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电影做得非常好,吸引了观者的眼球,使观者不断地思考这个事件和战争指挥官所表现的英雄主义(Cooke, 2011)。转换成电影语言,或多或少相当于观众可以容易理解和消化的一种标准语言形式,但与在德国现场实际发生的情况并不完全相同。这种影响是巨大的和情绪化的,并保持其魅力和记忆活了很长一段时间。电影语言和电影的展示是为了长久地被人们记住,这就是为什么他以一种绝对吸引人的方式来展示这部电影,而且是为现在的观众准备的,据说这些观众的注意力持续时间很短。


This movie has done wonders because it was emotional full of hardships, the toils of the army life and how a mother of army men has to bear the loss. The conversion if fantastic with tragedy, fighting, overcoming, triumphing, winning, and persistence are the core ideas which are showcased in the movie through effective scenes. The effect of such a conversion makes one wonder about the fragile nature of life and how it is about living on the edge of a sword and can be taken away any time. Such an effect is largely on the audience and it leaves a mental print on their mind which does not erased easily but stays on for a long time and is reinforced with the repetitive version of the movie being showcased from time to time. Fury is another such cinema example which is a conversion from the historical event of the World War 2 where the army officer charges against a tank and five men behind enemy lines and displays their heroic attempt of indulging behind the death zone and surviving and fighting with the enemies.

The movie is done up very nicely and catches the eye of the beholder with attraction such that the beholder never ceases to think about the incident and the heroism shown by the war commander (Cooke, 2011). The conversion into cinematic language is more or less equivalent to what is being acceptable as a standard form of language which the audience can easily understand and digest, whereas it is not exactly identical with what had actually happened at the site in Germany. The effect is large and emotional and keeps its charm and memory alive for a long time. The display of the cinematic language and the movie is meant to be remembered for long and that is why it is being showcased in a way which his absolutely engaging and meant for the current audience, who supposedly are alleged to have very short attention span.



在这些系统中还观察到先天种族主义和制度种族主义(Oikelome and Healy, 2007)。尽管有这些困难,医生们仍然在新系统中工作,尽管他们的外貌明显不成比例。这种形式的制度只能说明它最终会影响员工的士气(Oikelome and Healy, 2007)。如果不解决系统中的固有缺陷,就会出现大规模问题。全球化应该只对社会产生积极的影响。劳动力的灵活性和为新兴跨国公司工作的人数的增加都被认为是积极因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。此外,还十分重视外国直接投资比率、经济地位、可支配收入和国内总产值如何具有积极的属性。

自由化的意识形态被给予了更高的重视,新自由化意识形态似乎表现为只允许社会中人们发生积极事情的一个方面(Bradley et al., 2000)。技术的发展、基础设施的发展、产品交付体系的完善以及产品设计和质量的全面提高,都是当今时代的特征。各个阶层的人只重视全球化的积极因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。他们没有考虑到帖子中一些明显的问题,而是选择将目光从全球化的问题上移开。外包日益突出。在过去的几十年里,人们对外包的概念给予了越来越多的重视,关于这个概念的争论也越来越多(Taylor and Bain, 2005)。


There was also innate racism and institutional racism that has been observed in these systems (Oikelome and Healy, 2007). In spite of these odds, the doctors continued to work in the new system irrespective of their obvious disproportionate aspect. This form of system can only suggest that it will eventually cause the worker morale to be affected (Oikelome and Healy, 2007). There would be large scale issue if the inherent gaps in the system are not addressed.Globalization is supposed to have caused only positive effect on the society. Flexibility of the labour and the increase in the number of people working for the rising MNC have all been contended as the positive factors (Bradley et al., 2000). There is also importance given to how the FDI rates, economic status, disposable income and the GDP have been positing positive attributes.

There is higher importance given to the ideologies of liberalization and the Neo liberalization ideologies seem to have manifested as an aspect that allows only positive things to happen for the people in the society (Bradley et al., 2000). There has been technological growth, growth of infrastructure, better system of product delivery and overall improvement in the product design and quality has been attributed in the current times. People across the spectrum have been giving importance to only the positive attributes of the globalization (Bradley et al., 2000). They have not factored in some of the post apparent issues and have chosen to look away from the problems of globalization. There has been growing prominence of outsourcing. In the past few decades, people have been giving more and more importance to the notions of outsourcing and there has been more debate on this concept (Taylor and Bain, 2005).



就业条件,至少在正式性质上,一般通过联邦园艺奖(2010)得到保护。然而,这篇文章质疑了就业标准是否足够体面,以及这些标准能否得到一致的遵守(Hardy, 2011)。本文对这一问题进行了一致的探讨,评价了3个问题。这篇文章关注的第一个问题是,劳动力的组成是否会导致揭示劳动力内部的不同层次,其中一些层次比其他层次具有更高的脆弱性(福吉,2011)。文章研究的第二个问题是,是否通过临时工人、移徙者创造了性质不利的群体,利用了收获性、工作随意性和求职过程。

第三,文章研究了是否有关于工资、工作时间和工作强度的证据,以揭示某些工人是否比其他人更容易受到伤害。文章进一步总结了这些因素,这些因素似乎与收获劳动力的分层脆弱性有关,并考虑了政策的某些影响。这篇文章的目的是通过对澳大利亚园艺领域的研究来补充文献。然而,它进一步考虑了收获劳动力的多样性,以及多层脆弱性而不是同质视角的方式(Hall and Partners, 2012)。分层脆弱性概念与造成农民工工作条件差异的各种因素有关。


Employment conditions, at the least, in formal nature are protected generally through the Federal Award of Horticulture, (2010). However, the article questions whether the standards of employment are decent enough and whether these can be observed consistently (Hardy, 2011). This question is explored consistently in the paper to evaluate 3 problems. First issue that the article looked at was whether composition of workforce led towards revealing distinct tiers within the workforce with some having higher vulnerability than the others (Fudge, 2011). Second issue the article looked at was whether harvest work casual nature and the processes of job search were utilized through temporary workers migrants creating groups of disadvantaged nature.

Thirdly, the article looked at whether evidence is present on pay, hours at work and intensity of work to reveal whether certain workers have more vulnerability than others. The article further concluded with examining these factors, which appeared to be related with harvest workforce layered vulnerability and considered certain implications of policies. The article aimed at adding to the literature by focusing upon the sector of Australian horticulture. It went further however through considering the harvest workforce diversity and the manners by which multi-layered vulnerability instead of homogenous perspectives (Hall and Partners, 2012). The layered vulnerability concept has been related with various factors causing migrant workers condition at work related disparities.

如何写personal statement:旅游风险因素

如何写personal statement:旅游风险因素


如何写personal statement:旅游风险因素

如何写personal statement:旅游风险因素

For example, the SARS Epidemic. This epidemic initiated from the province of China and this is an excellent example wherein negative influence was found over the various sectors. These risk factors first cause increase of concerns among tourists on safety and security. Such disasters can influence the beliefs and attitudes of people across the world on the broad area where any issue has taken place. Infrastructure destruction as well as destruction of various essential facilities (Beirman et al., 2014). The infrastructure destruction and destruction of any facilities has a stronger relationship to the industry of tourism, hospitality and events such as facilities of transportation, facilities of hospitality, etc.

如何写personal statement:旅游风险因素
In such events, there is infliction of crime and as a result it scares the tourists away. Risk based perception plays an essential role in potential buyer’s decision making process. Within tourism, perception of risk is a decision making based decisive factor and in turn has considerable influence over demand of tourism. The higher the risk perception with regard to destination terms, the lower is the demand of tourism. Another essential factor is destination image in the eyes of the tourists. Based on the image of a destination, tourists freely select from various destinations with more likeliness of considering traveling towards or in the perceived risk areas (Beirman et al 2014).



实践中的关键问题包括:缺乏质量分析团队;组织没有严格的活动监控制度;缺乏高层管理人员对关键活动的参与。项目经理的角色是不道德的,没有足够的法律来规范公司的内部事务。我清楚地看到,这些是本组织目前项目实践中的主要问题。根据澳大利亚法律,这项立法表明有两个主要论点可以将过失责任扩大到过失责任,这两个论点包括损害和监管效果。在这种情况下,这是应该考虑的第一点(ALRC, 2016)。根据现行法律,这一行为也可采取行动。这不是数据的泄露,而是对影响产品结果的重要数据的疏忽。根据澳大利亚消费者法,受害者将有明确的权利对我们提起诉讼。重大过失也是合同违约的一种形式,遇险赔偿金将由我公司承担,对于一个大项目的简单过失,我公司在非自愿的情况下是极其严重的。遵循以下建议是很重要的:项目经理必须每天/每周提交进度报告和反馈,而最高管理层必须在这方面发挥关键作用。



The key issues in practice include:Lack of quality analysis team .The organization does not have a strict rule to monitor activities .Lack of involvement of top management in key activities.Project manager plays an unethical role .Insufficient laws to govern the internal happenings of the company.I clearly see these to be the major issues in the organization’s practice with respect to the current project. The legislation, according to Australian law, indicates that there are two major arguments that extend the accountability to negligence – these include the harm and the regulatory effect. In this case, it is the first point that should be taken into consideration (ALRC, 2016). This action is also actionable under the current law. This is not a data breach but only a negligence of important data that influence the result of the product. The victim will have clear rights to raise against us as per the Australian consumer law. The gross negligence is also a form of contractual breach and the compensation for the distress will have to be taken care of my company which is extremely serious for a simple negligence of a big project involuntarily. It is important to follow the recommendations mentioned below:The project manager should necessarily be informed to deliver progress reports and feedbacks on a daily/weekly basis and the top management has to take a key role in this aspect.

There should be clear laws or contracts that should be signed between the management and the employees informing that the person who displays negligence will be responsible for compensating all the losses suffered by the client as well as the company itself.A better governance strategy can certainly help the case.Gross negligence is an ethical issue that can easily be controlled when the rights and responsibilities are understood by each one of them to a better extent. I should also inform here that the future of the company and employees would be a question mark if any such instances displaying unethical conduct repeat in the future. This reflection paper was truly interesting and informative. I had the chance to study the commonly missed out aspects in an organization which, if attended to, can give better results. Gross negligence is an ethical issue that is disregarded by the companies due to the trust imposed on the employees. At this point, I was able to find the source, consequences, law and action plan for this particular issue after having understood the environment and the basic organizational practice to handle the request of the client. I also gained the chance to understand the role played by ethics in the lives of people, organizations and almost everyone for a better living.



认知测试对情绪和觉醒水平都有积极影响。然而,对成年人的影响是短暂的。有趣的是,在儿童时期听音乐或学习音乐对大脑生长有长期的积极影响。事实上,接触音乐的智力益处是可靠和系统的。他们扩展到非音乐能力,并发现可能的结果,播放或听到音乐(Schellenberg, 2006)。换句话说,与没有接触过音乐的同龄人相比,接触过音乐的儿童往往更聪明,学习成绩也更稳定。牢记这一重要发现,需要尽早让孩子们接触音乐。事实证明,儿童时期学习乐器可以提高成年早期的智商和学业成绩(Miendiarzewska & Trost, 2013)。



Cognitive tests show positive effects on both mood and arousal level. However, the impact is short lived in adults. Interestingly, listening to music or learning music in childhood shows long term positive impact on brain growth. In fact, the intellectual benefits of exposure to music are reliable and systematic. They extend to non-musical abilities and are found to the likely result of playing or hearing music (Schellenberg, 2006). In other words, young children exposed to music tend to be more intelligent and perform consistently in academics as compared to their peers who have no exposure to music. Bearing this important finding in mind, children need to be introduced to music as early as possible. It has been proven that learning to play an instrument in childhood is known to improve IQ and academic performance in young adulthood (Miendiarzewska & Trost, 2013).

Therefore, caregivers and parents must make an effort to inculcate an appreciation for music and encourage young children to try their hand at any musical instrument of their choice. Sadly, the effect of background music on cognitive ability presents several contradictory findings. Background music is known to improve mathematical ability in children with behavioral disorders. The studies that measured the reading comprehension among young adults listening to music find that their performance levels dropped drastically when listening to loud and fast music. Hence it would be apt to say that the intensity and tempo would make a significant difference to the impact of music on individuals.



有一些另一个形式的偏压,可以观察到经理。明显的偏置是另一个罕见的偏压,尽管这种形式的偏置是通常是罕见的意外。这是偏置的形式是抽象的偏见。据一位经理的莫兰据说企业组织内的偏置是一种很常见的和正常的人性(Bendick & Nunes,2012)。许多次,经理的使用他们的勇气和潜力得到员工雇佣的目的。他们也倾向如果他们发现任何的人有招聘的目的可能相处和选择。这是另一种形式的偏压,甚至更危险的是招聘的人根本不知道他是选为偏置的结果。



There are a few another forms of biasing which may be observed by the managers. Overt biasing is another rare form of biasing, though this form of biasing is something that is generally rare and unintentional. This is the form of biasing which is abstract bias. According to one of the manager ‘Moran’ it has been said that the biasing within the business organization is a very common and normal human nature (Bendick & Nunes, 2012). Many a time, the manager’s uses of their guts and potential for the purpose of getting the employees hired. They also bias if they find that any of the people who are there for the purpose of hiring may get along and be selected. This is another form of biasing which is even much more dangerous as the person who is recruited is not at all aware that he is selected as a result of biasing.

It has been said by Moran that it is important to take some or the other action in order to avoid these types of biasing and to define the hiring process and the structure that the companies need to take some or the other action. They need to make sure that the process of recruitment of the employees is completely unintentional. They need to define a proper structure which must be followed for the process of hiring. The structuring will lead to less number of assumptions. This will make the entire process of hiring better and more professional. Also, it will lead to the right form of hiring in the companies which would be without any form of biasing (Brooks, 2016).



术语“汇率风险”和“外汇风险(FX)”在本研究是可以互换的。汇率风险包括结构性风险,翻译风险和交易风险。在这个研究中,汇率风险将主要关注交易风险(敏& Famery,2012)。减少公司财务可持续增长的变化并返回到利益相关者(公司的业主)(敏& Famery,2012)。它指对冲风险的方法是最适合该公司基于对当前问题的理解和公司的具体情况(敏& Famery,2012)。它指的是识别和分析潜在损失的过程作为一个新进入者进入外国市场基于特定国家的特定条件。这将给公司一个明确的观点的变量可能暴露,无论是内部或外部,回顾性和前瞻性(价格会计师事务所,2008)。



The terms “currency risk” and “foreign exchange risk (FX)” are interchangeable throughout this research. Currency risk includes structural risk, translation risk and transaction risk. In this research, currency risk will mainly focus on transaction risk (Myint & Famery, 2012).To reduce the variability of financials ensures sustainable growth of the company and return to the stakeholders (the proprietors of the company) (Myint & Famery, 2012). It refers to the method of hedging risk that is the most suitable for the company based on the understanding of the current issue and the specific situation of the company (Myint & Famery, 2012).It refers to the process of identifying and analyzing the potential losses as a new entrant go into the foreign market based on the certain conditions of the specific country. This will give the company a clear view of variables to which they may be exposed, whether internal or external, retrospective or forward-looking (Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2008).

This is crucial for evaluating the risks and controls the challenges and pitfalls that come with entering an unfamiliar market. The company has to clear the changing international environment, such as the fluctuation of exchange rate. In this thesis, the research will only focus on the analysis of currency risk in China when a Euro-based company is trading and receiving payment in Chinese currency and then exchanged into Euro. An international trading company purchases or produces their products with local currency and then sells their products to foreign country with foreign currency. Exchange rate is always changing due to different triggers, particularly in developing countries. Currently, the company is going to expand their business to China which is to export Dutch health care products to China. Developing countries, also known as the emerging markets, are rapidly becoming a driving force of the global economic growth.






The effect of globalization on local economies, specifically in adverse form, is one of the primary disadvantages amongst all. The advent of foreign brands in the domestic market can pose some serious challenges for the local brands to compete with. International brands, together with their effective marketing strategies and business models help them to appeal the masses in local boundaries and this may serve as a negative factor for domestic competitors to survive in the market. All these activities may shackle the dynamics of local market as more and more foreign brands start to dominate the market. This practice has been quite common in third world countries where inefficiency at local level provides an opportunity for foreign brands to get into the market (Gachunga, 2009).

To conclude, we can realize that globalization is a diversified phenomenon that has many advantages and disadvantages to its disposal. However, the effects of globalization differ among the developing and developed nations with each having their own set of pros and cons. Despite of certain disadvantages, it has become a crucial factor for the success of any nation, as now more and more countries have shown adaptability towards it to become successful. Its significance cannot be overlooked at any point in time because of various benefits and advantages that it offers to its recipients.

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通
應重視對發展中積極與消費者溝通。在許多情況下人們已經發現,有許多遊客參觀的地方第一次(沃克,1995)。如果酒店為他們提供指導,喜歡的地方能獲得更多的影響力。一般來說,有非常高的期望。在待發現員工非常熱情和服務是足夠的。在這種情況下,期望更大的實際性能有一個缺口,形成。這隨後導致消費者不滿(Ali et al ., 2016)。許多理論模型已經開發系統地分析各個公司的服務質量(Gronroos, 2004;李et al ., 2013)。 SERQUAL模型五個主要因素的重要性。可靠性、有形性、保證、移情和響應能力的五個主要方面,企業應該考慮開發一個整體服務質量(劉et al .,2015)。在已被陳述的所有五個因素的差距有可能發生(斯托克斯和凱文,200;金,漢族,和李,2001)。酒店行業特別是酒店和餐館應該解決差異。發現員工的響應能力是比我預期的慢,他們可以提高酒店提供的有形設施。

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代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通

More importance should be given towards developing positive communications with the consumers. In many instances it has been found that there is many of the tourists are first time visitors to the place (Walker, 1995). If the hotels provide them with guidance to enjoy the place more leverage could be gained. In general, there was very high expectation felt. During the stay it was found that the staffs were pretty hospitable and service were adequate. In cases where expectations are greater the actual performance there is a gap that is formed. This subsequently leads to consumer dissatisfaction (Ali et al., 2016). A number of theoretical models have been developed to systematically analyse quality of services of the individual companies (Grönroos, 2004; Li et al., 2013). SERQUAL model states the importance of five main factors. Reliability, tangibles, assurance, empathy and responsiveness are the five major facets that businesses should consider for developing a holistic service quality (Liu et al., 2015). In all of the five factors that has been stated there is a possibility of gaps to occur (Stokes, and Lomax, 200; Kim, Han, and Lee, 2001). Hospitality industries esp. hotels and restaurants should address the gaps. It was found that the responsiveness of the staff was slower than what I had expected and they could improve the tangible amenities provided by the hotel.

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Being a first time tourist there should have been a more understanding concierge who had knowledge apart from the Internet regarding the place who should have been directed us. This was a considerable gap in services. Post stay the stay the staff collected feedback reviews. This whole process led to the realization the importance of customer service and quality of services rendered to the end consumers. They did take an attempt to address some of the grievances. This helped them gain reliability and it was felt that the hotel in general was empathetic and reliable. Owing to these factors in spite of certain gaps I felt that the stay as a whole was pleasant and fun. As a result, I posted good reviews in Trip Adviser website for other tourists to enjoy this hotel. Marketing communities and developing SERQUAL model is important for the hospitality industry survival. This was felt personally while staying in the Dunkled hotel. There were a number of good reviews and a general positive tone about the promotions regarding the hotel. It was felt that the hotels provided satisfactory services but could have improved certain aspects. The hotel in general was empathetic and discussed ways in which they would improve the services in the future.