

学校的氛围促进了师生之间人际关系的发展。应该有多样化的教育经验,并让学生接触到各种各样的教学工具,让学生获得对问题的全面看法(Anyon 137)。应该增加课堂教学材料,兼收并蓄的社会阶层背景,以及接触高等学校的教育模式。教师应该花更多的时间在准备上,教育委员会应该向教师灌输关于教学方法的密集和详尽的要求,以及教师的热情和积极态度(Anyon 138)。罗斯在《我只想做个普通人》(I Just want to Be ordinary)一书中提出的意识形态支持了这一观点。罗斯的观点是,他在职业学校接受早期教育时,认为自己是一个“普通”学生。他把他的学术能力归功于他的低水平学校的环境。罗斯说,由于文化和社会的细微差别,他对世界及其问题的看法局限于学校的模式。这进一步说明,学生所在社区的社会经济地位与他们接受的教育质量成正比。
换句话说,精英社会可以获得更好的教育和学术设施。在《我只想做个普通人》中,迈克·罗斯讲述了他在职业学校的教育经历和知识获取过程。这也被修辞上称为底层阶级。罗斯不小心被这所学校录取了,但是他继续和低年级的学生一起学习。他写道,“我被安排在职业轨道上,这是底层的委婉说法”(Rose 124)。在这所学校里,老师们想要避免教室里的暴力和肢体冲突。他举了一个例子,他的二年级英语老师Mitropetros先生说,“他几乎没有接受过英语培训,所以他的日常工作课程计划让我们阅读了地区要求的课文”(Rose 125)。他引用了另一个弟弟迪尔的例子,他的大一英语老师是一个“不稳定”和“麻烦”的人(Rose 124),因为经常当课堂失去控制时,他会对学生大喊大叫(Rose 125)。


School’s climate fosters the development of interpersonal relations between teachers and students. There should be diversity in the educational experience and exposure of the students to the various teaching tools for the student to gain comprehensive view of the issues (Anyon 137). There should be increase in the teaching material in classrooms, eclectic social class background, and exposure to the higher rating schools education patterns. There should be more time spent by teachers on preparation, intensive and exhaustive requirements of the board of education about teaching methods should be instilled in the teacher along with passionate positive attitudes of teachers (Anyon 138). This is bolstered by the ideology of Rose’s work, in “I Just Wanna Be Average”. The argument made by Rose is that he considered him to be an “average” student during his early education at vocational school. He attributed his scholastic capabilities to the environment of his low-level school. Rose states that owing to the cultural and the social nuances, his view of the world and its issues become limited to the paradigm in the school. This further states that socioeconomic status of the community a student lives in is directly proportional to the quality of education they receive.
In other words, elite society can gain access to better educational and scholastic facilities. In I Just Wanna Be Average, Mike Rose narrates his educational experience and knowledge gaining process in the vocational school. This also rhetorically called bottom-level class. Rose was accidentally enrolled in this school, nevertheless, he continued his education with lower class students. He wrote that “I was placed in the vocational track, a euphemism for the bottom level” (Rose 124). In this school, the teachers wanted to avoid violence and physical fighting in the classroom. He gave an example of his Sophomore English teacher, Mr. Mitropetros stating “he had little training in English, so his lesson plan for his day work had us reading the district’s required text” (Rose 125). He quoted another example of Brother Dill, his freshman English teacher as was “unstable” and “troubled” man (Rose 124) because very often when the class was out of his control, he would scream at the students (Rose 125).








代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

定位是一种非常有用的商品营销工具。一旦细分了市场,确定了目标客户,定位就出现了。定位是关于感知的一切。每个人都有不同的感知,因此定位的结果也会因客户的不同而有所不同,但也有一些相似之处。宝马对自己的目标非常明确。它的目标仅仅是高端汽车,而不是在汽车行业的每一个细分领域做出额外的努力。它远离中档汽车的高容量市场,将重点放在豪华车领域。例如,与本田思域(Honda Civic)相比,Mini更小,但售价要高出约3000美元(合2300欧元)。这种做法使宝马成为全球主要赚钱的汽车生产商之一,尽管其规模相对较小。、

代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

BMW was started in 1917 from the amalgamation of two little aero engine manufacturers. Their well-known blue and white symbol has been taken from the shades of the Bavarian Luftwaffe. This symbol is assumed to look a lot like the one of their aeroplane by a propeller. BMW is well-known for its athletic, complicated and lavish icon which has been created from the decade of 1970’s with a lot of motor sport wins varying from Road Cars to Formula 1. The worldwide mission statement of BMW is to be the highly successful premium producer in the automobile business.Positioning is regarding what the clients think about the value of the woods, its benefits as well as its qualities. Positioning is the way to compare the base product to all the other existing alternate. The customers’ beliefs are generally based on their past experiences and happenings in spite of the knowledge spread by the advertisements and promotion. BMW needs to focus on the strategy of positioning. It involves rising, promotion, choice of the distribution channels which can help in maximisation of sales.
Positioning is a highly useful tool for marketing of goods. Once the markets are segmented and the target customer is decided, positioning comes into picture. Positioning is everything regarding the perception. Every person has a different perception therefore the result of positioning differs for each customer, however there are a few similarities as well.BMW is extremely clear regarding its targeting. It simply targets the top-priced cars and does not make extra efforts to struggle in each segment of the automobile industry. It keeps away from the high-capacity market of middle-of-the-road automobiles and lays stress firmly on the luxury segment. The Mini, for instance, is tinier in comparison of a Honda Civic, however is priced at around $3,000 (€2,300) more. This approach has led to BMW, regardless of its comparatively tiny size, being one of the globe’s largely money-making car producers.



  在国外,人们都管话题作文和论文统称ESSAY。它是国外大学课堂上的作业,所以要写作的数量是不计其数的。很多时候同学们写着写着就觉得没什么可写了,其实是同学们的方法没找对,不同的essay有不同的写作格式,如果没有按要求写,就会不通过。所以,很多留学生会找 代写essay 来帮忙,那我们也总结了essay的一些写作原则,希望对同学们有所帮助。


  ① 要做到言简意赅,要避免啰啰嗦嗦,不要过于冗长。

  ② 每一个句子都应该精简到只保留它的基本部分。任何冗余或者不能增加新意的词语都应该删除。

  ③ 。当你把文章精简并删掉不必要的词和短语时,文章的质量就得到了提高。要知道,导师在进行文章批阅时,要短时间内面对那么多essay,他是没有时间来看啰啰嗦嗦,没有主次的文章的。

  ④ 表述要精确。任何时候都要尽可能详尽而又具体。细节能让你的作品更具真实性。对于要表述的内容,想要表达的思想要精确的表达出来,感染到读者,让读者信服,从而体现文章的真实性。

  ⑤ 主题要明确。在写一篇essay时,导师给出的essay题目都是有很强的针对性的,所以,在撰写essay之前一定要想清楚这个题目的隐含意义,了解导师想通过这篇文章考察你哪些方面,想了解你哪方面的技巧,毕竟知己知彼,才能百战不殆。






大学已把自己定位为现代社会的机构,评估和考虑社会如何根据预期的成就进行运作。在一定程度上,这一使命在于在说服实际真相时努力超越表象的程度(McCann, 2015)。在大学里有很多性骚扰的案例,最终挑战了大学的成就,进一步影响了学生。我认识一些学生,他们在大学校园里处理过性骚扰,包括性别歧视、攻击和虐待、骚扰、在图书馆剧院和大学图书馆里跟踪等案件。近年来,男生文化在大学环境中不断演变,初入大学的学生强奸案、流产案、女生酗酒案和随意强奸案都有所增加。当然,这些案件并不是孤立发生的。
许多学生正在努力消除导致他们的问题,但值得注意的是,少年文化并没有在大学结束和开始。它始于全社会对女性的常态化、去人性化和物化,同时要求女性在被抚摸或骚扰时放松(Hershcovis & Barling, 2010)。这样的例子最终延伸到毕业之后,并在公共场所和工作场所传播开来。简单的做法就是大胆地说出来,并有可能改变人们对攻击、骚扰和性别歧视的接受程度。很多大学女生都表示,她们遭受性侵犯的经历说明了一种否认和冷漠的文化,这种文化导致了越来越多的性侵犯。内部设置的冲突和不明确的纪律体系能够加重这种痛苦(McCann, 2015)。


Universities have positioned themselves as institutions of the modern society appraising and considering how operations of the society are conducted with respect to the goods expected of achievement. Partially, this mandate lies in striving above the degree of appearance in persuading the actual truths (McCann, 2015). There are a number of cases of sexual harassment across universities that end up challenging the achievements of the university, further impacting students. I have known a number of students who have dealt with sexual harassment within their university campus, including cases of sexism, assault and abuse, harassment, stalking in library theatres and university libraries, and several others. Since recent times, the lads’ culture has evolved across the environment of universities with increased rape of fresher students, miscarriage, spiking the drinks of girls and casual rape. Surely, these cases do not take place in isolation.
A number of students are putting in efforts to eliminate the issue leading their way, but it is worth noting that the lad culture does not end and begin at the university. It begins with the normalized dehumanization and objectification of women across the society, while asking women to relax when they are groped or harassed (Hershcovis & Barling, 2010). Such cases end up extending way beyond graduation, while passing on across public spaces and workplaces. The simple act is to speak up and step in with the potential of changing the acceptance of assault, harassment and sexism.It has been stated by a large population of college women that their experience as a result of sexual assault provides an illustration about the culture of denial and indifference that lead towards increased number of assaults. Conflicted and unclear internally set disciplinary systems are able of compounding such sufferings (McCann, 2015).



耐克公司是一家美国公司,主要从事鞋类、点睛器材和运动服装的设计、制造和零售。该公司总部位于俄勒冈州比弗顿,被认为是最大的鞋和服装供应商之一(Kotler et al., 2015)。他们设法为这个品牌赢得了全世界的顾客。该公司被认为是他们所销售产品系列的市场领导者之一。产品范围体现了创新,并成功地吸引了各个领域的年轻人。它在世界各地都有业务,是这个领域的领先者。下面对公司进行了批判性分析。企业家精神不仅仅是创造一项新业务,它还包括在业务中维持下去,并采取一种独特的方法,以便在商业世界中维持下去。企业家精神是解决公司的市场需求,同时开发机会、创新和变化的结合。


Nike Company is an American company that is engaged in the design, manufacturing and retailing of footwear, spots equipment and sports apparel. The company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon and is considered to be one of the largest suppliers of the shoes and apparel (Kotler et al., 2015). They have managed to gain brand patronage for the brand across the world. The company is considered to be one of the market leaders of the product range that they sell. The product range epitomizes innovation and has managed to attract the youth demography across the spectrum. It has operations across the world and is a leading player in this arena. Critical analysis of the company has been done in the following analysis. Entrepreneurship is not only about the creation of a new business, it is also about sustaining in the business and adopting a unique approach in order to sustain in the business world.Entrepreneurship is about a combination of addressing marketing needs of the company, while developing opportunity, innovation and change.
To become entrepreneurial there should be the ability of the company to develop the spirit, focusing on leveraging the entrepreneurship capabilities and developing effectiveness. This is an integrated effort that combines the heuristics of technology, innovation and meeting consumer requirements. The entrepreneur needs to factor in the tangibles and the intrinsic variables. The dimensional focus of Nike Inc. has always been constant innovation and creation of newer products. It had focused on the product design and in unique marketing techniques. The company had launched a series of products that were a complete new design. There was considerable innovation and creative disruption that was involved in this process of the company. Apart from this the company had forged strategic relationship with companies such as Apple, Facebook to develop market range. Based on these factors and the direction of focus of the company, it is evident that the dimension that the company focuses on is the innovative breakthrough. The reasons for considering are that the justification of this dimension has been probed in the following.



  去英国留学的学生都知道,在留学生的毕业论文写作中,Reference起着至关重要的作用,它直接关乎dissertation的写作质量,影响你所写作的dissertation是否会判定为抄袭。在找 英国代写 的时候,这些细节同学们自己也要注意,避免论文不通过。那么,英国毕业论文Reference到底有什么规范和要求呢?

  1. 一般的英国高校,都禁止Reference中作者的名字禁止使用中国名。



  4. 规范in-text reference的写法,括号、作者、逗号、反括号、句号等都需要严格遵照要求进行。e.g. unemployment rate rose from3.4% to 3.6% since mid-2007 (Herald Tribune, 2008)。

  5. 毕业论文的写作中,经常会出现某某人认为/说,这时候某某人后面需要注明时间,这也是一种in-text reference,与此同时,reference list中也必须写清楚相应的reference。e.g. Alen(2003)held that ………

  6.reference中,出现的 一些书名和文章名,都必须与原文中标注了这条reference的文字内容相符,e.g. 引用的reference为human recourse management,那文中引用这条reference的文字内容必须与人力资源相关。

  7.如果引用的reference出自政府机关、公司内部,这时候是没有作者名称的,但是其他的情况下作者的名字都需要写清楚。此外,in-text reference中,也可以不写作者名。e.g. Statistic New Zealand.(2008). Retrieved on Jul. 22, 2008, from http://www.stats.govt.nz/products-and-services 文中ref应写为:Most decided to marry between the age of 25 to 34 and the marrying age has being increasing since 1961 (Statistic New Zealand, 2008).





宗教,除基督教外,或就此而言,任何宗教都不鼓吹对人类的歧视,不论其背景、种族或出生条件如何。因此,富兰克林有一句话:“你看到一个勤奋工作的人吗?”他将站在国王面前”,永远不能被视为对劳动者的神圣证明和赞美。圣经只是富兰克林带来的一句话吗?这不也是建立平等,帮助所有人,不贪婪吗?当然,它是。如果资本主义的精神受到宗教的影响而不受质疑,那么要么是宗教宣扬的道德冷漠,要么是资本主义对新教伦理的错误解读。最简单的原因是资本主义在世界各地的不良影响,资本主义给少数人带来了财富,给大众带来了饥饿,给大众带来了歧视,给贫富差距带来了不可逆转的影响,给大众带来了社会孤立(Duhrssen 233-236)。


Religion in addition to Christianity or for the matter any religion does not preach for discrimination of humans irrespective of their background or race or birth conditions. Thus, Franklin’s one statement, “Seest you a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings”, can never be taken as a divine proof and praise for the working man. Is the bible just one sentence, which Franklin brings here? Is it not also about the establishing of equality, helping all others, not being greedy? Certainly, it is. If the spirit of capitalism is religiously influenced and not to be questioned, then either the religion preaches moral apathy or capitalism is the wrongly interpreted message from the protestant ethics. The simplest reason is the ill-impacts of capitalism across the world, which has delivered nothing but wealth for a handful, hunger for the masses, discrimination for the masses, irreversible for the income gap between the rich and the poor and social isolation for the masses (Duhrssen 233-236).
Religious influence of work ethics is understandable, but it is not to be employed in works that is the seed of creating polarised economic disparity. Capitalism has created more wealth concentration in one section of society, leaving aside the masses by themselves. The ideal of wealth creation and profit generation at the cost of labour wages is a contradictory theory in itself, demanding immediate opposition. If a wage is a cost to the capitalist, how will he be happy to consistently upgrading the wage to reduce his profit? He never would do that. The theory of capitalism itself is without basis. If the protestant ethic is applied here, the workers work their entire strength and give all they can to their capitalist master, then why are the workers not happy today? Why have their income remained stagnant or grown at a snail’s pace, whereas their capitalist master’s income has grown as a horses pace?



因此,据说该组织是健全的。它表明本组织有效地利用了其与债务有关的总资产。速动比和电流比为0%。本组织的效率将视业务周期而定。较高的比率表明公司有能力偿还债务。虽然各个行业的情况有所不同,但可以接受的比率在1.5到3之间,这将被认为是健康的。在转让中,流动资产为634 680,流动负债为零。固定资产减少1 500项,结果为37 500项。15万英镑的长期贷款仍在继续。由于没有流动负债,虽然比率为0,但公司偿债能力状况良好。资产回报率是一个利润率,可以用特定时期总资产产生的净收入来衡量。资产产生收益的目的是通过循环经营周期的数量。更高的比例表明投资者与公司进行投资是一个积极的步骤(Amy Gallo, 2016)。


The Group holds the equity of £522,179 with the Net profit of £99,372 and EBIT is £106,872. The current ratio and quick ratio seem to be zero. The Return on Own Assets is 21.03% whereas as return on Total Assets shows 17.16%. The Solvability of group is 77.68%. The Apolo Group consist of Apolo Skis, Apolo Bicycles, Apolo Foils and Apolo Surfboards. During the last four years, there was increase of in the profit. The price quoted in Stock exchange is £123.23 and gradual increase shown for the last five years. The solvency ratio shows the ability of the company to meet the long term financial obligations. The value of the total assets of the organization must be higher than the debt obligations. Professional investors use the solvency ratios to analyze the solvency of the organization. In the given assignment, solvent ratio indicates higher percentage i.e. 77.68. Solvency ratio varies from industry to industry. The organization will be considered financially sound if the solvency ratio is higher than 20%. In the given case, the solvency ratio is 77.68.
Hence the organization said to be sound. It indicates that the organization effectively utilized its total assets in connection with debt obligations.The quick ratio and current ratio shows 0%. The efficiency of the organization will be identified with the operating cycle. The Higher ratio indicates that the company is able to pay its obligations. Though varies from industry to industry, the acceptable ratio is between 1.5 and 3 that will be considered as healthy. In the assignment, the current assets shows 634,680 and current liabilities shows as Nil. There is a decrease of 1,500 in fixed assets resulting 37,500. The long term of £150,000 still continuing. As there were no current liabilities, the company solvency position is good though the ratio indicates 0. The return on assets is a profitability ratio and can be measured with the net income that was produced by total assets for particular period. The purpose of assets to generate the revenue is by rotating number of operating cycles. Higher ratio indicates a positive step for investors to make investment with the company (Amy Gallo, 2016).





The subject of our report is a security safe. The specific case we have chosen to look at is a personal domestic security safe with a storage space of. The purpose and main use of the security safe is to store valuable items from theft and break-ins. The security safe is to be fitted with a mechanically controlled and locking lock mechanism which is operated with a key pad. This report will focus solely on the material selection and manufacturing of the outer casing of the safe, which will be referred to as the safe walls. Safe walls must be able to sustain attacks from tools, machinery and dropping. This means that the walls must be made of materials which have the properties which can protect the safe from these attacks. The higher the weight of the safe the more desirable the product is as a heavier safe would in turn be harder to transport for a thief than a lighter one. Although the target storage space of the safe has been defined the external dimensions of the safe are not restriced in any way but are expected to be practical for transportation. As mentioned in the product description the security safe walls require material properties which prevent attacks from tools, machinery and dropping. The most essential material properties desired of the safe wall are:
Ultimate Tensile and Compressive Strength – The ability to be subjected to external loading without failure. The safe will perform better with a higher strength in order to withstand being crushed or impacted with steadily applied forces.Ductility – The ability to deform without brittle fracturing. Ductility has the opposite meaning of brittleness, and as brittleness would allow the safe to be broken into easily by dropping or impact. A material which fails in a ductile way must be used to produce the safe.Toughness – The amount of energy a material can absorb before failure. This is a property which relates to the shock, impact or vibration the material can be exposed to without failure. Toughness is one of the most essential material properties of the security safe is it is a direct measure of how well the material will withstand impact from attacks and dropping.Hardness – The materials ability to resist scratching, abrasion, indentation and penetration. This is an important material property for a safe as a break in could be performed by using tools or machinery which use indentation and drilling.Density – A material property relating the mass of the material to its volume. A material with a higher density will be more favourable for the purpose of a safe wall as it will make the safe more difficult to maneuverer in thefts.