标签存档: 英国论文代写价格



照片可能过于锐化,导致边缘出现晕(Maher, 2016)。有时,他们可能过度着色,或可能有一些花哨或不切实际的触摸他们。虽然色彩对人们来说可能是一种主观体验,但理解色彩也是创造一种诚实体验的必要条件。在弗兰普顿的电影中,摄影师谈到了他是如何在拍摄照片时关注色彩的,这是所有摄影师都会关心的问题。然而,目前的照片并不使用颜色来表达观点或创造焦点,而且它们中的大多数就像个人摄影中的自我之旅(Maher, 2016)。他们可能会利用颜色使他们在摄影中看起来很好。以Instagram为例,分享的照片是多种多样的。只有一些照片捕捉到了真实的生活场景,并加以描绘,Instagram上的大多数摄影师被认为是处理了很多色调,并影响了照片的不平衡。

在照片上提供太多的对比会使它显得与背景形成过度对比,与背景没有实际联系。事实上,每一幅画都被视为前卫的园林艺术作品,而这幅画、主体或表现的语境失去了意义,人们所能看到的只是技术的融合(Einstein, 2012)。小插曲将被过度使用,以集中在主题,而留下的背景消失的褪色。我认为这样的照片具有暂时的意义。这些照片没有自己的故事。与那些对背景有更好理解、对人和环境有更真实表现的照片不同,当今时代的照片似乎不是真实的表现。事实上,在我自己的照片中,我可以延伸这种批评。这里有一些我和朋友或自己拍的照片。


Photos might be over-sharpened which results in halos in edges (Maher, 2016). Sometimes, they might be over coloured, or might have some garish or unrealistic touch to them. While colour might be a subjective experience to people, it is necessary to understand colour as also creating an honest experience. In the case of Frampton’s movie, the photographer talks about how he was concerned with the tint and more when he was taking the photograph and that is a concern that all photographer would definitely share. However, current photographs do not use colours to make their point or to create focus, and most of them as in the case of personal photography are on an ego trip (Maher, 2016). They might make use of colours to make they look good in the photography. In the case of Instagram for instance, the photographs shared are varied. Only some of them capture true life instances and portray them, the majority of the photographer on Instagram are seen to be handled with much tinting, and affects that imbalances the photograph.

Too much contrast provided on the photograph makes it appear over contrasted with no background, no actual connection to the context. In fact, every picture is treated as an Avant garden art work and the picture, the subject or the context of representation loses its meaning and all one would be able to see is the fusing of technology (Einstein, 2012). Vignettes would be overused to focus on the subject while leaving the background to die out by fading. I believe that such photographs hold a temporary significance. The photographs do not have a story of their own. Unlike the photographs that were taken with better understanding of context, with more honest representation of the person and the surroundings, the photographs of current times do not seem to be honest representations. In fact in my own photographs, I can extend this criticism. There are some photographs I have taken, with either friends or self.



首先,应联系指定和任命的人员,报告不符合规范的情况。在此之后,应提出适当的投诉,以清楚地确定案件的细节,以及在遵守方面出现的中断的方式。然后,报告要求应开始对该事项进行诉讼和调查,以便按照所制定的准则和政策对该事项有一个明确的后续进程。对于金融机构的合规管理体系,有一些相关的澳大利亚和国际标准是适用的。首先,国际标准ISO 19600-2014适用于所有相关组织。这种规则规定了必须以何种方式执行组织的进程。

其次,适用澳大利亚标准AS 3806-2006,该标准指明了需要遵守的守则和政策的规则。确定开发、实施、评审和维护拟议的合规管理系统所需的资源,包括人力资源?需要人力资源来管理适当的人员和工作人员,以便执行这种制度。这将意味着需要明确和适当地参与这些制度。此外,在建立适当和适当的信息系统方面将需要资源。这些信息系统将适合于对遵守需要的管理。此外,还需要有资源对项目进行定期审计,并对员工的培训进行投资。


Firstly, the designated and appointed officer should be contacted for the reporting of the non-compliance of the norms. This should be followed by the proper filing of the complaint that has to clearly establish the details of the case, and the manner in which there has been a break in the area of the compliances. Then, the reporting requirement should initiate proceedings and investigation into the matter for the purpose of clearly having a process of follow-up on the matters as per the norms and policies established. There are a number of relevant Australian and International standards that would be applicable to a compliance management system for a financial institution. Firstly, the International Standard ISO 19600-2014 applies to all such relevant organizations. This kind of rules stipulates the manner in which processes of the organizations have to be carried out.

Secondly, Australian Standard AS 3806-2006 would be applicable which indicates the rules regarding codes and policies that are required to be followed. Identify the resources including human resources required for developing, implementing, reviewing and maintaining a proposed compliance management system?Human resources would be required for the management of right kind of personnel and staff to implement such systems. This would mean that there would be a need to have clear and proper engagement of the systems. Further, the resources would be required in terms of establishing proper and adequate information systems. Such information systems would be geared towards the management of the compliance needs. There would also be a need to have resources for regular auditing of the programs and also investing in the training of the employees.




如果是本地采购,或者是自己生产,可能会在生产数量、产品质量、交货期缩短等方面具有优势,从而生产出非常高质量的产品。供应商或来源,t橡胶性能轮胎,做蓬特技术,和Hurnshel STP有一些其他类型的国内问题,使协会与快速轮胎更脆弱和不可靠。公司没有一个合适的供应商评估计划,也没有研究影响其经营和按时交付货物能力的因素。当这些问题得到研究时,斯威夫特轮胎将有充足的证据表明,该公司需要采取措施,全面改革目前的供应链运营,并使其按照公司的要求运行。供应商评估必须每年进行,以了解他们的问题和他们与公司的合同义务相匹配的能力。


The risk assessment of the supply chain operations is not in place for the company and that is why it is resulting in a poor quality production and subsequent services. The company needs to identify the risks associated with the supply chain operations, which h includes transportation, product deterioration during transport, the end user product delivery, the association and relationship with their prime customers, the bike shops, etc. There are risks everywhere and they need to be identified, analysed for the impacts, studied, and rectified with remedial action to eliminate its recurrence. The sourcing delays are due to the global sourcing and indulging with a partner which are far geographically, and takes more time to deliver the goods and raw materials. This leads to extended lead times of 10 to 12 weeks in the market and the company has been making less money and profits when compared to the industry average.

If it sources locally, or enters into its own production, it may have an advantage in the quantity of production, the product quality, and the lead times shortening, all resulting into a very high quality product. The vendors or the sources, Tee Rubber Performance Tyres, Do Punt Technologies, and Hurnshel STP have some of the other kind of domestic issues which are making the association with Swift Tyres more fragile and non-reliable. The company does not have a proper vendor assessment plan and studying the factors which affects their operations and their ability to deliver the goods on time to the company. When these issues are studied, Swift Tyres will have ample evidence of the steps it needs to take to overhaul its present supply chain operations and make it work in way as demanded by the company. The vendor assessment must be conducted every year to understand their issues and their ability to match up to the contractual obligations with the company.



  文献综述是对某一方面的专题搜集大量情报资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文,它是科学文献的一种。文献综述是反映当前某一领域中某分支学科或重要专题的最新进展、 学术见解和建议的它往往能反映出有关问题的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理和新技术等等。


  ①通过搜集文献资料过程,可进一步熟悉科学文献的查找方法和资料的积累方法; 在查找的过程中同时也扩大了知识面;

  ②查找文献资料、写文献综述是科研选题及进行科研的第一步,因此学习文献综述 的撰写也是为今后科研活动打基础的过程;



  ④文献综述选题范围广,题目可大可小,可难可易。对于毕业设计的课题综述,则 要结合课题的性质进行书写。












就业条件,至少在正式性质上,一般通过联邦园艺奖(2010)得到保护。然而,这篇文章质疑了就业标准是否足够体面,以及这些标准能否得到一致的遵守(Hardy, 2011)。本文对这一问题进行了一致的探讨,评价了3个问题。这篇文章关注的第一个问题是,劳动力的组成是否会导致揭示劳动力内部的不同层次,其中一些层次比其他层次具有更高的脆弱性(福吉,2011)。文章研究的第二个问题是,是否通过临时工人、移徙者创造了性质不利的群体,利用了收获性、工作随意性和求职过程。

第三,文章研究了是否有关于工资、工作时间和工作强度的证据,以揭示某些工人是否比其他人更容易受到伤害。文章进一步总结了这些因素,这些因素似乎与收获劳动力的分层脆弱性有关,并考虑了政策的某些影响。这篇文章的目的是通过对澳大利亚园艺领域的研究来补充文献。然而,它进一步考虑了收获劳动力的多样性,以及多层脆弱性而不是同质视角的方式(Hall and Partners, 2012)。分层脆弱性概念与造成农民工工作条件差异的各种因素有关。


Employment conditions, at the least, in formal nature are protected generally through the Federal Award of Horticulture, (2010). However, the article questions whether the standards of employment are decent enough and whether these can be observed consistently (Hardy, 2011). This question is explored consistently in the paper to evaluate 3 problems. First issue that the article looked at was whether composition of workforce led towards revealing distinct tiers within the workforce with some having higher vulnerability than the others (Fudge, 2011). Second issue the article looked at was whether harvest work casual nature and the processes of job search were utilized through temporary workers migrants creating groups of disadvantaged nature.

Thirdly, the article looked at whether evidence is present on pay, hours at work and intensity of work to reveal whether certain workers have more vulnerability than others. The article further concluded with examining these factors, which appeared to be related with harvest workforce layered vulnerability and considered certain implications of policies. The article aimed at adding to the literature by focusing upon the sector of Australian horticulture. It went further however through considering the harvest workforce diversity and the manners by which multi-layered vulnerability instead of homogenous perspectives (Hall and Partners, 2012). The layered vulnerability concept has been related with various factors causing migrant workers condition at work related disparities.

论文executive summary怎么写:地热能利用

论文executive summary怎么写:地热能利用

在过去的几年里,这个国家在环境领域取得了重大的发展。这从澳大利亚地热市场日益增长的事实可以看出。澳大利亚政府还采取了许多步骤在该国采用可再生能源。因此,本案例研究的目的是集中于澳大利亚在地热能利用方面所作的发展。该国对使用可再生能源和提高能源效率有相当大的支持。澳大利亚人民充分支持基于能源效率和可再生能源的温室战略。可再生能源领域的发展将减少对不可再生能源的依赖,并将显著减少全球变暖,这仍然是一个关键问题(Mardani et al . 2015)。

论文executive summary怎么写:地热能利用
气候破坏源的迅速使用正在破坏地球上的生命条件,迫切需要用清洁、安全和丰富的可再生能源取代它们。相信这一发展会遭到反对,因为许多澳大利亚人仍然认为煤炭、天然气等不可再生能源的使用是可以替代的。此外,报告指出,可再生能源不能用来生产大面积地区,特别是澳大利亚城市地区所需的电量。在这种情况下,传统化石燃料发电机的表现优于其他发电机(Wustenhagen, Wolsink & Burer, 2014)。这表明,澳大利亚政府需要采取措施减少能源的数量,或者在一个地方设置更多的能源设施。最好的解决办法是保持不同电源的平衡。

论文executive summary怎么写:地热能利用

The country has recorded a significant development in area of the environment in past few years. This is indicated from the fact that Australia’s geothermal market is increasingly growing. The Australian government has also taken numerous steps towards the uptake of renewable energy in the country. Therefore, the purpose of the case study is to focus towards the development made by the Australia towards the use of geothermal energy. There is considerable support for the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the country. The people in Australia showed their full support towards greenhouse strategies based on energy efficiency and renewable. The developments in the field of renewable energy will result in the reduction of dependence on the non-renewable energy sources and also will lead to significant decrease in the global warming, which remains a key concern (Mardani et al 2015).

论文executive summary怎么写:地热能利用
The rapid use of climate-damaging sources is leading to destroying the conditions for life on earth and there is a dire need to replace them with clean, safe and abundant renewable energy. It is believed that there would be opposition to this development since many of the Australian people still consider that the use of coal, natural gas and other non-renewable energy sources are replaceable. Also, reports suggest that renewable energy cannot be used to generate the quantities of the electricity required for the large areas, especially urban regions of Australia. In that case, traditional fossil fuel generators outperform (Wüstenhagen, Wolsink & Bürer, 2014). This indicates that the Australian Government needs to take steps towards reducing the amount of energy or putting more energy facilities a place. The best solution is to maintain a balance of different power sources.



这将有助于北京和中国其他城市立即大幅减少空气污染问题(绿色和平组织)。绿色和平组织在中国不同地区,特别是北京和其他污染城市开展了寻找替代能源以替代煤炭的活动(Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh)。由于煤炭的燃烧会在空气中增加大量的颗粒物,这些颗粒物会导致中国人民患上几种呼吸道疾病和其他严重疾病(经济117)。但在2015年12月7日,学校被关闭,人们限制旅行通过北京路作为城市覆盖着厚厚的毯子的烟雾和政府试图保护约2100万人的不良影响空气污染(索科洛林和29)。

空气的清洁度是通过大气中存在的一种微小污染颗粒(也称为pm2.5)来测量的。根据世界卫生组织,任何个人暴露在PM2.5水平高于25的空气中超过24小时都是潜在的危险(J. Lin, et al . 1736)。北京市超过美国国际环境保护署规定的可接受的污染标准;(Rohde, R.和Muller, R.)极端的空气污染也会导致发育迟缓或神经认知障碍(Vautard, R., P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh)。有证据表明,空气污染也可能导致儿童肥胖。也有人指出,接触有毒空气污染物的儿童可能在学习中表现不佳,更有可能有较差的学业成绩。


This will help Beijing as well as other cities of China to drastically reduce the air pollution issues immediately (Greenpeace). There have been campaigns conducted by Greenpeace in different parts of China especially in Beijing and other polluted cities of the country to look for alternative sources of energy as a replacement for coal (Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh). Since burning of coals add a huge quantity of particulate matter in the air which is responsible for several respiratory disease and other severe ailments among the Chinese people (Economy 117). But in the year 2015 on December 7th, schools were closed and people were restricted for travelling via road as the city of Beijing was covered with a thick blanket of smog and the government tried to protect approximately 21 million people from the ill effects of air pollution (Socolow and Lam 29).

The cleanliness of air is measured by the help of a pollution particle microscopic in size also known as PM 2.5 which is present in the atmospheric air (Gao). According to WHO, any individual exposed for more than 24 hours to air having PM2.5 level higher than 25 is potentially hazardous (J. Lin, et al 1736). The city of Beijing exceeds the acceptable standard of pollution set by the International Environmental Protection Agency, US; thus making the city unfit for its citizens to leave in or they are surviving in a condition which is dangerous to their health (Rohde, R. and Muller, R). Exposure to extreme air pollution also causes developmental delay or neuro-cognitive hindrances (Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh). There are evidences that air pollution might also contribute towards obesity in children. It has also been stated that children exposed to toxic air pollutants might perform badly in studies and are more likely to have an inferior academic records.






The emperor and the army had conflict of interests and this often led to difficult situations where the decision to be taken during a war or a battle was stuck and no decision rendered inaction, leading to loss in wars. Had the army and the emperor had more coordination and one single objective of serving the citizens and safeguarding the borders, the conflict could have been avoided. The Roman city and the provinces had conflicts of poor coordination and alliance to battle enemies on the borders, and the differential treatment of law enforcement in the city and the provinces. This could have been avoided by identifying and accepting the single patriotic responsibility of the city and the provinces and rejecting any influence which terms the two regions as separate.Upper and lower classes had discriminative wealth distribution, and this could have been avoided by equalising the distribution of wealth.

The Christians and the polytheists differed in their idea of God, which could have been best avoided by accepting multiple ways but sole purpose of attaining God of all religions. The Huns usually came from the side of the Caspian Sea and to what is called the modern day Kazakhstan, and were the most brutal in their conduct and appearances. The Visigoths came from the nomadic tribes of the Germania region. The Huns and Visigoths were barbarous in their conduct and established their own kingdoms besides Rome and had an on and off relationship with Rome. They proved to be the primary reason for the fall of the Roman Empire, due to their separate kingdom establishment and constant conflict with the Romans.



這是預測,GLIT4胰島素調控過剩12易位到細胞表面,是受損而提出糖尿病狀態。從這些決定重要的見解了,讓我對研究更為敏感。從這些努力和研究3個已得到增強的理解電生理學和在體內動物模型建立。在未來我想參與,獲得更多的經驗在臨床前試驗開發可行的解決方案不同的心臟並發症。假設的膜蛋白LRRC8a鏈接內皮轉導vasorexalation和血壓調節通過PI3K-AKT-eNOS p66shc信號。本研究的主要目的是了解和識別小說離子通道在內皮細胞生物學。


These results pointed towards a unique mechanism that regulated the activities of TASK1. In the third project the two pore domain potassium channel TASK1 was regulated by hypoxia-induced protein kinase C signaling that implicated the role of ischemic cardioprotection. The results pointed towards the fact that TASK1 was crucial for prevention of cell death during hypoxia. It was observed that there was suppression of TASK1 channels during hypoxia was activated through PKC and could lead to a new target in protecting the Cardiac cells from damage during times of hypoxia. One of the important determinations made in this research was that the TASK1 played an integral role in prevention of the cell death during hyopxia and played an important role in the suppression of TASK1 channels during theIn the fourth project there was analysis of the GLUT12 functions and its role in basal and insulin-independent glucose transporters. The novel mechanism in the regulation of GLUT12 by insulin was probed.

It was predicted from this, GLIT4 insulin regulated GLUT 12 translocation to the cell surface and is impaired while presenting diabetes condition. From these determinations important insights were gained and have made me more attuned towards research studies. From these endeavors and research thre has been enhanced understanding of the electrophysiology and in in- vivo animal model building. In the future I want to participate and gain more experience in the preclinical trials to develop viable solutions for the different kinds of heart complications.Hypothesis of the membrane protein LRRC8a links endothelial mechanotransduction with vasorexalation and blood pressure regulation via PI3K-AKT-eNOS and in p66shc signaling. The primary purpose of this research is to understand and identify the novel ion channels in endothelial cell biology.






Prevention and Mitigation: Prevention and Mitigation is the first step. In a risk management process, it is essential to identify all potential risks to the organization, so it can be planned for either to prevent it from happening altogether or by taking up steps of mitigation as it happens. Now some of the hazards identification in the workplace are as follows,There is no existing disaster recovery and contingency plan for the company.The company has to prepare for some event management as in the case of shifting its payroll to a more secured server and also for implementing firewalls and conducting the necessary checks.There will be incidents because of there being no firewall, this is a hazard which could lead to an incident. Incidents and events are different in that, an incident is usually an uncontrolled event. An event is something which is seen to be under control although it also leads to issues of unsettlement in the organization and is also considered as a form of risk, but more of a needed one.

There can be incidents of outage as payroll and email server are run as one, and access to some server services might be denied because the payroll services are running clubbed and batch updates.Vulnerability of server hacking could increase.Location is a major rain fall region.If there is a flood on the floor, then the server data is lost. Now in the above hazards identified, the risk of natural calamity would not be an addressable hazard, at best the company could strive to manage it. A recommendation that could be made to the company at this point is that it must protect its data by systematic and regular backup to the main server and also make use of other form of data storage.