标签存档: 英国论文代写



在新西兰的储备银行中,唯一的目标就是长期保持物价水平的共同稳定。1989年的《储备银行法》不仅将物价水平的稳定确定为货币政策的关键职能,而且通过管理者的个人问责为实现这一目标提供了不同寻常的操作独立性程度和动机(Kelsey, 2015)。然而,无论如何清楚地描述银行的目标,它仍然面临着与任何其他必要的货币当局类似的控制问题。该结构的成功不能仅仅是衡量市场接受程度,因此本节将讨论货币政策的有效性。集中在1993年到目前(这是货币政策最困难的时期)(Kelsey, 2015)。上图描述了货币政策的成功,它描绘了自1990年首次实行优惠贸易区以来的年通货膨胀率。这些文件表明,通货膨胀率稳步下降,接近0至2%的目标,并在两年内实现了稳定。

1994年后总体CPI通胀率超出该范围,反映了1994年以后货币政策逐步收紧,加息对CPI的直接影响(Kelsey, 2015)。通过将消费者价格指数制度列入通货膨胀率而使利率上升的直接影响受到优惠贸易区以下的警告。由于受需求驱动的财政和货币政策的影响,联邦银行已经具备了允许基本货币政策放松的能力。结构性和实质性的政策调整无疑有助于价格稳定的转型。然而,维持物价稳定的任务是RBNZ货币政策的唯一责任(Kelsey, 2015)。价格稳定的初步成果受到欢迎。然而,这并没有明确的计划。制定政策的目的是尽可能快地将通货膨胀率降至合理水平。在以储备银行行为和货币政策为组成部分的新的实践框架中,对通货膨胀预期的影响比最初预期的要大得多。


In New Zealand’s Reserve Bank, the sole objective is to keep the common stability of price level in the long term. The 1989, Reserve bank act not only results in designating stability in price level as the key monetary policy function but also results in providing unusual operation independence degree as well as motivation for achieving such objective by the Governors personal accountability (Kelsey, 2015). However, it does not matter how clearly the objective of the bank can be depicted but it still is faced with similar control issues as any other required authority for monetary. The structure’s success cannot be solely measurement with regard to acceptance in the market and so this section will cover the effectiveness of monetary policy. The concentration is over the period from 1993 until currently (which is the most problematic time for the policy of monetary) (Kelsey, 2015). The monetary policy success is depicted in the above figure, which has graphed the annual rate of inflation since the first PTA introduction in the year 1990. These documented the steady inflation decline towards the target of 0 to 2 percent and its stabilization subsequently achieved over a 2 year period.

The headline CPI Inflation rate movement outside such range after the year 1994 reflects the direct influence of the interest rates enhancement over the CPI as policy of monetary was tightened progressively from 1994 onward (Kelsey, 2015). The direct influence over such rise in rate of interest over inflation through their CPI regimen inclusion was subjected to the caveat below PTA. As the influences of fiscal and monetary policies fed by demand, the Federal bank has been gaining the ability of allowing essential monetary policy easing. The structural and real policy adjustment undoubtedly has aided the price stability transition. However, the task to maintain stability in prices is the sole responsibility of RBNZ monetary policy (Kelsey, 2015). The initial price stability achievement was welcomed. However, it was not planned explicitly. Policy was set-up for bringing inflation at a low as fast as was possibly thought reasonably. In the new practice framework of which the act of reserve bank and policy of monetary was a component, had a higher striking influence over expectations of inflation than was anticipated initially.



亚马逊是一家总部位于华盛顿州西雅图的美国云计算和电子商务公司。它是美国最大的互联网零售商之一。该公司开始作为一个网上书店,而后来它多元化销售珠宝,玩具,食品,家具,服装,电子产品,视频游戏,软件,音频书籍流或下载,MP3流或下载,视频流或下载,cd,蓝光,和dvd (Roth & Ockenfels, 2002)。亚马逊以在墨西哥、印度、中国、日本、巴西、澳大利亚、荷兰、西班牙、意大利、德国、加拿大、法国、爱尔兰、英国和美国分别开设零售网站而闻名。亚马逊还为一些特定国家的产品提供国际航运服务。2011年,考虑在瑞典和波兰开设网站的意向(Nepstad, 2011)。


亚马逊的使命很简单,但执行起来非常复杂:“成为世界上最以客户为中心的组织,在那里,个人可以发现和发现他们愿意在网上购买的任何东西。”自亚马逊成立以来,贝佐斯一直致力于实现这一使命。公司一直坚持这一使命,以至于公司的每一个元素都与组织的成功相关(Manyika et al., 2008)。公司决策和管理基本方法的关键支柱是公司将持续不懈地关注客户。亚马逊的战略围绕着便利、高效的分销和客户服务。在数字时代,许多组织最有效的营销策略最终都来自移动应用和网站。这为在线零售商提供了相对于竞争对手的竞争优势,因为许多客户会考虑不顾针对特定组织的营销努力而上网。


Amazon is a cloud computing and e-commerce company of America having headquartered in Seattle Washington. It is among the biggest retailer based on internet in the United States of America. The company started off as an online store of book, while it later diversified for sale of jewellery, toys, food, furniture, apparel, electronics, video games, software, audio book streaming or downloads, MP3 streaming or downloads, video streaming or downloads, CDs, Blu-rays, and DVDs (Roth & Ockenfels, 2002). Amazon is known for having separate websites of retail for Mexico, India, China, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Canada, France, Ireland, United Kingdom and United States. Amazon has also been offering international shipping to specific other nations for some of the lines of product. In the year 2011, it considered its intention of launching the websites in Sweden and Poland (Nepstad, 2011).


The mission of Amazon is simple yet highly complicated for execution: “To be the most customer centric organization of the world where individual can discover and find anything they are willing to purchase online”. Since the inception of Amazon, Bezos has key focus for the achievement of this mission. There has been an adherence to this mission such that each and every element of the company is connected with the success of the organization (Manyika et al., 2008). The key pillar for the fundamental approach of decision making and management of the company is that the company will be continuously focused on the customers relentlessly. The strategies of Amazon revolve across convenience, efficiency of distribution and service of customers. The most effective strategies of marketing for a number of organizations within the digital era ended up coming from mobile apps and websites. This has been providing a competitive edge to online retailers over their competitors, as a number of customers consider going online irrespective of the efforts of marketing over a specific organization.



每当他试图使用某种权力时,他总是试图思考这是否合乎道德,是否每个人都能接受这种改变。凭借他的奖励能力,他能够激励每个人,并在更大程度上实现团结(Beauchamp et al, 2003)。他试图说服他的威权在一定的权力,从而带来一种情感上的联系,理解他们的困难。这是布恩教练在这部电影中使用的三种力量形式。在整部电影中,他运用了个人权力和正式权力的混合,这些混合通过侵略性和响亮的声音表现出来,以控制种族间的紧张关系。权力被认为是一个人能够影响B的宗旨,使他们的活动与正确的理解同步的能力。他利用自己的权力成为法律,认为足球队是一个独裁政权(波尚等人,2003年)。



Whenever he tried to use any sort of power, he always tried to think if it is ethical and if everyone would accept the change. With his reward power, he was able to motivate everyone and togetherness was also achieved to a wider extent (Beauchamp et al, 2003). He tried to convince his authoritarian power at certain power so as to bring an emotional connect and understand their difficulties. These are the three forms of power used by coach Boone in this movie. Throughout the movie, he applied a mix of personal as well as formal power and these were evident with the aggressiveness and loud voice to control racial tensions. Power was regarded as the ability of one person to influence the tenet of B so that their activities were in sync with proper understanding. He used his power to be the law and that the football team was a dictatorship (Beauchamp et al, 2003).

This also highlighted that he hoped to rule his team. However, towards the end of the movie, the way the power used was totally different. The authoritarian style of power used in the beginning of the movie did not work much. As a result, his coaching staff informed Boone that the power that he utilized was mainly focused on winning rather than the player’s wellness. At that moment, the influence of style changed and Boone understood that if players were encouraged, the outcome was good. With this attitude, he changed his style and utilized it correctly. The basic need of the team is to have a well – developed togetherness that can be brought only with right form of leadership. He gives a speech while the team is ready to begin their practice. During the speech, he utilized the managerial grid to a fullest extent to explain them about his concern for people and the need to respect one another to win championship and also achieve at the end of the game.




根据影评人的评论,影片中那些在知道事情不对的情况下选择成为警察线人的人的热情反抗,是喀山支持自己特殊活动的一种方式。虽然这不能作为喀山案件的完美类比,因为喀山案件的性质有很大的不同,他的案件并不是针对罪犯或职业杀手,但这部电影在某种程度上与之相关。喀山作为一个人,总是要求他的信念和策略的正确性,为他,也为每个人。在滨水区,这种正直和信念的持久性带来了巨大的优势。布德·舒尔伯格(Budd Schulberg)受过良好教育、全面参与创作的剧本作为大纲,马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando)饰演的特里·马洛伊(Terry Malloy)富有同情心的执行力为他指明了方向,喀山在这部电影中为追求最高独立的道路所做的奉献可能是持久的。


Kazan, not being a very religious individual in himself, comprehends the force of religious symbolism throughout the movie. Employment tokens were used in the film, similar to Roman coins, scattered among the edgy souls at the shape-up. There is the film’s double-crossing plot, keenly modified from its scriptural model to show betrayal or double cross as a pious activity. Apart from all these, there is Terry’s affliction and reclamation, the long stroll again from his dockside Calvary. On the off chance that Karl Malden’s Father Barry once in a while rings a self-righteous note into Terry’s story, it is on the grounds that the ethical examination of the film makes his discussion of religious parallels pointless: the philosophical occupation of On the Waterfront, to demonstrate that the life of a normal regular worker can turn into something good with extraordinary good ramifications, is achieved without his obstinate devotions.Some critics thought that this film was directed by Kazan in order to defend himself for the actions which he took in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee by naming his friends who had been the active members of the Communist party.

According to the critic reviews, the film’s enthusiastic resistance of the individuals who choose to become a police informer when they know something isn’t right was Kazan’s method for supporting his own particular activities. Although this can’t be treated as the perfect analogy of Kazan’s case as his case of much different nature and he was not dealing against criminals or professional killers in his case, but the movie relates to it in some manner of self-belief. Kazan as a human always demanded the rightness of his convictions and strategies, for him, as well as for everybody. On the Waterfront advantages enormously from this uprightness and this durability of conviction. With Budd Schulberg’s educated and all around built screenplay as an outline, and Marlon Brando’s sympathetic execution as Terry Malloy to light his direction, Kazan’s dedication in this film to a course of supreme independence is as enduring as it may be.



由于课程的多样性和分散化的进展,最近在课程中发现了显著的变化,特别是在地方一级(Lee & Ginsburg, 2009)。在经合发组织的指导下,新西兰能够有效地确保全球不同年龄组的儿童接受不同形式教育的质量的平衡。这是在坚持儿童的基本需要和要求的同时进行的,作为对环境适应的一种补偿。因此,幼儿教育课程能够坚持并满足幼儿的健康、营养和教育需要,从而为儿童从小获得幸福铺平道路。除上述各方面外,课程架构亦为教职员提供基本指引,以协助他们认识教学目标(戴明,2009)。这是的基础上把握儿童和相应的质量计划和设计结构的行程计划承担学校和日托中心,尤其重点关注积分方面的创造全面发展和成熟的孩子。

关于课程正确方法的广泛争论揭示了课程的可靠性、范围、真实性、重点和深度。现有的数据表明,短期使用的文献和数字技能作为一个评估的学习领域。这些文献和数字技能不仅被排除在社会教育学的语境之外,而且被认为是在幼儿进入小学之前维持开放和整体课程的一个重要推动者(Copple & Bredekamp, 2009)。由于文化的多样性,新西兰的许多教育中心正变得越来越重要。这是由于存在着属于不同背景和环境的不同儿童,以满足这些儿童对其发展的基本需要和要求。这反映了项目的有效性,其中包括不同的有效学习方法,如通过游戏学习、视听学习等。


As a result of the ongoing diversifications and progress towards decentralization, remarkable variations have been perceived in the curriculum recently, especially at the local level (Lee & Ginsburg, 2009). Under the guidance of OECD, New Zealand has been able to efficiently ensure a balance in the quality of education of different forms of education across the globe for the children of different age groups. This is carried out along with the adherence to the basic needs and demands of the children as an allowance for the adaptation to the surroundings. As a result of this, the educational curriculum for the early childhood has been able to adhere and cater to the health, nutrition and education needs of the toddlers and as a result pave the way for the wellbeing of the children from their tender age. Apart from all these aspects, the framework of the curriculum also provides the basic guidelines for the staff as assistance in the recognition of the pedagogical aims and objectives (Deming, 2009). This is on the basis of the grasping quality of the children and accordingly, plan and design the structural itinerary of the programs to be undertaken in the schools and the day care centres, particularly focusing on the integral aspects of the creation of all round development and maturity of the young children.

Widespread debates over the correct approach towards the curriculum shed light on its reliability, scope, authenticity, emphasis, depth. The available data shows the short term usage of the literature and the numerical skills as an assessment of the learning areas. This literature and the numerical skills are not only excluded from the context of the social pedagogy, but they are also considered as an essential procurer behind the maintenance of an open and holistic curriculum for the toddlers before they step for elementary schooling (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009). Many education centres of New Zealand are gaining importance because of the cultural diversity. This is owing to the presence of different children belonging to different backgrounds and environments as a response to the basic needs and demands that these children possess for their development. This reflects the effectiveness of the programs where different effective learning methods such as learning through games, audio-visual learning, etc., are included.






The following is a PESTLE Analysis for China in order to depict the reason behind this country’s selection. Political: In China from the perspective of political factors there is market development over economic development based on market orientation and welfare in the society. Further the system is characterized as individual party dictatorship of communists making an enhance contribution to stability nationally in turn allowing the economy to stay sustainable as well as dynamic in nature. When the economic system was deregulated however from the economic command to economic market and as a result, in the economic management power was decentralized increasingly causing the issue of regional economy to raise. However, presently the government is encouraging foreign investment and has been supportive to those international organizations trying to make their way in the nation. The change is a transformational change in which the company has selected to change its culture.

With regard to culture, the company seeks to adopt an open culture in which ideas, beliefs and assumptions are collectively shared in comparison to its traditional culture where the company was not able to foster open and wide communication of culture and beliefs. Also, with regard to scope of change, the company will undertake adaptation as well as restructuring itself. The selected, market development strategy implementation implies a soft systems approach without use of any technical or technological requirement as the change will initiate with the help of people and their skills. The change being proposed is a major change. The change will take place in a slow way over a period of 2 years. The reason for change taking place is better growth, sustainable advantage in terms of competition and customer satisfaction. The scope of the change will be internal and will influence all internal stakeholders of the organization. The change would be influential across departments internally.



雪上加霜的是,英国人口老龄化问题正给公共支出带来额外压力。根据预算责任办公室(OBR)的预测,到2020年,国家债务占GDP的比例将从80%降至54%,然后再次开始增长。保持人口老龄化的财务成本,进一步£200亿的需要增加税收或削减开支从2020年开始,以保持国家债务水平等于衰退前的一个在未来50年时间。根据OBR的数据,目前,威尔士和英格兰65岁以上的人口占总人口的18%,到2065年,这一比例将增加到26%。这将导致在社会保健、养恤金和保健方面的公共开支增加。这将导致政府的基本余额减少。除支付债务利息外,收入和支出的差距将扩大。到2064-65年,2019- 2020年2.1%的GDP盈余最终将变成1.9%左右的赤字。



To add fuel to the fire, the issue of Ageing UK population is putting additional strain on the public spending. As per the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) by 2020 that national debt would decrease from 80% of GDP to 54% and then start increasing again. To maintain the financial cost of ageing population, further £20bn of tax increases or spending cuts is needed from 2020 so as to keep the national debt levels equal to pre-recession one in coming 50 years time.According to The OBR, the population of Wales and England which is above 65 years of age is 18 percent today and is bound to increase to 26 percent by 2065. This would result in greater public expenditure on social care, pensions and health. The consequence of this would decrease in primary balance of the government. The gap in revenue and expenditure, other than debt interest payment, would widen. The GDP surplus of 2.1 percent in 2019-20 would eventually turn into deficit of about 1.9 percent by the year 2064-65.

As per OBR, the national debt of the country are likely to reduce to 54 percent from current 80 percent by beginning of 2030s. However, if the ageing issue is not appropriately addressed, it would again rise and in around next 50 years it would reach 87 percent of the GDP. The rising of debt would set non recoverable economic conditions in the country thereafter (Elliott, 2015).Some of the major challenges faced by the country because of ageing population include wide gaps in employment market, lack of updated skills and workforce in public services and businesses, increasing economic pressure and quality of social services and healthcare. The options present with the government are to increase the retirement age of present workforce. The gap in labour and skills can be fulfilled by encouraging and sustaining migration levels. Encouraging pension schemes led to saving among taxpaying working population and keeping them healthy and active is one of the important aspect (Royal geographical society, 2015).







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在废除法治的基础上,当局国家的基础数目在民间社会很少或根本没有反对意见的情况下出现。作者有效地讨论了一些与并购热潮、公司权力集中、地方和国家各级政府倒台有关的非常重要的事件。除此之外,世界上许多发达国家也出现了大量的地方一级经济的崩溃、不同金融市场的崩溃、内战的爆发以及福利国家的解体(Fukuyama and Francis, 2014)。在本书的第一部分中,对自由市场对妇女权利的影响进行了研究。在本书的后半部分,关于撒哈拉以南非洲的章节已经扩大和增订。


A number of resources in the state had been directed for the financing of the military-industrial complex and the process of doing the beefing of domestic security at the expense of doing the funding of the social programs which were required and had been slashed through to the bone. After the incident of 9/11, there had been a massive campaign for the legitimacy of the global free market system (Rupert and Mark). This kind of system had been reinforced in the form if the new and a renewed wave of the deregulation and privatization leading to the incorporation of the take-overs of the large number of public services. These kind of public services included some of the very important and basic services required for human beings such as health care, electricity, water and transportation. In addition to this, in the entire US, Great Britain and many other parts of European Union, there had been a complete overhauling of the legal fabrication of society.

On the basis of the repeal of the Rule of Law, the number of foundations of the authorities state had emerged with very little or no opposition from the civil society. The author has effectively discussed some of the very important incidents related to the merger boom, concentration of the corporate power, the collapse of the different governments at local and national levels. In addition to this, there has been a collapse of the large number of local level economies, the meltdown of the different financial markets, the outbreak of the civil war and the dismantling of the Welfare state in a number of developed nations of the world (Fukuyama and Francis, 2014). In the initial part of the book, the impact of free-markets on the rights of the women has been examined. In the later part of the book, the chapter on Sub-Saharan Africa has been expanded and updated.





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  2. 一次只看一个单词

  有的同学是逐词逐词地看,一眼只看一个单词,这样做,不仅速度慢, 而且可能会出现这样一种情形:每个单词都认识,但整句话就是理解不了。




