标签存档: 英国论文代写






The urban environment has been a place for artists, where the presentation of different works has been studied in their context. When considering who the art belongs too, there have been questions of whether it belongs to the museum, the public, the artist or itself. This essay argues that art belongs to the space for which it is created or installed. The urban space in which the art form is installed is the space to understand the meaning of the art; its visual-semiotics is indeed influenced by the urban space because social participation is created by such art forms. This essay presents two such art forms in the urban landscape of London, Britain’s Red Phone Box and the Big Blue Cock at Trafalgar Square are the two urban art forms discussed. The discussion focuses on how meaning is given to the art based on the space in which it is situated.

Britain’s red phone box has somehow become the symbol to depict Britain and British people. These red boxes have a special place in the hearts of the people of Britain as they consider these boxes as a part of their historical background design. This box was originally designed in 1920 as a public telephone booth and it has no real use in the current era where people have switched over to mobiles. The quirky designs of the red box have a number of fans following (Urban, 2012). However it has also become a target for vandals. The boxes have no use in the current times. Since it has become an icon to depict Britain, people wanted to find some use for it. There was an innate sentimental value attached to it so people did not want to discard it. The box when introduced was considered a new invention but now things have changed. The people and the local communities are trying to find some uses for these boxes and in order to preserve the sentiments they have converted them into art forms, some with usability (BBC, 2009). These boxes have been converted into Kiosks, lending libraries, even public toilets and art pieces. The boxes designs have been changed into something original and innovative.













Generator Size Considerations
Generators have varied sizes and shapes depending upon the requirement of commercial buildings. It is believed by most generator users that generators which are smaller in size are better equipped for generating electric power in standby mode because it is not required to work for a longer duration or for whole time. This statement however has a detrimental nature because under-sizing of backup generators has led towards a grave mistake being done by commercial users (IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications, 1995). This is further because of the risks involved with regard to generator damage and damages other subjects around the generator leading towards hazardous circumstances to develop and also leading towards limiting complete unit productivity. Therefore in commercial buildings it is better to use larger sized generator backups in order to enhance power generation.
Generator requirement of Voltage
The working principle of a generator has its basis on Voltage requirements and depending upon the required voltage used by a Generator, the machine serves its purpose. It is important that the right wattage should be used while starting the generator for back up or standby purposes and so it becomes crucial for calculating the requirements of accurate power. These requirements are generally present in the manual guide of a generator system with respect to elaborate explanation of voltage need for the device, its tools, application etc. It is required first to convert the requirement of power of the backup generator to watts from Ampere.
Generator related Codes and Standards
Codes and standards related to generators are concerned with human life safety and even environment protection and it is an obligation to abide to these in order to use a generator in buildings for commercial purposes (Shirley, 2006). These codes and standards will be briefly explained to highlight how they serve the purpose of their establishment.





Effective communication is mandatory to offer effective services to the shopping facility managers to market their product effectively and to raise the business at mall which will facilitate the mall through enhancement of business within it. The different ways through which ICM can offer better opportunity to these shopping facilities is coordination of communication in relation to different marketing strategies being adopted by the business facilities around the globe and in terms of the way that they should market their facility using the location, the tone of the message that should collaborate with the messages around the mall so a kind of synchronization exists between them. (Vassos, 1996) The communication of different technologies for that purpose will also help to a great deal. This is what is obtained from the literature review and the next part is to ask the relevant person to ensure what factors really apply to the marketing coordination of the international malls and to see how they are applied along with the priority with which they will be applied. (Gosselink, 2004)
It is mandatory to conduct a research to ensure the gaps are filled. Research questions are necessary to get information and to keep the research in certain criteria. The focus of the research is defined with the research questions as well. (Berg, 2004)The knowledge gap that exists within the literature review is the in depth information about the technologies that the shopping mall is applying to increase the business and to coordinate the marketing activities. The research questions that have been made to ensure such thing is quite focused and targeted to help getting the information really needed for the research. (Strauss, 1990)
Another knowledge that exists within the literature review is to get information about the expectations that the managers have from the head office. The help that the head office will give to the managers will improve their productivity and efficiency in terms of coordination. Another information gap that exists within the literature review is the ways through which ISM have been motivating its employees. The motivation of employees to use internet will help in effective coordination between them which is really important to the marketing activities. (Sharma, 2004)





Based on the backup generator fuel type and the connection of this device to the number of other devices in the commercial building, there are some ways by which first requirement of power should be calculated which are inclusive of running the motor individually, simultaneous working of multiple motors and no motors of electric nodes (IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications, 1995).. The variation of wattage with respect to appliances has to be considered and based on the calculation of power requirement; the voltage of the backup generator should accordingly be chosen (Appendix 1). However, the regulation of voltage requires maintenance by the use of regulators of voltage. The support of the voltage needs to be enough for maintaining voltage with disconnected generation distribution.
Consideration of Location and Environment
Generators generate excess amount of heat which may damage a particular location if it is not placed appropriately. Environment will also be affected if the placement of generator is not properly measured. Both these concepts will be explained in accordance to factors that should be considered while considering a generator location and the environment surrounding it. Installation of backup generator should be done by considering the requirements of cool air and combustion needed by the generator along with removal of gaseous exhaust (Shirley, 2006). An important consideration is that the location where the backup generator is installed should be distance from other subjects in order to find ways to abate noise generated from the generator. Therefore the location of a backup generator has to be such that the generator is able to stand the extremity of climatic conditions and is able to perform within that condition. Environmental considerations are also important for preventing water source contamination by backup generator fuel and a check list for checking these is important (IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications, 1995). The tanks of fuel storage in generators need to be kept over the levels of capable flood water. Other requirements such as keeping the generator in a weatherproof condition is also important and should followed as per the consideration of state. Additionally, a flat surface is needed for placing the backup generator for protecting against any hazardous situations to develop in the work place. The requirement also is to regularly check the generator in order to make sure that the condition is fine.



我的品牌战略将制定这样一种方式,它铺平了道路,一个成功的品牌与更多的人吸引到我的品牌的发展。我品牌的战略目标是通过我的定制设计服务确保每个客户满意。发展品牌也需要抓住更多的人关注它。通过这种方式,品牌能够突出了世界上其他类似的品牌设计师。这是一个艰难的任务,创造一个知名度的品牌时,有更多的喉咙竞争的艺术和设计领域。在这样的情况下创建品牌形象将是困难的,只有通过使独特和独特的功能,在摄影和插图,所以它会看起来不同于其他品牌。结合这方面的品牌战略,我的品牌可以变得更受欢迎和良好的品牌战略,可以实现在这方面看。一些元素,将是我的品牌的独特功能将给予一个尖锐的和有吸引力的颜色的设计,必须醒目和令人印象深刻。另外,字体的设计规格将易于阅读和理解所有的游客,所以不会有任何疑惑,每个设计细节的人。因此,品牌形象将增加,它会达到一个更大的人,谁又会被吸引到我的个人品牌(凯勒,Kevin Lane,2001)。


促销是品牌与顾客之间的重要连接。一个有效的促销将有助于吸引更多的客户品牌。通过促销活动的方式,客户将获得更多关于品牌的细节以及设计的具体特点。然而,促销活动开支的主要部分消费。但一个有效的促销策略将导致更多的成功,在品牌知名度。通过品牌推广,品牌形象将得到改善。我决定的促销方法和策略的基础上的几个因素,如类型的客户是谁的品牌是唯一的,区域的位置,客户的需求和喜好等。作为促销活动的一部分,我选择了像USB、伞、杯子等日常用品。选择这些项目的主要目的是,他们将是有益的客户在他们的日常生活,因此,如果这些分布给他们,客户会更高兴获得这样有用的项目,并会得到更多的品牌吸引。这些项目可以分布随着设计销售赠品或礼品(jothi放心,P. Sri,M. Neelamalar,和R. Shakthi Prasad,2011)。


A strategy for my brand would be formulated in such a way that it pave way to the development of a successful brand with more people attracted to my brand. The strategic goal of my brand is to ensure that each customer is satisfied through my customized designing services. It is also essential to develop the brand in a way that will grab more people attention to it. By this approach, the brand will be able to outstand among other similar brands by other designers across the world. It is a tough task to create a visibility of the brand when there are more cut throat competition in the arena of art and designs. Creating a brand image in such a situation will e difficult and can be possible only through enabling unique and distinct features in the photography and illustrations, so that it will look differently from other brands. Incorporating this aspect in the brand strategy, my brand can be made more popular and a good brand strategy can be implemented looking in to this aspects. Some of the elements that will be the unique features of my brand would be give a sharp and attractive color to the designs, that has to be eye catching and impressive. Also, the fonts and specifications of the designs will be easily readable and understanding to all the visitors, so that there will be no confusions about each design and its details for the people. Thereby, the brand image will increase and it will reach to a larger number of people, who will in turn get attracted to my personal brand(Keller, Kevin Lane, 2001).

Promotional Items Chosen

Promotion is a vital connection between the brand and the customers. An effective promotion will help to attract more customers to the brand. Through the way of promotional activities, the customers will get more details regarding the brand as well as the specific features of the designs. However, promotional activities consume a major part of the expenses. But an effective promotional strategy will lead to more success in the brand visibility. By promotion of the brand , brand image will be improved. I decide the promotional methods and strategies based on several factors like type of the customers to whom the brand is sole, the area of locations, customer needs and preferences and so on. As a part of the promotional activities, I chose things like USB, Umbrella, Cup and other daily supplies. The main objective of choosing these items is that they will be useful for the customers in their day to day life and hence if these are distributed to them, the customers will be happier in getting such useful items and will get more attracted towards the brand. These items can be distributed as freebies or assured gifts along with the sale of designs (Jothi, P. Sri, M. Neelamalar, and R. Shakthi Prasad, 2011).




在她对死亡和永恒的描绘中,她表现出一种尖锐的微妙和深刻的视觉,在她的同时代人很难找到。她的诗渗透边界一般谈死亡没有忧郁和发病率的预期值。 因此,这首诗她指出她激进的宗教信仰,也是她的聪明才智和跨之间的期望和新的能力的一个很好的例子。
在本文第一次源于Jane Donahue Eberwein的一篇文章发表在Emily Dickinson Handbook和解释在这篇文章开始,狄金森具有罕见的诗歌天才,她可以很容易地克服一般科学的界限,宗教和法律(Eberwein 42,努涅斯1)。在本文接下来的引文是从哈罗德·布鲁姆的文章对狄金森 谁提出辞职或死亡之手平静的接受作为诗人的角色护送的概念(开花37,努涅斯1)。然而,这一辞职并不是一个接受上帝旨意和设计的标志,相反它挑战了狄金森社会的严格宗教信仰。它还建议在狄金森内部的异议与日常教会的做法,她被迫出席,直到三十岁。David Yezzi在文章中“走离家近”发表在公益提到相同的(yezzi 20-21,努涅斯2)。Thomas Johnson在他的狄金森传记指出死亡拟人作为一个朋友,一个指南,一个巨大的信任的人,一个真正的绅士,他反映说William Howland等不同的男人,Elbridge Bowdoin跟她浪漫的关系。因此这一幕的约翰逊在诗中浪漫的宫廷认为点武侠传统,强调死亡的可怕人物人文感知。


The essay argues that Emily Dickinson’s understanding of Death was not in consonance with the dominant religious beliefs of her provincial Amherst life. Dickinson’s experiments and heavily with the death imagery and the poem transcends all the acceptable and practiced ways of discoursing on death. In her depiction of Death and then Eternity she exhibits a piercing delicacy and depth of vision that is hard to find in her contemporaries. Her poem pervades the boundary of the general and talks about death devoid of the expected degree of melancholy and morbidity.  Thus, in this poem she points to her radical religious beliefs, and is also a fine example of her intellectual prowess and ability to straddle between the expected and the new.
The first secondary source used in the essay is from Jane Donahue Eberwein’s article published in The Emily Dickinson Handbook and explains at the onset of this essay that Dickinson possessed such uncommon poetic genius and that she could easily overcome the boundaries of general science, religion and law (Eberwein 42, Nunes 1). The next citation used in the essay is from Harold Bloom’s essay on Dickinson who puts forth the notion of resignation or a calm acceptance of the hands of Death as an escort for the poet persona (Bloom 37, Nunes 1). This resignation is however not a marker of acceptance of God’s will and his designs instead it challenges the stringent religious beliefs of Dickinson’s society. It also suggest the dissent within Dickinson with regarding daily church practices which she was forced to attend till the age of thirty. David Yezzi in the essay “Straying Close to Home” published in the Commonweal mentions the same (Yezzi 20-21, Nunes 2). Thomas Johnson in his biography of Dickinson points to the personification of Death as a friend, a guide , a person of immense trust, a true gentleman and in him is reflected the various men of repute such as William Howland, Elbridge Bowdoin with whom she had romantic affiliations. Thus this scene of courtly romance in the poem Johnson argues points to the chivalric tradition and highlights the humanistic perception of the fearful character of Death.





English Language Assessment and the Chinese Learner. Routledge.
This book is very informative as it has covered all the elements of English language in China and this information was very important for the work. The content in the book explains about the in depth coverage of English language in China. This book is up to date and images present in the book cover all the elements that help in grabbing the attention of the reader. Not only China but the authors have focused on the situation of Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland of China. The main elements of the book cover history of tests present in the country and how these tests placed impacts on the students and English learners. Current research has been mentioned in the book that covers all these aspects. Another element of the book focuses on the test designers and test users and how test development is impacted by both the parties. Factors like social political and economical are covered by the authors in explaining the current situation. Conceptual and theoretical frameworks have been mentioned in the book and these frame works explain about the attitudes and perceptions of people living in China. All in all the book revolves around the theory in practice that people in China have accepted this language and they are struggling hard for learning English language. It has been notified that political intervention is required in this filed that can help in engaging the students and academic consultants. Tests present in the system about English language are still poor and they need to be improved.
Part of the book that was used in my work revolved around the attitudes and perceptions of the students for English language and how they are coping up with this language. Also Macro environmental factors were also used in the assignment and these factors were present in the book. Writing of the book was clear and authors have used terminologies that cannot create any difference for the readers so they can read it easily. This book should be recommended to every student researching for Chinese perceptions about English language and how this language has changed the academic policies of the country.





此外,维护成本正在减少三分之一,由于互联网协议(IP)路灯的实施,并已观察到收入增加了5000万美元,由于从远程监控停车所产生的收入。一个明显的证据是,在过去的7年中,经济由大数据实施和应用系统,包括大数据驱动产生了47000个就业机会。这样就降低了他们的经济风险。因特网协议(IP)网络是提高大数据使用率的主干和主要来源.。数以十亿计的物理设备正在连接通过这些网络在全球各地,每天。连接个人,共享信息和处理都依赖于这些网络。这些网络和大数据在数据采集、处理和组织中的重要性不容忽视。随着时间的推移,数据的数量和复杂性正在增加.。数据变得越来越复杂,如果被大量收集,换句话说。由于采用大数据处理大量数据集成为可能.。(呵,T.,护城河,H. S.,斯坦利,H. E.,2013)


Our way of working, living and performing day-to-day activities is significantly influenced by the usage of big data. Big data is being utilized in almost every field of life and in almost all the institutes of an economy. Big data implementation has proved to be beneficial for the organizations as well as for the entire economy as a whole in many perspectives. (Warner, B., 2013).

In order to generate new employment opportunities, big data is being used by the government institutes. A good example of this is the usage of big data by the Spanish government for the creation of new jobs and for increasing the productivity and efficiency of the employees. Implementation of big data has been facilitating the organizations in a number of ways. According to various surveys which have been conducted in several regions of the world, $ 58 million is being saved annually due to devices which monitor pipe leakage and water pressure, remotely.

Furthermore, the maintenance costs are being reduced by one third due to the implementation of Internet Protocol (IP) street lights, and a $50 million rise in the revenue has been observed due to the revenue being generated from remotely monitored parking. A clear evidence of this is that over the past 7 years, an economy being driven by big data implementation and application of systems including big data has generated 47,000 jobs. This as a result has reduced their economic risks. The Internet Protocol (IP) networks are the backbone and a major source of the raised usage of big data. Billions of physical devices are being connected via these networks all around the globe, daily. Linking individuals, sharing of information and processing all depend on these networks. The significance of these networks and big data usage in gathering, processing and organization of data cannot be neglected. With every passing day, the volume and complexity of the data is increasing. The data is becoming more complicated and if being collected in huge volumes, in other words. Handling huge amounts of data sets has become possible due to the adoption of big data. (Preis, T., Moat, H. S., & Stanley, H. E., 2013)




在她的书中,精神吸引了你,你倒了,Fadiman几所面临的文化和语言困难的女儿被诊断为癫痫。这对夫妇是一个苗族提防西方医疗护理,因为他们是用来治疗由txiv neeb在萨满治疗过程。此外,美国医生不懂他们的语言很好。和当时美国医院没有一个翻译。所以,即使他们的孩子经历了多个癫痫自三个月大的时候,花了八个月和三个访问的急诊室夫妇得到明确诊断,当他们把他们的一个英语堂兄弟(基德尔,2003)。幸运的是,医生当时知识渊博,对苗族文化感兴趣。同时,这本书描绘了少数民族的困难在获得医疗保健和困难穿越它。没有健康保险的人需要等待紧急情况出现所以接受治疗。


Access to healthcare is limited by a number of factors. One primary cause can be attributed to lack of financial aids. As explained by Kidder in “Mountains Beyond Mountains: Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A man who could cure the world”, the different ways in which people live in different parts of the world is a kind of structural violence. There is an accumulation of massive amounts of health in one part of the world and abject misery inherent in some other parts and yet both exist in relation to each other. A person’s race, class and gender make a clear difference when it comes to how they are diagnosed or treated with. According to Paul Kivel, an educator, activist, over studies worth twenty years, it has been proved that people of color arriving at a hospital during heart attack are significantly less likely to receive beta-blocking drugs, aspirin, clot-dissolving drugs, angioplasty, catheterization or a surgery(Ankathil, 2010). Whether or not the negligence leads to death, the damage to their condition is substantial.
In her book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall down, Fadiman the cultural and linguistic difficulties faced by a couple whose daughter is diagnosed with epilepsy. The couple being a Hmong is wary of the western medical care because they are used to a healing by a txiv neeb in a shamanistic healing procedure. Also, the American doctors do not understand their language very well. And at the time the American hospitals did not have an interpreter. So, even after their child experienced multiple seizures since three months of age, it took eight months and three visits to the emergency room for the couple to get a clear diagnosis and that when they brought one of their English speaking cousins (Kidder, 2003). Luckily for them, the doctor at the time was knowledgeable and interested in Hmong culture. Also, the book portrays the difficulties of minorities in obtaining healthcare and their hardship navigating through it. People without health insurance need to wait for emergencies to arise so receive treatment.