be similar. Efficient market hypothesis however is the most essential contribution. According to this hypothesis, if market is efficient, then the price changes will immediately reflect or else they will not (Fama, 1965).



For a long time, the Chinese financial sector is under the control and monitoring of Chinese central government, especially is the banking sector. The foreign banks face heavy restrictions and challenges while entering the Chinese market. The Chinese financial market structure seems to be inadequate for the foreign countries as it is imperfect and monopolized by the government.
There are basically two types of market structure, which include the perfect and imperfect competition.
The perfect competition is a market structure among the individual firms.
The characteristics of the perfect competition market structure are:
(1) Pricing: the sellers do not have the ability to control the price of the products in the concerned market. They usually adopt the prices determined by the market. Moreover, within perfect competition market structure, no industry is large in context of the total sales or purchases.
(2) Homogeneous product: Each seller produces the identical or almost similar products. This means the products are homogeneous.
(3) Market: buyers and sellers have all relevant information about prices, product qualities, supply sources, and other key aspects. And the companies within perfect competition market structure do no face any kind of barriers while entering or exiting the concerned market place.
The imperfect competition demonstrates an industry or market in which only one or a few sellers can influence the prices, while others have to face some kind of barriers or difficulties to enter the concerned market place. The different forms or types of imperfect competition include monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, monopsony and oligopsony.
A monopoly is the market structure which exists, when a specific firm, person or enterprise is the only seller in a market place to purchase a good or service. Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition to produce the goods or services and a lack of viable substitute goods.





Over the past few decades, transportation has been an issue in London with regard to public funding and politics dominantly. The economy of the city has been growing over the previous years and so has the population been increasing and this has invoked the demand for enhanced and different services to address the problems of city congestion. The city planning commission has proposed to construct new lines for rails and underground rails. However the development of the process has been occurring at a remarkably slow pace and this has paved way to emerging problems (Hovell & Jones, 1975). Additionally the existing infrastructure has shown a lack of maintenance. The most obvious causes for this have been the rigid control systems prevalent in the government and the centralized model of financing. This calls for an additional decision making authority at the governmental level that is multi-tiered and kind of less rigid. As a result of the local taxation structures in London, the transportation investment systems are also feeble and inconsistent and moreover under-researched (May, 2005). Hence the aim of this research paper is to critically analyze and appraise the transport infrastructure of the busy and rapidly growing London city. Furthermore the study explores to provide suggestions to improve the existing network of transportation in the city through qualitative methods since the nature of research is subjective and intangible.

The paper is structured to begin with the research methodology, then the literature review and the actual research and finally the presentation of findings and appropriate recommendations.









Influence on capitalistic way of life

Weber recalls Puritan idea of the calling and asceticism. This remained as the base for the development of capitalistic way of life among the people. Basically, asceticism is against the spontaneous enjoyment in one’s life. This is because of the point that it would increase the distance of the person from work which is strictly prohibited by God.

In addition to this point, Puritans do not wish expenses on entertainment. The entertainment aspects that encourage and propagate the glory of God are accepted while the rest are strictly prohibited. This is spread to the people as the duty to hold the responsibility assigned to them by God. Asceticism has strongly opposed the greed and dishonesty of people (Green, 1959).

Justification of influences

Puritans have strongly believed that proper economic effects were witnessed only when the religious movements entered the ground with high degrees of enthusiasm. Unfortunately, the utilitarian worldliness evolved. This religious asceticism gave way for the businessmen and workers to work in the same environment. Although there is a presence of inequality between the people, it is the design created by God for that industry.