标签存档: 英国代写毕业论文


Smythe在這篇文章中提出的主要觀點是意大利人民和政府官員對黑皮膚的仇恨。我相信這篇文章中提出的論點在意大利人的心中根深蒂固。與向意大利一體化部長塞西爾•基延格(Cecile Kyenge)扔香蕉的事件有關,作者認為仇恨不是針對社會差異,而是對黑人的不尊重和羞辱。這篇文章中最有效的元素是對最近意大利社會政治環境不可避免的證據的引用。作者將意大利人民對待黑人部長的行為與腐敗的總理、穆斯林記者和種族主義政治領袖進行了比較。意大利人對一名黑人牧師表示​​仇恨,但沒有抗議北方聯盟的政治領袖聲稱應該強姦她。




The main idea presented by Smythe in this article is the hatred towards dark skin among Italian people and the government officials. I believe that the argument presented in this article has strong roots in the hearts of Italians. In link with the incident of throwing bananas over the Integration Minister of Italy, Cecile Kyenge, the author has argued that the hatred is not towards social difference rather the disrespect and humiliation binds to the black people only. The most effective elements in this article are the references to the recent unavoidable evidences of Italian socio-political environment. The author compared the behavior of Italian people towards their black minister with the corrupt Prime Minister, Muslim journalist and a racist political leader. Italians showed hatred towards a black minister, but did not protest against the political leader from Northern League who stated that she should be raped.

They threw bananas on the black minister, but spared the former Prime Minister who used to have sex with underage women and was involved in various fraud cases. The article also presented a piece of interview of Kyenge, in which she argued that Italian must learn to accept “the others”. I support the contrary argument of the author that some Italians have much space in their hearts for “the others” excluding “the blacks”. They should break the ties of color and creed and respect all human beings regardless of the worldly differences. But the author fails to mention that there is another majority who brought this black minister to her seat of ministry. Except for a minority party Northern League, all other parties accept Kyenge with all due respect.

personal statement 代写:品牌意识

personal statement 代写:品牌意识

任何商业活动的最终目的都是为了盈利,这将有助于它维持未来的增长和挑战。品牌认知度是第一阶段的标准常态集的客户漏斗阶段。在做出选择的同时,也要考虑顾客的品牌意识。然后是购买产品的实际意图,最后是购买产品(Belch and Belch, 2114)。品牌意识的重要性是必不可少的,因为它形成了观念,带来了承诺和说服销售。虽然品牌认知度是一个重要的衡量标准,但是营销经理必须知道如何最好地使用这个衡量标准来监控选择并最终实现销售。

personal statement 代写:品牌意识

personal statement 代写:品牌意识

The ultimate purpose of any commercial business is to make profits which would help it to sustain the growth and challenges of the future. Brand awareness is the first phase of the standard normal set of customer-funnel phases. Brand awareness is followed by consideration of the customer while making choices. Then comes actual intention to buy the product and finally the purchase of the product (Belch and Belch, 2114). The importance of brand awareness is indispensable as it forms perceptions, brings in commitment and persuade sales. Though the brand awareness is a significant metric, but the marketing managers must know how to best use this metric to monitor choices and finally achieve sales.

personal statement 代写:品牌意识
In the given scenario, X-Technologies has been in market for almost 10 years and wants to grow with strong profits and higher sales. The current statistics about the sales and customer retention are not appreciable for the company. Until now, the prime focus of its marketing team was brand awareness, which has failed to convert to actual purchases by the customers, thereby pulling the sales of the company down. The customers are not coming back to purchase more products from the company and the performance of the marketing team is poor. Moreover, the marketing manager believe in building brand awareness to reap profits in the long term at the same time sacrificing measures to be taken to increase present sales.






Autoaccess company needs to have a proper performance management system. This can be divided into two aspects. One is team building and development of shared vision for the existing employees. This would prevent further turnover of employees. The company needs to address the gaps in knowledge of the existing employee and develop a paradigm based on the motivational theory. The other aspect that the company should consider is hiring the right people for the job. This recruitment process of the company should be a transparent process and can be achieved by using the competency based model of the company. Detailed explanations and the process that the company needs to follow to achieve their requirements have been discussed in detail in this report. It is expected that by following this transparent and dynamic model towards the shared objectives, there will be growth and sustenance of the company.


AutoAccess Company is a manufacturing company that specializes in automotive accessories. These accessories are primarily created to enhance the comfort of the customer. The primary objective of the company is to increase the comfort of the drivers while driving. Based on their successful product design and utility, there is plans of expansion to meet consumer requirements. The company had hired Georgia to identify and recruit talent for the company. She was hired based on the recommendation from Rhonda an existing employee. Georgia had previously worked for a different sector. She was involved in the hiring of talent for a call center company. She was able to recruit 70 people to meet current requirement. Nevertheless, there were a number of employees who had now moved on to another company. The company is now facing 15% employee turnover rates. The newly hired people are not aligned with the company culture according to the supervisors.



特易购公司是一家总部设在英国花园城的跨国食品杂货和零售企业。Marks and Spencer plc是另一家总部位于英国伦敦的零售商。英国的家庭商店是另一家在英国的零售商。在这份分析中被调查的三家公司都是英国公司。这些公司能够在英国市场生存下来。他们有不同的国际化战略,使他们得以生存。这三家公司过去都取得了成功,都有独特的产品销售策略。


他们是伦敦的上市公司。在这一分析中,我们了解了公司的具体业务战略以及过去成功的方式以及在业务中克服障碍的方式。特易购(Tesco)和M&S公司(M&S Company)进行了分析,以了解一家公司如何扩张的细微差别。通过对公司宏观环境因素的分析,提出了确定公司宏观环境因素的方法。对合并和战略联盟进行了详细的考察。讨论了在此过程中需要考虑的重要变量,并由公司做出了可能的最佳决定。


Tesco Company is a multinational grocery and general retailer who has headquarters in Garden City UK. Marks and Spencer plc is another retailer who is headquarter in London UK. British Home Stores is another company that is retailer in Britain. The three companies that were probed in this analysis are British based companies. These companies have been able to survive in the UK markets. They have different internationalization strategies that have caused them to survive. All these three companies have had success in the past and have a unique product selling strategy.

They are listed companies in London. In this analysis, the specific business strategy of the company and the ways in which they have succeeded in the past and the ways in which the hurdles are overcome in the business are understood. Tesco and M&S Company are analysed to understand the nuances of how a company should expand. The ways to determine based on the macro environmental factors of the company are addressed. The detailed examination of mergers and strategic alliances are probed in detail. The important variables that need to be considered in this process are discussed and best possible determinations are made by the company.



德比臂提升区和巡航服务是劳斯莱斯典范的技术园区的一部分。该公司目前正致力于解决一些业务问题,如业务的高要求和可持续性(DC Council, 2014)。该公司希望在推广和it操作过程中有新的方向。如果考虑到外部因素和内部操作,项目管理将是有效的。这将使公司能够满足消费者的需求。为了在业务中带来变化,必须对产品进行需求分析。




Derby Arm Boat Lifting area and Cruise services are a part of the technology park of Rolls-Royce paradigm. The company is currently focussing on ways to address some of the operational issues such as high requirement and sustainability of the operations (DC Council, 2014). The company wants newer directions in its promotions and in it operational procedure. The project management will be effective if there is factoring of external factors and also the internal operations. This would enable a company to meet the demands of the consumers. To bring changes in the business need analysis must be done for the product.

External factors play an important role. In case of extending the demography of the people important factor in the consumer behaviour and alter the processes of the company based on these factors. In this analysis, there is a funnel based approach that has been used to understand the demographics. As an initial step the nation economy index, the city economic status and the internal planning for addressing the consumer has been probed. This is followed by having a monitoring and process of control. A detailed analysis of these factors has been probed in the following analysis.







Caudhuri and Holbrook (2001) modelled brand trust according to the functional quality of the product, highlighting the role of emotional and functional expectations from a brand. From this perspective, trust can be seen as an outcome of the dimension of functionality of product and personality of consumer. Similarly, Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman (2005) suggested two dimensions of brand trust. The first of these has a technical or competing structure and is the ability of a brand to keep its promises and to meet consumer needs while the second dimension relates to the intention and the expectation that the brand will act sensitively for the welfare or comfort of the consumer.

For the dimensions, Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman (2005) explain that trust is based on the promise related to the expected functional quality of the product and the satisfaction that the consumer has when they use the product. Trust has been conceptualized by many prior researchers. In this paper, we only discuss the concept of trust in an Internet shopping mall (or e-commerce context) because the concept of trust is so broad. We now briefly discuss several prior research studies dealing with the conceptualization of trust in an e-commerce context. Lien et al., (2015) defined trust in the Internet shopping mall context as a consumer’s willingness to rely on the seller and take action in circumstances where such action makes the consumer vulnerable to the seller.



定价策略是基于三个主要的概念。它是单个公司的最终现金流目标,是消费者对产品的需求,也是市场上现有的竞争。为了确定价格,公司试图增加所有的成本,并找到产生利润的方法(Goi, 2009)。在此基础上,确定了价格范围。因此,任何定价都是基于成本需求、产品需求和现有竞争(Manchanda、Rossi和Chintagunta, 2004)。在以成本为基础的定价的情况下,价格完全基于产品的生产成本,而不考虑产品的最终需求。


在需求定价模型中,价格是根据消费者需求和产品需求来确定的。产品的竞争定价是基于竞争对手(Muhlbacher, Leihs and Dahringer, 2006)确定的。产品的品牌赞助和品牌形象的可信性也有其内在的因素,形成了定价模型。根据这些因素,这些公司决定了当前市场的价格。有许多理论都与市场上的产品定价有关。


Pricing strategy is based on three major notions. It is the final cash flow objective of the individual company, the consumer demand for the product and the existing competition in the markets. To determine the price, the companies try to add all the costs involved and find ways to generate profits (Goi, 2009). Based on this, there is the price range that is determined. Thus, any pricing is based on the cost requirements, demand of the product and the existing competition (Manchanda, Rossi and Chintagunta, 2004). In the case of cost based pricing, the price is based purely on the production cost of the products without consideration of the final demand of the products.

In the case of demand pricing model, the prices are determined based on the consumer needs and requirement of the products. The competition based pricing of the product the prices is determined on the basis of the competitors (Mühlbacher, Leihs and Dahringer, 2006). There are also the intrinsic factors that the brand patronage for the products and the credibility of the brand image create a pricing model. According to these factors, the companies determined the prices in current markets. There are a number of theories that have been associated with the pricing of the products in the market.



根据Best j(1987),“失踪儿童”一词是在1981年创造的,其中包括与儿童失踪有关的三种主要现象。这些是“逃跑者”(通常是青少年,他们选择离开家,通常在几天内回来);儿童绑架案(非监护权的父母在没有监护人的允许下非法带走自己的孩子);以及被陌生人绑架(可能会保留、出售、勒索、骚扰或杀害儿童)”(第103页)。在1979年和1981年期间,有几个孩子失踪,这类新闻受到了全国的关注。1981年的儿童抢新闻事件受到了公众的高度关注,而公众、执法部门和媒体却对此模棱两可。这些声明是由儿童搜索组织“儿童发现”组织提出的,他们认为把他们的事业与失踪的孩子和他们的父母的同情联系起来是有利的。




According to Best J. (1987), the term “missing child” was coined in the year 1981, which includes three main phenomena related to a child get missing. These are “runaways (chil- dren-most often adolescents-who chose to leave home and usually returned within a few days); child-snatchings (non-custodial parents who illegally took their own children without the custodial parent’s permission); and abductions by strangers (who might keep, sell, ransom, molest, or kill the child)” (p. 103). During the period of 1979 and 1981, several children went missing and such news received national publicity. The child snatching news in 1981 received great attention while the public, law enforcement and press were ambiguous. These claims were made by the child search organization like “Child Find”, who found it advantageous to link their cause with the sympathy for the children who got missing and their parents.

In 1980’s, the magazines and press articles were being published on the child missing cases. By the end of the year 1984, the pictures of missing children were being printed on the paper products, shopping bags as well as milk cartons. The moral panic was created by the mass media, because the child missing problem emerged very quickly. This social problem was mainly constructed over the claims making by media and was used as testimony. This is very important to discuss that moral panic is very relevant to criminology, because society has to be subjected to moral panic every now and then. Criminology is the study of a kinds of crimes and jurisdictions related to various social problems. Moral panic is socially constructed form of the social problem. Therefore, it is important to discuss moral panic in context of criminology.



国家的城市化进程和支持不同城市的新建筑的需求增加了(Iorio & Taylor, 2014)。如果建筑公司内部不负责这些因素,那么就有可能让外部市场的客户参与进来。为了避免竞争,并尽可能多地带来建设的前沿,个别公司需要确定基于通讯的威慑,以减缓它们的速度(Kaseem et al., 2015)。除了十项基建项目外,香港政府亦在内地投资兴建其他项目及发展项目。截至2017年,香港已经投资了2016年至2017年的790亿美元。目前无法接受可能会延误或破坏项目的项目的沟通问题(HKTC, 2016)。


中国和香港将在东亚地区的经济发展中发挥重要作用,从“一带一路”建设开始。丝绸之路经济带是一个重要的未来规划纲要,可以为国家发展和开放许多经济机遇。中国在其“十三五”规划中,将寻求利用这些机会,在这一点上,一个拥有更好的管理技能的强大的建设部门是必须的。香港通常以将专业服务引入建筑和建设而闻名,这有助于全面建设专业。然而,沟通中的问题可能会成为一种威慑。咨询、客户、建设机会、项目管理和相关领域可能会受到影响(Hale et al., 2009)。


Urbanization process in the country and the need for newer constructions to support diverse urban segments has risen (Iorio & Taylor, 2014). If construction companies internally do not take charge of these elements, then it could be possible for clients form outside markets entering the fray. To avert competition and bring as much as they can to the construction forefront, it is necessary for individual companies to identify communication based deterrents that could be slowing them down (Kaseem et al., 2015). In addition to the ten infrastructure projects, the Hong Kong Government is also invested in the Mainland for other projects and developments. HK has invested as of 2016-2017 an amount of K$79 billion for the fiscal year ending in 2017. Communication based issues in projects that could potentially delay or derail projects is not acceptable now (HKTC, 2016).

China and Hong Kong will be playing a major role in economic advancements in east Asia commencing from the construction of the Belt. The Silk road economic belt is a significant project outline for future that could advance and open many economic opportunities for the country. China in its 13th five-year plan will seek to take advantage of these opportunities and a strong build sector with better people management skills is a must at this point. Hong Kong is usually renowned with bringing professional services into building and construction that helps the overall build professions. However, the issues in communication could become a deterrent. Consultancies, clients, construction opportunities, project management and related fields could take a hit (Hale et al., 2009).



女性摄影师以伪装、扭曲和背离的形式来认识女权主义的概念,重塑自我形象的传统,反映了自己身体的转变,宣称作为公众的任何身份,她们的女性气质可以被理解为特定的伪装(Chatterji, 2012)。在一种不断变化和矛盾的面具下,总是隐藏着自我。辛迪·舍曼的主要目的是保持她作品的模糊性,同时把与电影有关的关键内容封闭起来。在当今女权主义理论家的时代,女性凝视的机会正以更大的规模被讨论。正如谢尔曼的作品所阐明的那样,女性凝视的主要功能是通过父权制的视角来揭示传统形象。

父权制的公共场所影响着故事电影的结构。正因为这个原因,这些女性通常被客观地看待,而不是因为一般的存在需要魔法般地依赖于主张切割的想法(Glantz, 2013)。由于缺少男性生殖器,女性的身体特征将受到伤害。快乐是产生于那些对那些有责任的人的心理愿望的表征而这些对那些受影响的人最终会影响到汤姆的窥视癖的想法。这结合了这些目的,图片被物化的视觉愉悦。在同样的意义上,某人对自己所看到的事物进行了性刺激。


Female photographers recognized the concept of feminism in the form of a disguise, distortion and departure point to restore the tradition of self-portrayal reflected the transformation of own bodies for proclaiming that as any identity of the public, their femininity can be understood with respect to specific disguises (Chatterji, 2012). There is always concealing of self behind an ever- changing and ambivalent play of masks. The key purpose of Cindy Sherman was focused on preserving the ambiguous nature of her work while enclosing key aspects related to a film. In the current era with theorists of feminism, the chance to correspond female gaze is being discussed at a larger scale. As clearly demonstrated by the works of Sherman, the primary function to be performed by female gaze is paradoxically exposing the repertoire of traditional image by the perspective of patriarchy.

The public arena for patriarchy affects those structures of story film. Because of this reason, those lady can be generally objectified for gazing not bearing as the general presence need magic reliance upon the idea from claiming mutilation (Glantz, 2013). Mutilation will be alluded concerning illustration physically characterizing ladies because of the absence of penis for them. Delight is generated all the particularly for those representational of mental wishes over those liable about guys that is influenced eventually Tom’s perusing the idea of scopophilia. This incorporates those purpose that picture is objectified at visual delight. In the same sense, somebody is subjected with one’s sexual incitement as to what they look at.