标签存档: 英国论文代写哪个好


















In order to motivate or promote, market equilibrium needs false trading which means that the business transaction at a price done is not consisting of the usual equilibrium values. A graphical examination is taken that describes the nuances of the grouping procedures. It is importantly more complex in comparison to the simple demand and supply phenomenon (Price 2013). It is fundamental to the procedure of trading itself. After describing the procedure of false trading, the modification of the outcomes regarding the standard analysis is illustrated by the author. It draws out implications and converses some extensions of these outcomes.The detection of the fundamental problems regarding the market is determined, and the causes of the problems in the market are scrutinized for the purpose of mitigating them.

Therefore, the equilibrium in the prices in the market can be brought back by generating equilibrium in the practices. Thus, it also enables the enhancement of the effectiveness of the market and also it can easily construct the various conditions of the market (Ruiz Estrada 2010). The structure easily shows the development of the faith that can be gained by mitigating the problems faced in the market. The improvement of the market equilibrium can be established by the maintaining the Pareto –efficient equilibrium.






In this section, there will be analysis and discussion of the ways in which different corporate enterprises are using the schema of change management to bring changes in the nation. As an inception step, the overall dynamics of the Chinese companies have been detailed in the following. China as a nation has vibrant culture and unique political ideology. The notions of free market in China have been embraced with a different ideology. There was a pragmatic approach that was undertaken by the Chinese companies to infuse the ideology of free market principles and the principles of their Marxists ideology. The companies have unique dynamics that suit the local culture to meet the global market demands. Case Study of Red Collar Company . Red Collar is an apparel company that is found to be a successful market player in China.

The company is known for its custom-made suits that requires intense manual craftsmanship (Bridges and Bridges, 2017) . The Qingdao-based apparel company states that it has been able to reduce the cost for men’s suits. It states that the current pricing schema of the products is only 10% higher than mass produced suits. The company enables a schema where the customer makes liaise with the employee to decipher the suits that they need. They introduced ten buses into the city and the customer can make appointments and one of these will drive to the doors of the consumers. Redcollar’s algorithm states that the company is privately owned by chairman Zhang Daili. The company is able to produce customized suits at lesser price and has reduced the inventory costs. The company has a 3000 employee factors and it is currently an internet based company.



群年轻男司机主要在16到25的年龄被认为更容易因鲁莽驾驶而导致的风险。它们参与事故的频率比的老司机。25岁以下的记录了死亡人数的27%,经合组织通过只有10%的人口在这个年龄段(克拉克et al .,2015)。在2000年,34%的死亡道路和26%的伤害事故记录的年轻群体年龄16到25年。这些类型的驱动程序主要只代表一小部分驾驶的澳大利亚社区。很多因素导致年轻人的参与个人在交通事故。心理和其他行为组件是一些因素导致了高速率的年轻人之间的交通事故。



The group of young male driver primarily within the age group of 16 to 25 is regarded more prone to risk due to rash driving. The frequency at which they are involved in accidents is more than that of the old drivers. Under the age of 25 has recorded fatalities of 27% in the OECD through only 10% of the population is from within this age group (Clarke et al., 2015). In the year 2000, 34% of the fatalities in road and 26% of the injury accidents was recorded for the younger group of age 16 to 25 years. These types of drivers mainly represent only a small fraction of driving community of Australia. A number of factors lead to the involvement of the young individuals in road accidents. The psychological and other behavioural components are some factors that have led to high rate of road accidents among the young people.

The young males and teenagers have a high probability of risk behaviour due to the excessive drinking, neglecting wearing seat belts, taking risk while driving are to name a few. A research by RSC Australia has shown that young drivers within the age 17 to 25 years are seven times more likely to be killed than the other users of road. The collision while driving by the young drivers is a result of risk taking and inexperience.The behaviour of road safety campaign is done to make the young people realize that speed on road would kill them and the surrounding people. The campaign will aid in generating awareness on the environment of traffic, understanding the behaviour that affect road safety, knowledge on the way humans and vehicles they interact in work.

代写 英文:市场营销组合

代写 英文:市场营销组合

在本节中,重点将着眼于公司为满足其基于市场的目标客户的需求而采用的市场组合。Kotler等人(2013)认为,市场营销组合可以通过营销策略工具集来定义,包括促销、产品、价格和地点,组织可以将这些工具集混合在一起,从而在目标市场中产生它所需要的响应(Sheth et al., 2015)。Kotler等人提到的包含价格、产品、地点和促销的4个要素被称为4P框架。产品:公司,暴雪娱乐沉迷于设计和建立基于网络的娱乐电脑系统软件。他们的主要焦点是基于网络的令人兴奋的电子游戏开发和娱乐,如角色扮演是可能的游戏,如暗黑系列或魔兽世界。

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此外,他们还沉迷于与著名的交易卡游戏公司合作,创造自己的个人在线交易卡游戏,使他们能够在网络游戏领域以外的目标市场拓展自己的市场(Goworek et al., 2015)。暴雪娱乐创造了至上的自然或游戏和一个虚拟的环境,玩家可以通过以一种令人满意的方式完成基本的需求,并获得直接的结果,成功的经验以一种社交的方式连接到相关的玩家和顾客的满意度。这些都为公司的客户提供了非常实用的产品,非常感谢。暴雪也一直沉迷于围绕所有已经发布的游戏创造深入自然的历史和故事情节。

代写 英文:市场营销组合

Within this section, focus will be on looking at the market mix that the company has employed to satisfy the requirement of their market based target customers. According to Kotler et al. (2013), marketing mix can be defined through tactical tools sets of marketing inclusive of promotion, product, price and place which the organization blends for producing the responses it requires in the targeted market (Sheth et al., 2015). The 4 elements referred to by Kotler et al., inclusive of price, product, place and promotion is known as the framework of 4P. Product: The Company, Blizzard Entertainment indulges in designing and building web based entertainments for computer system software. Their key focus is over exciting web based video games development and entertainment such as games in which role playing is possible such as the Diablo series or World of Warcraft.

代写 英文:市场营销组合
In addition, they also indulged in partnering with famous companies trading card games for creating their individual online trading card game which allowed them in expanding their market at target external to the online gamers realm (Goworek et al., 2015). With the Blizzard entertainment creating supreme nature or games and a virtual environment where players have the ability of fulfilling basic requirements through doing work in a satisfactory manner with direct results, success experiences connect in a social manner with the related players and satisfaction felt by the customers. All these have provided product of great usage by the company to the customers which are much appreciated. Blizzard also has consistently indulged in creating history of in-depth nature and storyline around all their games which have been published as well.



新西兰的咖啡馆行业是餐饮业和酒店业的一部分。新西兰惠灵顿的咖啡馆文化延续了一个多世纪。新西兰惠灵顿的传统茶室是由Courtenay广场的俱乐部茶室创建的,现在这里到处都是夜总会和美食咖啡馆。在20世纪50年代到60年代之间,咖啡馆文化有所下降,但是从80年代到现在,咖啡馆文化随着新一代的咖啡饮用者而增加。咖啡馆文化不再被视为只为有影响力的人和精英而存在。事实上,它被认为是所有消费阶层的社会文化的一部分。惠灵顿自诩为烹饪之都,以各种各样的餐馆和咖啡馆而闻名。整个城市有300多家咖啡馆,据说人均消费超过纽约(新西兰Hisotry, 2016)。



The café industry in New Zealand is one part of the restaurant and hospitality industry. Wellington, New Zealand has a café culture that extends to more than a century. The traditional tea rooms in Wellington, New Zealand were created with the establishments of what were called the Club tea rooms in Courtenay Place which is now an area full of night clubs and gourmet cafes. Between1950s and 1960s, there was a decline in the café culture, but from 1980s to current times, cafe culture has increased with a newer generation of coffee drinkers. Café culture is no longer viewed as existing only for the influential or for the elite. It is in fact considered as part of the social culture across all consumer segments. “Wellington promotes itself as a culinary capital, famous for its variety of restaurants and cafés. There are more than 300 cafés throughout the city, reputedly more per capita than New York City (New Zealand Hisotry, 2016).

The key competitors in the industry with respect to the coffee culture are Starbucks, Wild Bean, Wind Mill and more. Music is also mixed with the café culture in Wellington. The hospitality industry in New Zealand is made up of café and restaurants, takeaway food services, catering services, pubs, taverns and bars, and clubs as well. Of this, the Café and restaurant segment is valued at 3,485 $million in 2012. It has consistently stayed in the three thousand million level over the years from 2008 to 2012. Of this, the Auckland region, the Canterbury region and the Wellington region are seen to have been the highest contributors to the market value. From the industrial context, the background of café culture in Wellington, it can hence be understood that Wellington is a competitive place for Truffle Café.







Also, Colortyme filed a separate Oregon corporation excise tax. Thus, the two issues were the unitary group of corporations and the Nexus. It was decided that RAC and Colortyme were two different enterprises which didn’t run a single business. At the time of acquisition, Colortyme had its own employees and operations, but there was no change in its activities and operations. The sharing between the companies is done in case there is a centralized management, a centralized administrative service or the functions. This may result in the economies and the flow of goods, capital and resources which may demonstrate the functional integration. For the year 2003, Colortyme operated as a separate company. It had its own full time management and daily operation. Thus, colortyme and RAC didn’t meet the requirement of having a centralized management or a common executive force.

It was also concluded that because Colortyme isn’t a part of RAC, the sales properly of Colortyme are not included in the RAC group sales factor. Plantiff confirmed that on the basis of the review of US Supreme court, it can be settled that Legacy and Colortyme were not combined with RAC. It was also concluded that Colortyme was doing business in Oregon as it’s sent two employees in Oregon to inspect the operations of the franchisees. Also, Legacy Insurance Co was a member of the Plantiff unitary group for tax year. The decision of the court was correct as the Colortyme was earning revenues and profits from Oregon franchisees. Thereby it can’t be the part of the RAC unitary group and had to pay separate taxes.



与SSP类似,CPP还应该具有混合的已定义贡献模式。这可能是一个双层方案,雇主和雇员必须强制各自缴纳10%。收集到的资金以后可以用来每年支付养老金。然而,在第二层次,雇员的贡献是不有限的,但雇主的贡献将限制在5%。当员工退休时,这整个金额将一次性提取。如果员工在退休前换了工作(Omand, 2016),所有的钱都可以拿走。随着CPP在8个省和渥太华谈判达成协议后的扩张,可以说低收入群体和年轻人将得到很大的好处。新政策将于2025年全面实施,因此,今天的年轻人将是第一批在2065年前领取养老金的员工。

CPP计划的扩展主要是为了给中等收入员工在退休时提供救济。联邦政府将通过对年收入54,900美元的人减税的方式为扩张计划提供资金。但是工人们必须支付他们收入的5.95%来购买新的CPP,每月大概43美元;由于税收减免,他们每个月只需支付34美元(Blatchford, 2016)。虽然新改革受到了年轻人和低收入群体的欢迎,但SSP等其他养老金计划也可以纳入联邦政府的CPP计划。CPP的未来似乎是光明的,因为加拿大人民欢迎它放松他们的退休计划。


Similar to the SSP, CPP should also have hybrid defined contribution schema. It can be a two-tier scheme where the employer and employee must contribute 10% each mandatorily. The collected funds can be later used to pay the pension annually. However, in the second tier the employee’s contribution is not limited but the contribution from the employer would be limited to 5%. This whole amount would be withdrawn when the employee is retired, in lump sum. The entire amount can be taken away in case the employee goes for a job change prior to retirement (Omand, 2016).With CPP expansion in line after the negotiated deal among 8 provinces and Ottawa, it can be said that low-income group and young people will be benefitted largely. The new policies will be fully implemented by 2025, and hence the today’s teen generations would be the first set of employees to receive their increased pensions by 2065.

The expansion in CPP plan is mainly aimed to give a relief to middle-income employees at the time of retirement. The federal government will fund the expansion plan through tax deductions for those who are earning $54,900 yearly. The workers though have to pay 5.95% of their income for new CPP which would be around $43 per month; they will have to pay just $34 monthly due to tax deduction (Blatchford, 2016). Although the new reform has been welcomed by the young and low-income groups, the other pension plans like SSP can also be included in the federal government CPP. Future of CPP seems to be bright as people of Canada are welcoming it to ease out their retirement plans.



银行面临的关键挑战之一,是颠覆性新技术对其零售支付业务的影响——即所谓的“金融科技的崛起”。当然,非银行机构在零售支付服务领域的这种竞争并不新鲜。例如,西联汇款(Western Union)和速汇金(Moneygram)是老牌的非银行金融机构。但现在不同的是,各种因素的同时出现,似乎将从根本上改变零售支付市场的格局,并威胁到银行的主导市场地位。首先,监管是开放市场准入。随着修订后的《支付服务指令》(PSD2)的实施,支付机构可以开展的活动清单正在扩大,包括开始支付。他们还可以为其他支付服务提供商提供账户信息。这将不可避免地——而且是有意地——削弱银行的市场力量。



One of the key challenges facing banks is the impact of disruptive new technologies on their retail payments business – the so-called “rise of the FinTech”.Such competition from non-banks in retail payments services is of course not new. Western Union and Moneygram, for example, are well-established non-bank providers. But what is different now is that various factors are coinciding which look set to fundamentally change the landscape of the retail payments market, and in ways that threaten banks’ dominant market position.First, regulation is opening up market access. With the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), the list of activities that payment institutions can carry out is being expanded to include the initiation of payments. They can also provide account information for accounts held at other payment service providers. This will inevitably – and deliberately – weaken banks’ market power.

Second, consumer preferences are changing rapidly. Retail customers now expect to be able to integrate e-commerce, social media and retail payments. They also expect to be able to switch seamlessly across digital platforms. These are not areas of strength for many banks: given their heavier compliance obligations, banks have traditionally invested more in the security and resilience of their systems rather than optimising the user experience.Third, payments technology is evolving at an unprecedented speed. Contactless cards, online payments, mobile payments, are all becoming more prevalent. Keeping pace with those technologies will require major investment from banks, and they have to contend with the fact that their new competitors – for example PayPal and Apple – already have an edge in digital technology.






Further the author gives the information related to the publication of the first newspaper in the year 1600 in Amsterdam, America. This was titled as corantos which were printed in corantos. This leads to the beginning of journalism. The author is trying the given information about the newspapers in different nations of the world. After some time, there was more and more innovation in the newspapers by weaving the different isolated reports. In a while, the news of the editor became important. The author is trying the state that the newspaper became famous immediately after its invention.

They were bought by a number of merchants, traders and financiers. As a result of more and more spread of the vital information, there was growth of trade. The printing of advertisements began in around the mid of 1600. By this times, the newspapers had led to the revolution in France. The newsletters were produced in the houses of slums. There was a revolution for the freedom of press. After the revolution in the year 1980, the freedom of the press was won in the western world. After this the reporting in the newspaper also became a useful full time job.