标签存档: 英国essay代写



  We have provided further information about the funding for this project. With all the valuation and reviews of the market, we offer you the funding report which is attached herewith. A description of locality is provided with the multi-storeyed parking being prepared nearby which is assumed to increase the real estate property rate in the coming years. The property is around 3500 square meter and situated in between the commercial and art hub of Toronto. The main obstacle faced by the resident and local is related traffic and car parking which has been sorted out by construction (work-in progress) plan of a multi-storeyed parking which is assume to make the property more lucrative in commercial market. A feasibility report summary on the same has been attached with the report.

  The information used in the report is collected by well-trained professionals of their field and references are given for the source of information used. The venture is in initial primarily phase and certain recommendations have made in context of location of the venture. Planning model to be flowed also cover the scope of the venture in the Property summary report. The environment is reviewed for assessing the economic and demographic feasibility of the venture and the factors which will influence the business. The market for real estate is analysed to understand the demand and use of service, amenities provided fluctuation in demand, any seasonal demand and price sensitivity of the property. There has been an analysis of proposed venture to know the scope, market penetration potential and quantum of competition in existing and potential value of the property.

  Detailed information and valuation have been attached with the letter, kindly go through the same.

  Kind regards

  Remark on locality

  With the drastic increase the number of car in the past decades, the competition to park the car is stiff and continuous improvement is required by the management of the multi-storeyed car parking in order to meet the demands of the user of services of the multi-storeyed car parking.


  The proposal is feasible and financial attractable to invest in. The survey shows the positive look of people and good value of property which will promote them to enhance their standard of living. The team is also feasible to make profit from property and confident about its idea. Therefore, investing in this venture will be profitable activity.

  英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!



The developmental initiative is the subject in which the discussion is surrounding the development of a real estate project by its renovation and expansion. The project being considered in the study is a property situated at Bay Street in Toronto. The proposal for development focuses on supplying the real estate market with 2 bed apartments by the redevelopment of the existing building which is 13-storeyed and the addition of 28 storeys on top of it. From the market research for real estate properties, I have learned that there is an increasing demand for such housing properties and a marked deterioration in the affordability of real estate.
Here I have also learnt that the process of redeveloping a building rather than building it in its entirety would guarantee a faster payback of the capital that is invested. It will help to ascertain that the advantage of any favourable market conditions can be taken. I have learnt that the process of appraisal of the property should be conducted in the appropriate manner before chalking out the framework of the developmental process. The land use regulations are reviewed in the appraisal, and the best possible utilization of the property is found out. This is followed by the market analysis of the surrounding market to ascertain the demand for the property developmental procedure. Finally, I have learned that whatever developmental process would be undertaken for the property, it should be conducted in a sustainable manner.
Discussion about the identified challenging factors
The developmental initiative for the property at Bay Street definitely has some challenging factors. The challenge, first of all, lies in the perfect description of the property by taking into consideration each and every parameter relevant in the analysis. These parameters include the general description of the property, the area of the site, the shape of the site and the accommodation facilities available currently. Without the knowledge of these factors, the developmental plan cannot be created since developers need to know the initial condition of the property. Then, there is the ownership of the property and a brief history of the ownership. The appraisal procedure is the other challenging factor in this regard. The inspection of the property should be carried out in the appropriate manner and in the different marketing conditions. In the case of the residential properties, the most difficult obstacle in the way of completion of the projects in the market is the appraisal. There is the incorporation of the new regulations that make appraisals impartial, and it results in the fall in the value of the homes. This is an important challenge that needs to overcome in order to ensure the sustained performance of the real estate sector.

论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作!



Farmers and others working with Fonterra are empowered with information on how to use these tools. It is not enough to have these tools implemented. It is also necessary to assure that they are used appropriately to manage the situations. Now Fonterra understands that not all of its suppliers would understand how to use this tool in an integrated way and hence for this purpose, Fonterra launched meets to train farmers. It gave them a prototype version before the actual version of their information system was launched. The farmers were able to use the prototype version to understand its use. As a farmer states, “I can compare past and present, regional and national to see how I’m tracking and how I measure up compared to other same-system farms, even in my own area. Simply put, Agrigate takes the complexity of dairy analytics and turns it into a straightforward way to help me make smarter decisions and improve my bottom line” (Fonterra, 2017, para. 5).
Information is empowerment. In order to add further value to the agribusiness, Fonterra should become an industry leader. It should advocate for other manufacturers and processing companies to come together into assessing the situations and concerns of the milk industry. Environmental issues and sustainability issues need to be brought into this group discussion. This would help the overall agribusiness. Separate attempts made by Fonterra would not empower the industry. If it decides to switch suppliers, it will have to start training the newer suppliers all over again. However, if the industry is empowered, then there is a better chance for Fonterra and others.
e. RF scanners via SAP are made use of individual non-milk SKU tracking from warehouse order pickup to end customer purchase. This form of intelligent tracking helps Fonterra understand demand and plan for supply and manufacturing accordingly. Details of derailment of a truck are also handled in a much easier manner.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


代写essay-系统思考方法对可持续性问题的作用。系统是为实现共同目标而运作的各种相互关联的部分的组合。系统思考的方法被认为对处理可持续性问题极为有用。这是因为该方法从宏观角度考虑问题,分析与问题相关的每一个元素(Hjorth和Bagheri, 2016)。在当今全球化时代,重大问题开始复杂化,必须从新的角度认识和解决问题。系统思考对于处理这样复杂的问题非常有用。测试系统是这种方法最关键的应用之一。在这篇文章中,系统思维在应对可持续发展的挑战时是有用的和关键的,这一点将得到强烈的认同(Fiksel, 2012)。

As a thesis statement sets for this essay, systems thinking is crucial for the development of solutions to deal with sustainability challenges. Accordingly, this essay will describe the extent to which this statement can be agreed with appropriate reasoning and evidences. For providing better evidences, the essay will apply systems thinking to deal with the sustainability challenge of renewable energy sources in Australia. As per the overall discussion, concluding points will be drafted completely agreeing to the thesis statement based on appropriate claims.The second factor was to understand the impact of IRR on the financial institutions. Then, the sustainability of the company in itself will be impacted by these changes. It is imperative to find ways to measure IRR with accuracy. In this system, the companies need to understand the role of the measurements. Conventional methods and the newer methods of analysis have been detailed along with advantages and disadvantages. The method of measurement is used based on the subjective nature of the variables.

Throughout the year, renewable energy sources allow reducing the prices of power in Australian regions where there is high penetration of solar PV and wind energy. However, in the current scenario, the regulatory and market structures of Australia should adapt for coping up with the international trends of sustainability (Hjorth and Bagheri, 2016). Strategic investments of transmission infrastructure will be opening up major untapped resources of renewable energy in Australia for its sustainable development.

From this approach, the context of energy should consider all factors affected by or connected to it. Hence, this includes the consideration of transportation, transmission and infrastructure, extraction of resource, economy with the demand and supply of services and goods. This further depicts to look at impacts like changing climate, emissions of greenhouse gas and pollution (Smith and Grin, 2010). Finally, this includes the dynamics of people like alleviated poverty, human health and growth in population. There is an appropriate alignment of these parts for making up the landscape or context of energy as per these dynamics. Therefore, when organizations consider consuming or sourcing energy, they should be thinking beyond the general basic approaches of sustainability. It becomes crucial for looking at interactions and parts under complete integration while considering various impacts and risks.

论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



The emotional intelligence can be defined as the capability of the individuals to consider their emotions and it is used for the discerning of different feeling. The people use the emotional information that is used to guide thinking and in the behavior of the people. The emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability of the people to manage emotions. They are said to include three major factors. They are the emotional awareness of the people, the ability of the people to harness emotions and enable them to apply to the tasks of thinking or cognitive problem solving. They help the people to manage emotions. This emotional intelligence is the degree to which the individual can manage their own emotions or aids in the calming of other people. Now in the case of authentic and servant leadership, the connection of employee and employer is perceivable as a positive one. The MD have self-awareness of the issues the people face or feel in the workplace. As a leader, the MD connects with the emotions of the employees, and hence has personal accountability and helps the people be aware of the values. They are aware of emotion as a motivating factor. For instance, One of the most important factors for the leader is that they have empathy. This empathy is critical for the management of the team or the organization in PA, as followers have less authority than leaders in general. As a consequence, it might need assurances at times (Kellerman, 2008) and the MD has realized this in his experiential learning with the company.
Having an emotional connection helps the people learn about the respect or loyalty. The leaders have a greater grasp as to how they must interact in the different social skills. They are aware of the jargons and the expected cultural connotations. Based on these factors, they lead the people in different situation. These are the main factors that they use to guide the people. There is a contingent kinds of leadership style that is used by the people who are strong emotional intelligence, as in any situation they are on top of what their followers are feeling. These are the main leadership traits that are observed by leaders such as the MD of PA.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!

代写essay-公司估值模型在沃达丰和BT plc中的应用

代写essay-公司估值模型在沃达丰和BT plc中的应用。该公司估值模型可以应用于沃达丰和英国电信两家公司,对公司的股价进行评估,看投资者是否可以对这些公司的投资做出决策。该模型还提供了投资预期回报是否能够支付给两家公司的股东和外部投资者的信息。该公司估值模型可应用于沃达丰和英国电信plc,从市盈率、市净率、每股收益、销售比等方面对公司绩效进行评估。

The corporate valuation model could be applied in both Vodafone and BT plc to valuate the firm in terms of its share price whether the investors could make decision regarding the investments in these orgsniation. The model also delivers the information whether the desired return on the investment could be disbursed to the equity holders and the external investors of both the companies.
The corporate valuation model can be applied to vodafone and BT plc for evaluating the corporate performance in terms of price to earnings ratio, price to book value ratio and earning per share and price to sales ratio.

According to the depicted table above, it reveals that price to earnings ratio of BT plc has increased from the year 2011 to 2015. Melo et al.(2009, p. 402) mentioned that the increase in the price to earnings ratio implies the investor’s attractiveness towards the stock. It reveals that the investors have become more attractive for investment in BT plc after 2013. The price to book value of BT plc has also increased from the year 2012. The increasing trend in the price to book value of BT plc implies that the company is accurately valued and attractive to the investors. The price to sales ratio and earning per share of BT plc has also increased from the year 2011 to 2015. It also implies that inventors are willing to pay for BT plc at present market situation.

The increasing trend of price to earnings ratio, price to book value ratio of Vodafone implies that the investors are interested to pay for the stock of vodafone. The earning per share of the company has also increased significantly from the year 2010 to 2014 and it signifies that the company has maintained higher retained earnings after meeting all the operating and nonoperating expense. However, the price to earnings and price to sales ratio of Vodafone has increased more that BT plc from the year 2013 to 2014. Hence, it can be inferred that BT plc stock was more attractive to the investors compared to Vodafone according to the valuation ratio. The increasing trend in the valuation ratio of BT plc implies that Vodafone is in better financial position compared to BT plc.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士毕业论文代写、paper代写、essay代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!


代写论文-菲奥娜精英酒店的销售战略与创新。菲奥娜的精英酒店坐落在一个完美的位置,周围有完美的企业氛围。酒店拥有高于市场平均水平的ADR, RevPar和入住率,这表明它的受欢迎程度。它在次市场酒店集团中享有声望,拥有400间客房,可以充分利用它,并提升其目前的基准。市场预计在未来6个月至1年将保持稳定和缓慢,并将为未来2至3年提供一个准备阶段。酒店需要建立其销售和收入战略与创新的概念,以吸引客人的财务和审美。

Taking a very low rates summer business for the 15 weekends when the business is low, is not a good idea as suggested by the manager, because the hotel is an urban luxury hotel and it has developed a specific reputation for itself with exceptional service and innovative products. By moving to a strategy which makes its image deteriorate will consume the reputation built and it will be detrimental for the hotel’s business during the other months when the business is good. The prime reason for the rejection of such an idea is that the hotel’s standardised quality and the clientele developed does not support the infusion of low rates tour operator business. Though the hotel has alliances with international and national airlines which are supposedly at lower levels but going even lower will be a disaster for the hotel’s reputation. Then during the other months, there will be more inquiry about the same low rated tours and the demand for low rated room rates will rise which will be difficult for the hotel to fulfil given the high fixed cost for a luxury hotel.

The hotel must instead produce creative products and services during those times keeping the same tours but with attractive offers which are irresistible. For example, the hotel can make arrangements for private tours for a family; provide more discounts on food, car rental, entertainment, and tour elated overall costing which will boost sales but the margins will not decline given higher or reasonable occupancy and sustained margins of the tours. So it is not suggested to be undertaken but some innovative product and service provisions are expected from the hotel to keep the profits sustainable and not degrade its reputation.

Fiona’s Elite hotel is placed at the perfect location with the perfect ambience of corporate companies around. The hotel enjoys higher than the market average ADR, RevPar, and occupancy which indicate its popularity. It is enjoying a prestigious status among the submarket class group if hotels and has the right number of rooms, 400, to make the best use of it and escalate its current benchmark. The market is expected to be stable and slow for the next six months to a year and will provide a preparation stage for the next two to three years.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


英国传媒学论文代写-言语行为理论。言语行为理论认为,语言的语言学和意识形态在现实中是一种话语,它在话语中具有指示功能或话语的意义以及与之相关的交际(Searle, Kiefer, & Bierwisch, 1980)。词义可以分为三类。它们是抽象的、语境意义和话语力。

It has been found that abstract word refers to the overall context of the word it has ambitious definition. Contextual meaning refers to the context of the word that is spoken. In some cases, the actual utterance of the word can be meaning something else (Kasper, & Blum-Kulka, 1993). The acts of sarcasm are an example of how it means how the speech can be different from the actual meaning of the word. In cases of utterance there is speak that is answered based on the context. Any speech act in reality is a performance of many acts at one. It is categorized by the differential aspects of the speakers’ intention. It is the act involved while speaking. It has different tones such as request or granting permission. It also shows how it affects ones audience.
According to Austin there should be a number of conventional procedures that should be addressed to include uttering of certain words or certain conditions. In a conversation there should be conventional and traditional procedure to having a certain intended effect (Austin, 2014).
Austin defines perceptive act as elocutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. Speech acts includes a range of activities. Locutionary act is the performances or demonstration that has been involved in the utterance of the world. Locutionary means considering the utterances of the meaningful word. Illocutionary act is the consideration of the socially valid actions that is encompasses with the utterance of the word. There is a element of social context that is considered (Austin, 2014). They can be further classified into direct and indirect speech. Connotative and directives are the two kinds of illocutionary act. In this there is affirmation, announcement, seeking advice, asking or forbidding a person In certain other cases there is perlocutionary act (Austin, 2014). It is the act of persuasion, convincing, fear or inspiring people to make the people indulge in acts that are intentional. In other words perlocutionary act is the act that is taken by another speaker as a reaction to what the original speaker states in this situation (Austin, 2014).
Speech act theory concludes that the actual meaning of the word cannot be understood without understanding the social context and the intention of the speaker.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士毕业论文代写、paper代写、essay代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!



Western Australia understand that the HR strategy is a complex process and tries to encompass all the variables to create a holistic plan. The University has set ethical guidelines and unique culture to ensure that there is ideal and optimal growth of the employees. They have a centralized management system apart from that they have employee autonomy to ensure that the University is meeting the demands. They give undue importance to the equality, diversity of the staff and students to create a high outcome environment. There is a need to ensure that a competitive environment is in place where the staff are found to leverage the performance to each other. The main tenets that the company has observed in the older plan are skills development. This has evolved into a learning organization in the HR 2016 to 2019 plan.

Common objectives of the University have not changed over the years. It wants to provide the best possible education for the students with its resources by leveraging the performance of the employees. For this, the main focal point of the university is the employees. It has ensured that the strategic direction is to ensure employee retention, creation of a learning organization and develop strong ethics to ensure that there is diversity and fairness in the operation. The University wants to create a high performance workplace where it meets International excellence. The objectives and targets are that the University should compete in an international environment and emerge at the top while ensuring the ethical mandates.
The University had always given importance to the development of people potential and developing excellence. In both the objectives, it wanted to ensure that there is fundamental fairness of the operation and a safe working place for the environment. There has been development in the learning tools and focus has been placed to create a cohesive learning environment in the current times. This has been the main tenets observed while looking at the strategic objectives of the company (Vosko, 2010).
The external factors are the increase in the competition from international competitors. Increasing diversity among is a factor that needs to be considered. There are people from many ethnic backgrounds and people in different age groups who want to participate in the workforce (Vosko, 2010). People are giving a lot of importance to the work-life balance. There is more importance given to providing a safe working place for the people. Legislations regarding recruitment have also changed from 1999 to 2016. Internally, the centralized management wants to create a dynamic learning environment. There have been cultural changes in the workforce and a more importance is given to the development of leadership and autonomy of the staff. These are the main driving factors towards change.
The legislation regarding workplace safety and environment have changed considerably. There is a changing demography in the country and this is reflected in the legislation. Apart from this, there is renewed commitment given to the corporate governance policy of the organizations. Organizations follow a combination of legislations and newer ethical mandates in the current times. This is an important factor for the formulation of the policies (Vosko, 2010). From a technological standpoint, there is importance given to developing competency to sustain. There is a lot of importance given to learning organization. These two are the external and internal driving factors towards the changes in the strategic objectives of the company.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


代写essay-同伴指导和基于项目的学习。基于项目的同伴指导和学习的概念早在1975年就开始了。同年,埃里克·马祖尔(Eric Mazur)对一个物理概念感到沮丧。他多次向学生解释这个概念,学生们甚至无法理解这个概念的基本解释(Headden, 2013)。他要求他们转向坐在他们旁边的人,说服对方对这个概念做出正确的解释。Mazur(2009)的一项研究发现,即使是如此微小的同伴合作,即使话题极其复杂,也能让学生们更好地理解和参与。

The concept of peer instruction and learning based on project started as early as 1975. It was the same year when Eric Mazur got frustrated over a physics concept. He had engaged in explaining this to the students a number of times and they were not able to understand even the basic explanation of the concept (Headden, 2013). He asked them to turn to the person sitting next to them, and persuade each other to arrive at the correct explanation of the concept. It was found by a research conducted by Mazur (2009) that even such minor efforts of peer collaboration result in greater understanding and engagement among students even if the topic is extremely complex. This method was termed by him as peer instruction and he did believe in following an approach in which an educator reads out the content loudly in front of the whole class (Bozalek, 2013). The students were asked to read the text book and watch some videos before they came to class, so they could consider spending some time for discussion about the content with one another, rather than just going through and listening to any lecture (Bishop and Verleger, 2013). It had been noted by Mazur that as educators obtain expertise across the fields, they forget which types of breakdowns and misconceptions are faced by students in learning. And hence, more often students obtain a better position of knowledge establishment by supporting one another (Berrett, 2012).
It has been found by Sams and Bergmann (2012) that following the approach of flipped classroom was extremely advantageous to engage the students while maintaining their focus and interest. This was concluded by the researchers after they surveyed students for understanding their perception on flipped classroom approach (Herried and Schiller, 2013). As reported by a number of other related surveys, students who had been unfocused, restless or bored previously ended up becoming highly engaged (Bergmann et al., 2011). This change came forward because the educators did not just stand and talk with the kids. This led towards evaporation of issues underlying management of classroom.
When the students had active engagement within the classroom, they had been highly encouraged for expressing themselves through communication and participation in the classroom. The energy of the classroom used to be highly enhanced, and in such a scenario, it resulted in the translation of active participation (Bergmann and Sams, 2012). It was also found by Tucker (2012) that the approach of flipped classroom towards active learning assisted them to deal with the challenge of asking students, questions and motivating them to be engaged in class (Jenkins, 2012). Instead of reminding the students for listening and sitting still, Tucker (2012) started to motivate students for speaking up.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!