标签存档: 英国论文代写价格



为了最大限度地减少汇率变动将使其利润化为乌有的风险,公司使用交易风险管理技术来消除它们在进行国际贸易时所面临的风险。对冲汇率风险的技术可以作为一种工具,为企业提供一种减轻或消除汇率风险的方法(Giddy, 2016)。套期保值的货币风险敞口技术也可以帮助企业区分和衡量汇兑损失的根本原因,从而运用适当的方法帮助企业更好地控制汇率的日常波动,提高规划的可靠性(Giddy, 2016)。在这种情况下的四个关键技术是:远期合约,当一个组织拥有的协议支付或接收外汇的具体金额返回一个特定的日期在不久的将来,在大多数的货币,它可以最终获得合同规范的价格可以出售或购买外国目前在一个特定日期在不久的将来。



In order to minimize the risk that currency moves will wipe out its profits, techniques for management of transaction exposure used by firms to eliminate risks that they face when conducting trade internationally. Techniques for hedging currency exposure can be used as instruments to provide a way for a firm to mitigate or eliminate risk of exchange rates (Giddy, 2016). Techniques for hedging currency exposure also help the firms to distinguish and measure the root cause of exchange loss, so that they can apply the appropriate methods to help better control the daily currency fluctuations and enhance planning reliability (Giddy, 2016). The four key techniques in this context are: Forward Contracts ,When an organization holds the agreement of paying or receiving a specific amount in return of foreign currency at a specific date in the near future, in majority of the currencies, it can end up obtaining a contract for specification of price at which there can be sale or purchase of foreign current at a specific date in the near future.

This is essential for converting the uncertain future value of home currency related to the asset or liability within a specific value of home currency for being received on a specific date, being free of change in the rate of exchange in the rest of the period of the contract. Money Market Hedge,Also referred to as a synthetic forward contract, this technique involves the utilization of fact from the coverage of interest parity, perceiving the notion that forward price must be exactly same to the current spot times of exchange rate for the riskless returns of the two currencies. It can also be referred to as the financial consideration of the transaction of foreign currency. A company agreeing on the payment of foreign currency can help in determining the current value for the obligation of foreign currency at the lending rate of foreign currency, while converting the accurate value of home currency provided to the current rate of spot exchange. This ends up converting the obligation into the payable amount of home currency, while eliminating all risks of exchange. Since as a pure need of hedging, this particular transaction will help in the replication of forward movement.



雪上加霜的是,英国人口老龄化问题正给公共支出带来额外压力。根据预算责任办公室(OBR)的预测,到2020年,国家债务占GDP的比例将从80%降至54%,然后再次开始增长。保持人口老龄化的财务成本,进一步£200亿的需要增加税收或削减开支从2020年开始,以保持国家债务水平等于衰退前的一个在未来50年时间。根据OBR的数据,目前,威尔士和英格兰65岁以上的人口占总人口的18%,到2065年,这一比例将增加到26%。这将导致在社会保健、养恤金和保健方面的公共开支增加。这将导致政府的基本余额减少。除支付债务利息外,收入和支出的差距将扩大。到2064-65年,2019- 2020年2.1%的GDP盈余最终将变成1.9%左右的赤字。



To add fuel to the fire, the issue of Ageing UK population is putting additional strain on the public spending. As per the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) by 2020 that national debt would decrease from 80% of GDP to 54% and then start increasing again. To maintain the financial cost of ageing population, further £20bn of tax increases or spending cuts is needed from 2020 so as to keep the national debt levels equal to pre-recession one in coming 50 years time.According to The OBR, the population of Wales and England which is above 65 years of age is 18 percent today and is bound to increase to 26 percent by 2065. This would result in greater public expenditure on social care, pensions and health. The consequence of this would decrease in primary balance of the government. The gap in revenue and expenditure, other than debt interest payment, would widen. The GDP surplus of 2.1 percent in 2019-20 would eventually turn into deficit of about 1.9 percent by the year 2064-65.

As per OBR, the national debt of the country are likely to reduce to 54 percent from current 80 percent by beginning of 2030s. However, if the ageing issue is not appropriately addressed, it would again rise and in around next 50 years it would reach 87 percent of the GDP. The rising of debt would set non recoverable economic conditions in the country thereafter (Elliott, 2015).Some of the major challenges faced by the country because of ageing population include wide gaps in employment market, lack of updated skills and workforce in public services and businesses, increasing economic pressure and quality of social services and healthcare. The options present with the government are to increase the retirement age of present workforce. The gap in labour and skills can be fulfilled by encouraging and sustaining migration levels. Encouraging pension schemes led to saving among taxpaying working population and keeping them healthy and active is one of the important aspect (Royal geographical society, 2015).



研究发现,接触英语较少的儿童语音能力较低或英语使用较低(Grech & Dodd 2008)。这项研究证明,要想提高语言的熟练程度,就需要对语言有更多的理解(Wake et al., 2013)。学校需要更多地关注语言和语言的发展,以便学生发展语言的熟练程度(James, 2013)。这可以从本研究中得到理解。阻碍儿童学习的另一个重要方面是父母缺乏与语言的互动。研究发现,在父母指导下学习语言的学生中,93%的人比同龄人表现更好,学习速度更快(Grech, 2004)。在汉语普通话中,字母与英语或其他字母语言不同。与英语学习过程相比,汉语的神经生理过程需要不同的见解(Li, 2014, p. 25)。

学习汉语字母需要不同的语言学习和认知。科学家们得出结论,在学习不同的语言之间,还有其他方面和变量在起作用(Hui, 2014, p. 26)。在语言学习过程中,我们观察到,与男孩相比,女孩对语言的掌握程度更高。在英语和汉语中,将形容词作为描述名词或动词的单词来学习的概念是相同的(Li, 2014)。社会上存在一种误解,认为英语的语言学习要比汉语的语言学习过程容易得多,因为汉语中字母的笔画较多(Li, 2014)。这被发现是不正确的。人们已经发现,语言的学习和学习语言的能力是由不同的方面控制的。因此,这个神话阻碍了孩子们学习这门语言。


It was found that the children who had relatively less exposure to the English language had lower phonological competence or lower usage of the English language (Grech & Dodd 2008). This study proved that there should be greater understanding of the language in order to develop proficiency (Wake et al., 2013). The schools need to focus more on the language and development of the language in order for the students to develop proficiency of the language (James, 2013). This can be understood from this research. Another important aspect that impedes the learning process of the children is that lack of parental interaction with the language. It has been found that 93% of the students who had parental guidance for learning the language performed better and learnt the language faster than their peers (Grech, 2004).In the case of Chinese language Mandarin, the alphabets are different from that of the English or other alphabetic languages. The neurophysiological processing of Chinese language requires different insights when compared to the English learning process (Li, 2014, p. 25).

To learn the Chinese alphabets requires a different language learning and cognition. The scientists have concluded that there are other aspects and variables in play between learning different languages (Hui, 2014, p. 26).In the case of language learning process, it has been observed that the girl children gain more proficiency of the language when compared to the boys. The notion of learning adjectives as a word that describes a noun or the verb is the same across English and Mandarin (Li, 2014). There is a misconception in the societies that the language learning of English is far easier than the language learning process of Mandarin where there are more strokes in learning the alphabets (Li, 2014). This is found not to be true. It has been found that the learning of a language and the ability to learn the language are controlled by different facets. Hence, this myth prevents in teaching the children the language.






Post-modernist feminism interpreted that the women in general had a lot of issues with the patriarchal notions of the church. The western feminist movement sought for more rights of women and they wanted equal participation of the women. They advocated the church to involve itself in a number of events that would help the women to participate more in the decision of making process. For a person like Elsie Elliot she wanted to serve the people. Meetings like this held very little value as it did not serve any altruistic purpose expect a religious one. When she went to China for preaching mission, she observed that the rules of Plymouth Brethren were rigid and did not make sense. Her interaction with this form of structured religion made her feel that there was no real service done to the people. There was no interaction with other Christians. Some of the rules of the church could not help people. In the case of the church, the patrons and the female missionary are supposed to have long hair and should wear hat in the church.

There were a number of customary activities that was important to the church. It was found or rather perceived that the church was very patriarchal. This was an internal struggle of the post-modern women with their culture. There were a number of expectations of the women that did not fit in with the internal feminist inside Elsie Elliot. The wife had to implicitly follow the order of the husband or the father without any questions. These patriarchal notions were not considered to make people believe. She did not want to be marginalized based on her gender. She wanted to bring real changes in the society and this stance of the church did not make any reason. She did not agree with the ideology of the Church to help the people and wanted to be more actively involved in the altruistic and the services offered to the people.



麦格雷戈Y理论指出,一般来说,员工应该在内部受到激励。这种内在的激励导致了个人和公司员工的成长。这种动机可以从几个动机理论来理解。科学管理的泰勒理论强调了对员工所提供的服务进行补偿的必要性。除此之外,还有其他激励因素会导致员工的工作效率。马斯洛的需求层次理论认为,员工主要需要基本的生存工具。一旦生存需求得到满足,员工们就会寻求安全感。为员工提供合理的工作保障。其次是人民的尊重需要。应向员工提供适当的奖励和认可表格(Yang, Liu,and Wang, 2013)。



McGregor theory Y states that the employees in general should be motivated internally. This internal motivation leads to the growth of the individuals as well as the employees of the company. This motivation can be understood from several motivational theories. Taylor theory of scientific management stresses the need to compensate the employees for the services rendered. Apart from this, there are other motivational factors that lead to employee productivity. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states that the employees primarily need basic tools for survival. Once the survival needs are met, the employees are looking for security. There should be reasonable job security provided to the employee. These are followed by the esteem needs of the people. There should be a proper reward and recognition forms provided to the employee (Yang, Liu,and Wang, 2013).

Once, the KPI has been defined the high performing employees should be provided with rewards and recognition. The employee who are not meeting the objective should be given training and mentoring. In this case, the employees need to have a proper KPI defined for them to meet the objectives. Apart from this, the company is going to expand once the newer projects are starting to materialize. The company should develop a module for change management to prevent employee turnover and resistance. This can be again achieved by setting clear targets and employing motivational theories to enhance performance of the employees.The supervisor states that the right people are not hired for the job. The newer employees who need to be hired should be done so by utilizing competence based recruitment model.



家族企业已经从东亚大陆占据了商业世界的主要部分。中国家庭也不例外,他们以这种方式不断地开展业务,以与其竞争品牌在全球市场上旗鼓相当(Tan & Fock, 2001)。然而,在某些情况下,这些公司表现出更好的经营业绩,因为他们理解业务核心思想的独特方法。因此,以下的文献综述将有助于理解推动和促进中国家族企业创新和创造的革命思想的因素。家族企业可以看作是一个多代人的家族通过所有权或领导力在组织中拥有决策权的组织(Neubauer & Lank, 2016)。家族企业和公司所有企业之间的唯一区别是,无论其规模和地理位置如何,公司内部如何灵活,以及他们在企业决策中的参与程度如何(Wall, 2004)。

家族企业由老年人主导,被认为是增长经济体中的第四大经济体,仅次于日本、北美和欧洲(Tsang, 2001)。这些人更热衷于定期进行必要的投资,并在关键决策上做出贡献(Krott & williams sson, 2003)。这些商人想要最少的外部实体或个人的干预,这些公司与他们的西方化竞争对手有很大的不同。这些家族企业在决策制定、组织结构、企业形象、继任规划等方面存在差异(Poutziouris, Smyrnios & Klein, 2006)。中国家族企业长期以来被认为是中国经济的支柱,这是因为中国迫切需要在全球市场上描绘民族文化遗产(Zhang, 2002)。


Family firms have occupied the major part of the business world from the East Asian continent. Chinese families are no different as they continually perform their business operations in this manner to be at par in the global market with its competitive brands (Tan & Fock, 2001). However, in some of the instances, these firms displayed the better operational performance because of their unique approach to comprehend the core ideas of the business. Therefore, the following literature review would aid in the comprehension of the factors which drive and facilitate the revolutionary ideas that lead to innovation and creativity to be included in the Chinese family businesses. Family business can be regarded as the organization where the decision making power lies in the hands of the family of multiple generations who have the power in the organization either through ownership or leadership (Neubauer & Lank, 2016). The only difference between a family owned business and corporate owned business is how the company is internally flexible and how closely they are involved in the decision making for the business, regardless of their size and geographical status (Wall, 2004).

The family businesses are lead by elderly people and are considered as the fourth economic power in the list of growing economies, that is, after Japan, North America and Europe (Tsang, 2001). These people are more enthusiastic in making investments which are required on a regular basis and also contribute in making the key decisions (Krott & Williamsson, 2003). These business persons want the least interference from the outside entities or individuals and these firms considerably differ from their westernized competitors. These family businesses are different in the ways such as decision making, structure of the organization, image of the firm and succession planning (Poutziouris, Smyrnios & Klein, 2006). The Chinese family business is considered as the backbone of the Chinese economy since a long time now and this is because of the urge of China to depict the culture and heritage of the nation in the global market (Zhang, 2002).




  结构方面:Report一般由Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction, Body, Conclusion/Recommendation, Reference六部分组成。



  字体格式:论文有明确要求字体格式、大小等时,根据要求来操作;论文没有明确要求字体大小等时,一般用用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;每段直接写,无需空格;在每页的右下角插入页数。

英国论文代写价格 :Report和Reference的相关写作格式

  Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

  Executive Summary,一般要出现“The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。

  Introduction,在一篇Report中,Introduction部分相当于是一个Background,而不是概括Report的内容。请注意与Essay的区别。Report中的Introduction不概括文章内容;不介绍文章结构(因为目录里已经有结构介绍了);只介绍 Background。


英国论文代写价格 :Report和Reference的相关写作格式

  Conclusion / Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。

  Reference: Reference 是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。

  一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-text reference和文末的reference list。论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-4个来操作。


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Connect Smart(2016)的文章“ALERT: ANZ warn invoice scam impact The building industry”是一篇更加具体的文章。这篇文章也是关于ANZ的警告,但是针对的是影响建筑业的诈骗问题。对于客户来说,一些新闻价值是关于他们如何通过了解诈骗的工作原理(例如如何更改发票中的银行帐号)来避免这些诈骗。建议听众仔细检查一些细节,如钱将寄给谁、账号、金额以及发票上的更多信息。因此,问题的主要框架是关于公众和业界人士如何处理这些问题。德勤(Deloitte)也采用了类似的方法(2016年),该公司试图展示这些复杂的电子邮件诈骗是如何运作的。这些诈骗看起来是如此的真实,以至于一个普通的客户可能不理解其背后的真正目的,最终可能会付出代价。

如今,德勤在提供此类信息方面具有商业利益,因为该公司肯定会有因欺诈问题而蒙受损失的客户。柯林斯(Collins, 2016)在《新西兰先驱报》(New Zealand Herald)上发表了一篇名为《商业发票诈骗警告》(Business aleris of invoice scam)的文章,文中向一名商人发送了一份诈骗声明,这名商人明白这则通知可能是一个骗局,因此报了警。这则新闻的主要焦点再次是发票诈骗。这里的业主并不是一个建筑商,不像声称发票欺诈的建筑商和人在建筑行业。这里关注的新闻价值是一个真实的人收到诈骗通知的体验。当新闻由实际参与的人而不是第三方呈现时,会增加更多的可信度(Collins, 2016)。


The article by Connect Smart (2016), titled ‘ALERT: ANZ warn invoice scam impacting the building industry’ is a more specific article. The article is also about the ANZ warning but specific to the scam issue affecting the building industry. Some of the news values for the customer are with respect to how they can avoid these scams by understanding how the scams works such as how they alter bank account numbers in the invoice. The audience are advised to carefully check details such as to whom the money would be sent the account numbers, the amount and more on the invoice. The dominant framing of the issue is hence with respect to how the problems can be handled by the public at large and the industry people. A similar approach has been taken up by Deloitte, (2016) where the company attempts to show how these sophisticated email scams work. The scams look so genuine as well that a normal customer might not understand the real purpose behind it and might end up paying.

Now Deloitte would have a commercial interest in presenting such information as the company would definitely have customers who would suffer on account of the scamming issues. An article in the New Zealand Herald by Collins (2016) titled, ‘Business warns of invoice scam’ presents a scam statement that was sent out to a businessman who understood the notice could be a scam and hence alerted the police. The major focus of this news is an invoice scam again. Here the owner is not a builder unlike the claims of invoice scams made for builders and people in the building industry. The news value focused on here is that of the experience of a scam notice that was received by an actual person. When the news is presented by the actual person involved instead of a third-party, more credibility is added to the presentation (Collins, 2016).





















来自各行各业的商业和电子书商店也在大幅增长。这导致了公司的重大问题(Hooper, and Rawls, 2014)。这家公司没有进入壁垒,因为它是一家老牌公司。赋予消费者的权力很大。这家公司发现消费者的议价能力很强。由于公司的数字化发展,替代威胁变得明显。公司无法想出办法来防止这些替换。就图书公司而言,供应商是作者、出版商、艺术家和内容作者。在这种情况下,传统零售企业也面临着与边境企业同样的问题。他们严重依赖零售和传统出版业。这导致了公司的倒闭。


Socially, there was a general preference towards the technological advancements. People started to look for innovation in their products. They wanted more functionality. In the case of developed nations, there is an increase in the number of competitors and people had access to all the basic requirements. The people were looking for extended functionalities and increase in technological support for their products. The PEST analysis suggests that the company not focusing on the multimedia to cater to the consumers which was the reason for the failure of the company. There is a need to analyze the competitors of a company in order to understand the reason for the failure of the company. The porters five force analysis has been prescribed in order to understand the root of failure of this company. There was high level of competition for the company. There was Barnes and Noble that was the major competitors. Apart from this, Amazon company had a working knowledge of Borders Inc because they were partners with this firm.

The commerce and eBook stores from around the spectrum was also increasing profoundly. This caused the company major issues (Hooper, and Rawls, 2014).The company had no barrier to entry as it was an established company. There was high power vested on the consumers. The bargaining power of the consumers was found to be high for this company. Threat of substitution become pronounced owing to the digital growth of the company. The company was not able to devise ways to prevent these substitutions. In the case of the book companies, the suppliers are the writers, publishers, artist and the content writers. In this case, the traditional retail companies were also facing the same issues as that of Borders. There was heavy dependence on the retail and conventional publishing. This had caused the company to fail.