


西澳大利亚鲨鱼捕杀是最常见的一个术语是听到世界各地,部分因为人们不理解这个政策已由澳大利亚政府已强调,实现如果海滩附近发现鲨鱼,它将被捕获并死亡,滚筒线表示例用作鱼饵。这项政策是在2014年实施的,考虑到澳大利亚游泳者和冲浪者的“安全”,从2010年到2013年,澳大利亚西海岸发生了7起死亡事件。使用鼓线作为诱饵,以及以这种方式捕杀鲨鱼立刻遭到了许多组织的反对,并引发了全国性的抗议。“海洋守护者协会、国际人道协会、澳大利亚动物保护协会、澳大利亚海洋保护协会、澳大利亚绿色和平组织、动物公正党和冲浪骑士基金会”是少数几个强烈反对这项政策的组织(Lago, 2009)。


Is culling of shark actually moral panicking?Moral panicking refers to a situation where the mass majority of the people feel threatened by something which might be a concept of ‘evil’ or something in the same context is taken to be a life threatening situation. Earlier women were burnt alive because they were thought to be witches. That was moral panicking. The current situation, in Western Australia where sharks are being killed in numbers in a way which is disturbing their habitat completely, wouldbe an example of panic attack too? Clearly a man of common prudence would not call this mass killing of sharks a moral panic. This is not what people do when there are sharks present in the nearby water bodies. Sharks are not equivalent to the ‘evil’ people are talking about and the mass destruction of this habitat and the species cannot be justified in the name of moral panic. And there are several reasons, justifications and facts which support the above said.

Western Australian shark cull is one of the most common terms which is being heard all over the world, partially because people don’t understand this policy which has been implemented by the Australian government which has emphasized that if sharks are found near the beaches, it will be captured and killed and the drum lines in the said cases are used as baits. This policy was implemented in 2014 keeping in mind the ‘safety’ of the swimmers and surfers of Australia as seven deaths were noticed from 2010 to 2013 in on the western coastline of Australia. The use of drum lines for baits, and the killing of sharks in this manner immediately garnered opposition from many organizations and there was a national protest as well. ‘Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Humane Society International, Animals Australia, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Greenpeace Australia, Animal Justice Party and Surf rider Foundation’ are few of the organizations which heavily opposed this policy (Lago, 2009).







  另外,不同的大学对于SAT考试成绩(ACT考试成绩)有不同的要求,比如有些学校会要求申请者除了提交SAT I成绩外,还要提交SAT II成绩。申请者可以到各大学官网查看具体的招生要求。









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他们会认为他们的投资可能会遭受损失。然而,一旦利率降低,企业就会愿意进行更多的投资。LM曲线会向右平移,此时收入增加,需求增加。货币供应量的增加会降低利率,从而刺激更多的投资需求。通过乘数过程增加投资需求会导致总需求和国民收入的更大增长”(Mukherjee, 2015)。当经济出现通货膨胀时,紧缩政策就会生效。然后,联邦银行将采取紧缩政策,减少对国家的货币供应,以控制通货膨胀。政府可能会出售证券,以确保货币资金是从公开市场募集的。因此,以增加货币形式出现的流动性将会减少。


When the Government makes changes in the monetary policy then it will be able to influence the economic activity of the country. The economic situation in the country at that time will be useful to decide if there should be an expansionary or contractionary policy in context. The IS-LM model can be used here to show how expansionary or contractionary policy steps taken in specific contexts will affect the economic activity. For instance, a change in the supply or influx of money will cause an expansionary effect. The LM curve will shift to the right in order to reflect this increase in money supply and in the case of the decreasing action the curve would shift to the left.When the economy is suffering a recession then the expansionary policy is adopted, this ensures that money supply into the economy increased. Rate of interest will fall because of the increased money supply. When there is an economic recession, business would not be willing to invest.

They would believe that their investments might suffer a loss. However, once the rates are decreased, the business would be willing to invest more. The LM curve will shift to the right as the income will rise and demand will be aggregated. So the immediate situation or a short term situation would be corrected because of the increased money supply, “increase in money supply lowers the rate of interest which then stimulated more investment demand. Increase in investment demand through the multiplier process leads to a greater increase in aggregate demand and national income” (Mukherjee, 2015). The contractionary policy will come into effect when the economy suffers the case of inflation. Then the Federal Banks will exercise the contractionary policy where money supply to the country will be reduced in order to control the inflation. The Government might sell securities in order to make sure monetary funds are collected from the open market. The liquidity in the form of increased money will hence be reduced.



在对研究中滥用药物的妇女的分析中,确定她们是身心受虐或身体受虐和/或性受虐(Fullilove et al, 1993)。他们被诊断为与创伤相关的患者,并开始主要用于与创伤相关的治疗。在研究的背景下,由于病人正在滥用药物,对必须给予何种形式的治疗缺乏共识。目前的干预益处积累的数据似乎表明,PTSD幸存者通常得不到适当的药物治疗,最终可能会依赖其他药物,如饮料等(Golding, 1999)。所以虽然上瘾的形式不同,但还是会有上瘾。有睡眠障碍,与创伤相关的思考在PTSD患者身上观察到的更多所以也有专门针对他们需求的药物。

例如,选择性5 -羟色胺再吸收抑制剂被用来帮助人们摆脱压力状态。它有助于他们的抑郁和压力,使用这种药物训练人的思维,他们如何思考或可能对某些环境条件的环境环境的反应(Najavits et al, 1997)。如果不同时进行行为训练或其他形式的环境训练,妇女对这种药物的成瘾将缓慢增加。正如对遭受身体虐待和性虐待的妇女所做的研究表明的那样,由于感觉到社会上的耻辱感,创伤也会继续存在。毒品的使用是一种以目标为导向的行为,因此,对于为什么女性,尤其是年轻女性等弱势群体,会有更复杂的理解(Boys et al, 2001)。


In the analysis of the women in the study abusing drugs it was established that they were psychosomatic or were physically and/or sexually abused as well (Fullilove et al, 1993). They had trauma related diagnosis and were seen to have started using the drug mainly for some trauma related use. In the context of research there is a lack of consensus on what form of treatment must be given to patients given that they are abusing drugs. The data accumulated on present intervention benefits seems to suggest that PTSD survivors who are usually denied the proper drugs might end up relying on others such as drinks etc (Golding, 1999). So while the form of addiction would differ, there would be an addiction nevertheless. There are sleep disorders, trauma related thinking and more observed in the case of the person with PTSD so there are drugs specifically catering to their needs as well.

The use of Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for instance is used to help the person get out of their stressed state. It helps with their depression and stress, and the use of this drug trains the person’s mind in how they think or might react to certain environmental conditions ambience (Najavits et al, 1997). Women’s addiction to this form of a drug will slowly increase if the drug use is not given parallel to behavioral training or other form of environmental training for the same. As indicated in research for women coming from physical abuse and sexual abuse situations, there would be continuing trauma too because of perceived social stigma.The use of drugs is a goal oriented behavior and as such there should be a more complex understanding on why women are motivated to use it, especially the more vulnerable population such as that of young women etc (Boys et al, 2001).




通常,股东资本仅限于其所贡献的股本数额。既然伯蒂想要确保自己承担的责任尽可能少,我们可以建议他采取第三种形式的有限责任。税收减免:从案例研究中可以看出,伯蒂希望他的企业尽可能少地负债,尽可能多地减税。这对伯蒂来说是有利的,因为他打算在7年后卖掉公司。伯蒂现在可以享受双重税收减免。根据爱尔兰法律,对于购买任何知识产权或与该知识产权相关的无形资产的成本,可以获得资本补贴。现在,人们认为正在考虑中的企业只想获得知识产权。伯蒂想用自己在暮光之城有限公司(Twilight Ltd .)的付款来经营一家在线销售课程的公司。


Legal Structure: Three forms of legal structures are recognized in Ireland in the case of incorporating a company. The first is that of the sole trader. The sole trader structure is one in which the setting up of the company is easy and the personal assets of the person would be invested in the company and only the personal assets become liable in case something goes wrong. In the case of the partnership structure, the company would be run along with a partner. This means that both the partners become liable for debt if the case might be. In the first case, Bertie is indeed like a sole trader but is seen to want to incorporate as company with shares. The second option of structure is not preferred as Bertie is not looking to work as a partnership here. The corporate or limited company structure would ensure that the company of Bertie would have a separate legal existence. This form of a company structure would own property and any form of liability issues would be sued on the company and not the person.

Usually the shareholder capital is only limited to the amount of share capital that is contributed by them. Now since Bertie wants to ensure he has the least liability as possible, he can be advised to take up the third form of limited liability. Tax relief: Now from the case study it has been noted that Bertie wants his business to avail of as little liabilities as possible and as much tax relief as possible. This would be advantageous for Bertie as he intends to sell the company in around 7 years’ time. Double taxation relief is now available to Bertie. According to the Irish legislation, capital allowance is available for the costs which are used for purchasing any intellectual property or for intangibles associated with the same. Now the business under consideration is seen to want to secure intellectual property only. Bertie wants to use his payment money from Twilight Ltd in owning a business where courses are going to be sold online.






Selection is an important process hence, should be done effectively to ensure maximum results for the organization. The process takes place after the interview is concluded. The steps involved in this process are:Assessing job candidates’ interview performance against criteria set. The human resource manager will review notes taken during the interview to decide candidates that fit the job position available. Reviewing further the candidates that have satisfied the criteria set. Qualifications are not the only factor considered. The HR manager will select a candidate with experience or expertise in the job who can work as expected.Once a candidate has been selected, the hiring process is initiated. The process simply involves giving the selected job candidate a verbal offer or a formal written letter to inform about his or her selection for the position. The letter to the candidate should include expectations of the job, nature of the duties to be done, wages and benefits and conditions that must be accepted before starting the job.

Shadow stage. In this phase, the new employee will follow what seasoned IT employees are doing and attempt to do the same tasks without making mistakes. After each attempt, his performance is compared to other employees. If he has perfected the activity, the new employee moves up from the shadow stage.Proving. The new employee is given an opportunity to work in his job position with an employee observing him. A new IT employee is allowed to manage the network and work with the network systems. If the employee proves that he can handle the job, he can work without supervision and becomes a full member of the organization.The strategy can vary in duration as it depends on the experience and the skills of the new employee. The new employees should be shown what they’ll learn and be given an opportunity to learn. Once they demonstrate their capability to handle the duties, they can be set free to work.



笔者需要重新分析现状和事实,重申双语的优点。这篇文章在支持我的假设方面用处不大,但它仍然可以作为一个基线,在牢记本文中提出的类比的基础上,起草与双语相关的好处的详细说明。引文6:诺布尔,G。,和道尔顿,G。陈建民,“双语教学的认知意义”,国立台湾师范大学外语教学研究所硕士论文。Noble在他的文章中提到了支持双语认知暗示的事实(Noble, 1976)。他在《发散思维测试》中提到,双语者优于单语者。根据研究数据,某项目显示,9岁时掌握第二语言的能力,在使用发散性思维时表现得比在智商上表现得更好。这里的范围在于描述双语的认知含义。



The writer needs to reanalyze the situation and the facts and restate the pros of bilingualism. The article is not useful in supporting my hypothesis but still it can be used as a baseline to draft the detailed note of benefits associated with bilingualism keeping the analogy presented in this article in mind.Citation 6: Noble, G., and Dalton, G., 1976, “Some Cognitive Implications of Bilingualism”, Oideas 16, 4252. Noble in his article mentioned the facts in support of cognitive implications of bilingualism (Noble, 1976). He mentioned in divergent thinking tests bilinguals are superior than monolinguals. As per research data certain project showed that skill of a second language at an age of nine were better showed using a thinking which is divergent than by IQ. The scope here lies in depicting the cognitive implications of the bilingualism.

It was said that due to bilingualism a speaker who is bilingual will not be able to speak properly due to overhead of two languages, but in actual this involved the person to select the words, come in a theme and prepare himself for the speaking actually uses the cognitive skills. This is one of the major advantages of the bilingualism. This is useful as it enhances the cognitive skills such as selective attention as well as inhibition. This basically focuses on the choosing the information which should be focused and ignoring the information which is irrelevant. As a limitation there is not much to highlight but still a detailed comparison can be presented by the writer. This is supporting my hypothesis of learning a second language at an early age on 3-5 years as this build a base for them where they can build the information effectively as they have fresh minds.With this analysis this can be concluded that the early learning of a second language for children builds a sound background for them while helps their personalities in multiple ways.




因此可以说,工业革命对文化的变化负有很大的责任,也对社会的变化作出了贡献。流行文化是对特定社会秩序下的流行习俗、信仰、品味、娱乐进行分析和描述(McRobbie, 1994)。通俗文化也可以说是大众文化对抗已经被组织起来的精英文化。Eugen Weber把农民大众文化的各种例子写成了法国人的作品。他展示了农村人口如何理解他们自己流行文化的特点。他还强调,“真实”和“人为”的生活方式已经纠缠在一起。这是工业革命和城市化引起的。一些研究也提到,英国早期的工业变革导致了自然和有机文化的退化,并被大众文化所取代。大众文化是普通人的文化,他们想要有一个休闲的时间。(麦克罗比,1994)。


Before industrial revolution, people could not travel far. However, with the invention of steam engine, people could travel to different places easily and in a faster way. With transportation facilities, faster messaging could also become possible. The messages could be delivered by mouth through travelling and also the invention of telegraph and telephones helped greatly. The telephones and telegraphs were considered as the faster and most reliable way of communication. Industrialization also impacted the way of living and living standard. The standard of living was highly increased as people could spend to afford their desires. It also brought prosperity, as people could afford their personal tools and appliances. Even, the people at lowest point of social had changes in their standard of living. The new culture was developed by people and the old one was left behind. Thus, popular culture was that culture, which was developed by the common people (Chambers, 1985).

Thus it can be said the industrial revolution has been responsible greatly for the cultural change and has also contributed in social change. Popular culture is the analysis and description of the popular customs, beliefs, tastes, entertainment with the given social order (McRobbie, 1994). It can also be said that popular culture is the culture of masses against the culture of elites that have been organized. Eugen Weber wrote various examples of popular culture in Peasants into Frenchmen. He demonstrated how the rural population understood the characteristics of their own popular culture. He also stressed upon the “authentic” and “artificial” way of lives have been tangled together. This was aroused due to the industrial revolution and urbanization. Some of the studies have also mentioned that the early Industrial changes in Britain led to deterioration of natural and organic culture and replaced it by a mass culture. Mass culture was the culture of the common people, who wanted to have a leisure time. (McRobbie, 1994).



  Personal Statement、Statement of Purpose等都是对PS的不同表达方式,因为学校的不同,他们的侧重点也是不一样的,后者强调的是求学的目的,而前者更注重的是自身的综合素质。具体写作的时候可以不用太过在意这些差别,按照PS统一的写作要求,寄给不同的学校只要按学校要求的名字改一下就可以了。









  所以,无论学校是否要求,都建议写自己的研究兴趣。另外,在描述自己能力时,要注意transferable skills的描述。也就是说,不要把你的研究能力和项目的描述限制在某一特定方面,应该要让人感觉除了那个方面外,你具备的能力还适用于其他方面。这样可能就会有更多的教授关注。




来自语言和文化多样化背景的妇女可以被认为是不同的,不同的群体考虑不同的结果和问题。随着文化背景的不同,女性的居住地位、受教育程度以及出生和中风的经历也不同。然而,似乎存在着一些共同的问题,这些问题可能最终影响到来自不同语言和文化背景的妇女所进行的产前保健。这些包括但不限于以下因素(Savard‐Preston, 2004):缺乏读写能力或语言能力。无法接受或无法获得卫生保健服务。关于男性卫生专业人员的文化问题。缺乏社区和家庭对女性的通常支持系统。跨主流卫生服务和产前保健的传统做法之间的冲突。

卫生专业人员缺乏文化素质。移民以外的创伤、损失和悲伤的过去。缺乏免费保健的权利。缺乏合适的资源。以下是可在此背景下提供的关键建议(Ramaekers, 2005):孕妇在30周或更长的时间内,通过触诊腹部来评估致命表现,而这种表现很可能最终会影响分娩日期。可疑的非头部表现需要在超声检查中得到证实。现提供37周妊娠期结束后无并发症的单例臀中卒中头侧外翻。相当矛盾的外部版本的头将包括以前的剖腹产,以及许多其他条件有关中风。


Women from linguistically and culturally diversified backgrounds can be considered as diverse and varying groups consider different outcomes and issues. Along with cultural background, the experiences of women are different with respect to the status of residency, level of education and previous experience of birth and stroke. However, there seems to be an involvement of common problems that may end up affecting the antenatal care up- taken by women from backgrounds diversified in terms of language and culture. These are inclusive of but not restricted to the following (Savard‐Preston, 2004):Lack of literacy or language.Unacceptability or inaccessibility of health care services.Issues of culture with respect to male professionals of health.Absence of usual support systems from community and family for the female.Conflict among traditional practices across mainstream health services and antenatal care.

Absence of the competency of culture among the professionals of health.Past of trauma, loss and grief apart from migration .Absence of entitlement to free care of health.Absence of suitable resource.Following are the key recommendations that can be provided in this context (Ramaekers, 2005):Assessment of fatal presentation by palpation of abdomen by the time 30 weeks or more have been completed by the pregnant women, and this presentation, most probably, ends up influencing the date of delivery.Presentation of suspected non- cephalic requires confirmation in the assessment of ultrasound.Offer has been made for external version of cephalic with singleton breech stroke without any complications after the gestation period of 37 weeks comes to an end.Considerably contradictions for external version of cephalic will be inclusive of previous section of caesarean, and many other conditions related to stroke.